Voatwontletmesignin ago

I have had problems with upvoating everyone's posts for a long time. Everyday after reading all the new posts and upvoating I leave the site but I know to come straight back on and redo my voats as they NEVER stick. I have to do this at least three times until they stay. It's bloody frustrating.

Nana66 ago

My theory about how these and other things could be happening is conspiratorial and I don't know that it is actually possible but the reasons I think this is....on Twitter I started noticing something while on my laptop, I click one of my tweets to check tweet activity, I see 2 pop ups with one only visible for like a mili-second. The one that disappears has a bigger amount of impressions etc that I can't read in time but the number was longer then what I end up seeing. Also I have noticed on Reddit lately sometimes I go on my home page and see things that are usually not at the top because all the super up-voted garbage is usually there, like politics etc. It's like they had to take down the fake shadow page to redo it quick or something exposing the real Reddit behind it and I happen to go on at that time and then when I refresh it goes back to sucking. This would explain some things like back last May before I was banned from pizzagate I noticed it looked like the sub was dying and posts were barely getting anything so I did a test and found my votes were fake and the icon would stay showing I voted but my vote would disappear. Other users confirmed it was happening to them too and I complained to a few Mods when they would delete my posts and happened to mention that the side bar was still showing as many as 5k visitors at a time while the sub was looking deader by the day....wallah, after that it started barely getting 500 visitors at a time, as if somehow they cover the info with a faked version. Tin foil off...Oh. one more thing, sometimes new is the same as hot posts and I think it's so we can't see the new stuff till it's policed first...

srayzie ago

I heard that was happening in Reddit like a month ago. I wonder why some posts are working and some aren’t.

Vindicator ago

Yes, we have been having issues in v/pizzagate trying to edit important stickies about keeping voaters and Voat safe while researching dangerous content outside of voat. @Honeybee_ describes it here.

srayzie ago

Thank you. Yeah, her description is what’s happening to me. Plus, it won’t let me preview before posting.

Vindicator ago

I was able to preview just now. It was wingy the other day, but seems better. Are you still having trouble previewing?

srayzie ago


That’s still messed up. I haven’t posted today to see if there are any changes. It’s been showing only 1 point and zero views on a lot of people’s posts.

Crensch ago

heygeorge ago

You've come to the right place!

Maybe the new code has some unintended issues.

MadWorld ago

I noticed recently that if you make the edit/update to your message body, it might not show up on your submission. But if you use the expand/collapse button from your /v/<subverse> listing, the update is indeed visible.

srayzie ago

Yeah if I expand it in the list, it is correct. But if anyone else goes and clicks on the link, it’s not fixed. Thank you tho