DeseretIndustries ago

Sorry about Utah, guys. We used to be a proud race until the federal government crushed our spirits in the Utah War in 1858.

Many of us still have a backbone and a sense of pride in our heritage, but we’re pragmatic and know that Washington has the bigger army.

Thornamajig ago

Someone somewhere has control of Epstine's files and recordings, and is using them

FoundingUncle ago

Hon. Sen. Rand Paul would vote no on any emergency that does not involve a massive military invasio of the USA.

Doon ago

I think you mean they voted against his deceleration to continue building it

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Omg, its as though the government is a sham meant to keep boomers from rising up in bloody revolt. Guess we'll just have to see how a multi-cultural society pans out

Purged ago

Trump shrugs shoulders: "I tried my best"


Welp, I might be in trouble! I got so mad when I saw this post that I sent that low life no good stinking snake in the grass Lamar Alexander an email! Idk about the others but that pos went all over this state promising what he would and wouldn't do. He has done the complete opposite of what he promised on every single damn thing! I hope he and his entire family get gang raped to goodness by a huge hord of feral nogs!

Roughpatch ago

Knock, knock!

numscul54 ago

ice007 ago

The Republican party is completely controlled by traitor in the form of "Christian Zionists"

Polling shows that 79% of Republican voters support Israel more in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict (and support is holding steady at that number).

Only around 27% of Democrat voters support Israel more in that conflict. And that number is declining.

Around 42% of independents support Israel more, and that number is also dropping.


Why the split?

Around 80 million Americans are "Christian Zionists" (most of whom are Republicans).

In 1909 Zionists funded the creation of a new version of the Bible called the Scofield Bible.

This new bible basically replaces worship of Jesus with worship of the state of Israel.

This new Scofield bible, plus a whole lot of Zionist money was used to create this new faction of Christianity.

This totally new version of Christianity teaches believers that God commands them to serve a foreign power over their own country.

On the Scofield Bible:

"If Martians landed and earth and visited evangelical churches in America, they would think that Americans worshiped a god named Israel".

The Truth About "Dr" Cyrus Scofield

How Christians were duped by the Scofield Bible.

WHTT Podcast about Christian Zionism:

krosen333 ago

it would be better to support fucking pedophile muslims?

ice007 ago

That's the classic argument from Jewish supremacists - you have to either support fucking pedophile/terrorists Muslims, or you have to support us pedophile/terrorists Jewish supremacists.

The whole reason Israel did the 9/11 attack is to trick Americans into fighting and dieing for their war of conquests to take over the middle east.

And in the meantime, the Jewish supremacists are doing everything they can to destroy white majority countries through pushing mass immigration of non-whites into white countries.


Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society again Demands US Take in “Refugees”— But not in Israel

US Jews Demand Israel to Stick to Plan to Deport Africans to White Countries

Jewish Lobby Opposes Child Detentions on US Border, But Support it in Israel

Jews Unite Behind Push for Immigration Reform

Israel Pays Jews to Run All “Refugee Aid Centers” in Greece says Israeli Media

Israel Rejects UN “Migration Compact”—but Israel-Supporting Jews in America Slam Trump for Doing the Same

Israel Locks up 1-Year Old African Invaders—But US Jews Condemn Trump for ‘Unjust’ Immigration Policy

Tommy Robinson Exposed

Would you like to see an American Rabbi preaching to his congregation that God commands Jews to commit genocide of America, and most of Europe?

Fuck Israel. Let them fight their own fucking wars and give us white Americans our country back.

krosen333 ago

Okay, so I'm not there with you on all that. What I need to know, is why.

My own personal experience with jews was mostly a chick in high school and her family freaking out because i was collecting catholic saint medals (im not catholic or jewish) since it was against the original ten commandments. Why do jews want to destroy the west when it seems to me that they thrive in the west?

I wont deny what those links say, I just need to understand the motive behind the people doing and saying those things.

ice007 ago

Why do jews want to destroy the west when it seems to me that they thrive in the west?

Great question.

Check out this video that examines the evidence supporting the idea that some Jews believe it is in their ethnic interests to subvert and ultimately destroy white majority societies:

Culture of Critique an overview

krosen333 ago

I'll be honest, I kind of wanted your opinion in your own words, and not just some link to a video. I fucking hate it when I'm asking someone I don't agree with for some additional insight into what they are trying to say and they link me to some shitty video. Also that video is over an hour long. This was a passing fancy that I figured I'd ask for some insight on, and instead you cop out and post a shitty link to a shitty video. I wanted YOUR perspective, not whoever that guy is.

ice007 ago

I figured you might be a Jewish supremacist shill simply trying to waste my time. Suspicion confirmed.

krosen333 ago

"somebody wants me to explain my position? Well it's a good thing I noticed you post on The Donald I'll just say you're a jewish nazi"

what the fuck ever you retarded faggot.

Plant_Boy ago

Here's the thing. Jews are right about Muslims and Muslims are right about Jews. And there are far too many Europeans who are retarded for not listening or only listening to what they want to hear.

ice007 ago

there are far too many Europeans who are retarded for not listening or only listening to what they want to hear.

Don't be too hard on white Europeans. Remember that Jewish supremacists control the corporate media.

And they are fighting very hard to take control of the internet:

How Israel Censors the Internet


Plant_Boy ago

I guess you're right. I guess I'm just annoyed that people are reluctant to listen to a different opinion in order to keep social cohesion.

The problem may be in part my own as well, I have trouble articulating the argument. I can type out things well enough and philosophize an alternate view but actually speaking it I find trouble grasping the words to express what I want to say.

ice007 ago

Don't be too hard on yourself.

The Jewish supremacist are masters of propaganda and framing the language we use in order to control our thinking.

Here's a few tips that work very well for me:

Landrictree ago

Alexander is always on these fucking lists.

Taxation without representation.

TemetNosce ago

And he is retiring. 2020 I believe. He has NEVER represented TN. Lived in DC his whole life. He is scum of the earth.

369693936 ago

What does the DS have on them? Or are they directly profiting from human and drug trafficking themselves? (not that I want to believe that about Rand Paul, did he put out a statement as to why he voted the way he did?)

sneakythrowawaysnek ago

Romney and Lee are just self-righteous Mormon assholes. How do I know? Because I, too, am Mormon. There's a lot of doctrine in our church that makes them feel like they are staving off the apocalypse by road-blocking Trump. They are wrong and don't understand the doctrine, but that's a different issue.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Mormon. Arguably the most shabbos goy of christian religions. Just after 7th Day Adventists. Ironically they are lots of white pathologically altruistic christcucks, led by multi-culti freemasons.

ice007 ago

Rand Paul wants whats best for our people.

But Rand Paul is also one of those people who would rather see our nation and our people destroyed than to compromise on his libertarian "principles".

He thinks the office of the president has too much power. And so he's against using emergency declarations in order to get things done.

He will only do the right thing, if doing the right thing can be done by working within his libertarian dreams of what are acceptable methods of achieving political goals.

CameraCode0 ago

Him being an endlessly optimistic idealist, that sort of thing comes with the territory, I suppose. Sometimes you get things like him rejecting aid for Israel, and sometimes you get things like this. I don't think it was the right decision to make, but I respect it.

parrygrin ago

Dude, he's got a point. Eventually, you get a fucking Caligula. Separation of powers is vital. Keep the long game in mind.

TheKalergiFan ago

we've already had worse than caligula many times over. Tally up all the dead in the US from pharma, glyphosate cancers, and all the other shit, and caligula is a faggot.

ice007 ago

How do you think the Jewish supremacists took over our society and have set us on a path to being replaced in our own counties?

You think they played by the rules?

If they can win by playing by the rules, they do.

But when playing by the rules doesn't work, they lie, cheat, steal, murder their way to the top.

I'm not suggesting we should commit any violence. But fuck this idea that we need to worship the same "free market, libertarian" principles that have brought our people so close to destruction.

derram ago :

Red Nation Rising on Twitter: "These Republican traitors voted against President Trump’s emergency declaration to stop building the wall today












Raise your hand if you’re voting them out!"

This has been an automated message.

sneakythrowawaysnek ago

I'm going to run against Lee in 2022.

LiamOdinThomas ago