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SharpSliceOfMango ago

Democrats are sponsored by globalist Jews (Soros). Republicans are sponsored by Zionist Jews.

Jews always want to control both sides. They always try to divide a host nation and then conquer it.

Trumps first wife was Jewish, his first 3 children married Jews (even Orthodox). And Trump is a friend of Zion:

notenoughstuff ago

Trumps first wife was Jewish, [...]


Also, Ivanka Trump married a Jew and converted to Judaism (according to some marrying the tallest, thinnest Jew among the property market elite in New York as I recall it); and Donald Trump Jr. married a Jew (or at least partial Jew). But what about the other children?

And Trump's actions against ISIS, as well as his non-intervention against Assad (only doing useless and very limited bombings) despite several false flags attacks against Assad, seems to have seriously pissed off Israel: .

I don't mind scepticism, but something about this seems off.

SharpSliceOfMango ago

He was the first president to visit the west wall. He had a fucking kippa on. He said Israel is our greatest ally. He is financing the Israel wall. He put the embassy to Jerusalem. He stopt funding palestine but not Israel.

38 Billion to Israel:

This is not America first.

notenoughstuff ago

From the source:

The U.S. Senate passed a measure that would codify into law the $38 billion defense aid package for Israel over 10 years that was negotiated in the final days of the Obama administration.

Negotiated by Obama, passed by the senate first, and named "McCain". And the article furthermore describes how any US president would not be able to renege on the deal/law, which assuming Trump is elected again would likely be - for the majority of the ten years the bill is for - Trump.

The other stuff seems fairly superficial apart from financing Israel's wall (could be used as an argument, but that argument could be made equally well without financing Israel, so...). But still fair points. I would still really like a source, even just indications, reg. Ivana, Trump's first wife, being Jewish.