Intlrnt2 ago

Those engaged in the ‘Resist’ movement have not learned the value of discernment when DJT acts. Instead, they respond impulsively and predictably.

They do this because they refuse to acknowledge Trump as a formidable strategic thinker. They are unable to see his acts as anything but impulsive, and that blind spot leaves them chasing the laser light wherever he points it, exhausting themselves - and their credibility - in the process.

Like so many of Trump’s moves, he wins regardless of the Doral/G7 outcome.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Da "Gee7" .

Patriotknife100 ago


Goatspecter ago

The hole in your idea is there was no profit in what Trump offered.

It easy over time to get tunnel vision, I was reminded by another post it is very important to reread past Q post. Helps to eliminate the tunnel vision.

This is headed towards a Military solution so the reaction to every move is being documented for evidence and trial at a later date. In order for the ML solution to be used what must be proven? What do we see every day. Lower courts over ruling the leader of the nation in areas where they have no authority, Congress over ruling the leader of the nation in areas where they have no power. Congress falsely accusing the leader of our nation of crimes he is innocent of in order to prevent him from doing his duty. Every thing Trump does and says is a trap. The more the traitors fight against the President the tighter the trap jaws bite. Q Post 11. This is bigger then any of us realize.

MrMysterious ago

Pretty clear the President wanted to host it. Now whether there was any contingency or plan to use the uproar against them... I don't know.

crocJT ago

Wouldn't put it past our Pres. Everything he does that sets the Democraps off is done for an explicit, I think he likes trolling them to piss them off. This time, what you just said. Attention has been brought to this matter and that will boomerang to the previous admin.