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21003413? ago

What's a NMBRFG?

Is it like a CTTCML or a ACTLT?

21003420? ago

NMBRFG = Number Fag = Number Specialist >


< = V = VX

'o-o' < = Glasses White Rabbit wears in order to signify > Look further and more deeply > Down The Rabbit Hole <

You = Alice

21012903? ago

Check this out. Ok so here's a new spin that came to me. What if Tulsi is a white hat? It would explain why Veritas had Mr Vorhies (Google whistleblower) legitimized which would mean that V really isn't DS even though he was a FF witness, and that Tulsi's lawsuit against Google is actually to 'help' Trump after he's elected. There's no way Tulsi would beat Trump although it'll be optics for a legit-looking competition.

21015180? ago

My Spidey Sense is telling me NO Anon.

I can't prove it yet, but it's my feeling she is a Deep State Sleeper.

I am prepared to eat humble pie or Crow, or Humble Pie made with a Crow filling if I am wrong. Hell I will even make the pie (I am a Chef > Baker > Literally!) >

I am watching her closely. So far I don't trust her.

I will however call it AGAIN, that she will be the Dem nominee to run against Trump. I was first on here to say this BTW... < ;)

The other "Contestants" are dead in the water. Non starters.

Thanks heaps.


Kindest regards,



Viper X


'o-o' <

21047780? ago

Julzee here..Damn Viper I'm looking for those old comms you and I had on this a month ago. You had the numbers telling you it was going to be Gabbard. I had my instinct that Google whistleblower Vorhies was connected to this. He is the one who initially propelled Tulsi into the limelight with his 'warning her lawyer' that she was being censored by Google. I did those videos re; him being the yt shooting witness



Then Redpill/TRU channels interviewed V where he said he got a text from Q but then out of the blue and with no explanation deleted that video. So of course you know I uploaded that deleted video to my channel

I'm waffling back and forth on whether Tulsi is working for [them] or Trump...? Is she one who is now controlled by Trump? Or not?

21069303? ago

Thank you..:) My mind is getting I'm trying to get my V/Tulsi video together. I'm looking for that image of ex-8chan owner when he received a Q and note..? in his place when he came home. you help me find it?

21049919? ago

She is Deep State. A sleeper. She is being groomed to run in 2020, and to win in 2024. <

Podesta donated to her > See Wikileaks for Sauce <

They cannot win at all otherwise for the foreseeable future, and (((they))) know it! <

I just cannot see anyone else.

DO NOT trust Tulsi.


21049953? ago

I think so too but I'm noodling my brain on this one contemplating other possibilities. Especially since most of what we're watching is never as simple as it seems.