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fuckingmockies ago

Homophobic is a bullshit term. A phobia is an legitimate medical disorder where you have an irrational fear of something. By calling you homophobic it's like subconsciously reeinforcing the meme that homosexuality is normal.

There is no such thing as homophobia. It's a degranged mental disorder, not an alternative lifestyle. It should be illegal.

GayBlackJew ago

It's not a mental disorder. God made me gay just like He made you straight. It's the 'thorn in my flesh' like Paul talks about.

Many of us take it too far, but to start suppressing us by law would be to swing the pendulum too far on the other direction.

JackHoff ago

Don't blame God for your choices.

GayBlackJew ago

You misunderstand. I am not gay by choice. Where I have my choice is how I behave.

God made me gay. I think I understand why. But He still expects me to be moral.

JackHoff ago

So the only way to be gay and live a moral life is to not engage in any homo sex. very few gays can actually do that, however I do know one who did and chose to live out their life celibate.

GayBlackJew ago

It's not a path I'd recommend without a deep faith in Christ.

JackHoff ago

Well I wish you well. Sorry if I was a dick earlier, I didn't understand where you were coming from.

GayBlackJew ago

I have no problem with dicks.

BlackCrimesMatter ago

God did not make you gay you fruit. You have a mental disorder and cannot push that off on God.

GayBlackJew ago

Well that's been something I've pondered for some time. It's been the struggle of my life to reconcile my spirituality with my sexuality. The process has brought me closer to God than anything else could have. I think God had a very wise purpose in mind for doing so, but I never chose it.

We all have some sort of weakness. This is mine. But it's not any more of a mental disorder than your anger and lack of Christlike love toward your neighbor is for you.

mitoriomyt ago

Sociologically, LBGT have always been on the low end of social status. It needs to be kept that way.

Unless LGBT are able to reproduce and further society with biological children of their own, there is no evolutionary imperative to ensure their survival. They have always been fringe because THEY ARE. Less than 1% of the population does not DESERVE mainstream acceptance simply because their mental impairment craves acceptance.

The left LOVES blacks, gays, trannies, ugly feminists, single moms and other nasty SJW because they automatically give status that an otherwise orderly and Christian society denies. This is why all this PC garbage bullshit right speak is becoming enforced and this is why a civil way is well upon the USA.

Zammyanci ago

Welcome home 😆

GayBlackJew ago

Well we're actually about 4.5% of the population according to the best numbers I can find. That doesn't really count as not 'fringe,' I suppose, but think about this: Redheads are about 2% of the U.S. population. So statistically for every redhead you know, you know 2 gays. We're everywhere, and most of us DON'T TELL YOU ABOUT IT.

We can reproduce, there are many gay mothers and fathers. But we're less likely to. So, how does the gene survive if there's a strong selection against it? Maybe it's not genetic?

Despise the gay agenda all you like, I rather despise it myself. But if you claim to want to be in an orderly and Christian society then there's no room for persecution of any human, regardless of how little you may understand their actions or choices.

The gay agenda has taken things too far. But that is no justification for denigration of your fellow human. Be cautious that you don't cross that line.

mitoriomyt ago

Nobody has advocated for persecution.

What needs to be advocated is that they stop trying to normalize the transgendering of young children, gender neutral bathrooms and pushing "acceptance". Children don't need to know about homosexuality at a young age and this is all being pushed as part of the "diversity acceptance" narrative. It's abominable. It's nothing short of child abuse. It's normalizing pedophilia and prostitution when children are being allowed to take puberty blockers or compete in drag balls at gay bars with dollar bills thrown at them from patrons.

No right-thinking society that wants to ensure that it's children grow up safely and unharmed will ever get behind that or should have to accept it. It needs to stay in the fringe where it belongs. Whether it's less than 1% or less than 4.5%, it doesn't matter. LGBT are minorities and they are fringe minorities, at that.

GayBlackJew ago

Most times when I engage on this topic on Voat I get told that I should be in a death camp or similarly destroyed. I realize that's usually just assholes trying to get a rise out of me, but I think implementation of that philosophy would qualify as persecution. Here's today's edition: Nice people don't say that. I'm not talking about political correctness, I'm talking about basic human decency. The Venn chart between those who condemn gays and those who lack basic decency has a gigantic overlap.

And by the way, every time I attempt to tell the truth on this topic as I see it, I get downvoated to hell. Here's today's example: This tells me that there is an undercurrent of hostility toward gays here. I've lost 23 CCP on this thread so far, and I've been a perfect gentleman - but people don't like having their bubble poked. I can take it, I'm based and secure and have CCP to spare. But don't tell me that there isn't danger of persecution.

As for the rest of your comment, I agree wholeheartedly. What I'm saying is that the vast majority of us are not involved in that agenda and have just about as much power as you to stop it. We don't deserve to be painted with a broad brush.

mitoriomyt ago

What I'm saying is that the vast majority of us are not involved in that agenda and have just about as much power as you to stop it.

If you're not supportive of this agenda, and people like you are indeed the majority of the fringe, then you all need to be actively outspoken about it. Don't just leave this to the Christians and the conservatives.

The agenda is going too far. When history looks back, the fingers will be pointed at those within your very own community who have stayed silent while the degenerates, pederasts and sodomites among you have sickened and abused children.

GayBlackJew ago

What the hell do you think I'm doing here?

My voice is as muted and weak as yours. I do what I can.

mitoriomyt ago

Get out on social media and take a stand. Otherwise you're even more useless than you are here.

GayBlackJew ago

Ok, sweetheart

fuckingmockies ago

Nope. Death camps for you.

GayBlackJew ago

Ok, cutie pie