broncojprosen ago

They fall for it every after day! I love it!

lOstinthewOOds ago

Audit Congress, audit the FED.

jesojr ago

survey of every government official is in order -lol

tjliberty69 ago

That was along the lines of my thinking. Hmmm , so if the emoluments clause is so important, how exactly have you become very wealthy while in office, Nancy Pelozi, Dianne Fienstien, Maxine Waters, Bill and Hillary, on and on adnosium. Emoluments maybe hmmmm?

eel003 ago

now that I've stopped giggling.....I love this movie...gonna go change the underpants now.

SearchVoatBot ago

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8butternut ago

You gotta luv this 5D guy!!

intrepidjustice ago

Now go have it at Camp David and don't let the media in.

BaBs88 ago

checkmate for what you fucking losers? has anyone gone to jail ? no. checkmate for maybe THIS is the last straw of Hippocratic that finally snaps for that ONE person who even thinks of this

WWG1_WGA ago

Wow i would've never even thought of that. Great catch

Pcpoet09 ago

thanks for better posting my original post

where we go one we go all

Zammyanci ago

Seriously, how is this possible? How can they be so stupid to fall for something so damn obvious?!

Something very strange is going on and he's not just trying to show them or the normies how literally one-sided they are.

I really think he's trying to show us that something very strange is really going on.

Not even they can be that stupid.

I don't care what anyone says... nobody's that stupid, by now they should have a clue.

KitRidge ago

They fell for the impeachment. They are pretty dumb.

Zammyanci ago

If so, he's going to be the First Impeached President that's Reelected by a land slide😁

WDM213 ago

provided the senate doesn't cave,

and dismisses or declares not guilty.

angelCole ago

I think it's meant to educate Americans about how our government works and what is legal and illegal. Everything they do has a purpose and everything POTUS says has meaning.

Zammyanci ago


Damn...we came so close to a point of no return. I am a believer in mkultra and mind control now more than ever.

It's actually very eerily similar to a zombie apocalypse. No joke.

8butternut ago

It is the times of Bizzaro land. Upside down world.

War is peace. You know all the rest of the crazy talk.

StormWarning ago

This is what a SERIOUS MENTAL DISORDER looks like. Makes no sense to us. Your trying to project LOGIC on these people. There is none...PANIC!

JackANorey ago

Reptilians do not have the mental capacity for logic

StormWarning ago

The real illegal aliens. As in the days of Noah...

Zammyanci ago

I'm starting to think these people aren't even human anymore. A lobotomy it isn't too far-fetched. I mean I'm not joking, this is getting really really, creepy stepford wives creepy.

RakerKey ago

I have been saying for years I think they arent Human -

once you get past how strange that idea feels you realise that only then all the oddity of what has been and is happening starts to actually make sense.

Zammyanci ago

Crazy time's.

StormWarning ago

I had an encounter with a person that thought I knew what they were thinking and doing. I didn't really know this person but I had to conclude they were suffering from a massive guilt complex, and they thought I knew all the details for some reason. They were a bizarre mixture of hate, guilt and panic. They could have easily been diagnosed with a mental disorder. It really reminds me of the people that are hating Patriot Americans now. This person did the most STUPID things trying to reverse their complex on me. Sick. But, I was sure they did not see themselves for what they were doing. It was a paranoia IQ plunge with no 'protection team on board'.

Zammyanci ago

And BTW, unfortunately I know the same type. You really did well describing the experience.

"They were a bizarre mixture of hate, guilt and panic."

Actually, I know too many like that.

I'm raising a 5 year old granddaughter and I'm constantly, evaluating her experiences with people and it's relentless.

Her questions are right on point and she has helped me in ways you'd never expect from a 5 year old.

She's a sponge and remembers everything I say to her. She processes her experiences and makes her own connections and assumptions and most of the time they are point based.

I'm not bragging or boasting, I'm just saying that her innocence and unbiased capacity for objectivity is eye opening for me.

I knew had to prevent her from being indoctrinated and programmed as per and I intentionally prepared her for the interactions she has now in kindergarten and it has made a huge difference compared to the other grandchildren of mine. Huge difference.

Her protection is Jesus. She knows it too.

StormWarning ago

There is NO BETTER INVESTMENT on top side of this planet Brother. She will NEVER forget you, and will always have the source of hope and true life with her always...right into ETERNITY. LORD bless and keep you both. When all is said and done with this Initial phase of this Awakening (the removal of the wicked from power and position) what you just described about your granddaughter will be the REAL TASK and FRUIT of the glorious next phase of AWAKENING for our nation and the world. True salvation. True freedom. The true GOOD NEWS.

God's blessing on you for taking the role of a parent in her life. I pray His wisdom and His love in you for her guidance and stability. May He be with you, and in you, always for His glory. God's peace which surpasses all understanding be with you also.

Zammyanci ago

Thank you! For the reassuring words.

I believe.

God speed in Christ Jesus!


StormWarning ago

Amen and Amen

Zammyanci ago

It is an EVIL sort of possession isn't it?

StormWarning ago

IT IS TRUE. There is some element of ENVY in it. It is a fearful thing to watch; SELF_DESTRUCTION

julzee2 ago

Yep. [They] stepped into it again. Except this boomeranging is getting so pervasive that it makes me wonder. Remember Q2606?

anon: How do you know the future?

Q: Control

So it looks to me like Trump/Q are actually 'controlling' the Demonrats. I mean 'really' controlling them. Every move they make, every anti-Trump speech they belt out. We're always being told enjoy the show right? And that actors make a great movie etc. How many of these D's are reading the script that Trump gave them? How many of these what look to be 'falling for the bait' are actually 'doing as told' to save their asses (Q24)

SearchVoatBot ago

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jcuriousity18 ago


WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

But Trump said he would host it free of charge.

joelwinsagain ago

I thought he said it would be hosted at cost, which was still drastically cheaper than any other option


Since when did common sense stop the TDS crowd from REEE-ing? Hook, line, and sinker -- these people are stupid!

eyerighteye ago

They can't see one step ahead.

BaileyAxl ago


Seer1965 ago

Could not agree more but many fell for it anyway! Just too funny