rush22 ago

The second meaning is true. It's an older term though and not really in popular use these days. Gay men refer(red) to young vulnerable guys that are new to the scene as "chickens". Older guys that chase them are "chickenhawks". "Twink" is more popular these days although it has slightly different meaning.

Keep in mind:

a) Being attracted to younger men (or women) isn't the same as being a pedophile. There's probably more "barely legal" straight porn out there in terms of volume.

b) When being gay was less accepted, there was (and still is to some extent) a substantial influx of young vulnerable gay guys confused about their sexuality that run away from home or get kicked out of their house. If they're lucky, they find themselves a group of friends and mentors that can support them and don't get preyed upon--but they're still "chickens".

jackthyme ago

Sauce is code for 'source' Walnut sauce may refer to 'source for baby girls'. Urban dictionary definition from 2008 (see definition #4)

Sauce Def. 1- (noun) a liquid or semi-liquid edible dressing or condiment served as an accompaniment to or an ingredient in a meat, dessert, or other food: pizza sauce, steak sauce, cranberry sauce, chocolate sauce, etc., or (verb) to add said sauce to something.

Def 2- (noun) an intoxicating substance, usually hard liquor.

Def 3- (noun) A word used to describe something as especially good, often used stand alone as an interjection.

Def 4- (interrogative) slang for "source"- usually used when asking for the source a particular file on a "chan" or other chat/image board.

Def 5- (archaic- now usually only heard in old Tom & Jerry or Bugs Bunny cartoon reruns from the '40s) rude or impudent speech, especially applying to "backtalk."

Def 1- "This pasta needs more marinara sauce."

Def 2- "I threw back way too much of the sauce last night- I can't remember getting this new tattoo."

Def 3- "I just banged Eddie's hot sister! Sauce!"

Def 4- "teh girl pwns! I need moar! Sauce?!"

Def 5- "Don't you young whippersnappers give me no sauce, dagnabit!"

by dog ng July 31, 2008

dogeminho ago

Sex Trafficking Lingo

I've found this on more than one site. I'm honestly not sure if they are in the emails in a strange context, I feel it's worth a shot though. Below I'll paste some, look at the link for more.

Family: A group of victims under the control of a trafficker. The term is used as an attempt to recreate the family environment.

Romeo/Finesse Pimp: A trafficker who uses fraud and deception to lure their victims in by pretending to be their boyfriend.

**Quota: **The amount of money a victim must give to their trafficker each night. If the quota is not met the victim may be made to work until it is, or may be beaten or otherwise disciplined.

Seasoning: The process of breaking of a victim’s spirit and gaining control over them. The tactics used are, rapes, beatings, manipulation and intimidation. There is actually a manual for pimps on how to season victims.

Stable: A group of victims under the control of a trafficker.

Noctu ago

There are no sources here, do you get it now...?

spidersinwinter ago

How often can we expect to see updates on these posts of compiled info? I can't help dig four days out of the week, so I get left behind as far as our current understanding of the evidence.

Anyone got resources to help?

alliecapone ago

Thanks, this helps create a nice medium that people, rational people on the fence are looking for evidence already fact checked for them. If asked, I direct them to the FBI numbers they automatically scan as "legit"

Brinecat ago

HEY GUYS just kinda rolling this around in my head since i 1st learned about it in late november

i honestly don't think "pizza" means just 'girl' - because they seem to use it in a broader context to represent ' Children ' and so when pizza is used it seems to reference sex with children, molestation, torture, and most prevalently Child Pornography.

the context ' cheese pizza ' would make pizza redundant - girl girl or little girl girl...

so it would make more sense that Cheese is the adjective here (what kind of pizza?) - so pepperoni pizza may reference boys ? there is a lot of overlap so it leads me to believe there are a lot of synonyms...

just my thoughts there, any comments?

SherlockMcGyver ago

Negative, that is the meaning of that term. It is quite well known and used in the gay community, which seems pretty accepting of pedos.

SherlockMcGyver ago

According to Urban Dictionary, Walnut is a reference to an underage girls vagina, due to the resemblance.

EyesWideScared ago Chicken is here and it's actually worse than just "little boy". It means underaged homosexual recruit.

"Shades of Rainbow; From both the Gay & Lesbian Perspective". Outcomebuffalo. Retrieved 2007-06-21. Chicken: A younger, new-to-the-scene, typically attractive gay male. Chicken Hawk: An older gay male that seeks out Chickens. Jump up ^ "Culture and Family Issues". Gay Talk: A (Sometimes Outrageous) Dictionary of Gay Slang. Retrieved 2007-06-21. chicken (fr naut [from nautical] chicken = a young recruit // sl [slang] usu [usually] in negative context as “You’re no spring chicken”) 1. any boy under the age of consent, heterosexual, fair of face, and unfamiliar with homosexuality “So many chickens were flapping around that I thought we were touring Colonel Sander’s (sic) plantation” 2. juvenile, youthful, young-looking. Syn: chicken-looking (“You’re chicken-looking enough to pose for Maypo cereal boxes”); tender 3. (rare, kwn LV [known in Las Vegas], mid ’60s) to [sodomize] a pretty boy.

witch_doctor1 ago

This list was interesting for ice cream (someone you just want to lick) and vegetarian (gay male who does not give oral). I remember a Podesta email where vegetarian was used kinda weirdly, but I can't find it now.

fckItsReal ago

Thank you. The confirmation of the code words are paramount in educating the masses

beepinboopin ago

Thank you for this!

PresentDay ago

When anybody says something is 'fact checked', 'verified', 'confirmed', 'sourced' etc..

The first question in everyone's minds should be where is the source?

When you say "appears in informal dictionaries", I want a link/screen/archive of these definitions on an informal dictionary. With the words being defined before pizzagate.

We need to be thorough, and make sure all facts are verifiable and as available as possible.

Also, our popular info graphics should be updated with sources too.

thezodiac ago

The fact it's listed in some informal dictionary doesn't mean a lot, if the meaning doesn't make sense when applied to the coded emails.

PresentDay ago

That's true, but if we are going to claim that it is listed, we should at least be providing that list.

If somone can research and find sources to create this image, they should be able to provide the sources they used. It would make pizzagate seem more credible and let people find the information easier.

redberries ago

Go to Wayback Machine, and search the 2004 definition for "ping pong". It means "child-rape", and hotdog means "Haitian".

jackthyme ago

This is not diffiCult:

Walnut A term for an immature vulva, before the labia have developed. Term derives from the similar appearance of a little girl's pussy to an uncracked walnut. "I'm a virgin! Don't split my little walnut!" "Too late. You're the main ingredient of this Waldorf salad I'm making."

vulva #vagina #labia

by Ignominious Bob August 25, 2009

pizzathrowaway ago

If "informal dictionary" just means "urban dictionary" I'm really not sure that proves anything. I'd consider this confirmed if there was any kind of law enforcement authority or academic saying that pedophiles really use these words.

ThePuppetShow ago

Yeah, law enforcement seems real eager to admit this is going on, even back to the Franklin coverup. Acedemic? Really? You have to be trolling.

PromiseKeeper ago

Yes someone needs to make a list with screenshots and other sources of proven code words and PUT THE LIST AS A STICKY AT THE TOP OF THE CHANNEL.

thezodiac ago

Good effort but weak fact-checking. The fact that the term exists in informal dictionaries doesn't mean shit, if you don't analyse the context of the emails. You said pizza = girl and map = semen. So they found a handkerchief with girl-related semen on it? It doesn't make any sense. Also, cheese is not little girl and pasta is not little boy. You don't send a little boy in a box.

PS: I'm not a shill, but I think this list is very wrong.

IceDagger316 ago

You don't send a little boy in a box

Not alive at least...

thezodiac ago

I think they have to be alive to play dominoes with them, lol

YouaremeandIamyou ago

Does anyone know, is pie as in pizza anything to do with the PIE pedophile information... I forget what the E stands for. They appear to be very organised, as came up in the Johnny Gosch case. I notice Comet Pizza favour the term, on their menues.

Lag-wagon ago


Noctu ago

Agreed. We need to be as non-biased and scientific about this as possible.

whats scientific about putting a green tick next to the word and saying its true?

Lag-wagon ago

They are agreeing that they need sources to prove those words mean what they mean.

pizzathrowaway ago

yeah, but they haven't actually provided the sources.

Noctu ago

lol thank you for explaining it, pizzathrowaway. But they don't seem to grasp this simple concept.

Lag-wagon ago

Yes... He is agreeing that this would be good... If it had sources.

Noctu ago

What fact checking? you put a green tick on a piece of text and said its factually correct, with what backing, urban dictionary? oh ffs

and you got 99 upvotes. what kind of seal clapping morons are in this sub, really.

jayna ago

Can someone explain "map" in the context of this email? Email link

So the handkerchief has a map on it and map=semen according to this thread. That sounds like he left a handkerchief with dried semen on it just lying around. Except the handkerchief is described only by its color so how would you know it had a "map" on it by that description alone? And even if white=semen why would anyone nonchalantly send an email like "hey I found a handkerchief covered in jizz, want it back? I'll mail it" Am I misunderstanding the email or does map mean something else in this context?

SherlockMcGyver ago

In LGBT lingo, MAP is Minor Attracted Person.

jayna ago

I specifically said "in the context of this email"

MrrHandsome ago

Its something to do with the Satanic part of the childsex, its been drawn by Alefantis'favourite artist which he used for his murals in Comet Pizza. They put the handkerchief under the baby/child whilst they rape them.

azamber ago

It could just be a hanky. I inherited one from my mother that has a map of CA. It's theme is flowers. I would expect these rich types to spend more than just a few dollars on one, so it might have been worth emailing over. Not a shill, just trying to think of this all as critically as possible. I've been transfixed since the start and am waiting for that smoking gun, just like everyone else.

jayna ago

That also doesn't make sense. The person who found the handkerchief says "I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island." Yet the next person tells Podesta it has a map on it.

dontsuicidemebro ago

I am not sure if it is related but handkerchief code is an established thing in the gay community to indicate sexual preference/kinks, it has a wikipedia page

jayna ago

Hmm, I have heard of this before. Maybe it's a "map" of your kinks. If white and black means something, that would make sense how they knew to tell Podesta it had a "map" on it

jayna ago

MAP can also be code for "minor attracted persons". A lot of pedos on reddit call themselves maps.

pizzathrowaway ago

but that doesn't make sense in the sentence either!

SherlockMcGyver ago

It does if the MAP is Alefantis and they didn't want to name names.

pizzathrowaway ago

So, the realtor found a handerchief that looks like it has a pizza-related James Alefantis on it?

xeemee ago

28leinad82 ago

oysters = oxycontin apparently, so this one is correct? a lot of oyster references from jimmycomet too.

PizzaAccount ago

100% agree with this list. The guesswork words' definitions didn't fit the context in the e-mails most of the time, so I always felt like they were kind of off. Nice work.

VieBleu ago

I'm down with this. (clarity: meaning I upvoted)

Funny thing is, NOW that it's everywhere with pizzagate which is growing daily, sauce WILL be slang for orgy. Can't say the same about walnut for person of color, might as well let that one die.

Has anyone else noted we've gone from low 7000 subscribers to over 8000 in a few days? ------------------------>

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

I posted this comment a couple of days ago. Might be meaningful, might not be:

He remembered the windows were boarded up and there was a mattress on the floor.

“He used to call girls ‘oysters’,” the singer said.

“I don’t know why he called them that. What does an oyster look like?”

98_Vikes ago

I remember pausing when reading that prostitutes were involved in this. Just seems like it didn't fit the whole satanic ritual pedophilia thing.

Chance903 ago

If we do not follow logic then we all come off as worth notjing more than being something to dismiss .

DystopianDaze ago

Good idea. May I make a couple of suggestions?

Include links, even if it is to the Urban dictionary it will show that it was used before.

Regarding the definition of "map", I believe it may be used in two ways, both of which are credible.

  1. Body fluids (blood, semen, saliva) on a handkerchief or cloth would indeed be a "map", as DNA is a genetic map.
Medical Definition of map
the arrangement of genes on a chromosome—called also genetic map

  1. MAP is an acronym for "minor-attracted person" and is used by people who self-identify as such.

redditsuckz ago

Pizza = baby

Pizza = eating flesh

dickface8 ago

I've posted this a couple of times around but will post again because it needs to be established also.

"Was just watching David Icke talk pizzagate and he was saying how not everything is a lead, just because there's most certainly a lot to look at here doesn't mean we should run with every thing. This is what someone wrote in the comments the other day in a thread and it got no upvotes, but is something we should all take note of if we wanna stay pure and not go down bunk avenues. It was this: The girl referred to as #CarisJames is actually Caris Cummings, Scott Cummings daughter. CCWoolman is Cory Woolman, Scott's wife. Together they have two daughters, Caris 5 and Mae 8. - Caris - Caris drinking milk, Cory Woolman commented - Caris - Juniper Wills - Caris? - Mae - Scott holding Caris - Mae and Caris - Mae - Caris - Caris RECENT PICS FOUND FOLLOWING LEADS - old photo on Scotty Cummings FB, Caris? - Scott, Cory, Mae and Caris -

So yeah, if all that is true then we need to take that on board.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago - Caris

these two links are not working because you have the extra PNG at the end

ryguyhermosa ago

ya, i never thought they were right about walnut, see my article on nov 4th.

i was prob wrong on domino, but walnut i believe is a immature vulva

Chance903 ago

This seems more logical, thought I have no proof.

ThorTheWonderful ago

I thought walnut was accepted as the term for "virgin female child" or "prepubescent female"

im_at_a_desk ago

This is important but I have a feeling its going to interpreted as shilling. im pretty sure there are a few more of these that can be made.

obliviousvoatgoat ago

You should expect an endless campaign of false-flagging that seeks to undermine and discredit you if this thing is actually real.

fvckh1m_up ago

blame my eyes

Stukov ago

Also I've seen elsewhere where a mine or mining is mentioned (not sure if it was even in the emails), are there any idea what these could mean?

fvckh1m_up ago

i've been looking for this fareva

argosciv ago

Thanks for putting that together/sharing it.

heks_ ago

I strongly support this kind of objectivity and fact-checking. Good job.

orwellforpres ago

It's needed. Also, rethink this good old odd sentence based on the post: "Do you think I'll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?"

dindonufin ago

Yeah, I've always taken this list with a grain of salt. I'm pretty sure that pizza is just a general codeword for sex slaves/sex with children OR child pornography, derived from "cheese pizza" (CP, child pornography). It also may be a reference to PIE

Remember nothing is exact with these monsters. Everything can be and will be modified, including their symbols. This is one way they stay undetected.

Gottor ago

^ I second the above post. I really appreciate the fact-checked list of code words from the OP. However, please provide proof/links of the exact origins of the code-words, if possible. I believe it is crucial for the pizzagate investigation to show everyone where the known pedophilia slang came from. Otherwise, for instance, some might argue that Pizza, etc, could be a code-word for something else (such as drugs).