Cigarette5mokingman ago

....also, lol @ "an actual illuminati member." Yea I think I made the right choice in not reading the entire post. Geez

Cigarette5mokingman ago

How is inventing the concept of a pizzaria chain suspicious?! ...and thats not a heart within a heart. Its just a bunch of hearts. So now hearts in general = pizzagate. This is such a waste of time.

neverobey ago

It's suspicious becausein our now known narrative it is all about covering up your crimes by buidling up fake stores. If you can get a chain running, this will definately make your business much easier. But another thing: Did you read everything I posted? Did you follow any link? Or how come you judge this whole threat very hard and you explain it to us with just ONE objection. You see a bunch of hearts? How so? In every corner there is a heart in heart in Pizza shape. You have a yellow heart (dough) with a red heart (toping) within.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Honestly, i did not. Reading the entire thing, I would consider a waste of time. The one objection is all that is needed IMO. It thoroughly demonstrates the remainder of the post is going to be full of half crazy claims with no evidence. In light of pizzagate or not, someone starting a pizzeria chain is not suspicious. It's not evidence of anything except just that. Secondly you're analysis of the hearts is flawed on so many levels. I would've kept reading, but this was enough for me to illustrate that this persons post is useless to me, and the community. What you are doing is not research, it's haphazardly thrown together crazyness.

neverobey ago

Thanks for admitting. It's useless to discuss about something you didn't even read. Let me beg you for all your next comments on Pizzagate: Please check if you comment for discussing facts or if you just feel the need to spit fire. I try not to be offended by all your prejudice.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Well, as admitted I did not read the rest of your post because what I did read WAS NOT facts. 2 points I countered, and you ignored.

  1. What is suspicious about being the first pizzaria to start a chain?

  2. WHAT heart in heart design?!!!!!!


IS NOT this:

It's not even close, it's just a bunch of hearts. Every instance of a heart or a spiral is not an indication of pedophilia.

  1. Why the picture of a boy? So every instance of a child is now related to pedophilia now? Ridiculous.

So the 3 bullet points you posted that you label "suspicious" have no basis for what you are claiming. There's in fact nothing suspicious about any of them. So after read that, I discontinued reading.

So, i can tear apart the rest of your "facts" if you would like, but I hope this demonstrates to someone out there, that this is very flawed logic.

You want to talk facts, please bring some to the table for discussion.

neverobey ago

God bless us all. I won't fight with you. I am just surprised how dogged you defend discussing something you haven't read. I hope that you find peace. I am out.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

You should really be a politician. You juke the issue like a pro. I did in fact partially read your post, and what I read was illogical. In addition, I logically refuted what claims of yours i did read. What I'm surprised about, is you completely ignored my break down of your "suspicious" points about the pizzeria.

Aasb ago

papajohns: "When you love pizza and you don’t care who knows it. ❤️🍕"

Seriously, lets take a step back and try to read it without the facts that we know about PG. Whats the point of this statement? A lot of people love pizza, so there is no way you would be special for loving it. Who cares if someone loves a certain food? Maybe this should be funny, how?

Now reading it PG-related it takes you somewhere else:


What gives C-Predators/Satanists a greater high then doing something illegal/wrong/extreme by even telling it and ending up with no consequences? They feel above the law.

neverobey ago

thanks for your interpretation. I feel exactly the same about it.

Aasb ago

Maybe you already read that post in the link you posted: this guy wrote: benjaminhuber01 "Hey Little Cesar's wants to borrow dominos pizza for a few minutes it will be quick"..sounds crazy, dont know what to think about it.. but it lead me to Dominos Pizzas twitter page with a post of 2011 with mentioning #PG.

Trump related, but still creepy. How are the odds of using those terms back then.

ArthurEdens ago

awesome fucking research dude. Jones always gave me the fucking creeps. I think he's got pizza dust all over his suit. Hell, it looks like he probably started the whole kid trafficking industry. And he has panda eyes that keep coming back even after multiple plastic surgeries.

DonKeyhote ago

Good thread bro. Someone posted about that 84yo nfl team owner dying the other day. I was searching something unrelated and decided to START GOOGLING SURNAMES Lurie is a Jewish surname.

It is one of the oldest family trees in the world, tracing back at least to King David born c. 1037 BCE, as documented by Neil Rosenstein in his book The Lurie Legacy.[1] It contains many famous members such as Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Felix Mendelssohn, Martin Buber, Rashi, and Hezekiah.[2][3

of a dozen famous examples listed all U.S. ones are entertainers or TWO Jay team owners.

The surname may refer to:

Bob Lurie (born 1929), former owner of the San Francisco Giants Dan Lurie (1923-2013), American body building and physical fitness pioneer Jeffrey Lurie (born 1951), former Hollywood producer turned NFL team owner Marty Lurie (born 1972), American professional wrestling manager Ranan Lurie (born 1932), American Israeli editorial cartoonist and journalist Rod Lurie (born 1962), Israeli-American director, screenwriter and former film critic Zvi Lurie (1906-1968), Israeli politician, signatory of the Israeli declaration of independence

neverobey ago

it's interesting how everyone assumes I'm a guy. But anyhow, good point @DonKeyhote! I really think the NFL is highly involved.

DonKeyhote ago

Obviously because the vast majority of researchers are male. So it's not interesting that I assumed you were male, it is actually quite unremarkable. Notice how you haven't yet said outright that you're female, but your remark has exposed you as such LOL

neverobey ago

:) Actually I did. Lots of time. In this thread too. And next thing I find interesting is that you claim to know statistics about the gender of researchers. :D Let's stop right here. It's not important. God bless.

evademoney2 ago

I bet Marc Cuban is. Been taking advantage of underage youths since girls gone wild days. His face looks heavily sculptured and plastic now. Lawl

DarkMath ago

It's hard to say what's going on here. My take is Jones isn't aware of the occult references in that statue. After all the best trick Satan every played is convincing the world he doesn't exist. Who knows who believes what anymore. Up until 2 months ago I didn't think 9/11 was an inside job either.

I do know one thing though and that's when the music stops on this monolithic fraud that statue and any other statue that can even remotely be tied to the occult will be pulverized into a million little pieces with explosives and then further broken down in industrial stone crushers and finally dumped into blast furnaces to burn away any remaining evil in the event the first two steps didn't work.

TruthTrumps ago

Reposting here because it just got removed by @sensitive.


Good posts are either deleted or buried. Shit posts have overtaken the forum. Numbers are way down. Mods remind me of our compromised federal judges with their WTF rulings. Inmates are running the asylum. We REALLY must move elsewhere because this place is about dead. Let's figure it out and get it done. Suggestions?

Cigarette5mokingman ago

If you think this is a "good" post, then there is something seriously wrong with this community.

redditsuckz ago

They celebrate the Day of 𝝅 (number Pi) Why shouldn't they? Pi sounds like the first letter of Pizza. There's even a Pizzeria called 𝝅 Pizza which happens to be one of Obamas favourites pizza places.


Pi is symbolic of a power source that never ends. They're accessing power through a gate via the children.

Pizza = Azz Pi = Ass Pi

Pi = the "pedo spiral" and goes on forever

Pizza Esoterica - Pizzagate or The Pizza Gate? Pizza Code in Media

DNA Pizza - Pentagram = Human Sacrifice - Spiral - Human DNA/blood

"pedo swirl" in blood

Pie Hole Pizza;

Drag Queen Delivery for Pie Hole Pizza...

Pie Hole Pizza tweeted out via "pizzapacket";

Pizza Spice Packet, LLC: A Summary


neverobey ago

Yes, thank you!!! You should make a new thread on this info @redditsuckz! The spiral was something that got me thinking about Pi too.

pby1000 ago

Look up P.I.E. Pedo Information Exchange.

neverobey ago

as I wrote in this thread. ^^

pby1000 ago

Lol. Sorry if I missed it. I was on mobile....

neverobey ago

alright, it's a lot. :)

equineluvr ago

"a page about the "history of Pizzerias" (the page is much weirder than just history) found three maybe suspiscious facts on the fly."

I saw nothing suspicious there.

And if you're going to find a plain heart logo suspicious, then be prepared to have damn near EVERY food chain under your microscope. It's a PLAIN HEART, not a heart within a heart or even a stylized heart that's similar to a heart within a heart.

Shakey's is a CHAIN FOR CHILDREN -- it was sort of a forerunner to Chuck E Cheese -- and always has been. So using kids in their ads is more "normal" than unusual. I loved it as a kid back in the late 60s and early 70s.

neverobey ago

And after all we've learned now this is exactly one of the points making an organisation or company suspicious. If "targeting" kids is their mission maybe this has to be taken literally. What do you think we are doing here, @equineluvr?

Cigarette5mokingman ago

So by that logic, McDonald's, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Mattel, Tyco, Jelly Belly, Willy Wonka, M&M Mars, Ben & Jerry's Big Bird, and literally THOUSANDS of companies/shows/food/networks around the world are VERY suspicious.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

Doing things for kids in the community is public relations 101.

That's not suspicious in and of itself.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Exactly my point about being the first to start a pizza chain. There is absolutely nothing suspicious about that in and of itself. But she refuses to either admit that or elaborate. I would also like to get one thing straight. Jerry Jones could be involved for all i know. Hell, honestly it wouldn't surprise me in the least. But the "research"/claims put forth just does not stand on firm ground. It's crazy claims, opinions, weird suspicions and just out right tin foil hat shit. I am not attacking her, but the thread and subsequent posts submitted.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

Been saying that for a while.

The craziest part is the more actual evidence you put forth showing them they don't have an argument, the more it validates their bullshit because "SHILLZ!!"

carmencita ago

Well, Public Relations is where many can be hiding in plain sight. There are plenty of leads we have discovered just by researching something we thought was too "out there" sometimes. That's how the FBI works sometimes. Just doing the hard work.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

I understand that. He just implied that working with kids was suspicious.

That's not suspicious. It's when you hire shady characters to work with kids that it gets suspicious.

carmencita ago

With all of the trafficking discovered around the Super Bowl and Obama's connection to the owner of the Detroit Lions, I think there is room for research. I understand your feelings, they are valid. So are mine, which means someone should dig into this.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

I dunno.... At some point you gotta realize you're adding WAY too many moving parts...

carmencita ago

There are many moving parts everywhere. There are crazy connections all over the US. That is how they make everything work within all the hubs. Hospitals owned by Tenet Healthcare are involved especially if there is a heliport and airports and seaports and docks nearby. All is important to getting the Organ Receivers to the right place at the right time. If there is Trafficking nearby, all the more suspect. These are the Suppliers of Organs. This is disgusting at best. Nothing should be overlooked.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

You can still use basic social skills to discern intentions.

And outside of that, the point I was trying to make is these people don't NEED to be involved for people to get sold...

That type of mindset is akin to folks blaming god for everything regardless of the natural patterns in place.

neverobey ago

he is a she actually. :) I am sorry if I sounded like that. That would be a language problem. Because it's not what I think. And I posted much more than this.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

Both Shakeys and Papa Johns have 1,000's of franchises a piece. Any connection to those companies would be tenuous at best.

Jerry Jones always seemed like he took too much of a hands on role with players though (pun intended.) I wouldn't be surprised if a few of those contracts didn't come with a dick in somebody...