GodsLikeUs ago

"You didn't think spirit cooking was pretend did you?"

Then he links us to pretend cannibalism pictures.

Idk. To what end?

Trust yourself. Think for yourself. ThanQ, I will. I'm not convinced they are taking people down and showing fake pics as evidence of real evil. The evil is real, the Q pics are fake. Rectify.

moderator99 ago


needlesdog ago

Go down the rabbit hole for yourself, it's real, that particular copy may not, but it's real!!

alphazebra ago

You’re linking to Snopes as an authority?

Lonegunman65 ago

The movie Hostel was based in part on a real life website for human snuff activities you can participate in Thailand. It’s been said that most of these types of games, movies, etc. are usually based somewhat on real life activities because of predictive programming. The fact that the website link directs you to a video game photo shot doesn’t bother me. The bottom line I think Q is trying to convey is that these activities are real and not just fantasy.

Not_Spartacus ago

Q did not link to a fake picture. Q linked to a group that has a Facebook page and that group made a flyer advertising a "Spring Meat Sale" using a photo that they found on the internet showing a picture of what they are advertising. Q was drawing our attention to that group.

ImReallyHighBut ago

I used stock photos of canoes for my canoe website.

I still rent canoes.

The internet has turned your mind to soup. Go outside.

gamepwn ago

I'm sorry I know how to research and trace a photo and that bothers you. It's alright to question things you know.

EnlightenOne ago

Very interesting:

ImReallyHighBut ago

I'm not entirely sure that your reading comprehension is quite where it needs to be.

I used about 20 stock photos of canoes on my canoe website. None of my photos are of my actual canoes.

I rent canoes about 200 days per year.

Your mind is soup. You are entirely useless here.

gamepwn ago

People like you give QAnon a bad name. Q says question everything. So I did. Your comment about Canoes proves shit jackass.

ImReallyHighBut ago

I'm questioning your ability to use logic in a fast moving atmosphere.

A stock photo does not invalidate anything. It merely indicates the presence of a stock photo.

For fucks sake. Are you 12?

gamepwn ago

Only low intelligence people throw tantrums when proven wrong. I don't think you are any business owner and if you were you don't sound very intelligent. I'm done talking to you.

ImReallyHighBut ago

Your comment about Canoes proves shit jackass.

I'm rubber youre glue.

LambOfLiberty ago

Obviously they wouldn’t be out in the open like that. My thought was that just like how we are told spirit cooking is just a fun artistic thing they do, and that things like this are just games, the reality is that behind the scenes, in the shadows, these things are real.

angelCole ago

This is the point of the post and to get anons doing more research on this, imo.

bopper ago

I'm not concerned at all why Q would "link to a fake picture."