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notenoughstuff ago

I do not know where Trump stands when it comes to it, but I know that his actions against intervention in Syria despite the (((false flag))) chemical attacks, White Helmets, etc. by Israel, as well as his actions against (((ISIS))) (see for instance ), ruined many plans, especially reg. Greater Israel. And his in practice effective actions with ICE, deportations, the wall, etc. (in direct contrast to the presidents before him), goes directly counter to what the kikes want to happen with the USA. But at least some of the arguments presented in this thread against him are decent. That said, he still seems by far much more hostile and opposed to Israel's and the Jews' actions and plans overall than the last 3 decades of presidents before him, maybe more, at least when it comes to decisions and actions and not words (for instance, some here say that Obama was more hostile towards Israel, but Obama indirectly (as well as directly but covertly?) supported ISIS, he supported intervention in many places, and a "defense aid package" of many billions dollars was drafted to be sent to Israel in the last days of the Obama administration, among many other things: ).

Maybe Trump just wants Israel to stop sacrificing the world while still letting Israel mind its own business. But the problem with that is that the kikes are not trustworthy in any way whatsoever and that they are evil and wretched to an insane degree, and Israel, while also giving the kikes some drawbacks, gives them many benefits, including reg. their wretched plans and actions.