MercurysBall2 ago

Tom Hanks comes to CERN with Ron Howard

MercurysBall2 ago

More on Whitehead Institute:

Founders; As Whitehead Institute's Founding Director, Baltimore handpicked Harvey Lodish[10], and Robert Weinberg from MIT[11], Gerald Fink from Cornell University[12], and Rudolf Jaenisch from University of Hamburg, Germany, to be Whitehead Institute's Founding Members.

Less than a decade after its founding, the Institute for Scientific Information in Philadelphia identified Whitehead as the top research institution in the world in molecular biology and genetics, based on the impact of its scientific publications.[7] Whitehead Institute's Center for Genome Research became the single largest contributor to the Human Genome Project, and reportedly contributed one-third of the human genome sequence announced in June 2000

In the early 2000s, the CGR formed the independent Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, of which then-Whitehead Member Eric Lander was named Founding Director and President.

.Today, Whitehead scientists run research programs in cancer biology, developmental biology, genetics and genomics, metabolism, neurodevelopment and neurodegenerative disease, and regenerative medicine. In addition, numerous biotech companies have been launched by Whitehead Members or based on intellectual property developed at the Institute, such as Alnylam Pharmaceuticals,[16] Sanofi Genzyme,[17] Ironwood Pharmaceuticals,[18] Rubius Therapeutics,[19] and Verastem

Rudolf Jaenisch

Rudolf Jaenisch (born 22 April 1942) is a Professor of Biology at MIT and a founding member of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research.[1] He is a pioneer of transgenic science, in which an animal’s genetic makeup is altered. Jaenisch has focused on creating genetically modified mice to study cancer and neurological diseases

Jaenisch’s first breakthrough occurred in 1974 when he and Beatrice Mintz showed that foreign DNA could be integrated into the DNA of early mouse embryos.[5] They injected retrovirus DNA into early mouse embryos and showed that leukemia DNA sequences had integrated into the mouse genome and also to its offspring. These mice were the first transgenic mammals in history.

..Jaenisch’s therapeutic cloning research deals exclusively with mice, but he is an advocate for using the same techniques with human cells in order to advance embryonic stem cell research.[8] However, in 2001 Jaenisch made a public case against human reproductive cloning, testifying to a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee[9] and an editorial in Science magazine


MercurysBall2 ago

Change at the Head of the Swiss Seismological Service

Since 1997, Domenico Giardini is Professor of Seismology and Geodynamics and was also Director of the Swiss Seismological Service, operated by the ETH on behalf of the Federal Government. During these years, he has coordinated numerous international research projects, and acted as a scientific expert on various National Commissions dealing with earthquake safety in urban areas and for critical infrastructures. He currently is the President of the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth‘s Interior (IASPEI).

Domenico Giardini, who completed his Doctoral Studies at the University of Bologna, left the SED at the end of 2011, but will continue to serve as Professor for Seismology and Geodynamics at the ETH Zürich. "Domenico Giardini is one of the most recognised seismologist internationally and is largely responsible for the reputation of the Swiss Seismological Service as a centre of excellence for research as well as a crucial service for the Swiss public“, honored Roland Siegwart, the Vice President for Research and Corporate Relations at the ETH Zürich.

Underworld paradise - It was Domenico Giardini who had the idea to convert the former ventilation arm into an underground lab. Domenico Giardini, architect and head of the Bedretto Underground Lab

MercurysBall2 ago

Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones involved in Pizzagate?

According to an interview with Jones on HBO, after graduating from college in 1965, he borrowed a million dollars from Jimmy Hoffa's Teamsters union to open up a string of Shakey's Pizza Parlor restaurants in Missouri. ... In 1954 they invented the concept of a pizzeria chain..He even profits from every Pizza sold at the stadium and has very close ties to Papa John's Pizza..Super Sunday is one of the biggest days for pizza in America... Wikileaks Podesta mails between Podesta and Jerry Jones

About Jones art collection - When I read about him on forbes online, I found it a little odd that they wrote about one piece of art he bought around the time when he bought the Cowboys, too. It stands out from the rest of the short article in being a little too specific: An avid art collector, he acquired Norman Rockwell's painting "Coin Toss" at the same time he bought the Cowboys... Bro. Norman Rockwell was a member of Red Mountain Lodge No. 63 F.& A.M., Arlington, Vermont.

MercurysBall2 ago

This early work demonstrated to us that angiotensin was probably responsible for the increase in blood pressure in hypertension.

We know that adrenochrome was brought over from Germany in 1947 to research treatments for high blood pressure..

The Fallacy of Using Adrenochrome Reaction for Measurement of Reactive Oxygen Species Formed During Cytochrome P450-Mediated Metabolism of Xenobiotics The adrenochrome reaction (oxidation of epinephrine to adrenochrome) has been widely employed as a standard assay for reactive oxygen species, produced under a variety of conditions, including those produced during cytochrome P450 (CYP)-mediated oxidation of substrates such as cyclosporine. However, it has been reported that epinephrine and adrenochrome can be metabolized by hepatic microsomes and that adrenochrome can also be metabolized by NADPH-CYP reductase.