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MercurysBall2 ago

Approved Drug list which includes adrenochrome:

Adrenochrome - brand name Styptochrome produced by Dr. Reddy Laboratories Ltd, India

On the board of Dr Reddy - Dr. Bruce L A Carter

Dr. Bruce L A Carter was the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive OU cer of ZymoGenetics Inc., USA. He has also served as the Corporate Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific OU cer for Novo Nordisk A/S. Dr. Carter held various positions of increasing responsibility at G.D. Searle & Co., Limited. He was a lecturer at Trinity College, University of Dublin, from 1975 to 1982. Dr. Carter holds directorship in Enanta Pharmaceutical Inc., Mirati Therapeutics Inc., Accelerator Corporation and TB Alliance, all in the US and our wholly-owned subsidiary, Aurigene Discovery Technologies Limited, in India. Dr. Carter received a B.Sc. with Honors in Botany from the University of Nottingham, England and a Ph.D. in Microbiology from Queen Elizabeth College, London University, UK.

Voat posts:


This corruption just gets deeper and deeper

The latest Danish study on the MMR and Autism was not only industry funded and very poorly done, but it was funded by Novo Nordisk who has been fined $103,450,956 since 2000 for False Claims, Off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products, foreign corrupt practices & kickbacks.

Twitter thread on relationship between Englelhard and DuPont

21st Century Investor’s Guide to Chemical Companies: Ecolab, du Pont de Nemours (DuPont), Engelhard, International Flavors and Fragrances, Lyondell Chemicals - SEC Filings (CD-ROM) : https://www.

International Flavors and Fragrances: greening a taste and smell supply chain -

Andreas Fibig, CEO

In 2016, IFF joined the Well Living Lab as a Sustaining Alliance Member. The Well Living Lab is a collaboration of the Mayo Clinic and Delos Innovate Well that is seeking to, among other things, study indoor environments and create healthier indoor spaces.

Mr Fibig became member of the Audit Committee at Novo Nordisk A/S in March 2018. In March 2018, the Board of Directors of Novo Nordisk A/S assessed that Mr Fibig qualifies as independent pursuant to the US Securities Exchange Act.

"President Rivlin visits Denmark and discusses collaborative research fund: President (((Reuven Rivlin))) visited Denmark this week in and conducted a tour with the Novo Nordisk Foundation, an international fund that supports scientific and humanitarian causes."

Podesta Group

The California stem cell agency has hired one of Washington's more influential lobbyists, The Podesta Group, to promote a $10 billion biomedical industry aid package being pushed by CIRM Chairman Robert Klein.

In addition to grabbing some cash right now, Podesta said, "Our strategy also positions CIRM to play a major role in shaping longer-term federal policies on biomedical research in general and stem cells in particular."

The firm said it is "the longest-tenured Washington representative of the pioneer biotech companies – Genzyme, Genentech and Amgen." It also represents Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics and Novo Nordisk. Business Week has labelled The Podesta Group as one of seven "Uber-influencers: The Lobbyists Likely to thrive in the New Washington."