carlip ago

the Reddit shill is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But ban him and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

ExpertShitposter ago

Do you hate me because i am beautiful?

ExpertShitposter ago

  1. Ningtnedo = gaming.

  2. The shitpost must flow.

  3. The soy must be exposed.

  4. You are not white.

ExpertShitposter ago

And a cunt. Don't forget that part. She is a worthless fucking cunt.

And @9-11 is now the contender for the 1'st spot in the "most worthless user on voat" competition. freshmeat is scum sure, but this one REALLY hates free speech. I just don't understand why these people aren't on reddit. They have more content over there, and they like the bans anyway so why come here? Could be Israel payroll for 9-11.


ExpertShitposter ago

A shitpost by beatle is my proof regarding what expert wants.

This is a new low even for you.

PuttsDad ago

Unben Expi!

ExpertShitposter ago

@Alpha_Voat_Protecter I can't answer you in there as i am banned.

Nether i, or @kevdude or anyone else from "SBBH" has any interest in modding v/gaming. The request is only to remove kayfaggot and not replace him with anyone. Chillihellion can mod by him self there is no actual work involved.

As for my posting intentions, it is to finish my Nintendo standoff.

Don't waste too much of your time debating with @9-11 , he is not white and might be paid by the Israel government to have the "opinions" that he has, so he is "on the clock" while you are wasting time.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

No worries, I just wanted to get a public statement directly from you that you didn't want the mod position for yourself. This thread has enough blatant CTR shills in it that I would be able to tell you're legit even if I hadn't interacted with you previously.

ExpertShitposter ago

@KatHarzso see above.

11649737? ago

I know, dude, I made a little stoner mistake of butting my nose into shit and it smells. But I fully agree with your side of this whole bullshit. I am just appalled to how shitty those people's lives must be to try an subvert this site's integrity... got nothing else better to do with their time?

ExpertShitposter ago

Consider that they might be paid to do this. Also, some of them admitted to being alcoholics and addicted to pot.

11649816? ago

They need to go camping or something. Maybe fish?

ExpertShitposter ago

Don't think they get out of the house much.....400pound and all....

11649842? ago

Maybe chop some fucking firewood? Fuck, maybe it'll give them a heart attack and the communists get to take their money back?

ViolentGrifter42 ago

You fuckin' degenerate cancer, who ever fuckin' bans you is a saint.

All your crew does is try to hijack subs, and it's obvious that this is what you're doing.

You can't spam a fuckin' subverse over and over again and then cry victim.

You are the classic example of how the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

ExpertShitposter ago

He mad!

ViolentGrifter42 ago

He hate us cuz he anus!

Grifter42 ago

You fuckin' degenerate cancer, who ever fuckin' bans you is a saint.

All your crew does is try to hijack subs, and it's obvious that this is what you're doing.

You can't spam a fuckin' subverse over and over again and then cry victim.

You are the classic example of how the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

ExpertShitposter ago

U mad bro?

Thrus2 ago

I would disagree with that, rule 1 is must be gaming related and while a console was in the photo and mentioned in the title it was just a chance to insult the pictured person and those that behave similarly not to do with gaming. Rule 4 is no clickbait further defined as "'low-effort' with the intention of getting people to visit just to see what the content is" he posted 5 days in the row a similar photo with a near identical title that is insulting to a group based on the console in the photos or named in the title it was definitely low effort and insulting a console on a gaming sub would be intending to get people to click to see what the content is.

TheBuddha ago

Help me understand something.

Last night, didn't they let you back in? Then, at that point, didn't you do the same thing that got you banned the first time?

ExpertShitposter ago

Exactly. I know my rights.

TheBuddha ago

LOL So, you egged them on - even after the first ban, because you have "rights" to do so?

Were you expecting a different outcome?

ExpertShitposter ago

I wanted to do my standoff. That's all i wanted. And i was stopped by a random woman from reddit who hasn't even posted to voat in 5 months.

There is no "them". Only her. Everyone in both yesterday's and today's thread sided with me. Even people who said my posts suck said its not ban worthy. It one person holding the whole system owned sub hostage.

My logic was, if i get re-banned, than i learn that v/gaming is not worth posting to anymore. And i would want to know such a thing sooner rather than later. Also, if putt doesn't end this, than maybe voat isn't worth posting to as its just a reddit with less content.

TheBuddha ago

I'm just making sure I understand. You should notice that I've absolutely not opined.

I'm going to do that now.

It's a @system sub. I firmly believe that non-system subs should be allowed to moderate as they see fit. I also think @system subs should be removing only spam and illegal content.

So, you're right but you're an asshole.

Believe it or not, my solution would probably be to make it a non-system sub. I've been pondering this for a while and think the default/system subs aren't really all that important. There's a few of them that I see no real reason why they'd be owned by @system, other than because that's how they were made.

I figure your next trick should be submitting tranny porn to v/aww every day.

ExpertShitposter ago

So, you're right but you're an asshole.

Sometimes, that is my purpose. You need me. You need me more that you think. You see without me, you wouldn't have a moral compass. Without the shitposter, you couldn't have a normal poster. Without the autist, you wouldn't have the budha.

my solution would probably

Any my solution is to gas redditors and sell videos of that to voat users.

I figure your next trick

My next trick should be to post extreme insults to all private subs kaydence made until she bans me from them. Then continue pinging her with slurs and insults. But it will try to refrain.


TheBuddha ago


Maybe, just maybe, you take Voat a wee bit too seriously? Which, I suppose, gives you something to do. Personally, I find the drama amusing and I give an up vote to all the drama threads. All of them.

ExpertShitposter ago

All the drama i normally cause is for my personal amusement. This time its a system sub. This time i am taking it seriously. I hand no place to post for 10 years due to people like kaydance.

derram ago

Ah the guy who lead a campaign to have my bot banned across the site and afterwards forced me to block him because he choose to spam me with notifications for three days straight instead of just blocking me is now complaining about getting banned from a sub.

captainstrange ago

ESP is a jew with an agenda.

carlip ago

it's pretty clear his true agenda.

auggs ago

The attitude part is bullshit but I agree with a temp ban on questionable actions. Happens to me on 4chan all the time.

Just know that making a fuss over trivial things is a playbook technique to grab power on forums. People are weary of this from all angles.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

says the faggot with all of the alts

last convo had with putt, he told me to go nuts. go witch faggot, its what you are good at

Cheesebooger ago

am I allowed to have two accounts?

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

And, Im leaving you alone because I like you, why else would I draw you a picture. I still hurts that you called my cheeseburger a hotdog. but that is my issue

auto_turret ago

If "attitude" is a bannable offense here.. I might as well join Reddit.

ExpertShitposter ago


totes_magotes ago

due to his attitude

"Illegal opinions" rings a bell.

You have my vote. And my bow. And my upvoats.

ExpertShitposter ago

Thank u mane.

totes_magotes ago

I got your back, even if others say you're a faggot.

ExpertShitposter ago

One does not simply gas the shitposter.

Rotteuxx ago

WTF dude !!!! This post has been up 1.5hrs & no sign of @Freshmeat.

Even our shills aren't as reliable as they used to be.

Anyways, let's castrate @Kadynce like @She.

totes_magotes ago

Because that retard has other alts he needs to fellate.

ExpertShitposter ago

He sent some of his troops into kevs askvoat thread yesterday. 9-11 and a few others. Also his buddy the Iron Jew Fist is here.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Oh yeah? Well you're a poopy head.

digitalentity1497 ago

@kadynce Another sub and mod to block. Way to go.

digitalentity1497 ago

That -1 lol

Rotteuxx ago

RPV is in the thread, more to come

ViolentGrifter42 ago

You know we're up in this bitch ninja!

digitalentity1497 ago

Thanks man. Nice hearing from ya.

Derpfroot ago

And while we're at it, give us back CoonTown. That was taken by another cancermod who only wished to show us what a faggot he is. I'm guessing we can even scrap v/Niggers if we get Coon Town to have the same setup as v/Niggers. C'mon, Putt!

ExpertShitposter ago

v/niggers seems to be in good shape ever since CCF took over. People have probably let go of coontown and gotten used to niggers so they might not want to come back anyway.

Derpfroot ago

Oh it is; I'm not talking about the state of it. I just remember people bitching about the name being here and wanting CT back, anyway. Plus, just because it's been a bit, doesn't mean we should let faggots take over.

ExpertShitposter ago

Atko did stomped out that jew from v/coontown tho.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

Why is it always a shit poster that screams the loudest?

Reddiggoat ago

Bringing one's personal vendetta against soyboys/democrats/jews/muslims/trump/anti-trumps/femenists/gays/round-earthers/blacks/NASA/other-hivemind-targets into every unrelated subverse is very very very annoying, but free speech is still free speech.

Why is it always a shit poster that screams the loudest?

Because they get silenced the most. Ever put your hand over a kid's mouth who's having a temper tantrum? It just makes them scream louder. Don't re-enforce the behavior with good or bad attention if you want it to stop.

dooob ago

No censorship in @system subverses, idk who upvotes you, prob amalek and his buddies from rPV. Jk, amalek doesnt have friends because he is a jew.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

talking to you is like trying to convince a cat to eat his food.

dooob ago

Implying this is your alt, amalek?

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

go fuck a duck kid

dooob ago

Make a few more accounts, maybe you'll fool someone here.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

you're not so bad it yourself, sure you are not projecting?

absurdlyobfuscated ago

First they came for the shitposters, and I did not speak out because I was not a shitposter.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

member when i took on pizzagate and won!

@expertshitposter i am proud of you

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

who to say I am not already embedded? Pure speculation and conjecture that is the shit posters way,

Its sad beetle that we have never worked with each other before, perhaps in the future. Or maybe I have without you even knowing *POCKET SAND

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

who you wanna git?

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

I have nothing but peace and love for my fellow voaters. I'm the sworn protector of KunLun, there is where my fury resides.

You are the yang to my yin... awww beetle there is much I could teach you. Have you been working on your focus?

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

aye my ability to focus it turns out was bein attacked by the deep state (like institional add for all peoples) so i am working at it by actually reading the articles i shitpost on and watching the videos...

ExpertShitposter ago

You cannot stop RIGHT WING GAS SQUADS.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@kadynce show us your pussy

ExpertShitposter ago

Yeah @kadynce we want to see ur scabby AIDS hole.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@kadynce show us your asshole

ExpertShitposter ago

Well hello mr Iron believer in anti-censorship. Why is it that you discord boys like free speech when it suits you? Your chi is fake.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

My statement is not only correct, but honest.

I dont believe in one sided arguments. I have assessed the situation and found no argument other than "whannn I did get mah way"

ExpertShitposter ago

Its not my way. Its "voat working as intended way". Rather that "voat working how one random redditor wants it to work".

If speech in system subs is eroded away, then this website has no purpose.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

Rather that "voat working how one random redditor wants it to work".

I see nothing of the sort. Mod log looks appropriate. You shouldn't waste puttitout valuable time with trivial concern trolling. What did you do to get banned.... now that is the question here.

answer me that, then I will reassess my judgement... Im no savage.

ExpertShitposter ago

Drew parallels between having soylent induced low testosterone and choosing Nintendo Switch as your gaming platform. Read kevs thread in my OP and my comment in my OP if you want to see the posts i made in v/gaming.

Im no savage.

You are a treacherous jew tho. An Iron Jew.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

were slightly shitposty, but it was one a day and was basically mocking betas going on social media about Nintendo Switch

hes sided with you, simply all I read.

And how dare you make read what kevdude writes....

I have reassessed the situation to only come to same conclusion. If I were to shitpost in /v/piano would this be an issue? or how about /v/blueoystercult ? I actually thought about that one, but stopped myself..... what you should of done.

Perhaps you should of reserved your shitposts for /v/whatever where it would have been properly placed?

this a classic /v/protectvoat witch hunt in form.

You are a treacherous jew tho. An Iron Jew.

such a slanderous statement based of zero, I expect more from an "expert"

ExpertShitposter ago

We have had the v/piano discussion before so i will not go over that again. And you have shitposted to death in both PV and girls rock. You always get downvoted in PV, yet kev never banned you.

All i wanted was to do my standoff. But a random redditor who hasn't even posted to v/gaming chooses to tell me what is or isn't gaming related.

Womb said you were a jew. Sure, he has little credibility due to his condition, but you also act like a Jew.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

actually, never once did i shit post to girls rock. All my content that I submitted was appropriate. And Ironicly all the content that would resubmit as a test would get upvoated.... tell me about that.

And PV I see no such evidence, perhaps you are thinking of someone else.

All i wanted was to do my standoff

refer to my assessment, you just validated it. @peaceseeker

Womb said you were a jew. Sure, he has little credibility due to his condition, but you also act like a Jew.

again the insults are beneath you.

ExpertShitposter ago

I fell for your friendly cheek once, only to have the ugly mutilated side of your face turn to me as soon as i no longer counted you as a hostile discord reddit shill.

I have no interest in discussing things with your fake personality. And you are not interested in free speech or truth on voat. You are jewish cancer. Go play with freshmeat and sarmegakike in discord.

The_Grassy_Knoll ago

im sorry to read this expert, perhaps time will mend.

perhaps someone was semi impersonating me, you confused me with someone else (happens quite often)

But I understand, and also forgive you. You are still a friend in my eyes.

PS sar fucking hates me, emphasis on the fucking

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

he dindu nuffins

Cheesebooger ago


Are you trying to provoke me, jew boy>?

squataclops ago

Is this like the @she drama v2.0? Pardon my ignorance, just read an earlier post about this.

ExpertShitposter ago

It is EXACTLY that. And, to make things more ridiculous, kaydence was an avid defender of @she during that debacle.

totes_magotes ago

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

squataclops ago

You said it better than i could've

Philosopher_King ago

Deal with it? If you don't like how a sub is ran, make your own.

ExpertShitposter ago

v/gaming is a system sub. That's what makes this case special.

Dalai_Llama ago

The system sub is not following the system rules. Don't like it? Start your own website, faggot.

AmaleksHairyAss ago


AmaleksHairyAss ago

the community is in my favor by 183 to 23

No. Upvotes are not agreement. Upvotes are not agreement. Upvotes are not agreement. Upvotes are not agreement.

Upvotes are not agreement.

Upvotes are not agreement.


ExpertShitposter ago

All people who posted in thread said his ban is bullshit. Even people who said they hate my posts said he cant ban me over such nonsense. Meanwhile not one person came out and openly said he believes i should be banned. And that thread has 170 comments and over 1200 views.

Reddiggoat ago

It's true. Your posts are cancerous but they still have the right to exist. Freedom of speech is not a democratic issue, it's a minority right.

ExpertShitposter ago

I like your bio. 9-11 is a known crypto gay.

Reddiggoat ago

He only posts or gets upvotes during 9-5 EST business hours. Very shady to me. An expert would know to brigade 24/7 :P

ExpertShitposter ago

His rPV discord group takes over the second and third shift. Plenty of soros money to go around.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

So say that instead of counting upvotes.

Thrus2 ago

For having such a disgusting mental image as a username (Amalek, I have nothing against hairy asses but don't want to really think about amalek) I often find myself agreeing with you.

dooob ago

Logic always prevails.

Saufsoldat ago

I thought the rules were made clear last time? System subs can only apply the side-wide rules of voat, nothing more. Unmod the faggot.

Thrus2 ago

/v/gaming has other rules 10 in fact and they have come up for discussion in the community before I believe it was chillyhellion (different mod in gaming) that posted those discussion and at the time had them pinned so everyone could see the talking about them. we we are going to say every system sub has to act like whatever why bother having multiple system subs? just lump all of it in one place as without sub specific rules they can't remove unrelated content anyhow.

Saufsoldat ago

/v/gaming has other rules 10 in fact and they have come up for discussion in the community

It's a system sub, "the community" is whoever stumbles upon it. If you want a true community, have it in your own sub where the community can vote on rules or whatever. A system sub is not the place for that.

we we are going to say every system sub has to act like whatever why bother having multiple system subs?

As general guidelines, as an idea for where to post and where the most action might be while you're new to voat. As a place where people can be sure free speech will not be hindered by anything other than voat's site rules, where no mod can go powertripping.

totes_magotes ago

This should be the top comment. This rule has been explained I don't know how many times now.

So, @PeaceSeeker, your comment on being patient and delicate being considered (I'm glad to see a solution in the pipe, by the way, so thanks for the reminder), the statement stands. System sub = voat rules.

We've been through this with cancer mods like @She in the past and @Atko and @PuttItOut then as other times removed the mod, even sometimes going so far as to assign system status to several subs.

ExpertShitposter ago

That's right, you heard the jew! Unban me now! The Jewish community of voat has my back!

Saufsoldat ago

I'll PM you my paypal later.

Sweet, now I get paid twice for posting.

ExpertShitposter ago

Next month ok? I'm a bit short.

old_grumpy_fucker ago

You keep admitting shit like thar and no girl's gonna want to love you long time

ExpertShitposter ago


Saufsoldat ago

Sucks to be you, my rare pepes are worth top shekel these days.

Snort ago

Replace the mod and extend openness and dialog into v/gaming.

ExpertShitposter ago

Doesn't have to replace him at all. Just remove. ChillyHellion is a good mod and he can request help if he feels he needs it.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

@PuttitOut sorry for pinging you but I'm with @expertshitposter somethings gotta give, bro. Fuck that turdweasel mod.

old_grumpy_fucker ago

@Puttitout, I also side with @the_duke_of_dabs. @expertshitposter needs unbanning and dickhead needs to go sit with amalek/sanegoat.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Total cancer.

Kadnyce needs to go. Friggin power mods.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@kadynce aka sgis has never denied raping and murdering that little boy in 1990

gabara ago

@kadynce has poopy pants.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@kadynce send me pussy pics to prove you not tranny. hustler style

Cheesebooger ago


lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

that was my goal...