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369693936 ago

What does the DS have on them? Or are they directly profiting from human and drug trafficking themselves? (not that I want to believe that about Rand Paul, did he put out a statement as to why he voted the way he did?)

ice007 ago

Rand Paul wants whats best for our people.

But Rand Paul is also one of those people who would rather see our nation and our people destroyed than to compromise on his libertarian "principles".

He thinks the office of the president has too much power. And so he's against using emergency declarations in order to get things done.

He will only do the right thing, if doing the right thing can be done by working within his libertarian dreams of what are acceptable methods of achieving political goals.

parrygrin ago

Dude, he's got a point. Eventually, you get a fucking Caligula. Separation of powers is vital. Keep the long game in mind.

ice007 ago

How do you think the Jewish supremacists took over our society and have set us on a path to being replaced in our own counties?

You think they played by the rules?

If they can win by playing by the rules, they do.

But when playing by the rules doesn't work, they lie, cheat, steal, murder their way to the top.

I'm not suggesting we should commit any violence. But fuck this idea that we need to worship the same "free market, libertarian" principles that have brought our people so close to destruction.