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17816651? ago

This corruption just gets deeper and deeper

The latest Danish study on the MMR and Autism was not only industry funded and very poorly done, but it was funded by Novo Nordisk who has been fined $103,450,956 since 2000 for False Claims, Off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products, foreign corrupt practices & kickbacks.

Is this the type of organization that we can rely on to provide honest data to make decisions for our children?

It's amazing that the main stream media didn't notice this and include it in their broadcast of the study as part of their dedication to journalistic integrity.

Is this another case of industry and media manipulation? It would seem so.

Novo Nordisk Penalties to date:

2017 False Claims Act $58,650,000.00

2011 off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products $11,000.000.00

2009 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act . $9,030,149.00

2009 Kickbacks and Bribery . $9,000.000.00

2011 False Claims Act $1,750,000.00

2009 Environmental Violation $26,797.00

2016 Environmental Violation $8,400.00

2003 workplace safety or health violation . $2,610.00

2000 Environmental Violation $2,000.00