KnownBand0 ago

Jared Kushner. Trump son in law. Israeli gangster.

" Saving Israel for last " - Q

Ioath ago

24 hours of people that were there and know what happened thinking WTF is wrong with my country? Why is this being kept quiet?

francisxavier12 ago

I don't necessarily disagree with the post, but I'm curious why the Democrats are so pissed at Trump for moving the embassy to Jerusalem if they're also Jews?

jewsbadnews ago

Its more gentile leftist, but a lot of secular jews support Israel but care about muh Palestinians.

Neral ago

I'm confused, the people still look oblivious that a fucking elephant and a donkey are running their parties, like wtf?

Kill-Commies ago

I hate those fucking branco comics, they're always stupid and edgeless

jewsbadnews ago

It's the most boomer shit ever.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Chose between Abandonment and Slavery. Those are your parties.

PaddyMcInfidel ago

Easy choice. If you aren't dependent on the system, abandonment=staying the fuck out of my business. Buy guns and start a garden.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

But what about the poor poor parasites that no one would willingly maintain?

boekanier ago

In other words, the jews rule America. Nice.

Jaegerjaques ago

Seems this post triggered some boomers, who think America is not a vassal of Israel.

Chimaira92 ago

The Christians who pride on fighting for God and country. Little do they realise jesus was a jew and the country they fight for was Jesus's home country, Israel. So technically they are correct!

Smocaine ago

The jews also rejected Jesus even after they saw his miracles. This is the only untorgivable sin, blasphemy in the face of the Lord.

TranniesEverywhere ago

Team red and team blue both play for team purple.

SharpSliceOfMango ago

Democrats are sponsored by globalist Jews (Soros). Republicans are sponsored by Zionist Jews.

Jews always want to control both sides. They always try to divide a host nation and then conquer it.

Trumps first wife was Jewish, his first 3 children married Jews (even Orthodox). And Trump is a friend of Zion:

boekanier ago

there should be no more evidence, it is abundantly clear

notenoughstuff ago

Trumps first wife was Jewish, [...]


Also, Ivanka Trump married a Jew and converted to Judaism (according to some marrying the tallest, thinnest Jew among the property market elite in New York as I recall it); and Donald Trump Jr. married a Jew (or at least partial Jew). But what about the other children?

And Trump's actions against ISIS, as well as his non-intervention against Assad (only doing useless and very limited bombings) despite several false flags attacks against Assad, seems to have seriously pissed off Israel: .

I don't mind scepticism, but something about this seems off.

SharpSliceOfMango ago

He was the first president to visit the west wall. He had a fucking kippa on. He said Israel is our greatest ally. He is financing the Israel wall. He put the embassy to Jerusalem. He stopt funding palestine but not Israel.

38 Billion to Israel:

This is not America first.

jdtbfan ago

The four previous Presidents were all clearly controlled by Israel. They all ran on the campaign of putting the embassy in Jerusalem, yet none of them ever attempted to do so. Are we certain this was a move that Israel wanted?

notenoughstuff ago

I also remember how some people (likely (((people))) ) tried to make the US embassy cost 1+ billion dollars and take many years. Trump succeeded in getting it down to less than a million as well as get it done quickly.

notenoughstuff ago

From the source:

The U.S. Senate passed a measure that would codify into law the $38 billion defense aid package for Israel over 10 years that was negotiated in the final days of the Obama administration.

Negotiated by Obama, passed by the senate first, and named "McCain". And the article furthermore describes how any US president would not be able to renege on the deal/law, which assuming Trump is elected again would likely be - for the majority of the ten years the bill is for - Trump.

The other stuff seems fairly superficial apart from financing Israel's wall (could be used as an argument, but that argument could be made equally well without financing Israel, so...). But still fair points. I would still really like a source, even just indications, reg. Ivana, Trump's first wife, being Jewish.

Doglegwarrior ago

I like the terms Democrip and rebloodlican Criminal orginizations all working for jew overlords.

DinduNuffins ago

they are both kind of correct

XSS1337 ago

Sad but true .... law of return should make many people angry....

ohgoodlord ago

They're basically the same party but Republicans are right about immigration. We need immigration reform and we need to re-home the spics, niggers and chinks who are taking over Cali and Texas in particular.

BeefBourgignon ago

  • Ben Garrison

70times7 ago

Warms the heart to see open eyes here.

2 sides. 1 coin.

Triceratography ago







francisxavier12 ago

I think you mean We Will Guarantee 1sreal Will Govern America

JopharVorin ago

One party

DakotaJane ago

More bullshit from the bullshitters.

Alex_Jones ago

Bullshiters are the dem and repub parties. My guess is your downvoats are from people who think you are talking about OP and not the two party system.

DakotaJane ago

No, I was downvoting OP. This "Republicans and Democrats are the same" bullshit is bullshit. In general, politicians look for power and bureaucracies serve themselves, but yes, there is a difference.

pcdude ago

Where do the false sexual assault allegations fit into the picture?

Trash_Panda ago

They have no qualms with eating their own, but it's more beneficial at this time that Democrats don't experience the natural repercussions of their own ideology and risk reassessing their belief system. They are the spearhead dragging the Overton window further left and the Republicans will tail behind no matter what, basically.

Naked_Dave ago

They have no qualms with eating their own

See: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Pluviou5 ago

The ZOG Uniparty.