Datawych ago

Goddamn fucking shitballs.

It's like watching college kids trying to buy/sell drugs at music festivals. How the hell are they stupid enough to think that's cleverly disguised code-speak?

Hello guy I don't know. Do you know where Molly is? I have like 10 friends who are all looking for Molly. Oh, you don't know anyone named Molly? Well how about Lucy? Do you know her? No? Oh, you heard some other random person you don't know talking about her earlier?

nnfx ago

I didn't verify this exact thing my self, but op delivered instructions how to verify your self and others here obv. did this. I know it's a little lazy but I believe op and just yesterday I lost all doubt that all of this pizzagate and co. stuff is is indeed true anyway. So I am sorry to tell you, but yes, this is true. :(

occultelite ago

" The elites aren't on the public forums. "

Say that to Alefantis' Instagram.

p0ssumsAlt ago

This is honeypot territory bigger than shit.... all these boys are doing is getting setup for their prison sentence.

p0ssumsAlt ago

Did any of you think for a minute this might be a honey pot .... you boys are so eager to get someone else in trouble you might be walking into a prison sentence yourself. If you don't think the feds can penetrate the deep web you're fooling yourself.

RebelSkum ago

So, this post ended up being valuable. +1 for posterity and great work 5py and OP!

ejd4500 ago

^^ agree. I think the ones who are serious about this stuff have turned it into a club. They have to know who you are and have to have allowed you into the club.

Custom exe files, home IP address, proof of payment...etc, etc...

nnfx ago

No reason to scream. I'm not rationalizing anything. It's just that before this post I have seen no proof that those codewords indeed stand for what pizzagate claims. Even seeing this e-mail before and seeing that this is probably code, it could still be code for something very different and not cp related. So I was waiting for evidence like this here, but realised, since it's only a picture it still could be a fake.

So I asked how to confirm this and op delivered. I said thank you and we all were very happy and then you come, not even reading through the rest of the comment thread and shout at me for no reason. All good mate. :)

Edit: a word

voatcaesarpizza ago

I saw a documentary that showed how a lot of them don't feel guilty because they're not taking the pictures themselves, just obtaining and selling them. To them, they're selling pictures that are already out there and that the harm is already done, not realizing they're just fueling demand.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Also, a significant portion of the population simply doesn't have a conscience or feel empathy.

FreeAmerican ago

And regarding the code words... I found a case a few weeks back where the code for little boys was asparagus of all things... There are more than one set of code words in use

molly_clock ago

i am aware of TOR, and onion, i do not use the service, but have investigated it over the years. originally developed for the United States Navy, as a secure communications platform, it somehow, found it's way into the public domain. Some, believe, that it is a honey pot. i myself, have no opinion.

Sprite98 ago

It doesn't matter if the elites use those sites or not, what matters is the wording they use. If recognized pedo all use the codes pizza, cheese and stuff then we have a start of proof. I think we need to find several pedo forums and observe the way they talk to each other, maybe doing a qualitative analysis of the forum and compare the results to the Podesta mails... I think this might be our only proof of 100% validating the codes. However I would not advise anyone to browse pedoforum just now.

piratse ago

I've been around there hundreds of times over the years. You won't find anything. There is an uncensored hidden wiki that has links to illegal/pedo stuff. Also there is something called central park (a link page to CP related stuff that is updated with the status). Most of the links are dead, some of the big ones were proven to be FBI (and other countries counter parts) after raids happened. All you'll find there is forums like this with CP posted and Almost all the forums/video providers are run by the FBI and they control the exit nodes. Tor is a giant honey pot. Myself and tons of 4channers have peeked around without going into the specific forums, but....looking on the outside, I guess. It's not as crazy as you think. There isn't really talk about the jewelry and the FBI doc everyone keeps passing around is OLLLDDDD shit. There are also pedo guides on how to get the cooperation of kids down there. Again, a lot of this stuff is known by people who frequent tor. And most of it is monitored by various governments.

ejd4500 ago

^^^ this. I wrote a spider that crawled all over onion addresses. Nothing but bitcoin scams and drugs. And mostly Russian. If there's CP there, it's behind a lot of logins and inside of forums with PGP keys. It was really a whole lot of not all that much. An occasional wet works page here and there, who knows if those were not also honey pots. I think most people nowadays actually use it to browse clearnet for what were doing here.

I recommend whonix or tails.

The people who are serious about CP/Snuff/trafficking/etc, have custom exe files that need to be run from your own home computer so they can identify you and confirm you're the payer, etc, etc...encrypted transmissions, etc...and some of this may be via Tor or I2P most opinion...

Sprite98 ago

I think one of the best proof would be to infiltrate a pedo forum (without ever clicking on the image links) and take note of their vocabulary. If you show this to someone they will go "blaaaaah you typed it yourself" whereas if you show a link to a complete forum with people talking about pizzas and stuff then you will have an easier time to convince people.

But as someone said in the comments, this is a double edge sword strategy as you could be convinced for browsing such forums...I think this is to be our very last proof.

MAGABoomer ago

Well the scammer got paid at least twice. Perhaps not all pedos are as savvy about deepweb issues? We literally have zero idea if those who paid got KP or not. So open minds here.

Balour ago

that require proof of abuse to enter

Why am I not surprised

MAGABoomer ago

Can confirm. May or may not know of letter agency operative who worked to uncover...ended up in jail. Only reason not incarcerated is Fed. judge did not buy the story upon reviewing said operative's record. Said operative is working to clear name...

MAGABoomer ago

Please review the date on said advertisement. TIA.

iamneuromancer ago

Whether or not it's fake isn't relevant since chances are it is a scam like most of the dark web is, however it is noteworthy that they use the code to attract pedos, this validating the FBI info in rea world context, great find!

GrislyAddams ago

This is the closest thing to actual proof of the code words that I've seen. This is the connective fiber that was missing. When someone doesn't believe that there's a "pizza code", you can show them a screenshot of this.

no1113 ago

Just out of curiosity - devil's advocate type thing - is it possible for someone to have created those web-pages using the code words "pizza", etc after the whole pizzagate scandal broke? Just wondering if it's possible for some naysayers to come in here and say "Well, that still doesn't prove anything because those TOR emails you found could have been posted after the whole pizzagate scandal broke and people posted those messages up as a troll! so durr!!" or some stupid shit like that. I think it'd be stupid for someone to say, yes, but I'm wondering if it can be shown that it's not just someone trolling who's trying to disrupt the trial of real evidence. If this can be shown, then the OP can really be seen as pretty telling evidence indeed.

GrislyAddams ago

I thought about that. Further down the thread is some good evidence that it's legit.

FreeAmerican ago

It's also used in this fashion

5PY_HUN73R ago

I'm pretty well versed in using Tor and making my way through the deep web. I've been research anonymity services for about 5 years now. Been trying to find a good place for me to jump in on this investigation. Looks like this is it.

Scoundrel ago

Think I was following you on twitter. I just got my account suspended for 11 days.

5PY_HUN73R ago

Ah. Under the same name you're under now?

Scoundrel ago

no, I don't want them to know. I want to fucking hunt these mother fuckers down and quarter them

DarkNoobz ago

whats your twitter?

Thrash57 ago

Thats a good point, by trafficking and being the same party that arrests traffickers, you could arrest any competition or anyone who is investigating you. To get real evidence, an investigator somewhere has to eventually look at the pictures him/herself. So since you may be clicking to investigate, they could arrest you for looking at it. In turn, the FBI: 1. looks like a hero to the general public, 2. suppresses investigations of their activity, 3. may possibly also have a monopoly on the CP and trafficking market.

Riva ago

It's not difficult. Read some guides, use u your common sense and you'll be fine

nnfx ago

Good luck! Any more proof/ evidence of logos and codewords being used is very welcome.

Ginger_Snaps ago

Ewwwwww..... I get it. Right out in plain sight.

nnfx ago

Ok, thank you very much.

nnfx ago

I know some people have been skeptical about code words in emails

I was sceptical indeed and i don't want to be overly sceptical, but from my point of view this still could be a fake, so can this be somehow confirmed?

4328904890232389032 ago

I found this on the dark web. I know some people have been skeptical about code words in emails so I wanted to show you what is floating on the dark web. Researchers should get down there because there is plenty of child trafficking going on and people using similar keywords to what we saw in wikileak emails. No CP is in the photo linked.


Hello Cheese Pizza lovers!

We are offering to send fresh (not seen on Tor before) pictures of Cheese Pizza direct to your email. We will only send to Tor email services (SIGAINT, TorBox etc).

When we send you email we will also include a .onion address that has not been seeded / posted to any Tor hidden service directories. You can sign up at that address to purchase more fresh pictures of Cheese Pizza as well as trade your own for BTC.

Here is how it works: 1) Choose from the menu below and deposit the correct amount into the BTC address -> 12h5PpA4ok6mbfxL8TjCLe3QMZuhWvVTzs 2) Send an email to [email protected] - keep it simple. All we need to know is the BTC address you sent FROM 3) We will reply within 1-2 hours (our daytime) with an email containing the .onion address and a ZIP file with 10 pictures 4) If you purchased more than 10 pictures we will send more emails. Each email will contain a ZIP file with another 10 pictures. If your email service rejects the email - your inbox is full etc - don't worry, we will wait a while and try again until you receive all the pictures you ordered

Cheese Pizza menu: - 10 pictures = 0.01 BTC - 25 pictures = 0.025 BTC - 50 pictures = 0.05 BTC

Looking forward to serving you some fresh Cheese Pizza!


Mario :-)


the number of slices correlates to the age group of the child

"Pizza: I want 11-13 slices" etc

p0ssumsAlt ago

Why no screenshot?

5PY_HUN73R ago


So after going deep into this Mario post I was finally able to get to the actual .onion link to the homepage of this forum. The name of the site is called nntpchan: http://ev7fnjzjdbtu3miq.onion


Some Screenshots Of Posts involving Human Trafficking and Children:

Those are just the tip of the iceburg....there's still 20 more pages to go through on just that one thread!!!


NerdyNoodle ago

Holy crap I accidentally clicked on your .onion link in my firefox browser as my mouse passed over it. Ugh I'm glad it didn't come up but dang, man, please link to SFW screen shots. Don't make them clickable if they go straight to the bad guys, sheesh. I don't need to get in trouble because my mouse went wonky.

ForTheChildren ago

I don't dare click on the links. But from their 'sales' post, looks like someone might have to check if Mario's Pizza is also a physical location somewhere.

hostile ago

this is 4chan copy

knight222 ago

The bitcoin address received two payments. One of 150$ and the other one of 25$ both from may 2015. Source:

Edit: The value of the payments at that time was 50$ and 10$ (price per btc have fluctuated since then.) You can follow the money by clicking on the transactions. .

5PY_HUN73R ago

Ok I found the blockchain that dates that btc addy to 5-10-15. Not sure if it begins there though. source link:

nimblenav ago

we should check who these people sent their bitcoins to and who they are

voatcaesarpizza ago

Isn't anonymity the whole point of Bitcoin? Without being publicly registered, no one would know.

Afterallonlyhuman ago

I heard that bitcoin transactions were completely anonymous.

Fragnostus ago

Yes and no. The addresses are anonymous as in nameless, but the money trails are transparent. So you'd have to look for transactions with addresses that can be identified.

Afterallonlyhuman ago

I didn't know that

ganesha1024 ago

Typically not possible unless you they have used their addresses before and associated their identity with it. Maybe a big bitcoin exchange could do this, but if they used a mixing service, there's not much hope for this technique.

knight222 ago

I get the impression that the receiver sent his btc to a mixing service....