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fightknightHERO ago

Bitchute it, anything controversial sooner or later gets silently deleted from Jootube

green_man ago

FYI Bitchute has even started censoring stuff.

fightknightHERO ago

For real?

damn, nothing is safe

first Gab, then Bitchute

what then? Voat?

green_man ago

Yep, for real.

A default sub on Voat is actually considering censorship. A group of cunts is brigading /v/aww with gore pics and they're considering censorship and the response to the proposed censorship has been positive which is unfortunate.

incellivision ago

I found your comment from the post you linked to. Why does your comment have 5 times as many upvotes as the comment before and after? Is that not evidence of brigadin?

Karbuster ago

Just ban the fucksticks who are posting gore to the wrong sub from posting in the sub, done, they can find a place where it belongs and post it there.

Its not censorship, its their inability to follow the rules, just because we are a site of free speach doesnt mean we want anarchy

green_man ago

Its not censorship, its their inability to follow the rules

Fuck off with that stupidity. That's like saying the laws in Europe about holohoax denial are justified because they're laws.

Karbuster ago

Do you want the bronies to come to your porn/gore threads and post up their shit? Or the qtards to fill other subs with their worship of an anonymous individual

Im not against them having the right to post, i dont even browse the subs in question. I do however want to respect the wishes of others and only post things related to the sub im in

Stop being a useless dumbfuck and open your eyes

green_man ago

Stop being a useless dumbfuck and open your eyes

Read your own words and apply them to yourself. I'm for freedom of speech and not caving to some shithead that posts faggoty content to manipulate a sub. If you don't understand that go back to the top of my comment and repeat until you get it.

canuhunter ago

Are you stupid?

It's literally a rule of a subverse. If you can't follow the rules there, make your own or you lose posting privileges in that sub only.

Not everything is black and white you knob

green_man ago

It's a default, they should hold their ground on principle and not remove anything. I don't care about your grey areas, freedom of speech is pretty black and white, you allow it or you don't.

canuhunter ago

It's not a grey area - it's called user experience when referring to a service that you interact with. If the entirety of voat was filled with garbage spam like your shitbox email that you use for throwaway signups, nobody would want to use it.

Use your fucking brain, you don't need to virtue signal about freedom of speech instead of analyzing something critically - you're on the LAST website that allows anything that isn't straight up illegal / cp