pby1000 ago

I just saw this on wikipedia:

"On 1 March, 2018, Lyons accused the FBI and Department of Justice as being corrupt at the highest levels due to apparent mishandling of the Seth Rich murder and DNC server hacking investigations."


I have no idea why there is not more about his service record on Wikipedia. Strange.

I just saw this, too:

Muslim Brotherhood Has Penetrated All U.S. National Security Agencies Under Obama's Guidance, High-Ranking Admiral Claims


srayzie ago

Anyone can make changes to Wikipedia pages. They can make someone look good or bad depending on the author.

When someone is a 4 Star general and has a career for 36 years, that’s someone you need stop and pay attention to. They have earned credibility. He should have had way more attention.

srayzie ago

Here is all 4 of the annotated ones...

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

srayzie ago

This post keeps messing up you guys. There should be a total of 8 screenshots. Part 4 of each keeps disappearing and the formatting keeps changing for some reason. I’ll put part 4 in the comments...

Part 4 Annotated
Par 4 Regular

Awful-Falafel ago

[Q]uite a day of posts. I'll have to digest this all for the next week. I'll likely post here my thoughts later if I find anything.

srayzie ago

I think Q broke his record today. I don’t think he’s ever posted this much in one day

srayzie ago

He’s posting again

srayzie ago

The Nazi order.
NWO [N does not refer to “New”].
The Sum of All Fears.
Stage SET.

srayzie ago

Q posted this photo.

srayzie ago

Look at this photograph that @TrishaUK sent me.
It looks like Merkel with daddy Hitler as a child...

fartyshorts ago

What a tangled web.

srayzie ago

I know

Drain0 ago

But "Hitler committed suicide in 1945" and Angela Merkel was born in 1954. I'm thinking maybe that could be AM's mother as a child? So AM is AH's Granddaughter?

Edit: Photo is dated 1937... Child looks about 5-6yo which would make her easily into parental age in 1954

Vindicator ago

Okay, here's a pretty good summary of the likely scenario that just showed up on 8chan: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/617484.html#q618033

Actually, Angela is the GREAT GRANDdaughter of Adolf's SISTER.

Adolf had a sister named Angela who had a daughter named Geli. This young lady lived with Adolf in his Munich apartment starting when she was 17. At age 23 she died supposedly suicide.

But wait. Geli? Her birth certificate name was Angela like her mother. She was the eldest child. Was there an Illuminati sacrifice ritual going on in 1931 so that Adolf could gain power as emperor of he 3rd Reich? And did Geli have a child before dying? Perhaps a daughter from her Uncle Adolf, a child who has been photographed with Adolf?

So the girl grows up, and has a daughter who she names Angela Dorothea after her own mother Angela "Geli".

And this girl is raised by OSS sponsored foster parents who work for the OSS run Lutheran church and are dispatched to a post in East Germany.

@bopper @srayzie

Drain0 ago

But wait. Geli? Her birth certificate name was Angela like her mother.

I noticed that.

She was the eldest child. Was there an Illuminati sacrifice ritual going on in 1931 so that Adolf could gain power as emperor of he 3rd Reich?

Good question, I didn't even think about that!

And did Geli have a child before dying? Perhaps a daughter from her Uncle Adolf, a child who has been photographed with Adolf?

I was curious to this myself but I couldn't find anything about births from "Geli" so I was going to try to dig around some more. Seems highly unlikely that if ol uncle Adolf did keep it in the family that it would be publicized as that would not look good for a leader of the NAZI party and the image they were trying to achieve.

The girl pictured with AH in the 1937 photograph would be old enough to give birth by 1954... Is it possible, however far fetched that uncle daddy Adolf's frozen sperm was used to impregnate the girl in the photograph in 1953 to create the heir to the 4th Reich before handing her off to the paid sponsors?

srayzie ago

Damn! That’s deep. These anons are amazing.

srayzie ago

No it came out when then the JFK files were released. He didn’t die when they say he did. If i remember right, he lived another 20 years or so

Vindicator ago

I'd need to see the ref to that.

Drain0 ago

Note the quotes... He boarded a sub and moved to South America.

srayzie ago

Oh I remember something about him having that obsession with a family member.

Drain0 ago

I'm working out a very out there theory in my head... may post it, may not but it makes a lot of sense to me.

I'd need to do some digging / research before posting it.

srayzie ago

Sounds great to me

TrishaUK ago

BRILLIANT point! Thank goodness the 'pig hitlers' genes were so strong we may never have known! hahaha

bopper ago

Thanks I saw that just now on Google images but went right past it, it's the best one. Image. Next up, Trudeau is Fidel Castro's kid.

Coming soon. (Wife keeps giving me funny looks.)

Q referenced this person. Hitler's sister was named Angela. Elder half-sister.


srayzie ago

Nice. I saved that

srayzie ago

Did your wife tell you to stop talking to your conspiracy friends? 🤣

srayzie ago

Oh I know! Here is that half sister http://i.imgs.fyi/img/2u8r.jpg

bopper ago

Amazing, Corsi said there was an incestuous situation between Hitler and her. I've only heard things, never researched it. I got too many tin foil hats in the air as it is.

srayzie ago

Your wife is gonna make you get off voat 😂

Vindicator ago

So, if AM is 10 years too young to be Hitler's daughter, are we talking artificial insemination, or Hitler lived?

bopper ago

Thanks for that 8chan summary. Many believed he did indeed live (whatever the case may be about Angela), I never researched it but just one look at the pics is pretty stunning.

riposte ago

Still waiting.

srayzie ago

For what?

Cc183 ago

Compare Angela to Adolf.

Reminds me for good-old Chester-John - comparision.

srayzie ago

Now they say Zuckerberg and Snowden are cousins?

pby1000 ago

Holy shitza! Angela Dorothea Kasner is Angela Merkel! I believe that Hitler talked about establishing the NWO.

928 Mar 10 2018 16:35:34 (EST) Q

Angela Dorothea Kasner.
Daughter of a Pastor?
Name of FATHER?
History of FATHER?
Hitler youth (member).
Haircut today vs THEN (A).
US Intelligence post war controlled who?
The ‘Mission’
Who is Angela Hitler?
Relationship to Adolf?
How were children named in Germany during this period?
First or middle.
Family tree.
Risk of ‘conspiracy’ label the deeper we go.
Truth will shock the WORLD.

Vindicator ago

Can you believe it? Operation Paperclip here we come. Next we're going to find out Five Eyes are all controlled by escaped Nazis.

I think we just found out we're in a different timeline than we thought.

pby1000 ago

Did you see Q post 935? It just hit. Nazis and the Jesuit Knights of Malta. I have been posting the last few days asking about Snowden, the Jesuits, CIA, NSA, and MI6. Maybe there IS a connection there somewhere.


Vindicator ago

Hmm. Just found this. Have no idea how credible it is, but it sure sounds like a familiar MO: https://www.perdurabo10.net/jesuits-and-world-war-ii.html

The Jesuit Influence Over World War II

By James Donahue

Not many people realize how involved the Vatican was in events leading up to, during and after World War II. The story is so complex it would take a book to explain what was happening in detail.

To simplify this brief account we start with a bold effort by the late Pope Pius XI to expose the fascist powers . . . the governments of Italy’s dictator Mussolini and Germany’s Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler and excommunicate them from memberships in the Catholic Church before the world went to war. The Pope hired noted author John LaFarge, an American Jesuit, to prepare a speech he planned to make during an encyclical gathering of bishops on Feb. 11, 1939. But Pope Pius XI never made that speech. He mysteriously dropped dead on Feb. 10. They said it was a heart attack.

Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli was elected to be the next Pope. He took the name Pope Pius XII. Upon taking office Pacelli surrounded himself with Jesuits. He employed German and Dutch Jesuit advisors including Robert Leiber, Augustin Bea and Sebastian Tromp. The LaFarge document was never made public.

Within months after Pacelli was made Pope the Roman Catholic dictators, Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini launched World War II.

Working behind the scenes in the above scenario was a powerful Jesuit priest known as Superior General Wlodimir Ledochowski, a Polish head of the Jesuit Society, otherwise identified as the Black Pope. Ledochowski served in that capacity from 1915 until his death in 1942.

It is believed that Ledochowski and Pope Pius XII conspired together to create a German pro-Catholic political party that would not only become the religion of the German people but be in a position of eliminating protestants, orthodox Christians, Communists and ethnic Jews. This became known as the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, or the Nazi Party. Hitler, a faithful member of the church and long a close associate of Archbishop Pacelli, was hand-picked as a figurehead for the Nazi Party. The real leader of the Nazis was Fr. Heinrich Himmler, an ordained Jesuit priest, who operated in the shadows behind Hitler.

Himmler was appointed leader of the Sturmabteilung, or Storm Troopers (SS), created as Hitler's personal bodyguards, assassins, espionage agents and general dirty work.

According to researcher Frank O’Collins, Archbishop Pacelli imported gold to Germany in 1917 to help finance the creation and growth of the Nazi Party. The SS officers operated under the authority of the Jesuits and the power of the Pope and had the powers of Catholic priesthood.

pby1000 ago

See, I thought I knew a lot about WW2, but I did not focus on the religious implications of the war. I had no idea that Himmler was a Jesuit priest. Why the fuck do they not teach us this stuff in history class? I mean, I know, but it is just crazy that they an get away with these lies and omissions.

I saved this, and will research it more. It is extremely important.

spoonman ago

is this website another law enforcement honeypot? I don't see anything about this stuff that is anymore right or wrong than axel jones.

12140525? ago

I meant to mention this a few days ago, Q linked to a mobile news URL suggesting he is using a mobile device

Neskuaxa ago

There's several devices they've confirmed he posts from.

Blacksmith21 ago

Q's tell at Abramovic and specific reference to "spirit cooking" should erase any doubt by now.

Dressage2 ago

All I think about after reading that was how they must of really shit their pants when we started early on connecting the dots to Spirit Cooking, Comet, Etc.

Blacksmith21 ago

That is rewarding to ponder. I know that JA and a few others haunted v/Pizzagate. Some are probably still here. I mean, if my life was being dissected on a public forum, I sure as shit would be doing what I can to monitor and/or thwart.

"We store the tomato sauce in the basement"...

Dressage2 ago

Exactly. Never explained that basement statement ever. What a pathetic little puppet.

fartyshorts ago

Posting this video https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=aBv8kqKck6E

Feelsgoodman, I've been saying Obama was funneling info to the Muslim Brotherhood and mostly have gotten blank stares and/or been called crazy by my peers.

kestrel9 ago

MB born out of Nazi facism. Coinkydink? Looks like there's a need for serious man'splaing to the wonderful Mother Jones cult.

srayzie ago

Well now you have a video to show them and you can tell them to kiss it! That was good.

bopper ago

Q shatters the left / right paradigm illusion of choice.

"This is not about religions or party affiliation. EVIL is everywhere. There are no drawn lines. No boundaries. Good vs Evil. Q"

kestrel9 ago

You said it! While Voat was down I was reading this: http://archive.is/FhiyO The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and The New World Order

A great backdrop to show where we've been as a country under the EVIL cabal, makes the The Great Awakening inconceivably HUGE. Check out the part about the Lusitania:

The main obstacle was that Americans did not want any involvement in European wars. Some kind of incident, such as the explosion of the battleship Main, which provoked the Spanish – American war, would have to be provided as provocation. This occurred when the Lusitania, carrying 128 Americans on board, was sunk by a German submarine, and anti-German sentiment was aroused. When war was declared, U.S. propaganda portrayed all Germans as Huns and fanged serpents, and all Americans opposing the war as traitors.

What was not revealed at the time, however, was that the Lusitania was transporting war munitions to England, making it a legitimate target for the Germans. Even so, they had taken out large ads in the New York papers, asking that Americans not take passage on the ship.

The evidence seems to point to a deliberate plan to have the ship sunk by the Germans. Colin Simpson, author of “The Lusitania,” wrote that Winston Churchill, head of the British Admiralty during the war, had ordered a report to predict the political impact if a passenger ship carrying Americans was sunk. German naval codes had been broken by the British, who knew approximately where all U-boats near the British Isles were located.

The following comments regarding Lusitannia and quotes from the ook, "Lusitania" by Greg King and Penny Wilson

All the more so damning when one reads that 'Admiralty issued secret orders that not only violated the Cruiser Rules but also ensured that Germany would respond... In addition to disguising a vessel's name and company colors on her funnels, British ships were advised to that flying the false flags of neutral countries would confuse the enemy....If possible, merchant ships should fire on suspected enemy submarines, even if they had not yet signaled intent or challenged the vessel.

Captains who stopped the ship when challenged by a submarine would be court marshalled. They were to use any means necessary, i.e. firing upon them, ramming them full speed without warning.

There's more regarding the American publicity over how well armed the Lusitania would be, in Churchill announced 'substantial progress' in arming liners (not naming any specifically), but most assumed Lusitania would be armed. (for self defense)

How odd then that it wasn't. ' "There were none." '

I don't know whether or not the authors state that there was a secret supply of war munitions on board. If so, it's seems it would a) explain the strange secret orders and b) increase the chance the ship would sink if attacked

https://www.express.co.uk/news/world-war-1/566316/RMS-Lusitania-single-torpedo-sinking RMS Lusitania was hit by a single torpedo: Why did she sink so quickly?

However the event brought about the necessary 'trigger' for war.

America soon found itself fighting a European war. Actually, Colonel House had already negotiated a secret agreement with England, committing the U.S. to the conflict.

and (((this)))

...According to Simpson, Commander Joseph Kenworthy, of British Naval Intelligence, stated: “The Lusitania was deliberately sent at considerably reduced speed into an area where a U-boat was known to be waiting…escorts withdrawn.”

Hello League of Nations!

bopper ago

The clip that Q referenced of the Admiral ... another clear indication that Obama will pay for treason.

pby1000 ago

4-Star Admiral Accuses Barack Obama Of Treason:


It is crazy that it is the first time I am hearing about this today. WTF??

The fucking MSM are traitors. They really are. They feed us bullshit, and they hide what matters. I would not shed a tear if they hung them all.

Dressage2 ago

There was another one on YouTube of Lyons about Obama. I think it is 28 mins long. Very good.

pby1000 ago

I will look! Looks like Admiral Lyons is still going. He is 90.

kestrel9 ago

MSM: They're the keepers of the watch for the cabal

bopper ago

Watched the end of that clip with a dropped jaw. It's been well-hidden apparently.

pby1000 ago

Agreed! I read before that Obama was firing Generals and replacing them with globalists. Some generals allegedly suicided, but I think they were killed. I hope Trump gets to the bottom of that. MI should know what happened.

Dressage2 ago

For sure killed. That one that got a promotion at base in the South. CENTCOM? Anyway, he would have pulled plug on all of them. I think he “sucided” a day before starting.

pby1000 ago

I am aware of Maj. Gen. John Rossi:


There there is a General that committed suicide in Iraq. He started complaining about all the corruption, so people started turning against him. I think that Patreus was one of them.

Found it! Oh, this is 2005...

Colonel Theodore S. Westhusing:


bopper ago

Forgot all about that, the military being cucked by Obama. Yeah Trump and military will indeed straighten that out, and much more.

pby1000 ago

Agreed! Then we invade Europe!!!

bopper ago

Post 917 gives a clue.


EricKaliberhall ago

We (Europe) will welcome you with open arms! :)

pby1000 ago

LOL. We will take care of business, and then hit the pubs.

EricKaliberhall ago

You'll take care of business, we'll teach you how to drink! Skål! :)

Vindicator ago

Count me in!!! Seriously. Are we going to have reunions like Vietnam Vets do to remember our combat days in here?! :-)

pby1000 ago

Looking forward to it!

Newyearsrevolutions ago

Doing that good work faggot, keep it up

srayzie ago

Thanks faggot.

Dressage2 ago

LOL from legal fag.

srayzie ago

Lol what?

EricKaliberhall ago

PizzaGate/PedoGate coming up... March madness indeed. Israel for last, must be 9/11.

srayzie ago

And spirit cooking 😮 Pizzagate is about to break wide open.

Blacksmith21 ago

Unless we are following a false prophet @srayzie @bopper @migratorypatterns @cc183 @erickaliberhall @pby1000, then this is confirmation that Pizzagate is real.

migratorypatterns ago

Definitely is.

The clean sweep that we prayed for is here. When Mike Cernovich tweeted last week and said Killary would never be arrested, I nearly caved. Then talk of the video came up along with this ...

Yeah, I believe.

srayzie ago

The guys in pizzagate are going to have to accept that Q isn’t a LARP so they can join in cuz shits getting REAL!

Blacksmith21 ago

I can assure you, AWS, Donkey, etc. will never be in my foxhole ; )

Vindicator ago

Yeah...I need to make a Proof of Q being PG related mega thread, but I got a concussion a week ago and my writing cortext isn't working well. :-(

Vindicator ago

My thought too when I saw he said Merkel was Nazi heir. He either just jumped the shark or kicked the engine to maximum warp.

kestrel9 ago

Fast and Furious (the movie ;)

Blacksmith21 ago

If what I think is real - as Q has intimated - then Merkel being Hitler's progeny will be a drop in the bucket.

Vindicator ago

Oh no...don't tell me...Blue Avians? No.

kestrel9 ago

Just as I predicted (to myself LOL) SQUIRREL!! http://archive.is/Jl0Ae

kestrel9 ago

Fun factism, That's SciFi Nazi CIA cultural Psyop to cover for MKULTRA abductions and experiments among other things.

So when you hear a reference to aliens or alien invasion (not immigration related) it's code for (((them)))

Blacksmith21 ago

No clue what that is.

Vindicator ago

Thank God!

Aliens or someshit.

bopper ago

Those were my thoughts exactly, yep.

derram ago

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=x9iQnfGrms0 :

#WeThePeople PATRIOTS SOAPBOX 24/7 LiveStream. Q/STORM Coverage, 24 hours a day! - YouTube

https://archive.fo/QnpDI :

Login on Twitter

https://archive.fo/LahHa :

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https://archive.fo/wtCcL :

WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) | Twitter

https://archive.fo/2lhws :

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This has been an automated message.

Drain0 ago

!UW.yye1fxo ID: 5b7643 614093 NEW

613796 You are learning. How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible? Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here. Q

I have a few theories, but I'm going to let it play out... I can't wait to find out!

Mar 10 2018 11:29:06 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b452a9 612728 NEW

612723 11:11 Q

Don't think of 11:11 as a date... It' s a spiritual awakening. http://www.ask-angels.com/spiritual-guidance/1111-what-does-it-mean/

srayzie ago

You are learning. How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible? Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here. Q

Someone said that they think it could be General Flynn. It would go along with what Corsi has said too. Someone with military experience. Specifically army. It seems by what they are saying here that it’s someone WE are familiar with.

EricKaliberhall ago

I'm thinking Q might actually be the General himself... General James "Mad dog" Mattis.

srayzie ago

I keep wondering how the heck they learned how to use 4chan or 8chan

EricKaliberhall ago

They probably got someone on the team that is a Jedi, when it comes to the chan's.

Shizy ago


srayzie ago

That must be it Eric 👍🏻

Drain0 ago

It could very well be... Another possibility is that it may be someone closer to Trump, possibly related... This may be far fetched, but the Trump family is not from Manhattan they are from (Q)ueens NY.

srayzie ago

Yeah. I highly doubt Trump has time. But I hope someday we can find out at least a few were his!

Vindicator ago

They were suggesting Melania on /qresearch/.

Dressage2 ago

I surely believe she is smart enough! Five languages?

bopper ago

My first thought as well, but I have questions still. Didn't know Corsi alluded to that tho he did hint that he knew who Q was. Pretty exciting at any rate cause it's someone we know.

srayzie ago

I’ve heard him say a few times now that he has an idea of who it is.

Vindicator ago

What I thought was cool was the way he said it...implying we WILL find out.

srayzie ago

I know! I don’t see Malania knowing all that military stuff

Vindicator ago

Yeah, I couldn't really see that either. They're also saying Bannon.

srayzie ago

Brannon is not with him all the time now


He answered a message with echos!!!!!

bopper ago

Wow that is big, that blew right by me!

bopper ago

Posts are about Abramovich and spirit cooking, Hollywood, the resignation list, sealed indictments and Sessions (apparently they include Abedin and one or both of the Podesta's), Snowden, North Korea, Australia and Five Eyes (Intel), and Planned Parenthood.

"Saving Israel for last, for a reason." Paraphrase. Maybe it's 9/11.

pby1000 ago

Now we are getting somewhere! Q is getting into the sick pedo shit that needs to be exposed to the normies.

Dressage2 ago

Thx for ping. Did you read that stuff on 8 about breeding orphanages in Haiti? Elite impregnate the kiddos and they raise the babies in orphanages and when the elite get older they can order their organs from the mix breed child that they had born. Never see kids just ordered them killed for organs when needed. Sick fucks!!

srayzie ago

I haven’t read that recently but I have before 😢 I can’t imagine a person being born and raised with no love. Only to be alive so that your organs can be used when needed. Shocking.

Do you have links? That would be good for people to read here! I could make screenshots if I need to.

srayzie ago

You will probably find this interesting. I made a big post about this very thing in the pizzagate sub.


It was deleted by MF. It caused the [O]’s and [M]’s to join in and it was a mess. Kevdude said it shouldn’t have been deleted and to put it back up. It was controversial. I should probably repost this here when Q takes us deeper into Haiti.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I don’t know how people could do such a thing. It’s still so hard for me to imagine being able to live with yourself after hurting children. Like these people just have no souls. It’s really scary to think that there is such a huge amount of psychopaths that work together on things like this. Was this is QResearch? I want to read more.

Dressage2 ago

Let me look. Was on today.

anotherdream ago


Gothamgirl ago

Thank you for sharing.

LightlyToasted ago

TY! Could be good week ahead!

bopper ago

Thanks much, Voat has been down for me as well, I think for everyone.

pby1000 ago

Same. Not sure what was going on.

kestrel9 ago

Maintenance? That's the message I saw.

pby1000 ago

Just saw this. Seems like they had issues updating. I was hoping they were being attacked by the CIA because of the Hillary video. LOL.


kestrel9 ago

Thanks for finding that!

srayzie ago

Now maintenance allowed while Q posts! 😡

kestrel9 ago

Yeah what's up with that?! LOL

pby1000 ago

Same, but it is a strange time for maintenance. Am I missing something?

srayzie ago

Yeah i has a couple email me

Cc183 ago

You might want to add a "400 pound guy sitting on his compiter.


srayzie ago

Lol 👍🏻