BitChute ago

The reason this video was removed is because it is a prescribed terrorist organisation in the UK and we are incorporated in the UK. We are right now and have been for a while looking at moving the legal structure to the US. Wherever we are we do intend to remain inside the bounds of the law. Thanks guys for your continued support.

SigniferLux ago

No sane and aware person from this website supports you. We are fed up with all the "Gab" tactics you and others are pulling on us. Now go cater to kikes like you really wish to do.

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speedisavirus ago

Uh, because being in a neo Nazi group that murdered an MP in the UK is illegal and is illegal in the UK to publish their content...

7e62ce85 ago

Source for them killing someone?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Simonsaysgoat ago

We need to fucking do something as citizens of these countries. They are passing law after law that is clearly,meant to stifle unwanted resistance. They are the system and we need a reset. How can we accomplish this?

SearchVoatBot ago

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AdamLanza ago

Bitchute on the way down the poopchute.

VicariousJambi ago

Look like I'll never upload more than one video.

What fucking retarda

gazillions ago

If NP can see what smart political ideology Hitler espoused in Mein Kampf, why aren't they smart enough to simply reword it?

Quoting Hitler freaks people out. They know that. If quoting Hitler didn't freak people out, they wouldn't be quoting him.

In wikiweasel: "In November 2017, six people – 31-year-old Christopher Lythgoe, from Warrington, Garron Helm, 24, of Seaforth, Merseyside; Matthew Hankinson, 23, of Newton-le-Willows, Merseyside; and Andrew Clarke, 33, and Michael Trubini, 35, both of Warrington, and Jack Renshaw, were charged with being members of National Action, which is banned in the UK. Two of the men, Lythgoe and Renshaw, were also charged with being involved in a plot to murder the West Lancashire MP Rosie Cooper with a machete, and of threatening to kill a police officer. In July 2017, a former National Action member, Robbie Mullen, reported the plot to the anti-racism organisation Hope Not Hate, who reported the matter to the police.[17]

Bithute would befucked up the ass for having them. Calling for violence is a crime. Incitement to violence is a crime. Yes Mozilla Firefox shold be in jail for funding BLM. Yes the truly violent ones are in positions of power, and that's why people like the NP are hurting us by not playing it smart.

"Jewish people have too much power" is not a violent comment. "Jews have disproportionately much more power, money and influence than white men." Say that, get banned and you're waking people up, not scaring them and not making them them vote left.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Bithute would befucked up the ass for having them. Calling for violence is a crime. Incitement to violence is a crime. Yes Mozilla Firefox shold be in jail for funding BLM. Yes the truly violent ones are in positions of power, and that's why people like the NP are hurting us by not playing it smart.

This is nothing but cuck talk, NP did nothing wrong and says nothing but common sense, if they weren't speaking truths they wouldn't have been banned.

"Jewish people have too much power" is not a violent comment. "Jews have disproportionately much more power, money and influence than white men." Say that, get banned and you're waking people up, not scaring them and not making them them vote left.

What you don't understand is that it literally does no matter what you say, they will lie and weasel to charge you on made up bullshit, just look at RAM. It's a self-help movement for helping young men get their lives in order, getting off drugs, and getting into physical fitness and working out, they went to Unite the Right and were violently mobbed by armed Antifa Terrorists, then the Feds decided to charge RAM based on testimony from fucking Antifa the armed fucking terrorists that started the whole thing, now RAM is getting dragged through the courts on trumped up charges of "hate crimes" and "rioting" while actual fucking terrorists who beat up random citizens on the street are being applauded. The same thing is happening to Maga hat wearing /r/the_donald types across the country.

There is no level of optics that will save you from (((them))), unless you are full on board with white genocide you will be targeted eventually. If you play within the rules set by a enemy that wants to genocide you then you're no better than Paul Ryan or any other RINO.

gazillions ago

Yeah that's right. You want to go tell Brits to kill. That will really get people on your side jew boy, not our side though.


NA has not called for the killing of anyone, unless you put 'vanquish' in a specific context', either way all kikes should be slaughtered for the good of this world.

speedisavirus ago

They literally have killed someone

gazillions ago

NA's members HAVE repeatedly called for murders. I believe communism should carry a death penalty, however I have zero respect for people stupid enough to suggest a failed revolution be started on the backs of random killing. Nobody is going to put up with that. We're already dealing with state created zombies that feel safer being murdered by migrants than being without the state to order them around. NA and people like that make it worse.

If you want to to spout kill the jews on the internet, fine for you, just don't expect the public to support you if you decide to legitimize yourself and seek organizational power.

Your end goal of genociding the jews isn't realistic, and genocide attempts always backfire. Get them into Israel. Get them out of power in the west and make them unwelcome.Get the muslims out too. All those people have a country and we have to start protecting ours as much as they protect their's. That means driving them out. Being racist but not calling for genocide because you're feeding the left and creating more communist assholes doing that.


"If someone is attacked by the jews, that is a sure sign of his virtue. He who is not persecuted by the jews, or who is praised by them, is useless and dangerous..." Dr. Joseph Goebbels - written in the article Der Jude, Der Angriff, aus der Kampfzeit in the Munich Zentralverlag der NSDAP 1935.

Any Englishmen who actually wants nationalism, should promote the BNP, because they declined to work with US kike conservatives to promote israel and not scrutinize it and only focus on muzzie migration and problems, which is exactly what the the (((EDL))) does which is praised and financially backed by these kikes.

NA are not politicians and are not running for office, you claim they've called for killings but i personally have never seen proof of that, so if you have any i'd like to see it. I see NA as a precursor to the militias much like in Italy when Mossulini ultimately marched on to the capital and demanded power of the State be given to him and which happened.

Muh israel, just deport them goy, they'll leave you alone, pinky promise.

Now i know you're intentionally misleading about jews or you're clueless and you've never read Mein Kampf.

“While the Zionists try to make the rest of the World believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn't even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindler, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks. It is a sign of their rising confidence and sense of security that at a time when one section is still playing the German, French-man, or Englishman, the other with open effrontery comes out as the Jewish race.” - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

The Yinon (greater israel) and it's subsequent variations and hypothesis by jewish professors literally calls for mass migration of africans and or arabs to the West to invoke fear in none zionist jews to get them to self deport to israel, it calls for support of moderate right wingers to invoke fear in none zionist to self-deport to israel even goes as far as if left with no alternative to support none controlled "far"right wingers to adopt much like what Pinochet was whom became best friends with jews and because of that was able to escape (((human rights))) trials.

What you are suggesting is exactly what the zionists want and that's what the NatSoc Germans did and it backfired tremendously, the Germans worked hand in hand with the German Zionist Federation, instead they should have actually genocided them, as they were still accused of having supposedly done so after the fact, instead of allowing all those marxist filth that fled Russia for safe harbor in Germany who opened their arms to the jewish parasites to then leave Germany from 1932 to 1939, the majority of this Marxist scum went to England and America to re-start their little internationalism project set forth by (((israel zangwill))).

The war was not about communism, Hitler, or National Socialism, supposed killings or what have you, it was the economic system the National Socialists choose to adopt, which completely destroyed and prevented way for intermediary predatory predominantly kikes from attaining massive wealth. Hjalmar Schacht central banker from the weimar on to late 1930s of the German NSDAP eventually conceded that what the Germans had created was how banking should be done.

gazillions ago

I don;t give a shit about the National Socialists. I give a shit about MY COUNTRY returning to a place where people are free to express their own opinion and don't have a bunch of cult sucking crazy politicians and bureaucrats trying to genocide and ethnically cleanse my people.

Hitler is dead. Take what you like of his, but for fuck's sake, reword it and at least try to sound original and stop trying to shove 2018 into 1939. Move on. People want to back a winner and evoking Hitler to normies marginalizes you.

And I'm certainly not going to abandon a site like bitchute because they aren't far enough for a few.


History has allot of lessons, the NatSoc era most important lesson is that jews are two faced rat that will stoop to any level to get their way. The jew and their deportation to israel is just a trick, they are all vast dual passport holders for various reasons, most of it to undermine those host nations, and use israel as their safe haven that does not deport it's jews to face justice elsewhere. If one nation deports them or becomes anti-judiac, they will move their other infested nations to go to war.

Yes it's the jews. Are you happy? Does that ring your bell? We all know it's the fucking jews. That doesn't make invoking Hitler a winning strategy.

Yes, Good. I never said stating Hitler was right was good optics if you want to convince people, especially none-critically thinking brain dead NPC's, though for some the seed of doubt is planted where they go on their own history digging tour to be redpilled. If you're running a political campaign stating what a large percent of average serfs think to be 'literally satan was right' isn't going to make you popular, including the (((MSM))) who will attack you. Then again, Patrick Little has been doing it in the US and is quite successful.

And I'm certainly not going to abandon a site like bitchute because they aren't far enough for a few.

I never said you should, i stated you shouldn't trust leftists to protect your free speech, because they won't. I still use various leftist platforms where i adopt a moderate stance to argument a point or simply browse, simply because of the lack of ultimate free speech and a better platform not being there.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

either way all kikes should be slaughtered for the good of this world.

Legally and with due process, in Minecraft.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

"Yes stupid Goyim, attack and disavow anyone to the right of you, if you play nice with the Jews then we totally won't take you out next".

Fuck off D&C, you've been proven wrong by reality, cucking does nothing to protect you.

First they only came for " violent neo nazis" then they went after Andrew Anglin, then they went after TRS, then Unite the Right, then Alex Jones, then RAM, now they're going after even cucky civnats like Gavin Mcinnes and Lauren Southern for not cucking hard enough, hell they're going after High school kids now for making joke! They don't even just go after them legally, but through financial means, deplatforming, violence (State endorsed terrorist group Antifa) and intimidation.

They didn't stop at "violent" people, they didn't stop at Jew namers, they kept pushing.

You're posting on Voat so that puts you on the top of the "Bad Goy" list assuming you're just a cuck and not on the kike payroll, nothing you can say will protect you from them you're already guilty of being a "violent white supremacist" by association, no disavow is strong enough to protect you.

You're either on the side of white genocide or you're against it, the Jews made it this way.

Card0 ago

So much for a free speech video upload site. Looks like we need yet another alternative.

speedisavirus ago

It's almost like it's banned in the UK because it's illegal in the UK

Card0 ago

But the bitchute video appears to be banned globally, not just for users in the UK.

Dark_Shroud ago

Dailymotion does censor stuff as well. I'm not sure what their standards are. :/

We should continue to upload to BitChute &, if there's a problem they can deal with de-listing or removing shit.

That leaves D.Tube and UGETube , I'm not sure if they censor content.

SigniferLux ago

Dailymotion has deleted ourgoys videos in the past. They are basically not-so-well-known youtube, it just doesn't get enough traction to get pressure.

nullifyNWO ago

Bad move by bitchute. - Are they threatened by the UK gov?

subtext ago

Can we get a breakdown of speech?

chrimony ago

Can we get a breakdown of speech?

Calls out the Jew as the disease versus the symptoms. Hitler did nothing wrong. We are proudly national socialists and fascists.

speedisavirus ago

Wouldn't matter on the content. That group is banned in the UK for being violent neo Nazis that actually murdered an MP. The content is probably available outside the UK.

RaulChamgerlain ago

Iirc its 100% sensible stuff. "We have been here for thousands if years, now traitors are replacing us. We are strong and will vanquish invaders. Hitler was great"

New_goat ago

We all should learn to use ipfs

Dark_Shroud ago

There is also D.Tube.


ipfs developers maintain a blacklist where any specific piece of content or entire sites can be blocked. Do not assume leftist will protect our speech.

SigniferLux ago

Please explain.


The devs have created a FORCED blocklists so that people on the network can not download certain hashes (a video or a website, etc), they use the usual excuses. Thus they made it possible to censor IPFS. Because of pressure from State level adversaries and copyright rights groups, they unfortunately made the choice was to become a shittier version of Akamai and to abandon the censorship resistance of the system that is now falsely sold as censorship-resistant.

In IPFS it is easy to connect your IP address to a specific piece of content (kiddy pron) Ergo, people who do not use the blocklists could be made liable irrespective of whether they have willfully accessed that content or not. Hidding content on a website not visible to the user but still downloading to their cash could be a dirty trick. If your intent is to circumvent power structures like the State or specific platforms then TOR is the only highly safe solution, the States and specific industries will enforce their will upon IPFS which is in essence just a content data system and has ZERO anonymity.

So who will review the content claims and reports? Who will be authorized to add content hashes to the blocklist? How will counter notices be handled? How will different jurisdictions and conflicting laws be handled? Who will be liable for content that makes it past the filters? Who will pay for all this?

It also has blacklists you can voluntarily subscribe to, to block harmful or dangerous content like malware, rootkits and so forth, this is not that.

SigniferLux ago

Thanks a lot for the great info bruder, i'll look into it more myself and warn our guys pushing it.

Broc_Lia ago

Interesting, and depressing, thanks.

Unfortunately TOR are also SJWs and ultimately are a deep state project, so it's hard to know how far to trust them.


This is where you should be placing your basket of hopeful eggs in my opinion:

Broc_Lia ago

This is a truly decentralized, fairly distributed and more resilient internet protocol.

I'd be concerned about that part. A lot of pie in the sky networking projects are hung up on net neutrality and the idea that all network users should be treated equally. I'm a bit more enthusiastic about altheanet which allows users to bid for bandwidth, paying highly congested routes more during peak times (so encouraging them to expand) and encouraging users of those routes to save traffic for off peak times.


With Net Neutrality laws being overruled in the United States, the wins keep racking up for big-name providers via their large lobbying budgets. Without change, ISPs will continually be able to milk you for every last nickel and dime for the simple service required these days for everyday life and the needs of the evolving world.

Yeah, they're trying to cash in on the net neutrality buzz, which either means that they're cynically just trying to grab uneducated people's attention or they don't know what they're talking about. Either way it doesn't inspire confidence in the project.

I'll keep an eye on it though.

fhaqyu ago
