Fishdo169 ago

I think you need to go back over Q posts as like this post you refer to you will find many parody links and links to Hollywood movies...

Many of Q’s posts are illustrative...

For example this post (and I am not saying this is the answer ) suppose there was specific and incontrovertible evidence to show that this type of sick stuff has been done.. how could you represent that to people without negating the value of your evidence for use later in court proceedings or suppose that the evidence you provide is subject to intelligence community classification and is illegal to share...

Either one of those possibilities would explain why Q would use a parody site which Q knew would be quickly recognised as a parody site.... by the Anons.... which we quickly did if you go to the board and check out that thread around that Q post...

Q has consistently posted that the way information is shared must be within the law especially those laws regarding national security and legal procedures...

Q even qualified that link by saying

beefartist ago

This one didn't pass the smell test INSTANTLY.

trumphero2468013579 ago

I agree I think Q is prepping us to let us know, this is what we have too look forward to seeing when everything comes out...

Geo_synchronous ago

The link was probably hacked in real time. Relax. Q isn't God.

Geo_synchronous ago

Hillary is eating a baby steak right now.

Covert_Waffle ago

Why have a real contact page? Are we so dumb as to believe the cabal didn’t use this as more of a means than game promotion??

Polic3Stat3 ago

"This is not a game."

spudsuds ago

Q is a FAGGOT get REAL

User890020 ago

This is a huge red flag ..............

Odius1 ago


scoripowarrior ago

After I had checked the drop, I didn't repost it. I just didn't feel the need to pass that image along to anyone.

Alderwolf ago

Fake sites to prevent censorship issues of posting violent gore material maybe? How many people on twitter have shared this? It doesn't change the message. This stuff is real like it or not.

2Romokarm12d2 ago

Q is prepping us for how horrible it really Is. How many times has he/she told us they are sick and evil.

lguevara9999 ago

A parody is an imitation of...for comic effect. The keywords are imitation of...something real. And BTW what part of that page is comical?! Especially babies with barcodes and nutrition information stamped on their foreheads.

Specific_Fox ago

Snopes is run by a couple of sex perverts. That site is not to be trusted.

Xyz4u ago

gamepwn, are we hallucinating that no one sees thru this but us? It’s fake shit someone made and Q promoting it as real. That’s my problem with this.

gamepwn ago

There is a reason I'm starting to drift away from the Q movement. I was one of it's biggest supporters for years. Look at how I'm being attacked for pointing it out in Great Awakening.

Xyz4u ago

I was banned from great awakening for saying a thread promoting a rabbi as a healer was bullshit. So I can’t even post there. Funny how I was banned on voat but not when we used to be on reddit. Sorry to see people acting this way in your thread too.

SuperWednesday ago

Maybe you will now realize the reason why Q was created.

Who was the Anon before Q? What did they say to dig into? Did Q ever dig in?

Odius1 ago

Another question who was the person able to decipher the Q drops first?

Veryconcerned71 ago

It literally says "Did you think 'spirit cooking' was just pretend?"

and then links to cannibalclub... where the lovely Raven Chan is in charge of procuring only "young and healthy" meat.

But go ahead... keep thinking Q is talking about Capcom. Knucklehead.

voatsecurityguard ago


Bern666 ago

What do you NOT understand?

When the lions was conquered....who was the TOP predator?

Well humans.......and to be the King of humans you do need to separate between humans dont you?

Are humans nice? are lions nice?

Predators or prey...natures law.

Hibby ago

In the time of the Romans wasn't a popular prey for lions, Christians?

Bern666 ago

You did answer your own question didnt you.....

hildberht ago

Might be fake but maybe Q just using it to illustrate?

Pilgrimtex ago

Would it be ethical/legal for Q to show real photos? If Q posted these there are real ones in his vault for the trials to come. Perhaps MSM will leak some of them later. Just know it is real and not a game.

Xyz4u ago

So it’s ok to link fake photos and upset people to think they are real?????

Pilgrimtex ago

Not my job. Ask Q

anotherukanon ago

Don't forget [they] like to hide their sick perversions as 'art'. Could Resident Evil 6 be considered as another form of 'art'?

KarlKastner ago

interesting thought

Xyz4u ago

Maybe, but this Facebook page used fake images from 8 years ago, so are we arguing now that capcom is the bad guys and not some stupid parody page?

Call_Of_Goat ago

No shit

So glad I was never on the Q train

Next up .... Get off the damn Trump train because he is not for us he was selected for a reason

crazy_eyes ago

Would you have preferred Hillary?

bigboix86 ago

Oh shut the fuck up.

Xyz4u ago

I’m angrier than a beehive on fire. I have followed Q from day one. I remember when he posted angles of a watch on air force one and people said it was bullshit and called him out and he said “trolling can be fun”. Unless Q was hacked today, I have had a realization today that I wasted years of my life on something not real.

wasupwitdis ago

did you catch the post? the cannibal club site is / was reat saw it before....the other twatter for the fb page is refering to the game part of the symbolism

Xyz4u ago

The game part of the symbolism? Maybe Q should convey that message rather than linking to some stupid twitter post.

wasupwitdis ago

he kinda did when he said it was out of order think you were supposed to see the cannibal club site first....looks like they took it down or its getting pelted...Ive seen it before and its real...another anon has it archived and posted it...

crazy_eyes ago

Why do you need someone else to think for you?

Xyz4u ago

This twitter link to a Facebook page that Q just sent us to and all of the Q followers responses are all saying this is horrific and disgusting and awful. But the images are fake. And you’re fucking telling me I need someone else to think for me?

crazy_eyes ago

And didn't someone else just explain it to you and you complained that Q should have explained it

Xyz4u ago

Ok so you think “out of order” meant to look at the old cannibal site he has already linked to once before? Sorry but i interpreted out of order mean he went from discussing coronavirus and election rigging to going off topic. You also have no proof what “out of order” means in the post so don’t act like a professional know it all

crazy_eyes ago

I dont act like anything you attribute to me, I just hate people that complain needlessly