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plancktonne ago

From InfoWars: Unverified but it seems legit.

Maxwell's Nephew Worked for Hillary

Though the page is titled BLOOMBERG CONFRONTED FOR BEING IN EPSTEIN’S LITTLE BLACK BOOK the interesting part of the piece is that somebody uncovered the fact that Alexander Djerassi, who is Ghislaine Maxwell’s nephew, was a high-ranking official in Hillary Clinton’s State Department. There's mention of Alexander's brother, Dale, and connections to the Bronfmans and NXIVM and the art world, in particular an anti-Christian piece ‘St. Batman Crucifixion’ which caused problems for Clinton.

kestrel9 ago

Thanks for the info! same info here too (also Infowars related?)

Former Nonresident Associate

Middle East Program

Alexander Djerassi was a nonresident associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, where his research focused on Tunisia, democratic transitions, and U.S. foreign policy toward the Middle East and North Africa.

Alexander Djerassi is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment.

From 2009 to 2012, Djerassi was chief of staff and special assistant in the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, covering U.S. relations with Arab states, Israel, and Iran. He worked on matters relating to democratization and civil society in the Arab world, the Arab uprisings, and Israeli-Palestinian peace. Djerassi has served as a U.S. representative to the Friends of Libya conferences, Friends of the Syrian People conferences, U.S.-GCC Strategic Coordination Forum, and several UN General Assemblies.

The Friends of Libya group was an international collective established to support the Libyan National Transitional Council in their effort to overthrow the regime of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. It was hosted by western nations and members of the Arab League, and known by a variety of other names including the Libya Contact Group and the International Contact Group for Libya.[1]

The Contact Group was set up following the London Conference on Libya in March 2011.[2][3] The conference included United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, prominent delegates from the Arab League and from European countries, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and representatives from NATO. Leaders of the Libyan National Transitional Council including Mahmoud Jibril were consulted prior to the conference but did not attend.[3]

Its first three meetings were in Doha, Rome and Abu Dhabi.[4]

In its fourth meeting, held in Istanbul in July 2011 and attended by American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,[5] the Contact Group announced its participants' agreement to deal with the Libyan National Transitional Council, the major coalition of anti-Gaddafi forces, as the "legitimate governing authority in Libya".[6][7]

The fifth meeting was planned to take place in New York on September,[8] but the events in Tripoli forced the members to meet again in Istanbul on extraordinary meeting on 25 August to set up road map for construction of "new Libya".[9][10]

The group recognized the progress made by the Libyan people, NTC, and NATO forces, and underlined the importance of continued support from all entities in the formation of a free and democratic Libya.[11]

Friends of Libya[edit]

At the meeting on 1 September 2011 in Paris, the Contact Group was dissolved and replaced with a new international meeting group called the Friends of Libya.[12][13]

A second Friends of Libya conference was held on September 20, 2011 in New York City.[14]

Scroll down past Alex's censored Nude Batman performance crucifixtion pics and see him at a Hillary rally in 2016.

"Dale's friendship with Hillary may have lead to his son Alexander becoming chief of staff for the Bureau of NEA from 2009-2012. Hillary was then secretary of state and oversaw Obama's foreign policy. This is Alexander at Hillary's rally in 2016"

BTW the first photo at top of blog is photoshopped version of one you can see here

About Alexander Djerassi's father

This is interesting too: Vivian Mannerud

plancktonne ago

Amazing research. All I can do is pick up on an odd connection from time to time.

kestrel9 ago

Thank you. I think I spend too much time on the computer lol. Here's what I just posted on QRV that includes info from this post:

Israel is last and other musings

No more obstacles

No step 5

Game Over

except... whatever comes last. Wexner and Epstein and...?

Many things to learn about the Wexners...

So aside from this quagmire (for now): 1994 Edmund James, president of James and Donohew Development Services, negotiated with Southern Air Transport (CIA run airline) and announced that it was locating to Rickenbacker International Airport in Columbus, Ohio. Much of the Hong Kong-to-Rickenbacker cargo was for Leslie Wexner's The Limited Inc. Governor George Voinovich stated: “I am extremely pleased to welcome Southern Air Transport to Ohio, as it will be the first airline to have its world headquarters located at Rickenbacker Airport. This will help Columbus tremendously in becoming a world-class inland port.”[9]

...I found it curious that Wexner's father-in-law helped create the Nation of Israel.

YLK are the initials of Mrs. Wexner's late father, Yehuda L. Koppel (1917-2006. Mr. Koppel played an important role in the founding of the State of Israel as a leader in the (Zionist military group) Haganah. (Later Haganah had an offshoot group: Zionist paramilitary group called Irgun that behaved essentially as a terrorist group. Two of the operations for which the Irgun is best known are the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946 and the Deir Yassin massacre, carried out together with Lehi on 9 April 1948. (and they received aid from the Haganah)

KOPPEL--Yehuda. September 25, 2006 in New York. Mr. Koppel, 89, was born in Kalish, Poland to Chaim and Sara Koppel. He left Poland at the age of 16 and resettled in Palestine. Mr. Koppel joined the British Army and was a member of the Jewish Brigade. He fought in WW II in Europe and retired from the British Army with the rank of Major. Mr. Koppel played an important role in the founding of the State of Israel as a leader in the Haganah. In the 1950's, he moved to New York where he opened the first American office of El Al, Israel's national airline..

Pic Wexner Heritage Foundation co founder Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman with Leslie and Abigail Wexner

The YLK charitable foundation was formed in Dec 2007 (presumably as a memorial, Mr. Koppel died in 2006). Epstein donated to it in Jan 2008 via COUQ just as investigations were coming to a head.

One might say that the Wexners, somewhat like Robert Maxwell and Edgar Bronfman Sr., (but not as much as Marc Rich did), have Israel in their debt. That may have had come in handy when Epstein became a liability. But that might be off the mark, a lot of people probably rested easier once Epstein was choked to death under 'high security' circumstances.

So when "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu challenged Ehud Barak (the guy who obtained the pardon for Marc Rich) to explain why he was paid over $2 million by the Wexner Foundation in 2004 (for what was described as a research program) when Epstein was among the foundation’s trustees" he probably should paused to and had a bit more respect.

Hard to keep track of how much the Wexners paid Ehud Barak: "... the Wexner Foundation paid “consulting fees” to Ehud Barak of $1 million in 2004 and $800,000 in 2006. In 2005, The Leslie H Wexner Charitable Fund paid Ehud Barak $505,000 in “consulting fees”." Cheaper than paying Hillary though /s

Pic Wexner Heritage Foundation co founder Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman with Leslie and Abigail Wexner

Curious that Wexner traded multimillion dollar real estate with Epstein in exchange for less than a kid's lunch money. (Or maybe it was in exchange for kids /s)

IMHO, tho, Israel can't be last without Canada being last too. Because Wexner, and prominent Canadian Zionists are joined in business. Too much to lay out in detail. But here's info to connect dots and just for reading.

[Who's Who in `Mega'](

What really got me started was reading about Second City Capital I and these names (Belzberg is behind both First City Financial and Second City Capitol

C.O.U.G. Foundation Inc. (Epstein), YHS, LLC (Wexner/Epstein), Darren Indyke (Epstein lawyer), Christopher S. Wallace (ties to Uranium company), Jeremy South China, Strauss Zelnick, Samual Belzberg (daughter Lisa was married to Matthew Bronfman), SCCP LP, Second City General Partner Inc., Johnny Ciampi, David Maron

All those are listed in the Second City Capitol Partners SEC form D

Just money moving into the Belzberg family businesses. But during research of those... when I see mention of ties to mining and Canada and I think of Frank Giustra (and sure enough a stray fmr. employee Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership pops up). Mention Canada and Uranium mining and I think of Uranium One. That's just me. Not saying I have connected all the dots. Some dots are probably very old dots like 'How Israel Stole the Bomb'?

Or blogs like this:

And then this today posted on Voat..

Stuff like that, if true, would help explain why Israel is last.

Vindicator ago

Great round up, K9! Did you see my research a few days ago into Abigail Wexner? (Read the bottom part of the post). She is doing medical research on children and Nationwide Hospital in Columbus that needs more looking into. Very suspicious logos and a helicopter named "Monarch 1".

kestrel9 ago

Thank you! I started digging and am still knee deep in it. I started out based on your research, hoping to dovetail info into it at some point. A lot of it involves businesses and obscure, incestuous connections between them, involving Wexnar, Epstein and Belzberg and Bronfman(s) plus others. Corrupt Canada and corrupt Ohio! Too much to lay out yet sigh

Vindicator ago

Yeah, the tangled web they weave is really exasperating. You need a whiteboard the size of China to keep track of it all.

kestrel9 ago


The ownership of Edper Investments Ltd. was held by the personal trusts of brothers Edward and Peter. Its structure changed after 1989, but for most of its existence it was owned by the private trusts of each brother. The Edper corporate empire was noted for its intricate web of ownership and control that extended from the top tier. Its organizational structure was described as "very, very complex" and "dizzying"[4] Through careful use of labyrinthine accounting and complex strategies and corporate structures, Edper capitalized on Canada's relatively lax securities laws, tax laws, and disclosure requirements that resulted in its rapid growth into a highly complex, pyramidal empire of interwoven companies and cross-ownership. Edper controlled but did not own many companies. Privately held Edper could own a controlling stake in one public company that would hold a controlling stake in another public one that would hold a controlling stake in yet another, without having to use much of its own money. Other strategies used were cross-ownership and partial ownership of a parent company by its subsidiary and the liberal use of restricted or non-voting shares for public investors and super-voting shares for insiders. These enabled the Edper empire to raise billions of dollars without having to use much of its own money. During the Eighties boom, Bronfman-connected companies issued more securities than anyone else in Canada and raised more than $30-billion in equity.[6] In addition to the two brothers, who were heavily involved in the management of Edper and many of its subsidiaries, there were two other men who played key roles in the Edper group's rapid expansion and management: accountant Jack Cockwell hired by the Bronfmans in the 1960s who later headed Hees International/Bancorp, Edper Equities, and Edper Investments; and Trevor Eyton, a corporate lawyer who headed Brascan Ltd. following Edper's acquisition.[6][7]

Vindicator ago

That shit should be illegal. Period.

kestrel9 ago

Check out this name Steven K. Parker

Remember I mentioned Second City Capitol Partners (Belzberg)

Came across Steven K. Parker's name here via his ties to First Nava Capital, Ltd.

which is listed along with:

C.O.U.G. Foundation Inc. (Epstein), YHS, LLC (Wexner/Epstein), Darren Indyke (Epstein lawyer), Christopher S. Wallace (ties to Uranium company), Jeremy South China, Strauss Zelnick, Samual Belzberg (daughter Lisa was married to Edward Bronfman), SCCP LP, Second City General Partner Inc., Johnny Ciampi, David Maron

All those are listed in the Second City Capitol Partners SEC form D.

At one point I found (offshore leaks) a company going by the name "Fictitious Names" o_0

These people are intertwined, Belzberg family company and offshoots I came across one with a Clinton Giustra Enterprise fmr. employee... still digging.

yada yada The endless stream of companies

kestrel9 ago

whiteboard the size of China to keep track of it all.


carmencita ago

but Wexner made no move to recover

Maybe he got it back in other ways...,,,,,

Seems they both traded properties like nothing or for just a $1. Horse traders.