think- ago

Last month The Observer revealed that the drugs giant GlaxoSmithkline used orphans at a New York children's home in experiments...


MercurysBall2 ago

Tavistock Created Donald Trump

While the world was focused on the final act of World War Two economists and monetary policy writers of the allied nations, which included Russia and China, were meeting in New Hampshire to develop the Bretton Woods Agreement. The purpose of this conference was to set the new framework for the international monetary system based on the dominance of the US dollar and the gold which was deposited into the Federal Reserve.

During this time period the Tavistock Clinic in London, England was beginning to develop its own plans for the post-war years. Operation Phoenix was tasked with the objective of redesigning the Tavistock Clinic to function as a “silent weapon” for the purpose of cultural and socioeconomic engineering.

In a previous article called The Bretton Woods Origin of the Cold War we reviewed how certain interests tricked some nations into accepting the USD as the international reserve currency in place of the super-sovereign asset called bancor, which was being proposed by the British economist John Maynard Keynes.

..The IPC was chaired by Wilfred R. Bion, who had previously spent 7 years in psychotherapeutic training at the Tavistock Clinic. Other members of the committee included John Rawlings Rees, who cared for Nazi turncoat Rudolf Hess over a period of 4 years after he fled Germany and went to Scotland. One Eric Trist also sat on the planning committee and would later become Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Social Ecology at the Wharton School.

The Tavistock Clinic evolved into the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. The remnants of the clinic were relaunched as the National Health Services. Tavistock for the remainder of this article will be a reference to the Institute and not the Clinic, though further research into the National Health Services should be encouraged.

Tavistock began to develop group think concepts which could be used to manipulate mass populations through the use of conscious and subconscious psychoanalytic techniques. These strategies and methodologies were used to engineer Western pop culture and begin the process of something called Social Environmental Turbulence (SET). The theories of Edward Bernays were also implemented in these techniques.

..The IPC group which founded the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations became known as the “Invisible College” in reference to the Royal Society from centuries past. This college consisted of individuals who would serve as lawyers and judges, from which the political class is selected. Police forces and military brass were also represented in the college. Everything from school boards, sports organizations, mainstream media, alternative media, movie studios, non-governmental organizations and think tanks, municipal governments, financial and monetary policy makers, economists, and corporations, were all manipulated into serving the purpose of the Invisible College.

..In a previous article titled How Rothschild Inc. Saved Donald Trump we learned that the Trump script and political platform began back in the 1980’s. The fact that Rothschild and Warburg family members were some of the founders of the Wharton School is not a coincidence and has been well covered in other articles by other researchers.

..Trump is the most polarizing figure to ever enter politics in the Western world. This is not by accident. The manner of speech, body language, such as shrugging and eye rolling, as well as absurd statements which are meant to sow division and crisis, are the same application of SET and cognitive dissonance which has been taking place since the 1940’s.

..A closing point worth mentioning is that Trump is the salesman selling the American people and Western culture on the multilateral transformation which is taking place. The shift away from the American hegemonic “exorbitant privilege” which has existed since Bretton Woods towards a rebalanced international framework will cause a dramatic transformation within the American culture which was engineered by Tavistock.

think- ago

The fact that Rothschild and Warburg family members were some of the founders of the Wharton School is not a coincidence


MercurysBall2 ago

Re Tavistock Square:

Jill Dando Institute of Security and Crime Science (JDI) ; Address: UCL SECReT, 35 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9EZ

In 1920 the Tavistock Clinic was founded in the square, a pioneering psychiatric clinic whose patients included shell-shock victims of the First World War. In 1946 the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations separated from the Tavistock Clinic. The Tavistock Clinic has since moved to Hampstead and the Tavistock Institute to Islington.

Behavioral Insights Team (BIT) PhD Scholarships

Address: Department of Political Science, The School of Public Policy, The Rubin Building, 29/31 Tavistock Square, London

Tavistock Square was built shortly after 1806 by the property developer James Burton and the master builder Thomas Cubitt for Francis Russell, 5th Duke of Bedford, and formed part of the Bedford Estate in London, owned by the Dukes of Bedford.[1] The square takes its name from Marquess of Tavistock, a courtesy title given to the eldest sons of the Dukes of Bedford

MercurysBall2 ago

Cambridge in the 1830s: The Letters of Alexander Chisholm Gooden, 1831-1841 By Alexander Chisholm Gooden

second son of James Gooden of Tavistock Square

James Gooden had travelled in France and Germany. He made his fortune in Lisbon - The English Factory in the late eighteen century traded in Brazilian cotton as well as bullion... He socialized with Spiritualists and Theosophists like Augustus de Morgen

MercurysBall2 ago

Part 2: The Big Picture. Ties to Clinton Donor (ARK)/MK-Ultra/Tav!stock/ChildTrafficking/Organ Trafficking/Psychosynthesis/Lucis Trust/and more -

Edit 4: a random comment from a site I just found: re: Bowlby and attachment theory and how they studied it, and why. It’s been said they were looking, overall, at ways of breaking down the family and breaking down the parent-child bond. By “they” I mean social engineers, inspired by Freudian ideas, and Tavistock types like John Rawling Rees who inspired Brock Chisholm and other globalists with the means at their disposal to put these theories into practice via the UN, and psychiatry. In Canada since 1945, there have been serial scandals and mass tragedies involving orphans ( e.g. Duplessis orphans), native residential school children, and Child Protection Services (Children’s Aid) taking children from “broken” or disadvantaged homes and making them wards of the state subject to all kinds of experimentation, drugging and sexual abuse.

MercurysBall2 ago


Science and Technology Committee

The role of the Chairman of the MRC

Wednesday 20 June 2007 - SIR JOHN CHISHOLM

Witness: Sir John Chisholm, Chairman, Medical Research Council, gave evidence.

Members present : Dr Evan Harris

Sir John Alexander Raymond Chisholm FREng CEng FIEE FRAeS FInstP[1] (born 27 August 1946) is a British engineer who was chairman of the Medical Research Council and QinetiQ

Chisholm was born in India of Scottish parents, Ruari Ian Lambert Chisholm and Pamela Harland Frank, and brought up in Calcutta. Mairi Chisholm was his great-aunt.[2][3] He was educated at Worth School, and later attended Cambridge University, reading Mechanical Sciences on a scholarship from General Motors.

MercurysBall2 ago

Mairi Chisholm

Mairi Lambert Gooden-Chisholm of Chisholm, MM, OStJ (26 February 1896 – 22 August 1981), known as Mairi Chisholm, was a Scottish nurse and ambulance driver in the First World War. She, together with her friend Elsie Knocker, won numerous medals for bravery and for saving the lives of thousands of soldiers on the Western Front in Belgium. Dubbed "The Madonnas of Pervyse" by the press[1][2] the two were among the most photographed women of the war.

Chisholm was born on 26 February 1896 in Buckinghamshire [4]to Captain Roderick Gooden-Chisholm and Margaret Fraser.[5] Her family was independently wealthy and owned a plantation in Trinidad. .. When war was declared in 1914, Knocker wrote to Chisholm that there was "work to be done",[6] and suggested they go to London to become dispatch riders for the Women's Emergency Corps. Chisholm rode her motorbike all the way from Dorset to the capital. It was while acting as a courier in this way that she was spotted making hairpin corners in the city by a Dr. Hector Munro. Munro was setting up a Flying Ambulance Corps to help the Belgians who had been caught unawares by the German invasion and invited her to join his team.. Both she and Knocker ended up in Belgium as part of the corps which included Dorothie Feilding and May Sinclair.

Chisholm and Knocker soon came to the conclusion that they could save more lives by treating the wounded directly on the front lines. In November, they decided to leave the corps and set up their own dressing station five miles east in a town named Pervyse, north of Ypres, just one hundred yards from the trenches. Here, in a vacant cellar which they named "Poste de Secours Anglais" ("British First Aid Post"), the two would spend the next three and a half years tending to the wounded. No longer affiliated with the Belgian Red Cross, they began acting completely as free agents and had to support their work by raising their own funds. Through sheer perseverance Knocker was able to arrange for the two of them to be officially seconded to the Belgian garrison stationed there. In January 1915, they were both decorated by King Albert I of Belgium with the Order of Léopold II, Knights Cross (with palm)[6] for their courageous work on the front lines. They were also awarded the British Military Medal and both made Officers of the Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem.[6] Chisholm was also decorated with the Queen Elisabeth Medal of Belgium and the British campaign medals, including the 1914 Star.[5] The two became instant celebrities earning the distinction of being among the most photographed women of the war.

MercurysBall2 ago

Diamond Light Source is the UK’s national synchrotron. It works like a giant microscope, harnessing the power of electrons to produce bright light that scientists can use to study anything from fossils to jet engines to viruses and vaccines.

The machine accelerates electrons to near light speeds so that they give off light 10 billion times brighter than the sun. These bright beams are then directed off into laboratories known as ‘beamlines’. Here, scientists use the light to study a vast range of subject matter, from new medicines and treatments for disease to innovative engineering and cutting-edge technology.

..Diamond is a not-for-profit limited company funded as a joint venture by the UK Government as part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) through the Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC), and in partnership with the Wellcome Trust. The synchrotron is free at the point of access through a competitive application process, provided that the results are in the public domain. Over 14,000 researchers from across both academia and industry use Diamond to conduct experiments, assisted by approximately 620 staff.

MercurysBall2 ago

Sir David Cooksey

Sir David James Scott Cooksey, GBE (born 14 May 1940) is a British businessman, venture capitalist and policy advisor.

David Cooksey gained a degree in metallurgy at St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford[1] (Hon Fellow 1995). He embarked on a career as an industrial engineer, rising through the management of the company Formica International, and finally leading the management buy-out of a subsidiary in 1971.

Cooksey was chairman of the Audit Commission from 1986 to 1995 and in 1996 as chairman of the Local Government Commission for England, proposed the introduction of unitary authorities in many areas of England. In 2003 Cooksey was appointed to chair the Biosciences Industry Growth Taskforce by HM Treasury and the DTI and issued the report "Biosciences 2015" that year. He revised and reissued the report in 2009. In 2006 he published the Cooksey Review of UK health research for HM Treasury which led to a new funding structure and approach to medical research in the UK. It also paved the way to new approaches to pharmaceutical licensing.

Sir David was a director of the Bank of England from 1994 until 2005, including a period as Chairman of Directors from 2001. He was a Governor of the Wellcome Trust from 1995 to 1999, and was Chairman of the Board of Directors at Diamond Light Source Ltd from its formation in 2002 until September 2008. He was chairman of the Francis Crick Institute from 2009 to August 2017. He was Pro Chancellor of the University of Southampton from 2009-2013.

Sir David was Chairman of London and Continental Railways from 2006 to 2011. He was appointed chairman of Bechtel Ltd in 2008. He chaired UK Financial Investments Limited from 2009 to 2012.

He was knighted in 1993. He was appointed a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire (GBE) in the Queen's Birthday Honours 2007 for public service.

Yeah, knighted because he was in the 'club', clearly.

He is a keen sailor and a member of the Royal Yacht Squadron.

MercurysBall2 ago

No wonder MF wanted me to delete this post a couple of years ago. Now that we see what is playing out with the medical field, the Wellcome Trust and the coronavirus The Wellcome Trust, Tavistock, Biotech and pizzagate