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amlopoko ago

If only Poland realized what the fuck they did during World War 2 they wouldn't have to deal with these parasites.

The real crime Poland should pay for is what they did to Germans on behalf of the parasites.

If the Poles simply let the Germans live instead of committing genocide against them, Hitler wouldn't have had to attack them.

But nope. Instead you sucked parasite cock.

This isn't enough Poland, and now you're going to be genocided by those same parasites that incited you to go to war with the last white nation that could stand up to the kikes.

Enjoy your new kike rulers Pole-scum.

ice007 ago

This isn't enough Poland, and now you're going to be genocided by those same parasites that incited you to go to war with the last white nation that could stand up to the kikes.

They are standing up to the Jewish supremacists now. Which is more than America ever did.

Poland may have been ruled by Jewish supremacists into starting WW2.

But America was lead by Jewish supremacists back then and is still now today.

And we let them get away with 9/11: