goat-ditarod ago

Mossad leased the 91st floor and were photographed in the trade center next to boxes of fuses for demolition from a company tied to Dick Cheney

Dieboomer ago

So, was anyone in the 4chan threads with cheyenne the dog, resident evil save room music, and a lot of unsourcable images? I was a believer. Was it the greatest larp of all time?

ExtraDouble ago

Yep and remember it being scrubbed on Youtube.

modsrcuntz ago

You Antisemite!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Not to mention the vast israel spy network uncovered that day. Israel should've been glassed. It is proof that the American gov is under foreign jewish occupation.

not_drunk ago

but but.. Russians spent $2.9k to manipulate our elections.


CheeseboogerHimself ago

Also, many in US government are dual israeli citizens.

oneinchterror ago

I once saw a video on /pol/ of some former high ranking US military personnel (can't remember the branch or rank) talking about how he knew Israel was behind 9/11, and how they would be completely wiped off the map in a matter of days if the American public ever learned the truth. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I haven't been able to find it again. It was just an audio recording of him talking set to footage of miscellaneous 9/11 shots (if I remember correctly).

UtangmanSimian ago

Maybe it was the private symposium of military, commercial and private aviation professionals held by retired Colonel Donn de Grand Pré from 16 to 19 September 2001, that concluded the flights of 9/11 were cover stories for a highly sophisticated intelligence operation using remote controlled aircraft.

A full transcript of his Feb. 25, 2004 interview with Alex Jones wherein he says a cruise missile hit the Pentagon that day, where after Jones tells listeners Bill Clinton had a number of serving military officers shot at their desks. Link.

The 1993 US Presidential Helicopter Crash that led to the deaths of four Air Force personnel, appears to have been interpreted as an assassination attempt by disgruntled military ppl who were blamed for sabotaging the aircraft, who are the ones Clinton had shot according to Jones testimony. Four Marines Are Killed in Crash of Presidential Fleet Helicopter.

justregtoasku ago

I don't know but this chimes with something bush said i think. along the lines of we'd be hanged at dawn if the public found us out (and what we have done).

fluhthreeex ago

israel is behind everything but the Pentagon knows about it and cooperates. 9/11 was still an inside job, israels involvement or not. they could have just been filming an "act" of "terror" they had foreknowledge of and got played off as patsies by "good guy inside leakers". there are no "good guys" left in the defense industry at this point.

calcy454 ago

What happened to Corbett?

AgentSakura ago

Their arrogance and cowardice will be their downfall

justregtoasku ago

I do hope so

HeLovedPandas ago

Urban Moving Systems, Goats!

Never forget.

BoyBlue ago

Owner fled to guess where....

HeLovedPandas ago

Hmmmm... 🤔

Angryelectrician ago

Good bit about the larger cover up. Look at those politicians at the end squirming trying like hell not to say anything negative about our masters: Israel.

Lurky_McLurkmoar ago



MartinTimothy ago

Four of the five "Celebrating Jews of 911" who were taken into custody in New York on Sept. 11, 2001 were from Brisbane, Australia. they and the Mossad cell that spawned them have been granted safe haven in Brisbane by successive political dynasties at State and Federal level since day 1.

anticlutch ago

Remember also to ask all shills to say;

israel has illegal nuclear weapons

Make sure they lowercase the 'i' as well.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Oy vey

Vladimir_Komarov ago

but muh saudis

AgentSakura ago

Saudi Arabia is an Israeli proxy

Barfin ago

saudis didn't do it, there were no 19 hijackers, it was remote controlled planes, but that part of the story was concocted to further hide the true conspirators, you see our govt seemingly covering up the 9/11 truth commission to protect saudi arabia, you waste all your time trying to prove saudis were complicit, that way israel definitely doesn't get pointed out. There are layers to the onion.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

And they then murdered all those people who were supposed to be on those planes right?

God you are such an idiot.

AgentSakura ago

Very true, I'm also just pointing out that the house of saud is in bed with the kikes and has been for a long time. It goes way back when the brits took over the region and installed them as a puppet gov after the fall of the ottoman empire; if I'm not mistaken.

Barfin ago

yeah house of saud have jewish connections this is why they don't do something like "oh you say we did 9/11 ok let's see you prove it" instead they just get the US govt to cover it up and not even allow proof to be shown, this makes saudis look guilty.

GinTrain ago

Information is the most powerful thing.

Purged ago

When they got back safe to Israel, they gave a TV interview where they admitted being there to film a 'surprise' attack.

Plant_Boy ago

To truly make sense of 911, you need to see the historical pattern and realize that the same forces are behind numerous false flag attacks.

With that in mind, Let's look at these 5 historical false flags attacks:

  1. The Lavon Affair (1954)
  2. USS Liberty attack (1967)
  3. The JFK assassination (1963)
  4. The RFK (JFK's brother Robert) assassination (1968)
  5. The 911 attack (2001)

Let's begin:

1. The Lavon Affair (1954):

An Israeli attempted false flag attack upon Americans, British, and French civilian targets in Egypt. They planned to blame the attacks on the Muslim Brotherhood in the hopes that it would give Great Britain the excuse to stop their planned withdraw from the Suez Canal.


The Lavon Affair wiki article

2. The USS Liberty (1967):

In the middle of the "6 Day War" in 1967, Israel attempted a false flag attack upon an American navy ship called the USS Liberty. They planned on sinking the ship and killing all crew members, so that no survivors could tell who attacked them. If successful, the attack would be blamed on Egypt. This would caused the U.S. to enter the war on the side of Israel. Unfortunately for Israel, the USS Liberty didn't sink and their false flag plan failed.


What Really Happened

"USS Liberty: Dead In The Water" - BBC Documentary 2002


3. JFK assassination (1963):

The four reasons Israel killed JFK are:


JFK wanted to shutdown Israel's illegal nuclear weapons program. Beginning in the 1950s, for multiple decades Israeli agents stole uranium from America and used it to build nuclear weapons at their Dimona Nuclear Facility. JFK wanted this stopped and the Dimona Nuclear facility inspected.

Much of what is publicly known about Israel's illegal secret nuclear weapons program comes from an former Israeli nuclear technician named John Crossman. Crossman, formerly known as Mordechai Vanunu, has stated that JFK's assassination was Israel's response to JFK's efforts to "shed light on Dimona's nuclear reactor in Israel".


JFK was trying to force AIPAC (the American Israel Political Affairs Committee) to register as a foreign agent. The Israel Lobby is believed by many to be the most powerful lobby in Washington DC. AIPAC, formerly known in the 50's as the American Zionist Council, is considered the biggest part of the Israel Lobby. JFK's administration ordered AIPAC to register as a foreign agent, If successful, this would have seriously diminished their ability to influence the U.S. government.


JFK was in favor of the Right of Return under international law, for Palestinian refugees to be allowed to return home after Israel ethnically cleansed them in the 1948 event called the "Nakba".


JFK's brother Robert (RFK), was the AG (Attorney General) under JKF. As the AG, RFK was prosecuting the Jewish/Zionist mob. The Jewish/Zionist mob was (and still is) a major source of Israeli power.


Israel had JFK killed, knowing that he would be succeeded by the Vice President LBJ (Lyndon Baines Johnson). Under LBJ, all four policies described above changed completely in Israel's favor. Israel knew the policies would change in their favor, because LBJ was under Israeli influence. LBJ was sleeping with an Israeli spy named Mathilde Krim. Krim was a former member of Irgun. Irgun was a Zionists terrorist group that, along with other Zionist terrorists, used bombing, mass murder, and assassinations to help drive the British out of Palestine, so that they could create Israel. In addition, LBJ's aunt (Jessie Johnson Hatcher), a major influence on LBJ, was a member of the Zionist Organization of America (later renamed AIPAC).

JFK's assassination was blamed on LHO (Lee Harvey Oswald). But LHO needed to be killed to keep him from talking. So Jack Ruby murdered him. "Ruby" was Jack's nickname. His real last name is Rubenstein (Jewish name). This allowed for the JFK assassination to be blamed on a gentile (non-Jewish person). Whereas the hero who killed that terrible villain was a Jewish person. Jack Ruby knew he was dying of cancer anyway. Not long before Ruby died, he told psychiatrist Werner Teuter that the assassination was "an act of overthrowing the government". Myron Sugerman - author of "The Last Jewish Gangster" says that Jack Ruby was a mobster and a proud Jew


The History of the Jews and the Mob

Israeli Nuclear Smuggling program

The Israel Lobby

Former Israeli nuclear technician John Crossman

Mathilde Krim, Israeli agent and terrorist who caught LBJ in honeypot operation

Podcast - How the israel lobby took control of US foreign policy

Jeff Gates Interview

Martin J. Manning, Clarence R. Wyatt, Encyclopedia of Media and Propaganda in Wartime America, Volume 1, ABC-CLIO, 2010, p. 522

4. The RFK (JFK's brother) assassination (1968):

Six years later, when RFK (JFK's brother Robert) ran for president, they killed him also. If he won the election, he was preparing to initiate a real investigation into his brother's assassination and would continue to prosecute the Zionist/Jewish mob.

They killed him on the night that he won the Democratic primary of California. This victory was the event that pretty much guaranteed that he would win the Democratic nomination. And then, as the brother of a martyred national hero, he was almost certain to win the presidency.

This time the patsy chosen to take the blame was a Palestinian, so that the murder would cause anger against the Palestinians and thereby make Israel look more sympathetic. The Palestinian, named Sirhan Sirhan, is actually a Christian. But the mainstream media almost never points out his religion. That night Sirhan was drugged out of his mind and possibly hypnotized. To this day he has no memory of that night. RFK Jr (RFK's son) has said he believes that Sirhan did NOT kill his father and that a second gunman was involved.

The man who really killed RFK was a last minute addition to RFK's security detail. His name is Thane Cesar.

Tons of evidence show that Sirhan was not the one who killed RFK, including the fact that Sirhan's gun only held 8 bullets and there were at least 12 bullets fired.





The History of the Jews and the Mob

Also, see sources under JFK assassination.

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Plant_Boy ago

5. The 911 Attack (2001):

Bombing Attempt of the George Washington (GW) Bridge

The GW Bridge is a major bridge connecting New York to New Jersey. On the day of the 911 attack, at least 5 TV news sources reported that the FBI arrested two men in a van filled with explosives on the GW Bridge. The mass media stopped reporting on this when it was learned the attempted bombers were Israelis.

The "Dancing Israelis"

On the day of 911, 3 Israelis filmed both planes hitting the 2 towers.. They were seen celebrating, dancing, and even taking selfies with the burning towers in the background. Referred to as the "Dancing Israelis", the men were later detained while driving a van that contained traces of explosive. Two of the men were listed in a FBI database of suspected foreign spies. Eventually they were released, even though evidence clearly shows that they had prior knowledge that the attacks were going to take place.

Urban Moving

Both the GW Bridge Bombers and the Dancing Israelis worked for a company called Urban Moving. Urban moving was a front company for the Mossad (Israeli's CIA). The owner of Urban Moving fled to Israeli the day after the attack. He is still listed by the FBI as a suspect regarding 911. But Israel refuses to extradite him.

Why would Israel conduct the 911 attack? What's the motivation? 911 allowed for the "War on Terror". Still going on to this day, the War on Terror has been used to justify numerous U.S. wars and/or military attacks on middle eastern countries. All of these wars/attacks have one thing in common - they all advance the national security interest of Israel by following something called the "Yinon Plan".

Written by Israeli named "Oded Yinon", the Yinon Plan calls for Israeli (and Israeli proxy forces like the U.S. Military and CIA) to cause the break up of Israel's neighboring countries into small, weak, micro-states. This is so that the micro-states will be weak and in a state of constant conflict with one another. They will therefore be unable to resist Israeli domination of the middle east.


FOX News on Israeli Links to 911


9/11 and War by Deception - condensed to 28 minutes

9/11 and War by Deception - full version

9/11 Suspects: The Dancing Israelis

ABC News article on the "Dancing Israelis"

"9/11 Missing Links"

The Yinon Plan:



9/11 Suspects: Philip Zelikow

FBI report on the "Dancing Israelis"

9/11, Israel & the Mossad Investigated with Christopher Bollyn

Israeli Instant messaging service "Odigo" Says Workers Were Warned of Attack

Other Historical False Flack Attacks of Note

The King David Hotel Bombing

Patria Bombing

Operation Trojan

Purged ago

Wow, Did not know reddit allowd the Truth to be posted.

ice007 ago

In most reddit subs you can't tell the truth.

However the mods at conspiracy are all about free speech, and yet for some reason, the reddit admins haven't banned or quarantined conspiracy yet.

On conspiracy, as long as you don't use racial slurs, you are allowed to post about:

Jewish supremacy

and even the holohoax

fluhthreeex ago

so what? everyone and their mother had heard about the attack and had warned the pentagon. they just went to film it because they knew the pentagon was going to "let" it happen (was staging it themselves alone or coordinating it with other countries). this doesn't mean you put the entire thing on jews being jews (running around NY with video cameras and doing shekel dances).

justregtoasku ago

I'd forgotten that.

The arrogance knows no bounds.

Plant_Boy ago

And the FBI don't consider this alarming of national interests? I think the FBI needs to be shut down as does the CIA. They are not for the people. I would say people would do best to rule the situations locally but that will also fall to corruption somehow.

blueblur ago

Wow that last paragraph is underline worthy too.

TheDonaldTrump ago

For those who prefer news articles,here are some about these 5 jews:

Americans Probing Reports of Israeli Espionage in 9-11



5 Israelis detained for `puzzling behavior' after WTC tragedy



fartyshorts ago

I bring it up every time "Bruno Mars - Marry You" plays. He mentions the "dancing jews".

badruns ago

Friendly reminder that Bruno Mars is part Jew. You cannot be successful in the industry anymore and not be Jewish.

Barfin ago

just looked up this cucked song but the lyrics say dancing juice, not sure if that makes sense, does it just mean alcohol that makes you want to dance? I doubt bruno is based and trying to wake us up

badruns ago

There will not be references to Jews in pop songs moving forward. Look at what they did to MJ.

Barfin ago

yeah now mj's lyrics left no doubt

Schaef ago

That's not true, but you have to support the Jewish narrative

Don't overextend the argument past truth, that only makes you easy to dismiss

badruns ago

Name a musician that became an "overnight sensation" within the past 10 years that's neither part Jew or under a Jewish manager.

Schaef ago

Ah see, you've changed what you're saying now to include manager

badruns ago

Mhm, just like Trump.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

This is why music sucks so bad. Soulless talentless jewbag filth.

not_drunk ago

Still people don't know about these connections.

Spread it.