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Vindicator ago

@Peaceseeker @Cynabuns you might want to take a look at this submission and comments.

And there's more, here:

This guy uses bots to make submissions across Voat to content on his sites. He ran afoul of pizzagate's submission rules, and is now claiming we're hacking his website. He's using this as an excuse to try to intimidate users by collecting Voat user data and cross referencing it to look for passwords and other information so he can dox people...or so he says.

thewebofslime ago

I have not had a single attack since I made the accusation and you still haven't said you didn't do it.

YOu are telling everyone I am threatening to dox. I am not.

Do I have everyone's info? Yes, but I've never doxed a user.

In three years of my posting history, you can see that I've never tried to mislead anyone.

Right now, I am reporting the attacker's details to their ISP.

Vindicator ago

I have not had a single attack since I made the accusation and you still haven't said you didn't do it.

I said you were making bullshit claims that can't be supported with evidence, which was obvious to everyone who read them. Of course I didn't do it, jackass. If I had the technical skills and training to do that kind of shit, do you think I'd be sheepdogging this board, dealing with paranoid fools like you to help pizzagate? I'd be working with people like @Honeybee_ and @KarenRussell63 breaking up pedo sites on the darknet. Or hunting down pedos that fuck with this board and reporting them to authorities like @darkknight111.

In three years of my posting history, you can see that I've never tried to mislead anyone.

I suppose trying to convince everyone the mod of v/pizzagate is a criminal hacker running a honeypot is "never misleading anyone"?

Do I have everyone's info? Yes, but I've never doxed a user.

I'm sure everyone will love to hear that, Slime, after you've expressed nothing but contempt for the people here. That'll make them very comfy.

thewebofslime ago

Who have I expressed contempt towards, specifically? I have not insulted you once, since you lost your temper.

Vindicator ago

I notice you keep claiming everyone else is being emotional and losing their tempers (once again, citing no examples). I haven't seen a single bit of evidence of that...other than the fact several of us have been laughing our asses off at your LARPy, evidence-free claims.

Your Contempt:

thewebofslime ago

You're the one currently showing contempt... but thank for putting some time into something I can look over. I'll read it tomorrow. Hopefully, you'll be a little more level headed tomorrow and will really be ready to have a conversation, if it wasn't you. But... like I said... I have a couple of questions. In the end... you should think about how much time acting childish has cost you and should be asking yourself whether it is worth it to be a dick to me.

You have spent a great deal of time being super emotional and I went into this telling you I'm going to be cool. So, you took this one on the head because your behavior matched the behavior of the attacker and the timezone and the yadayadyadayada.

Also... you know I make rad posts.

Good night.

Vindicator ago

"Super" emotional huh? LMAO.

I'm absolutely showing contempt. You deserve it. You can't logic to save your life and you've completely destroyed the reputation of your account, not to mention pranced around like a wanton drama whore. I've enjoyed the hell out of documenting it and exposing you to the good people here.

thewebofslime ago

Again... I am prepared to post proof.

srayzie ago

He’s the one emotional over it. He’s even talking about it on Reddit.