Crikes ago

I am not a collectivist. I'm an atheist & an anarchist.

This documentary makes A LOT of sense to me. I highly recommend it to all of you who, like me, really were resistant to considering it. Try to watch the entire thing.

Is there a perfect quality one without subtitles? This documentary should be preserved and spread.

Please understand that coersion is not the answer! People must be free to make mistakes and be unhealthy. Set a good example. Ostrasize if need be. You have no right to force anyone to do anything who isn't harming anyone else. Live & let live, & teach those who are willing the error of their ways, but as long as they only hurt themselves, let them. It's a failing strategy which will cure itself in time. Tyranny opens the door for righteous opposition.

Collectivism is not the answer! Hate, & fear are not the way! Decentralization in all things is essential. Support decentralized internet. Do not despair; Bitcoin! Become as independent as possible. Stay out of debt.

Realize that one can oppose communism, central banks, & unhealthy lifestyles, without being a collectivist, a statist, or religious.

I encourage everyone to watch this and I am an atheist, anarchist, who refutes collectivism. There are individuals of all types who are both our allies, & enemies. If you think otherwise, I implore you to meet more people, and reconsider.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

You have no right to force anyone to do anything who isn't harming anyone else.

therein lies the rub. selfish destructive and degenerate behaviors hurt everyone and cause a moral rot within a society. then before you know it you have fags and pedos run amok, the breakdown of relations between the sexes, the almost complete failure of the traditional family, niggers rioting in the streets, trannies reading to schoolchildren, cats & dogs living together, propaganda & normalization of the worst kinds of degenerate behavior you can imagine. make no mistake, we are in a death spiral and if we don't do something about it immediately then western civilization & culutre, and the white race, are doomed. decentralization is not the answer, it is the problem. it is the cry of the marxist and communist who wants to break up a homogenous society into atomized parts which are then easier to control and become entirely reliant upon the state.

Crikes ago

This is entirely unamerican. Everything you point to when you say "before you know it" is due to centralization & tyranny.

degenerate behaviors hurt everyone and cause a moral rot within a society. then before you know it..

Look, we're at the bottom of a cesspool now, so there's no way to look at what we have currently, & overlay some hypothetical and have it immediately pretty. At least not if it's all realistic. Regardless of the tact, things would likely get worse before better.... unless of course you value liberty & justice. That can be vastly improved upon immediately, especially, or maybe only, because of our decentralization in security, & communication.

Having said that, your response is not realistic at all if you imagine whatever utopia you'd prefer, and then allow for individuals to do as they wish as long as they don't violate the rights of any other. The people who are vastly unhealthy would be outnumbered by those who live healthily, and the difference would only favor health going forward. All others could choose to ostracize an unhealthy member of society, as no one would have the right to force them to do otherwise, which is very nearly a death sentence.

If you believe in some big bad that is out to destroy, corrupt, and enslave, the only safeguard against it is decentralization. Centralization is the way in which they easily coop. It's very easy to take a head when there is one. The greatest example of this is central banks with monopoly on currency. Decentralizing that likely solves this problem on it's own (which is why they used the rest of the world to crush Germany, because they were opting out of the enslaving central banks & debt. It's also why Germany rebounded & thrived so quickly.)

It's not the abuse of power that is the problem but the power to abuse. Liberty, or respecting every soveriegn individual, is not only the only righteous way, but the least susceptable to enslavement.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

you think we're at bottom? hahaha. i mean i probably shouldn't laugh, it's really sad. i'm afraid you have no idea how much worse it's going to get.

what i advocate for is far from unamerican. america was founded as a white christan country for white people of good morals and character. period. everything it has become since then has been a perversion of that original concept. all the other stuff you say is just so much nonsense. we need to hit the reset button.

Crikes ago

you think we're at bottom?

I believe it said regardless, it'll likely get worse before it gets better. Besides, that's hardly a point worth making if you understood any of mine.

america was founded as a white christan country for white people of good morals and character.

Not really, but lets pretend so.. if it stayed moral, or free & decentralized, none of this shit would have happened.

all the other stuff you say is just so much nonsense.

The several states became independent because of, & for, decentralization, & freedom. Your lack of understanding must be so great to make the claims you have that I will elaborate... literally the states separated from Brits for independence, & they did it through decentralized security. The greatest military (centralized) the world had ever known defeated by the decentralized, would be free, individuals of the several states.

The Unites States was the several states united, but at their own consent, & free to go.

Either you know enough about US history to realize it went from relatively free & decentralized to this shitshow of tyranny and centralization when have today (which the big bad is thankful for, & helped cultivate), or I can't bother to educate you.

I recommend reading any of the works the US were founded on, or "It's Good To Be King" by Michael Badnarik, or "The Starfish And The Spider" by whoever wrote it.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

you're trying to have it both ways. the united states - united. not decentralized. and not free to go. we fought a war over right concept already. e plurubus unum. out of many, one. again, "decentralization" is not the answer. it is the problem. it is the state of entropy we find ourselves in after too many years of loose morals and degeneracy brought on by people who sound a lot like you (not meant as a personal insult at this point, but just an observation).

Crikes ago

That is my point. They were willfully part of a confederacy, & freer. Since then these united states became the United States, & it spies on everyone, polices the world, & was a simple centralization of power for bankers to coop.

You either don't understand, or you're a shill distracting people from the fact that centralization is the weakness.

Everyone else, do your homework. Don't listen to the noise intended to sabotage you.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

i understand it just fine. i simply don't agree with your philosphy at a fundamental level. you never made an articulate or compelling argument and honestly you basically lost me at "i'm an atheist and an anarchist". you seem to not have any deep understanding of the history of our nation specifically or of history, geopolitics, philosophy, economics, religion, etc - in general. you remind me of someone in their 1st or 2nd year at an ultra liberal university who thinks they've got it all figured out but is really just a confused kid with a chip on their shoulder. but that's just my opinion. *shrug*

Neinlife ago

WW2 didnt even happen on Earth. It was on the moon. A FLAT MOON.

Nah for real tho this is a fucking great watch.

Whitemail ago

Hitler was right. Jews really were the greatest evil in the world, and they still are.

ravensedgesom ago

Doesn't that mean we are basically in a dark age though like Goebbels forewarned?

Whitemail ago

The dark age hasn't started yet. We still need more niggers and brown people in our nations before it officially begins.

Turnip_Time ago

As a Ukrainian I'm really not a fan of Hitler with his whole lebensraum policy and the wholesale slaughter of multiple Ukrainian villages. Not to mention the fact that both my great grandfathers served in the War.

Frankly his only redeeming qualities in my eyes was his love of animals and hatred of Jews.

Tallest_Skil ago

linking directly to kikepedia

expecting anyone to believe your jewish narrative

Try harder. Lebensraum refers to the reclamation of WWI-stolen German lands. That’s it. Your kike “source” (thin air) isn’t reflective of reality. Ukrainians viewed the invading Germans as liberators from the FUCKING GENOCIDE that had occurred under soviet rule. There was no such slaughter by germans.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

i find this really interesting because as i understand it the soviets were absolutely brutal and killed, tortured, and starved many ukranians in the holodomors. things got so bad they resorted to cannibalism. and so when germany moved in they didn't even resist and were actually grateful to them and were treated well. are you sure you weren't indoctrinated by the soviets?

Umrtvovacz ago

I am not sure how it is about Ukraine, but Czech Republic was also part of the "Soviet Block" and my country got indoctrinated pretty bad by the Soviets...

TheSoundAndTheFuhrer ago

Aren't they coming out with a remastered, shorter version?

SonOfSnowden ago

Can we NOT repeat the idiotic failures of our grandparents? That goes for both fascism and communism.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

national socialism/fascism was neither idiotic nor a failure. that is precisely why it was targeted for destruction.

SonOfSnowden ago

"National Socialism" is just as fucking retarded as Communism for the same reason... it denies the human biological need for competition. Nobody wants to be "equal" ... everyone wants to be better than someone else... and unless your "totally not retarded" political system can deal with that, it is going to fail.

Tallest_Skil ago

Stop being a cuckold and you’ll get your wish.

SonOfSnowden ago

Well I could go on a campaign to murder everyone that disagrees with me but somehow I doubt you'd like that.

Tallest_Skil ago

Aww, look, the little faggot thinks the holocaust happened.

SonOfSnowden ago

Aww, look, this fucking retard thinks I was talking about the Nazis.

Tallest_Skil ago

Aww, look, this little faggot thinks the holocaust happened, CANNOT READ THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, and has absolutely no substantiation for any of his claims.

Reported. Go back to reddit.

SonOfSnowden ago


hahaha good luck with that you black cock loving pedophile

Tallest_Skil ago

Aww, look, this little faggot thinks the holocaust happened, CANNOT READ THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, and has absolutely no substantiation for any of his claims.

Reported. Go back to reddit..

SonOfSnowden ago

You're totally not part of an effort to slander the right... lolk

#correcttherecord #mediamatters

Tallest_Skil ago

Aww, look, this little faggot thinks the holocaust happened, CANNOT READ THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, and has absolutely no substantiation for any of his claims.

You are a cuckold. You are controlled opposition. You reject objective truth. You are the slander. Reported. Go back to reddit.

SonOfSnowden ago

Funny how they always project exactly what they are doing onto us... it's so predictable it's like clockwork. Directly out of Rules for Radicals... Clinton's own thesis was based on it.

Tallest_Skil ago

lol you’re a shill for the jews because you say the holocaust didn’t happen

Aww, look, this little faggot thinks the holocaust happened, CANNOT READ THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, and has absolutely no substantiation for any of his claims.

You are a cuckold. You are controlled opposition. You reject objective truth. You are the slander. Reported. Go back to reddit.

Whitemail ago

At this point I think we need an authoritarian government to deal with Marxist butt faggots. You want to welcome Muslims? We should drop your ass in Saudi Arabia. You want to welcome Mexicans? We should drop your ass in Mexico. You'll get to experience how they deal with foreigners first hand and you'll be culturally enriched to the fullest extent.

SonOfSnowden ago

Protip: Authoritarian governments never do what you want them to do.

MrKequc ago

Ok so talk to the left. The right these days want nation states that mind their own, it's the left that want to govern the whole world by force stop making me gag.

Schreiber ago

The right just want nation states that is like non-white nation states (all of them are fucking right wing nationalist government lmao). Basically the right wants to celebrate diversity and follows other countries policy, aka being normal instead of libtarded.

The left wants diversity as well, but that's just a code word for white genocide.

SonOfSnowden ago

  1. People should absolutely know history and why fucked up "government central" or "top-down" ideologies lead to dehumanization and death.
  2. Today's "right" is about 50% comprised of former "liberals" who are sick of seeing degenerate people being propped up.
  3. Adolf Hitler was a fucking failure because he was operating on bullshit premises. People are not pawns in some giant chess game. Countries are built from the bottom up and destroyed from the top down.
  4. Most Jews aren't even aware or what they are saying and doing about half the time. Why? Because they've internalized "white people" as being their existential threat without fully grasping that it was their own leftist ideology is the cause of the Holocaust.

EngineeringReverse ago

Im not a spic. How do i get rid of the subtitles?

anon_poaster ago

You can try this version (no subtitles):

jewshekelstein1488 ago

they are hard coded on that version. there are versions that don't have them but the audio/video on those is much lower quality.

MrKequc ago

Anyone with a pristine version for download?

Eleutheria ago

Would work for your purposes? It's the official site, and I'm guessing you can probably DL if you don't want to buy the box set.

hankylanky ago

Most of the time you idiots on Voat are just annoying, small-minded dipshits. But when it comes to glamorizing Hitler and denying the holocaust, you become despicable, thoroughly evil, profoundly stupid, hateful, hateful dipshits. Fuck all of you.

hankylanky ago

I don't have time to waste on an idiot, so I'm just going to assume all these links are supposed to convince me the holocaust didn't happen. Besides that fact that it is not doubted by ANY intelligent person, you can't seriously expect to win a war of documentation. Wow, even dumber than I thought.

Tallest_Skil ago

I don’t have time to waste on an idiot

Thanks for saying I’m not an idiot.

so I’m just going to assume all these links are supposed to convince me the holocaust didn’t happen

No one cares what you believe or are convinced of. The holocaust is a scientifically proven myth. Your feelings on the matter are irrelevant.

Besides that fact that it is not doubted by ANY intelligent person

Reported. You are mentally defective and do not belong on Voat at all. You have outed yourself and ruined your account. It’s over for you.

you can’t seriously expect to win a war of documentation

Why would we need to do that when the documents hosted on the US government’s own websites openly state that no genocide occurred at the camps?

Wow, even dumber than I thought.

Again, reported. Winston Churchill, Harry Truman, and Charles DeGaulle did not believe that the holocaust happened. Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Friedman openly admits that the holocaust did not happen. The wartime decryptions of the Bletchley Park team prove that the holocaust did not happen. You have no argument. You have no evidence. You are a paid shill account.

hankylanky ago

Your original reply was over-the-line offensive and threatening. If anything should be reported, it's that one. However, since it also made no sense and I have no fear fear of you, I'm not going to bother. And in any case, it's important to let people like you continue to talk -- it just serves to provide more and more evidence how ignorant and twisted you are.

Tallest_Skil ago

Your original reply was over-the-line offensive and threatening.

So kill yourself if you’re so offended. No one cares about your feelings. They matter in no way in the face of fact. If you can’t handle being told to kill yourself, you should leave this site and also kill yourself. You’re weak. You’re a coward. You have no love of truth.

it also made no sense

It’s extraordinarily clear to anyone literate in English.

I have no fear fear of you

Whatever you say, moishe!

more and more evidence how ignorant and twisted you are.

Again, reported. Winston Churchill, Harry Truman, and Charles DeGaulle did not believe that the holocaust happened. Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Friedman openly admits that the holocaust did not happen. The wartime decryptions of the Bletchley Park team prove that the holocaust did not happen. You have no argument. You have no evidence. You are a paid shill account.

hankylanky ago

Wow, you're getting mad. I'll bet your mom's basement is getting pretty overheated.

Tallest_Skil ago

Again, reported. Winston Churchill, Harry Truman, and Charles DeGaulle did not believe that the holocaust happened. Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Friedman openly admits that the holocaust did not happen. The wartime decryptions of the Bletchley Park team prove that the holocaust did not happen. You have no argument. You have no evidence. You are a paid shill account.

hankylanky ago

I'm not seriously going to debate about whether it happened. It is one of the most documented events in history and, of course, there are many firsthand witnesses alive today. I originally came to this post to push the buttons of some imbeciles, just for fun really (those buttons are so big and easily pushed). But I have to admit, you do have me wondering about something: why do people who idolize Hitler and the Nazis feel so strongly about denying their most significant impact on the world?

Tallest_Skil ago

I’m not seriously going to debate about whether it happened.

Then kill yourself. It didn’t happen.

It is one of the most documented events in history

It has no documentation whatsoever. There is no evidence that it happened. We have hard scientific proof that it didn’t. You have no argument whatsoever. The Allies themselves officially admit it didn’t happen. The Nuremberg “trial” documents show this.

and, of course, there are many firsthand witnesses alive today

Witnesses have no legal weight. There are more “survivors” who state it didn’t happen than those which state it did.

I originally came to this post to push the buttons of some imbeciles

Instead you found intelligent people who told you to go back to reddit because you’re so fucking retarded and have no evidence for any of your claims. Kill yourself.

why do people who idolize Hitler and the Nazis feel so strongly about denying their most significant impact on the world?


  1. Not a nazi
  2. Don’t idolize Hitler

Your question is “Why do people want to know the truth? Shouldn’t they just be happy accepting whatever kikes say is true?” Your question, therefore, speaks to a severe mental illness. If you don’t care about truth, you’re not human. Reported for believing in the holocaust.

Whitemail ago

We hurt your feefees.

Schreiber ago

Look, I won't claim that there are no dead jews in ww2, but the whole scale genocide thingy is fiction at worst and extremely exaggerated at best.

elitch2 ago

I would like to see some EVIDENCE for the shoah. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Plague1 ago

Awww, it's OK little bitch. Stick around, we'll continue rubbing off on you more than we already have. You being a full on kike hating, 14/88 loving goat is just a matter of time.

Hackerman ago

reals before feels, bitch. all i'm hearing is, "waaaaaah, guys stahp. i have sand in my vagina, it hurts"


So how many of your grandparents were turned into lampshades, made into soap & automotive textiles, or rode the roller coaster train right into the ovens? Because that's what Holocaust victims are on the record saying happened in the camps.

Dismal_Swamp ago

Prove us wrong then instead of shit talking like a child.

Chumpychumpsmith ago

Why are you here? You actively seek out people you hate, sounds like you should get some counseling or join a help group. I'm sure the synagogue has some groups for like minded individuals.

Mouse-Ball-Z ago

The dude is fucked up and lives in a world of self hate. Its his right to express himself, and ours to ignore it. Let him stew alone, unnoticed.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

found the kike. don't worry there's plenty of room for you in the oven.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Okay The Greatest Story, Hellstorm, one more is needed; Spielberg's Hoax The Last Days of The Big Lie

Anyone unaware needs to really take a look at all three and go from there.

Tallest_Skil ago

Europa: The Last Battle is a must-view, too. In terms of production quality: Hellstorm <–––––– Europa <–––––– TGSNT

pby1000 ago

Please read about his economic policies and what he did to get Germany free from usery. We will have to do it all over again, so it is best that more people understand.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

here's a good video on this subject. i may post it separately later on. here are some of the main points:

  • take away control of the banking system from (((foreign interests)))

  • implement special tax credits and loans to incentivize families and for women to leave the workforce and stay home and make babies

  • lower tax rates

  • put unemployed/welfare recipients to work on infrastructure projects (roads, rail, water, power) and give them free housing instead of just sitting around

  • ban trade unions

  • provide economic assistance to farmers

pby1000 ago

I will look. Thanks!

I think we need to do something about corporations, too. That legal structure is not good for humanity. There is no incentive to put the good of humanity above profits.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

agree 100%. from How Hitler Consolidated Power in Germany and Launched A Social Revolution - The First Years of the Third Reich By Leon Degrelle:

"The people," Hitler declared, "were not put here on earth for the sake of the economy, and the economy doesn't exist for the sake of capital. On the contrary, capital is meant to serve the economy, and the economy in turn to serve the people."

It would not be enough merely to reopen the thousands of closed factories and fill them with workers. If the old concepts still ruled, the workers would once again be nothing more than living machines, faceless and interchangeable.

What was required was to reestablish that moral equilibrium between the workers, human beings who shape raw materials, and a useful and controlled capitalism, returned to its proper function as a tool. This would mean changing an entire world, and it would take time.

As Hitler knew full well, such a revolution could not be achieved while the central and regional governments continued in a state of anarchy, seldom accomplishing anything solid, and sometimes running amok. Nor could there be a revolution in society while dozens of parties and thousands of deputies of every conceivable stripe pursued their selfish interests under a political system that had thrashed about incoherently since 1919.

Restoring the effectiveness of Germany's institutions on a nationwide basis was therefore an indispensable prerequisite to any social rebirth.

pby1000 ago

I predict we will change the way things are in the U.S. in the near future, especially if Trump can stay in office for 8 years. We will then need to elect another Nationalist to build on what Trump accomplishes.

I was reading that the War of 1812 was fought because the U.S. did not renew the banking charter and they started to print their own currency. LOL. I am seeing some patterns here. I think the banking Cartel needs to be destroyed.

Schreiber ago

take away control of the banking system from (((foreign interests)))

who will pay for the globalist bankers' latest luxury items then?

implement special tax credits and loans to incentivize families and for women to leave the workforce and stay home and make babies

and lose the virtue signaling opportunity to the blue haired feminazi obeasts?

lower tax rate

who's gonna pay for gibsmedats?

put unemployed/welfare recipients to work on infrastructure projects (roads, rail, water, power) instead of just sitting around

some would rather commit theft and get free food and shelter at prison.

for those in need have them build and live in free housing

but homeless culture is for kangz yo

ban trade unions

we want to work less and earn more, so no.

provide economic assistance to farmers

not white farmers. That doesn't celebrate diversity and is politically incorrect.

pby1000 ago

It is interesting to see the effects of western progressive cultural marxism in Europe. LOL. Every country needs to have the right to keep and bear arms.

Schreiber ago

Well not really. In practice, you don't really need to bear arms if there's no niggers or sand niggers around.

It's necessary for places with high violent crime rate like US though.

Case in point, the Japanese never really think the need to carry guns around. Neither does whites who live there. Heck, even the yakuzas only use melee weapon mostly.

Also imagine how safe would Sweden of Canada would be if there are no niggers or sand niggers.

pby1000 ago

I have been to Japan seven times, I think. It is remarkably safe. The people are very, very friendly, too. They love speaking English with Americans.

I understand your point, but my comment was mostly directed towards the bankers. They really fear that we are well armed. They know what can happen when the sleeping giant awakens, which may happen very soon here. My fear is that we will deal with the Bolsheviks on the streets, while the bankers remain untouched. This would be a mistake.

I see the problems in Europe and Canada as being caused by the bankers. I mean, they know the people they bring in will not assimilate, which is why they do it. They want to weaken us so we will accept their New World Order bullshit. This cannot be allowed, and the people behind this need to be hung for treason.

I am sure you already know all of this.

The immigrants should be allowed to live in their own countries and build the lives they want. They need to evolve at their own rate.

Schreiber ago

The immigrants should be allowed to live in their own countries and build the lives they want. They need to evolve at their own rate.

Correct. Forced multiculturalism has zero benefit for the locals and plenty of detriments for everyone.

Why don't people get this basic concept? How does Canadian or Swedish citizens benefit from the importation of savage third worlders??

lissencarak ago


pby1000 ago

See that? I can't even spell it correctly. LOL. It proves I am not one of them.

40hz ago

I tried watching this. It just tells a narrative completely different from the official one. How am I supposed to know which is true?

Tallest_Skil ago

how do I know what truth is

Thanks, ✡western education✡!

SocialJusticePanda ago

Pull the stick out of your ass, it does not belong in there. Plus who are your current bankers. What are you told and why? What are you not allowed to be told and why? Never mind just give me my free gibs or I'll report you!

AnungUnRamaa ago

There is definitely a version where the narrative was altered. Watch it on the original website.

whisky_cat ago

I bought the DVDs and made it half way through. It was interesting seeing the story from the other side but sitting through any documentary that runs 5+ hours is asking a lot.

Personally I enjoyed reading the justice4germans blog instead because you can spend ~20 minutes a day getting your fill. Unfortunately it looks like that author isn't posting anything new, but perhaps they've posted as much as they felt was important.

RimeTheBard ago

Go read up on the Haavara Agreement and consider the implications thereafter.

jewshekelstein1488 ago


lissencarak ago

Using critical thinking and the philosophical and logical tools they didn't teach you about in school?

pby1000 ago

Trust us. It is all true.

elitch2 ago

Well. All the "death camps" were found in Soviet territories. There are no credible witnesses to any of "the holocaust" events.


Mouse-Ball-Z ago

no credible witnesses....


I lived in a small town in Kansas in the mid 90s. The VFW was a place where old ww2 vets hung out regularly. I was a kid, and Grandpa served on a ship in that war, so I had the rare privilege of going there with him and hearing stories directly from the source.

Once, there was this very old lady. She's dead now I believe, but her stories we're amazing. Long story short, she had witnessed, and survived, 'holocost events'. I personally, with my own eyes, saw her tattoo on her wrist. She was utterly convincing. She had lived through something horrible.

I know I'm just some anon on the internet and you're going to squeal insults attacking my story, that's fine, you have a right to free speech, but I'm telling you, I heard her story and shit went down for her.

elitch2 ago

The holocaust refers to the systematic murder of 6 million jews.

It was war, war sucks. Everyone who has lived in a war zone has horrific stories to tell.

The murder of 6 million, or even 1 million jews is a complete fabrication.

Mouse-Ball-Z ago

You have no special knowledge one way or another. All you have is an agenda. I have personally spoken with survivors. I have read the books. I have traveled to some of these places. I have listened to the opposing views.

All you are is a troll that, at best, landed on the erroneous side of an argument. Youre nothing and are not significant, fortunately.

Enjoy your place Ive put you in.

elitch2 ago

I have an agenda? What, pray tell, is my agenda?

Found the kike.

Mouse-Ball-Z ago

Your agenda is simply to be a troll. It makes you feel. Note that I didnt say 'feel good', just 'feel'. This is because you are emotionally and intellectually damaged. You may suspect this already. Its ok, you can still be a part of society. Or not. Your choice. Spoiler, it usually ends badly for you. But do whatever you want. We both know Im telling a deep truth about you.

Also, Im not a kike. If by that you mean I am a Jew, lol, I am not. Im an atheist.

Know what the difference between a kike dying and you dying is? I would care if a kike died.

elitch2 ago

Definitely a kike.

Kill yourself.

Mouse-Ball-Z ago

Predictable. Never change. Ive got you pegged, and I mean that in the 'bent you over and inserted an object in your ass' sort of way.

elitch2 ago

Only degenerate commie kikes talk like that.

Kill yourself.

Tallest_Skil ago

She was utterly convincing.

Congrats. You fell for a lie.

Mouse-Ball-Z ago

Or, she was telling the truth, and you're an example of what not to be.

That's really what it seems like. I'm sorta embarrassed for you.

I also chose to believe you have sex with trees. Prove me wrong.

Tallest_Skil ago

Nah, you were proven wrong. Reported.

Mouse-Ball-Z ago

Lol @ 'reported'. You have sex with trees. Admit it, or lie more and say you dont, tree fucker. I hear pine trees cant even feel your small dick.

Whitemail ago

Legally enforced history. Sounds legit.

MasivGam3 ago

There are no credible witnesses to any of "the holocaust" events.

This is not true. It is the common knowledge in the Eastern Europe that Jews were exterminated by the thousands.

Though it is also known that horrors of the "death camps" were exaggerated (invented) a lot by the official Soviet History, which contained more fabricated falselyhoods than actual facts and from which so many Western scholars have drawn their information rendering their "scientific" works a pseudo-scientific nonsense which they will never admit.

Tallest_Skil ago

This is not true.

It is, in fact.

It is the common knowledge


in the Eastern Europe that Jews were exterminated by the thousands.

Prove it, then.

MasivGam3 ago

How do you want me to "prove" it, if I am "mentally ill" and it is "true in fact" anyway?

Earth is flat. Use your tin hat! Beware of chemtrails! Have a nice day!

Tallest_Skil ago

How do you want me to “prove” it

Do not post again until you know what proof is.

Earth is flat. Use your tin hat! Beware of chemtrails! Have a nice day!

Reported for COINTELPRO spam.

MasivGam3 ago

Go fuck yourself with a porcupine, you dumb shit.

Tallest_Skil ago


Reported for COINTELPRO spam.

MasivGam3 ago

:) You are not mentally healthy. Or maybe you are drunk right now.

MasivGam3 ago

There is a mistake in the URL of the third link from the end. Please fix it.

Tallest_Skil ago

I don’t see a problem. What error are you getting? 503? 404?

MasivGam3 ago

He-he-he... Kept you busy for 5 minutes. :D

Tallest_Skil ago

Nope, too two seconds to click the link. It works. Reported for being mentally ill.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

sorry but "common knowledge" isn't proof and when you factor in all of the lies and what we for sure know about what did and did not happen the burden of proof becomes pretty high. but in any case, even if jews were exterminated by the thousands as you claimed, "the holocaust" never happened.

MasivGam3 ago

You know what? Old people still remember someone they knew who was brought to the forests and shot. Death marches existed. Whole towns were emptied by death squads herding Jews to execution places. Its just fucking indecent to deny that. If you grew up in the West where that did not happen it does not mean in didn't happen at all.

Of course all that Holocaust thing is twisted to the degree where it turns into a farce, but one must not jump from one extreme to the other.

even if jews were exterminated by the thousands as you claimed, "the holocaust" never happened.

Well. Depends upon what you mean by Holocaust. They were purposefully targeted and systematically exterminated. That's a fact. Whatever name you call it.

Tallest_Skil ago

You know what? Old people still remember someone they knew who was brought to the forests and shot.


Death marches existed.

Nah, life marches. They evacuated camps so that the commies wouldn’t kill everyone. That’s why FUCKING ELIE WIESEL ADMITS TO GOING WITH THE GERMANS INSTEAD OF STAYING BEHIND. YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT.

Whole towns were emptied by death squads

Didn’t happen.

herding Jews to execution places

Which didn’t exist.

Its just fucking indecent to deny that

Kill yourself before we get our hands on you or you’re going to WISH the holocaust had happened.

it does not mean in didn’t happen at all.

It didn’t happen. It is proven that it didn’t happen.

one must not jump from one extreme to the other.

Nah, blow your fucking brains out. One jumps to FACT AND FACT ALONE.

MasivGam3 ago

You are just plain dumb. And you give bad image to the people who actually want separate fact from fiction. And you are very useful to ((())) to portray all those who dispute their narrative as idiots. Because you certainly look like one.

Tallest_Skil ago

You are just plain dumb.

Not an argument. Thanks for admitting you were wrong.

And you give bad image to the people who actually want separate fact from fiction.

Not you, that is.

And you are very useful to ✡✡ to portray all those who dispute their narrative as idiots.

Nah, try harder, dipshit.

Because you certainly look like one.

Still not an argument. You can’t refute a single thing anyone here has said. We berate you because you’re supposed to be smarter than this to be called a human being.

elitch2 ago

MasivGam3 ago

Interesting. Thank you! Correlates with the claim that death camps were not death camps at all.

DeadFox ago

Yeah, people who were 10 at the time, and who have been subjected to 60+ years of outright propaganda will surely have an accurate account of history.

MasivGam3 ago

If they never believed the propaganda and personally knew those who perished they will.

Tallest_Skil ago

Except we’ve proven they’re all lies.

MasivGam3 ago

Congratulations then, I guess.

Tallest_Skil ago

Go the fuck back to reddit.

DeadFox ago

Noone is saying Jews werent shot and raped and other brutal things. We are debating the gas chambers, mass graves and "ovens" specifically. All things that only dead people couldve witnessed.

MasivGam3 ago

debating the gas chambers, mass graves and "ovens" specifically

Well, topic certainly worth debating. I just wonder if governments have ever provided any actual proof aside from "eyewitness accounts".

Pissant ago

I don't quite know what I believe, but I am recognizing that a lot of it seems to be falsehoods.

So from what you've learned from the experiences of your elders, they were rounded up and killed in fairly large numbers? What would you wager the numbers were, tens of thousands? Or more than that, hundreds of thousands etc? Or like the official narrative, in the millions?

Any opinion about Jews being allowed to leave first?

They were purposefully targeted and systematically exterminated.

When one country goes to war with another, that country targets the other, does it not? Hitler waged war on a specific ethnicity, because of economic warfare being waged against his country by that ethnicity. From my understanding, he gave them more than fair warning to leave. This would not be the first time that Jews were forcefully expelled from another country, which is fairly rare as far as groups of people being removed from countries.

"The Holocaust" generally references six million jews being systematically executed. I don't believe that anymore. I wouldn't doubt that maybe at most tens of thousands were rooted out and killed, but I don't buy the gas camps. I feel they were most likely labor camps or just prison camps where disease broke out. Even back then, living through it, knowing what was propaganda and what wasn't could not have been easy. So I'm pretty skeptical about it all, mostly though because questioning it leads to imprisonment.

MasivGam3 ago

What would you wager the numbers were, tens of thousands?

Depends upon what area you are talking about. But in total I would not claim the official magic number of "6 million".

In Eastern Europe, in particular the USSR after 1941, they were not allowed to leave. They did not have were to leave.

A lot of the so called "death camps" actually indeed were just labor camps, pretty regular prisons or transfer camps, often even with rather acceptable living conditions, especially for the time of war.

A lot of "Holocaust Horrors" are proven to be fake. You know, the regular Leftist tactics - fabricate a story, write it down, claim it true. Voila! Now it is a fact. Even though any reasonable analysis or fact checking instantly finds faults, sometimes even laughable absurd. That is why it is so important for (((them))) to shut down the discussion.

And so on. It is a very broad and rather unpleasant topic to discuss. One of the most cynical and dirty stories of the modern era. A lot of decent Jewish people were indeed killed in the genocide, which was terrible, but then they were raped post mortem by the Holocaust Industry, and are still paraded around like some Halloween scares. I do not even know which is more disgusting.

Pissant ago

still paraded around like some Halloween scares

Did you hear about the Anne Frank costume controversy? Lol

MasivGam3 ago

How insensitive! "It was real in his mind!!!"

Remember where the quote comes from? A guy posing as a Holocaust survivor wrote a book depicting horrors in the finest detail. The book was found to be a fake. The so called "Jewish community leaders" jumped in to defend him, saying that when he wrote it it was true in his mind, so he must have been speaking truth. Can you believe this level of utter arrogance? ... Chutzpah. Nothing can beat it.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

well i don't have that experience and i am not able to corroborate those claims. maybe there were isolated cases of what you are talking about. war is hell. lots of bad things happen. people die. it does not mean "the holocaust" happened. what i mean is the official narrative about the systemic extermination of 6 million jews. total bullshit. were jews targeted? yes. so were roma and vagrants and criminals and many others. german civilians and soldiers were ambushed and killed in various places. in some cases germans punished towns where this happened by killing a bunch of people. but the holohoax is still a lie.

MasivGam3 ago

The Holocaust Myth as it is popularized now is a lie. It was created for gaining profit and power, and is very effective at that. Fabricating evidence for it started as soon as the war was over, and possibly even before that. It definitely is one of the most effective deception campaigns in human history.

And the lot of arguments you mention are valid, Gypsies, Poles (most absurdly) also were targeted.

Still there was more than just "isolated cases", and that was not the "war is hell" type of story. It indeed was a systematic genocide of the Jews in particular. Please do not let the aversion caused by being force-fed the propaganda to make you reject reasonable information.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

don't misunderstand me. i strongly reject the narrative that jews were systematically targeted for genocide as a lie before the evidence doesn't support it and the people who push that narrative are proven liars. not because i would really care if it were true. i am in favor of genociding as many jews as possible.

UKD ago

Where does this doc diverge most from the official narrative in your opinion?

Cheesebooger ago

Just be careful where you ask these questions, depending on which country you are from because in some countries you can be put in prison for questioning the jews

mleczko ago

and that's the answer for you, right there.

SocialJusticePanda ago

In what country are they not watching?

Cheesebooger ago


UrAShillHarry ago

TFW ur fucking retarded

Cheesebooger ago

Jew mad, bro? YEAH!! JEW MAD!! AH AH ah

UrAShillHarry ago

dae le holocaust denial??? right guys?? it's ok, I'm also uneducated blue collar trash

Cheesebooger ago

Ahhh there's that word. "Uneducated". I love watching jewbags panic. please, proceed, sir

Hackerman ago

on the off chance you're NOT a paid shill, and are actually just THAT brainwashed: go do a google news search for people in the EU being sent to prison for saying that the holocaust never happened. 80+ year olds that are no threat to anyone

UrAShillHarry ago

they broke a law, they got sent to jail. fuck em. I don't see the issue

Tallest_Skil ago

hurr durr the government can make it illegal to be white and that means its okay for them to kill all white people ha ha it’s the law so it’s your problem not theirs

Commit suicide.

UrAShillHarry ago

TFW I trigger you this hard toppest of keks

CrudOMatic ago

toppest of keks

That was the faggotiest thing I've ever heard.

UrAShillHarry ago

oops did I le trigger you? ;)

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Hey bro, you wanna eat my balls?

UrAShillHarry ago

what a great comeback the niggers would be proud

AndrewBlazeIt ago

ye mane

UrAShillHarry ago

dude shut the fuck up

AndrewBlazeIt ago

No u

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re “triggered” because i got blown the fuck out

Reported. Return to reddit.

UrAShillHarry ago

lmao ur so salty!

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported. Return to reddit.

UrAShillHarry ago

OH SHIT REPORTED?? OOHHH NOOOOOO whatever will I do now? lol reporting me doesn't stop me from calling you a faggot, faggot. lolol that work out for you?

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported. Return to reddit..

UrAShillHarry ago

faggot lol

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported. Return to reddit..,

Dismal_Swamp ago

Next time try the double lip lock, middle leg take down.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

do your own research and ask questions. there are lots of goats who will gladly help you learn.

Bolux ago

While your at it you should check out Eisenhower's death camps.

SexMachine ago

This is the right answer.

With all the videos about the Holohoax, I didn't buy it at first, they wouldn't lie to us about history, would they? It's in the history books for crying out loud, that means people who know what they're talking about wrote it! I mean, 4 million people were gassed at Auschwitz, let me google that(pro-tip: Google now hides Holocaust revisionism from their search results, so you're going to have to dig harder if you want the truth). In the time since I graduated high school, the number of people supposedly died at Auschwitz went from 4 million to 1.1 million.... So... historians aren't always right... What else were they wrong about?

I'd say the biggest helping hand in my quest for truth was reddit, believe it or not. I immediately went to r//AskHistorians with this information i just learned. "If the death toll from the death toll from the Nazi death camps have all been drastically decreased in the past two decades, why hasn't the total number of Jewish victims been decreased from 6 million? Looking at all the new numbers from the concentration camp websites, it should be more like 2 million."

Banned for holocaust denial

.... Well isn't that (((fishy))). Why aren't I allowed to ask that question? That only pushed me to dig more and to find out more information.

jewshekelstein1488 ago


this is one of my favorite videos on the subject. pretty good for redpilling normies. pastor steve anderson is the tits.

Did the Holocaust Really Happen?

SexMachine ago

I love that dude. He drops some bretty good redbills, but then he'll say some things that are just off the walls bonkers like, "The Jews are all going to burn in hell for not believing in Jesus Christ" - not a verbatim quote, but roundabout what he's said.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

taking that as an example, why is that bonkers? are you a christian? just curious.

SexMachine ago

Just when you're trying to redpill normies, you have to work them up to that level. You can't just start them out with "all gays and jews will born in hell".

I'd say I'm a non-practicing Christian. Lost faith a long time ago, but I still believe there is a God. Believing there is a God, isn't exactly believing in God. It's like, when you see firsthand real death, destruction, and outright horror that exists in this world, made me question why would God allow that.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

here's an amazing sermon if you're interested in what the bible says about homosexuality. great for debating and redpilling people who are (willfully) ignorant about this subject.

Pastor Steven Anderson - The Sodomite Agenda vs. Reality

jewshekelstein1488 ago

well that is what the bible says in no uncertain terms. i'm always willing to take it slow and explain to someone but if people have an issue with what the bible says that is their problem. and for all the horror in the world there is also infinite beauty. try not to focus so much on the negative aspects. and imho god "allows" things like that because he gave us free will. he told us how to live properly and gave us many chances and we refused to listen. those horrors you speak of are the responsibility of man, not god. it is wholly within our power to create heaven (or hell) on earth. i suppose you could question why he created such terribly flawed beings. i don't have all the answers but it doesn't shake my faith and i don't let it keep me awake at night. i will pray for you.

SexMachine ago

Some people find God on the battlefield, other people lose their faith.

SexMachine ago

This and Hellstorm are must watch documentaries.

TGSNT is pretty long, and I broke it up between 3 nights of watching.

enormousatom ago

Ha. I struggled with when to watch it. Saved it for a sick day. Snuggled in with my humidifier, bottle of Nyquil, bottle of whiskey, and let that bitch loose. It was a good watch. Were there death camps in Germany? Maybe. Not any more so than any communist country then or now. Were there forced labor camps that people called death camps? Plenty and that's what these were. Tgsnt paints them as completely innocent. I don't think that's the case. Everyone had enemies. For Germany, the communist were the biggest and by extension/association the Jews.

SexMachine ago

The thing is, the evidence for Nazi extermination camps is extremely weak.

The fumigation chambers for clothing at the camps have a machine to open the cans of Zyclon-B and a heater to warm up the pellets to release the gas, and then they have vents with fans to blow the gas out when fumigation is complete. That's the way Zyclon-B is supposed to work, it's a pesticide, and you can find US Navy manuals online for how similar cyanide pesticides were used on US Navy vessels.

They expect us to believe that the Nazis were sophisticated enough to build fumigation chambers with heaters and vent fans, but so retarded that they just chiseled holes in the ceilings of "gas chambers", and dumped Zyclon-B pellets into people in the middle of winter, and waited for the the body heat in the room to warm up the pellets enough to release the gas... And then, since the "gas chambers" didn't have vents, they would send their own people into the poison gas, without gas masks, to clear the bodies out.

The holocaust story just doesn't add up.

MasivGam3 ago

dumped Zyclon-B pellets into people in the middle of winter

That is one thing I want answers about. Too bad it is illegal in some countries even to ask questions.

enormousatom ago

That's what I'm saying. Work camp/death camp, it's really semantics if you're sending someone there to be worked to death is what I meant. Forced labor definitely happened and lots of people died during it. That's all I feel anyone knows enough to say.

Jeckle ago Would the SS try and execute SS officers for murdering death camp prisoners?

enormousatom ago

Those sentences were all commuted, and not all of those were for executing prisoners. I see your point. Just parsing through your info.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

If you're gonna mention it you can at least link it.

SexMachine ago

Is hooktube working on your end? I clicked it and it says "No video with supported format and MIME type found."

Other videos are working on Hooktube though.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

could be some fuckery on the (((youtube))) end. they generally don't like people being able to watch these types of videos. i wonder why.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

I've noticed some of the older youtube vids only play in the old player. Probably still hosted in an old file format or something like that.