deformedwarf ago

na he seems very lonley and sad. Let the poor fucker burn his conspiracy torch and the flames will just snuff themselves out.

SaneGoatiSwear ago



deformedwarf ago

You need help. Find something to take up all that free time you clearly have.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

unwarranted personal attack

possible butthurt faggot/shill detected. archiving capping and logging for possible shill.

deformedwarf ago



archiving capping and logging

dang it how ever shall i push my pringles agenda now. Curse you valiant warrior.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah it's cynabuns. my bad about that.

anyway idon't care what the "why" is

because - by now it's preeety clear - that i'm for no restrictions on voats at all, so any adding of restrictions from my position is ludicrous.

we fundamentally disagree about this, clearly.

notice i'm not callingyou a shill.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

evading the subject

yes you are a shill, 100%

but i was wrong about the sjwism evidence.

so that's a no?

you won't make nice?

shills have a right to free speech too, if humans not bots of course.

to go off a little, i want p0ssum to be free of -ccp restriction and have free speech like any other. same with ferret.


make votes not count under certain situations

ffs really!??! the new goalpost you shills for silence are moving is "make some voats(speech) not count to totals?"

for fucks sake just vote yourself into power and remove voating already


@kevdude what do you think? if facebook likes are legally protected free speech in the u.s., aren't voats on voat? fuzzy here suggested that voat make it so in certain situations voats don't count towards totals.

making some speech not count. what do you think kev?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

so i'm sorry i called you an sjw.

are you sorry for calling me reddit cancer?

deformedwarf ago

well he can royally fuck off

Morbo ago

He is the billionaire who co-founded PayPal and Palantir Technologies (a big data analysis company). He is Sane's boogieman because he thinks Voat is now owned by Palantir/Thiel and is therefore compromised. Sane hasn't given any real proof of this so take it as you will.

Morbo ago

The shocking truth is @FuzzyWords is actually @SaneGoatiSwear. But who is SaneGoat then? [removes mask] Peter Thiel!? dun-dun-DUN!

He would have got away with it if it wasn't for us meddling Goats.

Markzila ago

Regardless, is this a public half-assed admission of guilt?

Markzila ago

Is this @FuzzyWords way of admitting it? Because saying someone wants you to do some thing is not really the same as actually declaring that you are or have done said thing. @SaneGoatiSwear this should not count as an admission and the deadline has passed. Please release the evidence that you promised.

jerry ago

Do it no balls

ExpertShitposter ago

Or prepare to be bottomed out!

6double5321 ago


6double5321 ago

Were you?

Mick ago

Nah, I can vouch for her

6double5321 ago

Being me who asked, i figured the sarcasm was evident.

Mick ago

I was jk, fuzzy is she and eggnog and bitchy I reckon


Sylos ago

antiracistNew ago

@sanegoatiswear is a saint. You hush up.

Morbo ago

You misspelled taint.

Failure ago

Welcome back!