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fuckingmockies ago

Homophobic is a bullshit term. A phobia is an legitimate medical disorder where you have an irrational fear of something. By calling you homophobic it's like subconsciously reeinforcing the meme that homosexuality is normal.

There is no such thing as homophobia. It's a degranged mental disorder, not an alternative lifestyle. It should be illegal.

GayBlackJew ago

It's not a mental disorder. God made me gay just like He made you straight. It's the 'thorn in my flesh' like Paul talks about.

Many of us take it too far, but to start suppressing us by law would be to swing the pendulum too far on the other direction.

fuckingmockies ago

Nope. Death camps for you.

GayBlackJew ago

Ok, cutie pie