kalchaya ago

Damn, you're right! https://observer.com/2016/11/jimmy-carters-animus-for-israel/ Considering Carter and Trump are the only times I voted, I should of known that. So much for the assholes always saying that Carter was a waste of space, and never did anything good....he got one thing right.

Normenkunde ago

As a German I had hope that D. Trump would really fight the deep state at its roots. But after seeing Q in the news about A. Hitler, where he was demonized, I don't believe him anymore. More than 75 years ago Hitler had been the first to try to fight the Illuminati, Freemasons and Jews. The Holocaust is the biggest lie in history. There are enough books to prove it. If D. Trump does not want to bring the truth to light, then he is only a puppet of the Jews and Israel.

Anzu ago

I am equal opportunity hater of EVERY president. Every single one is a Joo proxy puppet.

boekanier ago

Jews have the world in their pocket. I can't think of another conclusion.

vladtep ago

If Trump didn't do this, he'd be destroyed immediately.

If I was in his shoes, knowing what he knows, I'd have to pursue the same strategy.

Or he could be a jew who's playing a long con on us, there's no way to know at this point.

The biggest tell is if he deliberately censors/suppresses us at some point. Devoid of censorship or corruption, we should succeed regardless.

ardvarcus ago

Trump is completely loyal to the Jews. You'd think the Jews would be happy about this. The problem is that the Big Jews, the ones with the money and power, are mostly globalists, atheists, and leftists, so they are conflicted. On the one hand they like Trump because he supports Israel, but on the other hand they hate Trump because he's a nationalist and a capitalist. Boo-hoo-hoo, it's tough to be a Jew.

Crusty_sp0nge_Ni6gas ago

He's the 'leader of the free world', pushes his weight around North Korea like a tough guy, yet he cowers to Israel and Russia like a pussy. I'll tell you what, I may not have the answers, but anyone who seriously thought this guy would do anything good for thus world by becoming president of the US, has got their head up their ass. A cowardly bully like him would never make the world a better place.

bubblin ago

most of the posters here won't be happy until Trump nukes Israel. I don't think nuking will happen, but 'we support you 100%' is exactly what Emperor Trump would say if he didn't support them 100%. member 4d?

Israel needs USA to take care of Iran. I don't think Trump wants to support Israel with conventional warfare. What will Trump do and what will he get in return from Israel?

geovoat ago

Either Trump is actually an israeli operative and the Trump movement has all been mostly for nothing or Trump is America first and is playing up his support of israel to divide american jews that control the political system so he can continue his America First policy and stop the jewish plan to destroy america by immigration and depopulation.

His actions support the latter.

If he is America First then the latter is the only way he could get away with his plan.

He would have had to fake over 50 years of videos and articles including some very impromptu responses if he was all a fake because his statements are consistent.

And we might as well support him becuase if he is a fake there is no one else and if he isnt it would have been terrible not to support him when he needed it.

No one else will ever have a chance to put america first.

So if he needs to let israel do whatever over in israel and give them jersulem in order to be able to do what he needs to do for america then its fine with me.

His pre election speech to the republican jewish congress (i think that was it) was pretty clesr paraphrasing "you dont like me becuase i dont eant your money so you wont control me, but i will be israels greatest supporter".

Surprise surprise youtube has removed the speech but this webpage describes it well https://archive.fo/uajtE

keksupreme ago

hillary ran on starting ww3 with russia...and muh russia.

so she was even worse.

but it's true america is a jew hellhole.

at least trump opposes jew trade policies and war with russia though. he's basically better than obama in that regard

GhostSkin ago

As a trump supporter this makes me absolutely disgusted, I'm very disappointed in Trump right now. Our choices were Trump or Clinton, given that fact I'm pretty happy with the direction things are going.

XSS1337 ago

You know how you stop being Jewish ? You choose when the time is right .

IrbyTremors ago

How many degrees of chess is this Trump cucks?

curiouserdude ago

Q said they are saving Israel for last.

RemoteViewer1 ago

Trump ,. I love you buddy ,. BUT Knock that fucking shit off . I thought you were a "New Yorker' ??????? The fucking Mossad did 9/11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont give those kid fucking faggots our tax money ! They killed Jesus for fucks sakes

EndTheFed4 ago

I kept telling Voat Trump's downsides were being indebted to Israel : / (not to mention military industrial complex

He has been 1000x better than Hillary though

Niggertown ago

Keep playing their game, goyim.

EndTheFed4 ago


EndTheFed4 ago


notenoughstuff ago

I do not know where Trump stands when it comes to it, but I know that his actions against intervention in Syria despite the (((false flag))) chemical attacks, White Helmets, etc. by Israel, as well as his actions against (((ISIS))) (see for instance https://files.catbox.moe/g204oj.png ), ruined many plans, especially reg. Greater Israel. And his in practice effective actions with ICE, deportations, the wall, etc. (in direct contrast to the presidents before him), goes directly counter to what the kikes want to happen with the USA. But at least some of the arguments presented in this thread against him are decent. That said, he still seems by far much more hostile and opposed to Israel's and the Jews' actions and plans overall than the last 3 decades of presidents before him, maybe more, at least when it comes to decisions and actions and not words (for instance, some here say that Obama was more hostile towards Israel, but Obama indirectly (as well as directly but covertly?) supported ISIS, he supported intervention in many places, and a "defense aid package" of many billions dollars was drafted to be sent to Israel in the last days of the Obama administration, among many other things: https://voat.co/v/politics/2745137/14087991 ).

Maybe Trump just wants Israel to stop sacrificing the world while still letting Israel mind its own business. But the problem with that is that the kikes are not trustworthy in any way whatsoever and that they are evil and wretched to an insane degree, and Israel, while also giving the kikes some drawbacks, gives them many benefits, including reg. their wretched plans and actions.

jthun2 ago

Yep, he's far far too close to Jewish power. He let his daughter marry a Jew, to take but one glaring instance.

Anyone who wants to be rich in the USA has to kowtow to Jewish interests, sadly. They are far far too powerful.

Niggertown ago

Traitor in Chief. Pledging fealty to a foreign nation.

Shitapple_samsquamsh ago

Haha, of course he does. House nigger has to support his masser.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

I hate how he continuously sucks Israeli cock but I love how it continuously red pills more Americans as to the Jewish control over our country

drugs_make_me_happy ago

Simple strategery.

KosherHiveKicker ago

"American First"

IndigoEyes ago

Israel is like a fucking hornets nest!!

SerialLarper ago

You've got to understand the Abrahamic religions to make sense of it.

Gameoverdem ago

We the people stand behind qou sir. 100%

SerialLarper ago

You don't speak for the people.

MeltingRussian ago

The Kike will bail You out. But Your Russian Friend will be with You in that Jail Cell.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

WE do not. (((You))) do mister trump you wussy handed rich boy piece of shit!

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

I'm sure I'll get downvoted a lot for this, but the reality of the situation is that this is a "game of thrones": Trump knows that most of the houses are against him, and that Israel is the most powerful house. If he can't at least count this ultra powerful house among his allies, he will surely be destroyed and quickly. I don't believe he loves Israel, or that he serves them, but he knows full well that he had better keep this one house happy while all the others are trying to destroy him, or he'll be destroyed himself

Keefin ago

Yup. Fuck Israel but Trump already has the International Marxist Jews against him 100%. It would be suicide to also come out against the Zionist Israeli Jews as well. I'm hopeful anyway that he is playing the factions against each other, but the jaded part of me wouldn't be surprised if I'm wrong.


If he can't at least count this ultra powerful house among his allies, he will surely be destroyed and quickly.

Removing the parasite from the host kills the host. This is how you know they're really our parasitic enemies, they literally will not tolerate us just being our own country. Fuck them to Hell, where they belong. Babyfucking cannibal Satanists.

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

OK, but so pretend you're trump, and you have to gather enough allies (and these have to be allies with actual power, not just JoeThePlumber) to keep your seat. Who you gonna choose? All of the power holders are shitbags, so which ones do you choose? One uberpowerful shitbag? or all the other shitbags? It's not easy...

I don't disagree that the jews are a massive, massive problem, but this man is trying to navigate a sea of mines


It's not worth him keeping a seat if it's just to keep it warm for the next Jew. Why is not choosing Satanist Jews as allies akin to an act of aggression? The world would probably cheer if they heard America stand up to Is-Ra-El for once.

collegetoker ago

I'm not voting for Trump again then.

dias17se ago

We need a new Pax Romana

Merlynn ago

Why do we need peace in Rome?

dias17se ago

... we can call it Pax Washington, and we get another rubicon parabole too.

Merlynn ago

I prefer to keep it simple. Kill the jews. Then they can't corrupt people.

irelandLost ago

Find the US Israel relationship bizarre. Like I get European nations feeling some responsibility to them (not mine though thankfully, being vocally anti-Israel is perfectly acceptable in Ireland), but what do the US owe them? I get the idea of insidious US Jews forcing the hand, but I can't see how any North American could accept Israel as being their moral responsibility to protect. It's just not a North American problem not matter how you dress it up.

EndTheFed4 ago

Because Dual-Citizen, aka kike, politicians

midnightblue1335 ago

If you want to see just how bizarre the US-Israeli relationship is, look into the USS Liberty incident.

Quick rundown: during Israel's 6 Days War (where a coalition of Muslim nations led by Egypt tried to destroy the jew), Israeli planes bombed the fuck out of the USS Liberty, an American intelligence gathering ship. It was a clearly marked ship- painted like a US ship, flying the US flag, and so on.

The Israelis intentionally attacked the USS Liberty. They begun by firing heat seeking missiles which targeted the communications system, disabling it immediately. This was followed by TWO HOURS of strafing using missiles and torpedoes. 34 American Marines and Sailors were killed, and over 100 wounded. The Israelis claimed they had mistaken the Liberty for a fucking Egyptian ship. Egyptian ships are painted an entirely different color, and their flag looks absolutely NOTHING like ours.

After a while, the truth came out. There's one particular fact that should put this all in plain black and white- during the briefing for the Israeli pilots, one of the pilots (perhaps one of the very few jews I hold a degree of respect, even admiration for) outright refused to go on the mission because he didn't want to kill Americans. Here's a transcript of a radio conversation, recorded by the NSA, between an Israeli pilot and the IDF war room:

Israeli pilot to IDF war room: This is an American ship. Do you still want us to attack?

IDF war room to Israeli pilot: Yes, follow orders.

Israeli pilot to IDF war room: But sir, it’s an American ship - I can see the flag!

IDF war room to Israeli pilot: Never mind; hit it.

Here's a great link for more info which includes copies of the CIA/NSA documents: https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/but-sir-its-an-american-ship-never-mind-hit-her-1.5492908

TheSeer ago

First country to recognize Israel. The USSR. Then the USSR had an internal change of power, after the rise of Brezhnev. Soon you had an aliyah and a lot of people fled the USSR, to America, many times via Israel. Then all of a sudden Israel and America are best of friends!

Calgacus ago

Did Brezhnev end Jewish control over the USSR? I'm not familiar with the topic.

TheSeer ago

I think Stalin at the end was going off the reservation, which is why he was killed by his doctors.

"The Doctors' plot (Russian: дело врачей, "doctors' case", also known as the case of doctors-saboteurs or doctors-killers) was an antisemitic campaign organized by Joseph Stalin. In 1952–1953, a group of predominantly Jewish doctors from Moscow were accused of conspiring to assassinate Soviet leaders.[1] This was later accompanied by publications of anti-Semitic character in the media, which talked about the threats of Zionism and condemned people with Jewish names. Many doctors, officials and others, both Jews and non-Jews, were promptly dismissed from their jobs and arrested. A few weeks after the death of Stalin, the new Soviet leadership stated a lack of evidence and the case was dropped. Soon after, the case was declared to have been fabricated."

"In his Secret Speech at the Communist Party's Twentieth Congress, Nikita Khrushchev asserted that Stalin intended to use the Doctors' trial to launch a massive purge of the Communist Party."

Probably the plan for conservatives even now: "Stalin allegedly had planned the execution of Doctors' plot defendants already on trial in Red Square in March 1953, and then he would cast himself as the savior of Soviet Jews by sending them to camps away from the purportedly enraged Russian populace"

"On February 23, 1979, a six-page article was distributed throughout the cities of Moscow and Leningrad, which criticized Brezhnev and seven other individuals for being "Zionist"

"On February 22, 1981, in a speech, which lasted over 5 hours, Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev denounced anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union"

So from a first glance it seems by the end they had turned Brezhnev back. He was dead 18 months later, regardless.

SerialLarper ago

It goes back to the Dulles brothers and the inception of the Deep State. European nations define their identity from their land, while the United States of America and the Zionist state of Israel define their identity in terms of their politics.

pickled ago

Well it's simple really. Boils down to positions of power. Dual citizenship at every level in our government is allowing policies to be made that favor foreign entities. Trump is a doozy though. I swear it feels like he knows Israel is the baby that can't be put in the corner just yet. All we can to is watch in disgust for now.

dias17se ago

The far left in Europe hates Israel and always takes palestinian side.

weezkitty ago

I find it hard to take sides between kikes and sand niggers


Too bad they just want a world full of niggers.

dias17se ago

In "they live" the white man repilled the black by force and they worked together against the jews.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Fucking dammit.

Please for God's sake Trump stop forcing me to not vote for you in 2020.

SerialLarper ago

He's there for a purpose. Don't do what you hate.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Keep your allies close and your enemies closer. Art of war FYI.

dias17se ago

What a dumb fuck.

irelandLost ago

Which chapter covered giving your enemies billions and arming them to the teeth (Saudi as well as Israel)?

notenoughstuff ago

It was the Obama administration that drafted that latest "aid package" AFAIK: https://voat.co/v/videos/2755966/14181602 .

Merlynn ago

What else would you say to the guy with a gun to your head?

kalgon ago

"Ok, I'll install gentoo"

DestroyerOfSaturn ago


Jay_Mac ago

Trump gives Israel the real meet. Meanwhile Qtards are trying to make some tweets into something meaningful.

gazillions ago

Yes, tell him that. Heeeheheee

SPUD21 ago

Trump has done more to protect Israel’s border than America’s. Really makes you think.

Niggertown ago

Frankly, I think he just wants to build the wall so he can contract out to Israeli companies.

zebrongous ago

Well when you have groups in the US like the ADL saying this for Israel:

An influx of millions of Palestinians into Israel would pose a threat to its national security and upset the country’s demographic makeup.

But then say this for the United States:

ADL Strongly Condemns President Trump’s Executive Order on Immigration and Refugees

It does make you think! These are the some of the groups with the most political clout in the US alongside AIPAC which I can assure you has a very similar stance on things.

And oddly enough who gets punished as foreign actors from Israel meddle in the US? Russia of course! The same Russia that became the bad guy mysteriously after decades of relative peace right around the same time that they went into Syria and put a stop to Israel's plans for expansion.


shifty_pete ago

To argue the counterpoint. Israel in general wants to remain soverign, the US has 50% traitors trying to have the country overrun by undesirables.

EndTheFed4 ago


SerialLarper ago

Sovereignty isn't pretending to be something you're not. Herzl's Jewish state is not Israel.

zebrongous ago

What 50% of traitors? All of the politicians in the United States speak in unison when it comes to Israel. You can listen to them - tune in and hear them say the catch phrases and slogans that are given to them to say, all of them from both sides of the aisle.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

His point was the vast majority of Israelis want their border protected, whereas 50% of Americans seemingly want the US to have open borders. His point had nothing to do with any American politician’s view on Israel.

Schreiber ago

^Exactly this.

Closed border America or "muh democracy where libtards can vote."

Choose one.

jthun2 ago

Yep. Even black women can't speak out against Israel. Look at what the Jews did to Cynthia McKinney. She might have been a leftist, but she was a principled opponent of Israel and Jewish power.

Voateringforlife ago

She states that they wanted her to sign an AIPAC agreement. She didn’t so they didn’t.

dias17se ago


dias17se ago

Let Iran destroy Israel, i hope all muslims in the area form a collusion and gang up on Israel hard and destroy them all.

Fuck Israel !!!

Crackrocknigga ago

Imagine the might our country would have again with only white men allowed to vote.

shifty_pete ago

Future saved. Even more if it were white, landowning makes, married with children.

huhu11 ago

Qtards are one of the most delusional group of people who ever came to Voat when it comes to not understanding simple global politics. Facts are facts.

Crackrocknigga ago

Shit, martin Luther wrote of this five hundred years ago. They love to jerk each other off over being warriors of Christ, yet refuse to listen to the father of the protestant movement. These fucks will whitewash and sugarcoat everything as to not "divide".

SerialLarper ago

To be fair, Martin Luther was butthurt because they rejected his invitation to join his religion.

TheSeer ago

I think he even negotiated with them, whether that is official history or not, I do not know. And then, when he went public with Protestantism, which was really putting his neck on the line, they betrayed him. It would have been a huge feather in the cap of Protestantism to say that it converted some of the people who were influential but had not become Christian, in Europe.

SerialLarper ago

I'm skeptical about the negotiation for the simple reason that some doctrine of Pauline Christianity is diametrically opposed to the ideals of Judaism, eg the prohibition against shedding of innocent blood. But it would be naive to think that European Jews were a homogeneous group, so maybe it is true.

jthun2 ago

i have no idea what you mean. Luther read the Jewish texts and found them to be racist.

SerialLarper ago

At the beginning of his career, Martin Luther was apparently sympathetic to Jewish resistance to the Catholic Church. However, he expected the Jews to convert to his purified Christianity; when they did not, he turned violently against them.


Mylon ago

They're Qultists.

7e62ce85 ago

Poor Qtards. It must be hard to maintain the delusions here on Voat.

weezkitty ago

It has nothing to do with QTards. Obvious pro Trump or pro republican views have been around here for a long time. Which is pretty ironic considering they suck up to Israel just as much as the other side

7e62ce85 ago

Qtards are worse though. They unironically think he is some god that can't fail. There is no "oh at least he is better than Killary"-rationalization, just pure idolatry. Budget after budget is passed with no wall and they just ignore it.

Why exactly should the RIGHT be afraid of a government shut down? Fucking do it, it's everything we want!

dias17se ago

Not just Qtards, even before those there was some serious Trump dicksucking, but every time we reminded them his grandkids were kikes, they got uncomfortable...they didnt reply, they just shrugged it off, they NEEDED this win.


Schreiber ago

his grandkids were kikes

Fuck off. His granddaughter is hot.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Americans dont have balls to start a civil war.If you did, you would have started it the moment Obama became YOUR PRESIDENT.

How the fuck do you stand still while the NIGGER is your president? Jesus Christ, what the fuck has happened to you Westerners...

You fuckers laugh at brits, but those fuckers at least never had a Nigger as their president.

What a shitshow

TheSeer ago

Theresa May and Margaret Thatcher and the guy who dressed up in women's clothes, Tony Blair? The country entirely under the thumb of a measly square mile known as the City of London?

Shekelstein6M ago

Like a vassal swearing fealty to his liege.

Fred-Reich ago

just literally laughed out loud at your screen name! Good one.

dias17se ago

Look how quiet the trumptards are, they dont even make a sound !

"MAGA", they say in every thread, "drain the swamp" ahahah even Obongo was more hostile to Israel.

Its like George Carlin said, "this country was bought off a long time ago"

Schreiber ago

Obongo was more hostile to Israel

Hostile to Likud maybe. But Obongo fucking loves Israel communist leftist parties.

kalchaya ago

So far as my Googling can determine, not one President since Israel came into existence has not played kissy-face with it! I'm sure there are history buffs here, so feel free to enlighten me if my research missed something. It looks like a couple here and there may not of been on the Jews Xmas card list, but each and every POTUS (so far as I can tell) has supported the zionists, so while Trump is not breaking new ground, he is just taking the same old well-worn path....which makes him no worse than all the past Presidents.

dias17se ago

Jimmy Carter ?

DakotaJane ago

Trump supporter here. I think this is awesome. Israel is our only reliable ally in that part of the world. Supporting them makes sense militarily.

IrbyTremors ago

Uh oh, retard alert.

DakotaJane ago

Yes. We found one. @irbytremors.

So dumb he spends all night at the gloryhole and forgets to wipe his chin.

IrbyTremors ago

That's a lot of projection about you sucking Israel's dick while they pound your mouth.

DakotaJane ago

Wow, such an original insult! Where did you get your wit?

Please don’t answer with your mouth full. I can wait until you finish and swallow.

IrbyTremors ago

Original or not, it's true. And you're probably a paid shill, at least I hope you are otherwise you are truly retarded.

DakotaJane ago

How does one get a job insulting goat fuckers and dullards like you?

I am happy to point out assholes and laugh for free, but - as your mom’s pimp always says - money is money.

dias17se ago

America has no business there. If you are pro war you are retarded.

DakotaJane ago

I’m not pro war. I’m anti-worshippers of the child fucking sadistic pedophile they refer to as Allah.

riffwraff ago

What do you expect Trump to do, exactly? Start gassing kikes? We didn't elect him to make The Turner Diaries come true. We elected him to prevent things from getting to the point where that's necessary. This isn't terribly productive toward that, granted, but as long as he doesn't start any more wars for Israel, keeps aligning with dictators, keeps alienating the US from the EU, breaks the Judeo-Chinese stranglehold on American trade, and continues workimg toward getting rid of the spics, he's doing better than any other president in recent memory has.

dias17se ago

I expected him to stop funding israel bilions, whats hard to understand ?

riffwraff ago

I wish he would too. However, if he does, he will lose support fast. Be realistic. Most Americans in both parties 100% buy the "MUH GREATEST ALLY" bit. Politicians must act accordingly. That cannot be undone quickly and Trump will lilely not be the one who undoes it. Obama was the most anti-Israeli president we've had in ages, but he sucked up to the diaspora kikes and STILL collapsed nations for Israel (and is a nigger). If Trump doesn't start a war for Israel, he did better than any of his predecessors since Israel's existence.

shrink ago

Politicians and bureaucrats get away with murder and literal treason against the USA on the regular. If you seriously think Trump cutting all aid to Israel isn't feasible, or that he couldn't invent two dozen excuses for it, you're either much more propagandized than you think, at best, or an actual shill at worst.

Hillary Clinton gets away with Bhengazi, Obongo wasn't even a fucking US citizen, but oh no Trump is unable to cut aid to Israel, if he did that it's be as horrible as gassing a billion jews, nobody in the country could stand for that!

riffwraff ago

The politicians who get away with literal murder and treason do not go against Israel. They also have the entire global media apparatus on their side, which is controlled by... you guessed it, Jews. This is WHY they get away with literal treason and murder. So no, cutting aid to Israel isn't feasible simply because kikes control every aspect of the media, and every institution that matters. You can go against the diaspora, which is what he is doing, but Israel is untouchable. Even Nixon, who was known to be a rabid anti-semite, was still forced to allow Israel to dodge a nuclear inspection. This is what happens when you spend 70 years creating cults like Baptists, Methodists, and Evangelicals that literally worship Jews, and allow them to make up the vast majority of a party's base in a system where it's statistically impossible for someone who isn't part of two parties to win. If you want that to change, why not try telling people America should come first when they bring up the topic of Israel and be respectful about it? I'm sure it will probably do a much better job convincing people than screaming about kikes and shills like a troglodytic dipshit.

shrink ago

The politicians who get away with literal murder and treason do not go against Israel.

No, they don't. They go against the people. And much of the citizenry hates it.

Attacking Israel is worse than murder or treason in the American political world.

It's sacrilegious to the establishment. But Trump could cut aid to Israel in half, and grin in their faces about it. He would know what the deal is, they would know what the deal is, but there's nothing they could do about it and much of the citizenry would be in support of it. They would scream and shout and stonewall and all manner of things, which they are already doing anyway. It IS feasible, and you're a fucking idiot if you think Trump can't get away with a lot more shit against jewish people if he really wanted to. You're giving your enemy far too much credit.

All that aside, Trump has shown absolutely zero evidence of resisting them or their wishes in any case, regardless. He keeps bending over backwards to sing their praises and make sure things go their way, and the only exception to this is a reticence to remain embroiled in the ME.

If you want that to change, why not try telling people America should come first when they bring up the topic of Israel and be respectful about it?

Implying people like me haven't been doing that for fucking years. Religious zealots are zealots, they won't listen to argumentation, but they don't comprise most of the population either. Trump could cut aid to Israel and explain his rationale is that America needs to come first. There is nothing the kikes can do that they aren't already doing, other than assassination.

If you want to appeal to the average American, you simply cannot rehabilitate anti-semitism in this day and age. You gotta take it step by step until people stop caring about Israel

There are far more anti-Israel people in the country than you would expect. Including a massive number of them on the left. There are plenty of subverted idiots religious wackjobs out there who such Israel's dick, but the number of people in the country who are anti-Israel are an order of magnitude more than you think, and part of the propaganda is making you think your opinions on it are in the tiny minority. If you gave an anonymous poll on the subject you'd be surprised by the results.

I'm sure it will probably do a much better job convincing people than screaming about kikes and shills like a troglodytic dipshit.

Oh sure, let's go full fucking mongoloid and beat that strawman. Yeah, if my fellow whites are marching in the streets with me sig heiling all day, they're untermensch. Should I pump this sentence up with more sarcasm or should I just be blunt and tell you to fuck off? I understand the concept of boiling the frog. YOU are too fucking soft and are complaining against the use of anything other than a goddamn match to do the job.

riffwraff ago

Yes, the citizenry hates its politicians. That's why they elected Trump.

Despite Trump's refusal to tow the establishment line, he's still gotten most of his party's colleagues in the Senate and House to support the MAGA agenda. I have no doubt that when AIPAC stops paying them, this ends. Israel's one goal was war with Syria. They have failed to accomplish this. Trump has, despite all pressure from every side, resisted this. Otherwise all he's done for Israel is send them money that Jewish banks control anyway. I will say this: it is feasible for Trump to cut aid to Israel, but it won't hurt them, help us, or do anything to endear him with zealotrous protestant fundamentalists that make up a vital part of the Republican base. Why chance it?

Yes, you've been doing it for years and it has been working. You yourself admit many Americans are anti-Israel. Thank you for your service. Keep going. Ron Paul convinced a lot of people this way.

People are screaming kike and shill at me like troglodytic dipshits. I'm not personally strawmanning you. I'm simply responding to what I am given. Call me soft. I'm playing the long game.

GassyMcGasface ago

Hope is a dangerous drug. That treasonous Muslim was elected for two (2) terms. We have to kill the (((enemy))) within. It was, has always been, and will always be, the JEW.

watts2db ago

Hes a communist not a muslim


Did Obama cut any aid to Is-Ra-El?

dias17se ago

Did Trump cut it ?


No, that's my point, Obama was the same as Trump in this regard.

Obama was not hostile in any way that I'm aware of to Is-Ra-El.

dias17se ago

I dont remember Obongo licking israels dick with a smile. He was too busy defending sand niggers.

Slightly less cancerous.


Makes you wonder how entrenched they really are if Obama wasn't able to do more then...

dias17se ago

Ask yourself this, who hates more Iran ?

Its no surprise Israel would love usa started shit with Iran. And im sure they will, they been trying to fuck Iran for so long.

Israel really wants to expand their land.

weezkitty ago

No. Nobody has

Fuckyounigger ago

You obviously haven’t been here for amalek and your just a faggot who is misinformed we knew this jew shit was happening as he is giving his family to the Jews but once again you have no idea why he was elected and that was because Hillary Clinton was never ever ever going to be the president no matter what. And you saying this dumb shit just makes you look as dumb as your other liberal friends you dumb nigger loving faggot

dias17se ago

Go suck on Trump dick you jew loving faggot.

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

I support what trump has done so for, and I didn’t even vote for him. So many of you fuckboys are so dichotomous, winner take all, black and white, in your immature and undeveloped thinking. Sorry children, but the world is all about the grey, not the black or the white.

As I said in another comment: “the reality of the situation is that this is a ‘game of thrones’: Trump knows that most of the houses are against him, and that Israel is the most powerful house. If he can't at least count this ultra powerful house among his allies, he will surely be destroyed and quickly. I don't believe he loves Israel, or that he serves them, but he knows full well that he had better keep this one house happy while all the others are trying to destroy him, or he'll be destroyed himself”

SerialLarper ago

You are conflating Israel with the Zionist state of Israel.

dias17se ago

Theres no grey retard, Israel takes ALL.

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

says the guy who's so "woke" that he only came here 12 months ago and has hispanic username...lol

dias17se ago

Yes, god forbids you consider a white EU person from spain the same as "hispanic mexico taco"

lol clown kys.

RINOHunter ago

Christian white Americans are the dumbest people on the planet. They make Africans look like Rhodes scholars in comparison.

They deserve their own country. Maybe drop them off in israel. They love it so much, and hate their own country for supporting it.

dias17se ago

In honesty, white people arent allowed to have a place just for them.

wt1984yb ago

Obongo backed ISIS and destroyed Libya which created the Migrant Crisis that is plaguing Europe. Not sure if you can say he was more hostile to Israel.

geovoat ago

Its was israels plan to destroy libya and thus destroy europe.

dias17se ago

Relations with Israel with Obongo were at its lowest, but i dont even care, i just said that to illustrate a point.

notenoughstuff ago

Not convinced about that. His administration drafted major monetary support for Israel: https://voat.co/v/politics/2745137/14087991 .

dias17se ago

all presidents did, but Obama the muslim hates the west, thats why he hated Israel

notenoughstuff ago

Does he hate the West, or only/primarily the parts of it that come from European peoples (I am also not certain that including Israel in the West is meaningful, despite that being the common definition)? And there are some Muslims that either are crypto-Jews (officially acknowledged reg. medieval Spain) or serve the kikes. Do we know whether his mom had Jewish heritage?

EDIT: Turns out he has a Jewish half-brother: http://www.israeltoday.co.il/NewsItem/tabid/178/nid/24350/Default.aspx . Though nothing certain reg. heritage as far as I could quickly search.

dias17se ago

You make some very good questions, unfortunately i do not have the wisdom to answer them.

zebrongous ago

Well yes how can you not support your employees when they are so loyal to you.