Oracle64 ago

My only concern is stay away from our children. Enough indoctrination.

Light_Guard ago

I have no problem whatsoever with gays or transgenders. I view them no differently than I view any other human being and weigh friendship decisions on the nature of their character as I would with anyone. The same group of globalist elites who seek to divide and conquer America using every imaginable form of identity politics as one of their main tools is also using a perversion of homosexuality and transgenderism to target children and to force everyone in society to change their view of what's normal (which is simply a statistical measure) and to change their personal and individual beliefs. That becomes a problem.

The fact that I accept homosexuality without judgement does not mean that I believe it's normal. The fact that I would love a child no less for being homosexual does not mean I wish to encourage children to be homosexual or to believe that it's as normal as being heterosexual when factually it's not. There are immensely more heterosexual than homosexuals and humans, just as every other animal, bird and insect life form were created male and female with the ability to reproduce through the mating of a male with a female. That is normal.

I am outraged by the leftist push to indoctrinate children with a false understanding of what is or is not normal and to make them feel guilty if they don't believe that it's cool to aspire to be a transgender. I am outraged by the push to usurp parental responsibility for raising their children to the age of majority and teach them family values and morals as well as decide at what age they the parent wish to teach them about their sexuality and how they wish to teach them.

Leftist teachers are molesting boys in junior and senior high school and even in middle school. Teacher are instructing children, even toddlers, about sex and sexual variants, robbing them of their innocence without parental permission. This has to stop. What consenting adults do with one another is nobody's business but theirs. When adults start targeting children for sexual grooming that cannot be or ever become acceptable.

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LibTearsNoBrakes ago

Who gives a fuck what consenting adults do in the bedroom? Says more about you than it does about them. Has absolutely no effect on your life. There's a lot of evil in this world. That's what needs to go. The left forces everything down everyone's throat. They suck. Wwg1wga. Are you perfect? I bet I could find some shit about you and get people all fired up about it. Am I going to? No. Because I don't give a shit. You be you. And don't give me this shit about gay people are the Pedos and bla bla bla. If you think that you are an idiot. Being born gay doesn't lead to raping children to death on live webcams. And yes you are entitled to your opinion. Again you be you. But I'm also entitled to my opinion. And I think you're a small minded retard. But the Bible says this or the Bible says that...the Bible says a lot of things. It's a fear based control mechanism. Fuck the Bible. Look out for your fellow human beings and stop feeling guilty for your existence. It's not that complicated.

smartbaum ago

Hate to pop your concernfag balloon, but individuals who happen to possess same sex attraction did not organize an agenda to tear down the moral fibers of hetero society.

There is another layer at work in the world that is characterized by blunt perversion, unauthorized exercise of power, and maximal expression of social taboo, etc. The expression of homosexual activity often is part of this subculture of perversion, absolutely. There are reasons for that.

The media and moral justice warriors jump on this, and then EQUATE being a homosexual = being pervert with an agenda to destroy heterosexual society.

See how that works? Mind control. Psy Op.

A gay individual is one who happens to possess same sex attraction rather than opposite sex attraction. Attraction an involuntary component of human sexuality.

Completely separate from one's "lifestyle choices" or behavior.

Completely human, completely capable of higher level qualities of every human being, to love, to be loved, to be committed, trustworthy, compassionate, and respectful of the rights of others.

Ok, so can you see how being "gay" has nothing to do with the perverse, violating acts and power moves of depraved elite, pedophiles, and all the rest who uses sexuality as a tool and a weapon for control and social destruction?

It's not that hard to figure out.

Free5peech ago

I'm good LGB. They discredit themselves by allowing the T and the Q.

NoBS ago

I respect Fags as much as a straight Pedophile. Not much and with no mercy.

Rudy_Paine ago

Poor oppressed homos ironic the majority of them vote for candidates that seek to take liberty away from the American people

GayBlackJew ago

"Love they neighbor as thyself" is the higher law. God did not say, 'except if he sins in a way you find objectionable.'

I largely agree with you, and I live it. I'm voluntarily celibate, having decided that my relationship with God is more important to me.

But if you think being a disciple of Christ is compatible with contempt for Teh Gheys then you are solely mistaken.

My goal here is to persuade you self-professed Christians to live the faith you proclaim. Condemning your fellow man doesn't accomplish that.

zettarose ago

I do not proclaim to be Christian.I have no ill will toward Gays.I have no disagreement with the gay lifestyle. Many of my family members are part of the "LGBT" community. I just believe that just as someone might have a problem with say sex before marriage or with maybe interracial relationships they have a RIGHT to say it!! I grew up in the Hippie era, my husband is mixed. This is not about Christianity for me!!! For me at 64 it is just about being able to say what I damn well please and not being told I am Racist or homophobic etc or even if I am it is MY RIGHT!!!!

GayBlackJew ago

As I said, we agree. Say what you like, remembering that you're accountable to God for it.

Some people use scriptures and religion to attack those they disagree with. They claim to be Christians, but they're doing it wrong.

zettarose ago


GayBlackJew ago

Sorry, fatfingered my reply. Not meant for you

defcon_alpha_zebra ago

Go easy. I don't let this kind of thing bother me. Let them do as they wish. Just do not push it on me. God will sort it all out in the end.

con77 ago

I gotta laugh. Apparently Islam Trump's gay in the sjw heirarchy now

brentvsmaxivms ago

I’m gay and I think these sissy snowflake gender fluid idiots are deplorable

moblodite ago


zettarose ago

That is nice to hear!! I went to the wedding of my niece and her significant other. She does not feel this way. Now I believe some of her friends do, however I think most of it is coming from the non gay community. It is just Very annoying!:-(

brentvsmaxivms ago

Most times when a straight couple get married they look at it for the long haul and plan accordingly. Most times. For a gay couple you have Jack from Will and Grace who only sees a party. So until I’m no longer represented by jack from will and grace or a drag queen in a parade I don’t support this gay agenda. And I’m gay and a conservative

ScoDux ago

Nobody is "gay"

Some people have sexual attraction/lust for someone of the same sex.

Sodomizing another man is a choice made by that individual.

Homosexual behavior is a decision, a choice, not an identity to build your life on.

Which is why Jesus instructed us to find our identity here on Earth in Him, because we were made in His image.

"Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Spirit of our God." (I CORINTHIANS 6:9-11)

Having sex outside marriage, idolatry, committing adultry, prostitution, stealing, envy, homosexual sex, manipulating others and verbal abuse of others are all choices and decisions we make.

Jesus will forgive you for these actions, as he knows the condition of your heart. He will cleanse you of these sins and sanctify you. He will break the chains that conform you to this world.

The media and popular culture have pushed the LGBT agenda as though these people have no other choice but to engage in homosexual behavior. They have programmed people to believe that being"gay" is your identity and you need special rights. They have demonized Christians as hateful people

Welcome to the matrix.

moblodite ago

On the day of judgment.. if a man has his penis inside another man.. guess what.. You don't get a ticket home, No matter how you sugar coat it.

SwiftLion ago

Disclaimer: am a gay man.

You have every right to express displeasure with homosexuals like me, and this trend of grilling people out of hosting TV events, having jobs, or other consequences for decade-plus old statements is disgusting and anti-American.

If you don’t want to be associated with an actor or other person because of their views, I get that—you should have that right—but nobody should lose a job for tweets they made fifteen years ago unless they’re being considered for the Supreme Court.

What is the endgame here? It sounds like the establishment won’t be happy until the only public figures we can lay eyes on are ones that have never murmured a word of criticism of “protected groups”. I’m a grown ass man, I don’t need or want the media to decide who is too “offensive” for me to tolerate.

smartbaum ago

Well put. On the flipside as an openly heterosexual man, I'm never shy to express my displeasure, criticism, or if needed outright mockery of other heterosexuals who are willfully ignorant of what it means to be a homosexual individual regardless of politics or social views, i.e. as if it is some kind of mental disorder or depraved lifestyle choice.

zettarose ago

I love your viewpoint. This is how my niece feels who is openly married to another woman.your view is very healthy. I believe most of this rhetoric is coming from the non gay community. Thank You!! I am just tired of this PC culture. i grew up in D.C. in the 60's ,marching on the Monument Lawn. Burning draft cards at Maryland University. Married 2 military men . Children in the Military. For many years now I have been annoyed with all of these "Bleeding Heart Americans" Now it is just getting Worse!:-( Thank You for letting me know there are still Sane people out there. Gives me hope!!!

con77 ago


man_with_titties ago

LGBTs are heterophobic. They accused Bolsonaro, the Tropical Trump of being homophobic, yet he has "no-homo" kissed and hugged more gay men than any national politician in history.

GayBlackJew ago

A thought: This kind of ridiculousness is typically fostered by SJWs, not by gays. Those two groups overlap to a degree, but most of the gay community is quite content to look past these things as long as we're left alone.

In other words, a lot of you are blaming the wrong people.

smartbaum ago

Truth. Gays are your neighbors, co workers, family members. Their attraction happens to be the same sex rather than the opposite sex, they never chose it and they cannot choose themselves out of it. Inconvenient truth, sorry.

moblodite ago

Then why gay pride parades ? Not true!

GayBlackJew ago

We're 4.5% of the population, give or take. That's roughly 12,000,000 adults. How many of us do you suppose actually take part in gay pride parades?

con77 ago

Propaganda. Less than 2%

GayBlackJew ago

10% is propaganda on one end. 2% is propaganda on the other end. As always, the truth is somewhere in between. The most reliable studies I can find center around 4-5%.

con77 ago

You know what proves that's not true? The extremely low number of gay bars everywhere. Science

GayBlackJew ago

Ever been to downtown Denver? I can name 5 or 6 off the top of my head, most of them are huge and on a Friday night they're packed. And we have what's considered to be a "small" gay community.

Like I said, we flock. The Stapleton area of Denver, for example, has been dubbed "Gaypleton" because it's around 15-20% gay. They seem to get along just fine with the other families in the area.

You need to get yourself outta your bubble, friend.

con77 ago

I've seen more of this country and the world than you ever will. You're fooling yourself. SF has 2% gay population. 5 or 6 busy bars? How many straight bars?2 or 3 hundred?

GayBlackJew ago

Get your blinders off. You're only seeing what you want to see.

con77 ago

Hold a mirror and read your own post

GayBlackJew ago

I've seen both sides of this fence. You've only seen one side. You may think you've seen a lot, but it's always been from a single perspective. Your reality is naturally warped as a result.

Don't feel bad, this is the human condition. Almost nobody actively battles their confirmation bias.

con77 ago

Right. I m the one that s warped

GayBlackJew ago

As a gay dude, I agree with you. The gay activists take this stuff too far.

We deserve to be treated like humans, but getting called names from time to time is part of the human experience.

Phantom42 ago

Straight is the ONLY option. Faggot, dykes, trannies, none will be part of a superior society.

avanti ago

There are many stories of homosexuals who recovered and now have family (and are now "gay" in its original sense).

And there are the other ones who would never change, because they feel "special" (it boils down that in many cases it becomes their religion).

Phantom42 ago

Fags are fags. They're all degenerate.

GayBlackJew ago

Nope. Most of us are very decent people who just want to have our brunch and mimosas in peace.

Phantom42 ago

Disgusting wretch. You'll find no pity from me.

GayBlackJew ago

Ok, honey buns

moblodite ago

Murray needs to say "We are all entitled to our opinion, You are entitled to yours and I am entitled to mine- Live with it".

jmac352 ago

We need to sue for Libel. Make these politically correct commenters pay cash money for their derogatory tweets. If only our court system could handle 100,000 cases a day.

moblodite ago

Wouldn't fly.. freedom of speech.

102476reg ago

Agree,,,, We do not have to support this agenda, we can tell our kids that's its unethical and immoral. There is a reason that since the dawn of humanity our intuition tells us to stay away from those people and to be fearful of them. That reason is that their behaviors and lifestyles start and spread disease and ultimately death. Today we just mitigate those consequences with vaccines and drugs to treat the symptoms of the disease these people spread. The "progressive" agenda seeks to make these people inclusive into society, to give a small group a massive amount of power over the rest of society, to poke this agenda down out throats with a sharp stick and to force us to ask for more.

moblodite ago

Dead on ! and Im sick of it!

K19ves54 ago

It’s just all part of their plan to destroy American. :(

moblodite ago

The world!


Just the beginning. Next you wont be able to "disparage " Islam, or anything else that is non-American. This is a war against double-standards. We are a nation of laws, and the laws that we agree to abide by must meet the test of fairness or else we won't have a country anymore.

knarnia ago

I am offended the term "gay" as the definition is supposed to mean happy and cheerful. Thus must use the appropriate term "queer".

DayWalker ago

"People of buggery"

poorPoetaster ago


It is wrong.

They know and everyone knows it.

Mental disorder delisted because of Money.

Don't Mutilate, Rehabilitate.

moblodite ago

And heres an example of hoe dam crazy it is>>> The Bible says Homosexuality is wrong.. Then these people actually took some churches to court for the right to attend those churches,, And flippin wont in court! Girls have been forced allowed into Boyscouts and boys have been forced allowed into girlscouts, and the Catholics seem to love the gays a Pedo's- if disallowed they would have very few priest and a small congregation , Change Gods laws for $$$.

TrueSeeker777 ago

Agree Brother and im sure our Lord don't like whats going on one bit. even with the tax thing Jesus said give to Cesar what is Caesars which was taxes, he told the Jewish rabbis to pay taxes, and our so called houses of worship they called churches don't want to do it?even though Jesus said to, that's Greed and money lust, besides we are the church not that building they are in. its so twisted and messed up i worship where i am at the time not in any den of thieves.

moblodite ago

Here are a crazy court case, , And then the Catholic church ordering their masses that they must welcome LGBT and same sex marriage into their churches ! **The Catechism of the Catholic Church's declaration that lesbian and gay people "must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity" ** are you kidding me, There is separation of Church and state, So the SC can not order the church to accept this as religion ! But the biggest FAKE religion in the world is more than willing to accept it, When God returns.. ALL of these fake churches will be gone. I study my Bible right here at home and understand and believe as it teaches us, No deviation.

TrueSeeker777 ago

good man i do the same and have been studying the bible at home since i was 18yrs old and im 59 now it tell you right in the bible to read the word and let the holy spirit guide you,and the more you read the more he revels the more you understand, and it snowballs. God Bless Brother.

moblodite ago

Thing is.. Almost all people want to change the Bible to fit around their life.. Rather than to conform your life to fit what the Bible says. Eye of a needle!

TrueSeeker777 ago

exactly when i stared reading it i thought our Lord was talking directly to me and all my faults and sins,and i thought dam i need to change my ways big time lol.

poorPoetaster ago

yeah, and the DSM too.

moblodite ago

Sorry Brain fart.. DSM?????

poorPoetaster ago

It's okay, didn't smell.

Great point, though.

moblodite ago

I was asking.. what is DSM?

poorPoetaster ago

The listing of all of the current Psychological Disorders agreed upon by the Psy Docs.

It is still a disorder, they just stopped calling it that, for all of the money from the lobby using the same strategy as civil rights reform. Only problem is they are creating more disorder by not treating the mentally ill.

moblodite ago

Interesting, but I think ive said enough. LOL, I need to be nice.

dundundunnnnn ago

Scott Lively - 5 stage process - culture conquest - begins with request for tolerance, once tolerance is acheived, then there is a demand for acceptance and equal status, then comes celebration: everyone must accept and promote homosexuality as a good thing, then forced participation for all in gay culture and finally, punishment for all who disagree. - 9 min mark

Rubydoobydo ago

Sounds like we're at stage 5.

DeliciousOnions ago

Gays: we are a poor oppressed minority who needs protecting

Also gays: if you said "faggot" when you were 15 we can strip you of your professional achievements and stir up around you a PR shitstorm like a hurricane

XGemInaV ago

80% of the abuse that occurred in the Catholic Church was male-on-male (i.e. GAY) in nature. They have turned the priesthood into a gay profession and must be cleaned out.

moblodite ago

Do much more research on the Priesthood.. This is just the tip

XGemInaV ago

I've done enough, those pedo-gay-satanic commies have infiltrated the priesthood, seminaries, and episcopate. We know the suspects: Tobin, Wuerl, Cupich, Maradiaga, Spellman, McCarrick etc. James Martin is one of their minions.

wasupwitdis ago

Read the rise and fall of the roman empire you will see a direct correlation of what is happening today....history repeating itself....

moblodite ago

The whole world has become Sodom & Gomorrah, Read Revelations.

MrDigging17 ago

That's what the left does though. They TELL YOU what to do, how to do crap, when to do crap. They, the left, are the ones wagging their fingers at everyone telling you that you HAVE to apologize for your free thoughts. Except, a true apology comes from within and never authentic when it's forced out. The point here is we are all tired of being told we have no right to speak out against anything THEY decide is offensive. Look a PETA now. They are saying we can't say, "bring home the bacon" anymore because that is offensive to animals for Christs sake! !@#$! It's a never ending attack against INDIVIDUALISM and FREEDOM! They want group think and a hive mind and the hypocrisy is that they want it all to be run by an individual, a LIBTARD LEFTIST individual.

moblodite ago

Big decal on my truck says Peta. PEOPLE EATING TASTY ANIMALS .True

wasupwitdis ago

mother nature is a PATRIOT....cant change genetics no matter how much you might want to....these alternative lifestyles are for ones preference don't try to force me to go with it...……..WWG1WGA

TheAnonymousWorker ago

I am against homosexuality. It is an avowed enemy of Christianity plain and simple. Sadly it knows this much better than Christians do. Sadder still it is holding more and more people in bondage.

smartbaum ago

Lol, My fellow Christians who lose their shit because of one's sexuality, no matter their character or other qualities as a human being created in the image of God.

moblodite ago

As someone said above "Its on almost all TV shows", and those with cable pay a very high price to watch it! (In more ways than one). being forced down our throats.

TexasInfidel ago

Homo is a made up word,its comes from Darwin's lie about reality

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

I love all of the fake Texans the shill-patrol are sending here to make Voat look bad.

TexasInfidel ago


FecalDemiurge6000 ago

How much are they paying you to pretend you were born there?

TexasInfidel ago

How much are they paying you to be jealous?

fuckingmockies ago

Homophobic is a bullshit term. A phobia is an legitimate medical disorder where you have an irrational fear of something. By calling you homophobic it's like subconsciously reeinforcing the meme that homosexuality is normal.

There is no such thing as homophobia. It's a degranged mental disorder, not an alternative lifestyle. It should be illegal.

AsOnlyIAm ago

Thank you! I've been saying for years no i don't fear homos..

JackHoff ago

So true! Most people aren't scared of homos, they just don't approve of homos or lime what they do.

GayBlackJew ago

It's not a mental disorder. God made me gay just like He made you straight. It's the 'thorn in my flesh' like Paul talks about.

Many of us take it too far, but to start suppressing us by law would be to swing the pendulum too far on the other direction.

JackHoff ago

Don't blame God for your choices.

GayBlackJew ago

You misunderstand. I am not gay by choice. Where I have my choice is how I behave.

God made me gay. I think I understand why. But He still expects me to be moral.

JackHoff ago

So the only way to be gay and live a moral life is to not engage in any homo sex. very few gays can actually do that, however I do know one who did and chose to live out their life celibate.

GayBlackJew ago

It's not a path I'd recommend without a deep faith in Christ.

JackHoff ago

Well I wish you well. Sorry if I was a dick earlier, I didn't understand where you were coming from.

GayBlackJew ago

I have no problem with dicks.

BlackCrimesMatter ago

God did not make you gay you fruit. You have a mental disorder and cannot push that off on God.

GayBlackJew ago

Well that's been something I've pondered for some time. It's been the struggle of my life to reconcile my spirituality with my sexuality. The process has brought me closer to God than anything else could have. I think God had a very wise purpose in mind for doing so, but I never chose it.

We all have some sort of weakness. This is mine. But it's not any more of a mental disorder than your anger and lack of Christlike love toward your neighbor is for you.

mitoriomyt ago

Sociologically, LBGT have always been on the low end of social status. It needs to be kept that way.

Unless LGBT are able to reproduce and further society with biological children of their own, there is no evolutionary imperative to ensure their survival. They have always been fringe because THEY ARE. Less than 1% of the population does not DESERVE mainstream acceptance simply because their mental impairment craves acceptance.

The left LOVES blacks, gays, trannies, ugly feminists, single moms and other nasty SJW because they automatically give status that an otherwise orderly and Christian society denies. This is why all this PC garbage bullshit right speak is becoming enforced and this is why a civil way is well upon the USA.

Zammyanci ago

Welcome home 😆

GayBlackJew ago

Well we're actually about 4.5% of the population according to the best numbers I can find. That doesn't really count as not 'fringe,' I suppose, but think about this: Redheads are about 2% of the U.S. population. So statistically for every redhead you know, you know 2 gays. We're everywhere, and most of us DON'T TELL YOU ABOUT IT.

We can reproduce, there are many gay mothers and fathers. But we're less likely to. So, how does the gene survive if there's a strong selection against it? Maybe it's not genetic?

Despise the gay agenda all you like, I rather despise it myself. But if you claim to want to be in an orderly and Christian society then there's no room for persecution of any human, regardless of how little you may understand their actions or choices.

The gay agenda has taken things too far. But that is no justification for denigration of your fellow human. Be cautious that you don't cross that line.

mitoriomyt ago

Nobody has advocated for persecution.

What needs to be advocated is that they stop trying to normalize the transgendering of young children, gender neutral bathrooms and pushing "acceptance". Children don't need to know about homosexuality at a young age and this is all being pushed as part of the "diversity acceptance" narrative. It's abominable. It's nothing short of child abuse. It's normalizing pedophilia and prostitution when children are being allowed to take puberty blockers or compete in drag balls at gay bars with dollar bills thrown at them from patrons.

No right-thinking society that wants to ensure that it's children grow up safely and unharmed will ever get behind that or should have to accept it. It needs to stay in the fringe where it belongs. Whether it's less than 1% or less than 4.5%, it doesn't matter. LGBT are minorities and they are fringe minorities, at that.

GayBlackJew ago

Most times when I engage on this topic on Voat I get told that I should be in a death camp or similarly destroyed. I realize that's usually just assholes trying to get a rise out of me, but I think implementation of that philosophy would qualify as persecution. Here's today's edition: Nice people don't say that. I'm not talking about political correctness, I'm talking about basic human decency. The Venn chart between those who condemn gays and those who lack basic decency has a gigantic overlap.

And by the way, every time I attempt to tell the truth on this topic as I see it, I get downvoated to hell. Here's today's example: This tells me that there is an undercurrent of hostility toward gays here. I've lost 23 CCP on this thread so far, and I've been a perfect gentleman - but people don't like having their bubble poked. I can take it, I'm based and secure and have CCP to spare. But don't tell me that there isn't danger of persecution.

As for the rest of your comment, I agree wholeheartedly. What I'm saying is that the vast majority of us are not involved in that agenda and have just about as much power as you to stop it. We don't deserve to be painted with a broad brush.

mitoriomyt ago

What I'm saying is that the vast majority of us are not involved in that agenda and have just about as much power as you to stop it.

If you're not supportive of this agenda, and people like you are indeed the majority of the fringe, then you all need to be actively outspoken about it. Don't just leave this to the Christians and the conservatives.

The agenda is going too far. When history looks back, the fingers will be pointed at those within your very own community who have stayed silent while the degenerates, pederasts and sodomites among you have sickened and abused children.

GayBlackJew ago

What the hell do you think I'm doing here?

My voice is as muted and weak as yours. I do what I can.

mitoriomyt ago

Get out on social media and take a stand. Otherwise you're even more useless than you are here.

GayBlackJew ago

Ok, sweetheart

fuckingmockies ago

Nope. Death camps for you.

GayBlackJew ago

Ok, cutie pie

moblodite ago

Perfect! I never thought of it that way.. Thanks

derram ago :

Kyler Murray: Heisman winner's old, homophobic tweets resurfaced

"But the Oklahoma quarterback's memorable night also helped resurface social media's memory of several homophobic tweets more than six years old."

'Buffalo Bills quarterback Josh Allen saw racist tweets resurface from his teenage years ahead of the NFL draft. ', "The Milwaukee Brewers' Josh Hader had racist, homophobic and misogynistic tweets resurface from when he was 17 years old this past summer."

'When Murray was 15 years old, he tweeted at his friends (via his since-verified Twitter account) using an anti-gay slur to defame them. '

'As of early Sunday morning, four offensive tweets using the slur remained active on his account and had not been deleted. '

This has been an automated message.

jmac352 ago

He killed Kenny!!!

SandyAndreas ago

Recently, resurrecting old homophobic tweets seems to be the way to muzzle people. The leftism is out of control.

Food_Stamp ago

It's fun to find them and use them against shitlibs.

zettarose ago

I am 64 years old. I have many Gay friends as well as family. I am just TIRED of the ENFORCEMENT of not being able to disagree with the lifestyle!

MrDigging17 ago

According to today's messed up logic and group think, one day these elitist idiots might decide cannibalism is a religion and it will become acceptable too. In fact, their logic is that we should never criticize anyone's thoughts, behavior, or religion and it will become offensive to criticize cannibalism. Some might accuse me of exaggerating or out of touch with reality, but, they want to integrate pedo's too and that's a fact so this is not far fetched from their own logic.

madhatter67 ago

Hate to break it to you....but the elitest idiots do believe cannabalism is a religion....though they still have to convince us on the pedo thing before they move onto that

moblodite ago

You are right, My eldest Daughter (40) always said " I cant bring kids into this fucked up world" We all knew this BS was going to happen as soon as they came out of the closet! Its a huge Cabal push as another form of population control! Im all for Gays and trannies in the military.. Put them all on the front line with no support!

Hand_of_Node ago

They should be violently suppressed, if not lynched by an outraged mob. What's your excuse for associating with faggots?

Food_Stamp ago

Boomers are all faggots. I bet he does a lot more than just associaites with them.

TrueSeeker777 ago

i have a problem with jamming it down our throats and our children's i don't care either but they are only 4% of our country and 3% in the world, but TV even cartoons for our kids, it seems like they portray 75% of the world being gay as its okay and not an abomination to our Father in Heaven. if they want to answer for that to the Father im fine with that but don't drag our youth down that path of destruction we Christians don't hunt them down or fight them and they do have just as many if not more rights than we do, just don't say its great to our kids when to Christians it is not, im sure if 4% or 5% of the people thought stealing or raping or murdering was okay they wouldn't be jamming it down our throats or saying its good on every TV program and schools and they are abominations to the same Father in Heaven.

GayBlackJew ago

I agree with your point that the attempts to mainstream homosexuality have gone too far. I'd just caution you that one of the most spiritually dangerous things a Christian can do is to start condemning others because they sin differently from you. We ALL are in need of Grace.

JackHoff ago

Sin is different from an adomination.

God calls homosexuals reprobates. Look it up and stop making excuses.

GayBlackJew ago

God condemns many different sins; He's the only one with the right to do so. How many things have you done in your life contrary to God's commandments? Will you cast the first stone?

I make no excuses. I just don't believe in a God who holds double standards. Homosexual sin and heterosexual sin are the same in His eyes. To believe otherwise is to believe in an unjust God.

Rubydoobydo ago

I think that a Christian should never call out someone else's sin if they're not willing to follow that up with the hope of the Gospel. In the political arena; however, we have a right to speak up against the LGBT agenda being shoved down our kids' throats.

GayBlackJew ago

I don't think anybody here is disputing that.

moblodite ago

I am selective as to who I call friend, and I do not mean just LGBT people. Yes I sin just like everyone, I try to surround myself with like minded people, Repentance and correcting our wrong doing leads to forgiveness, But if we continue to do the wrong then we are lost. most are deceived about who will get into heaven, but the Bible tells us exactly, "1 Corinthians 6:9-11 9Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. "

GayBlackJew ago

Ok, so homosexuality is a sin, fine. What sins threaten to keep YOU from inheriting the kingdom of God? Might it be wise for you to concern yourself with that first, before trying to pull the mote from my eye?

You should expose yourself to people who are not like-minded. It helps prevent groupthink and confirmation bias and helps you value every human. Jesus Himself purposefully went among the sinners.

Zammyanci ago

Jesus said: I do not condemn you, go and sin NO MORE.

GayBlackJew ago


How close are you to sinning no more?

moblodite ago

Jesus went among the sinners to show them that there is a pathway to salvation. Not to Party, Not to be best buds, But after that it is up to those individuals to make the right choices, called free will! but just because he spoke the message to them did not automatically make them saved. "It helps prevent groupthink and confirmation bias " - Your way of telling me to allow you in my head.. Wont happen, Save your breath. So your statement is dead wrong "Romans 16:17 17I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them."

TrueSeeker777 ago

that's why i say let them do it to themselves i dont push my vises or sins on others and i am just as much a sinner as everyone else is, in need of grace from the Father through my faith in our Lord but we have to continually try to do what our lord says is good not do what he says is wrong and encourage others to do wrong

GayBlackJew ago

Amen. Wish more around here saw it that way.

TrueSeeker777 ago

Have a Great Day Patriot

moblodite ago

Perfectly said ! I agree 100 % This is exactly what made me cut the cable about 8 years ago..

TheFritoBandito ago

I just dumped my Netflix subscription because of the trash they are peddling on there now. Every new re-boot of older TV shows or (even cartoons for kids) has an LGBTQ or political spin to it. The viewers have no say in the decisions for their programming and content, but we can damn sure vote with our wallets.

I have to say this country (United States) has reached a tipping point; past the point of no return. Whether or not you believe in conspiracy theories, go look at the money trail and you'll see who's pushing this agenda from corporate media conglomerates. There's people very high up in society making these decisions and pulling the strings.

moblodite ago

I fear you are right, Try putting a Genie back in a bottle. Tranny story time with our small kids.. WTF!!! NWO is the wrong name.. It should be NWD! New world disorder. My son-in-law's brother is a convicted pedo, My My son-in-law brought him to my house some time back, Very shortly I told him straight out "I DONT WANT YOU IN MY HOME" you should have seen the shocked look on their faces.. But Im sorry if they mistook my for someone who gives a shit what they think! Not in my home

TrueSeeker777 ago

yep im planning on just keeping internet and RUKU or similar for programs and TV stuff, in Michigan i just have antenna TV and internet and im good with that, when i sell my house in that thieving liberal BS state Illinois im moving here permanently and im not going to have cable or U verse just antenna and internet, i just have to subscribe to OAN because that's the only real news out their not owned by the Mockingbird Deep State News networks, that's the only thing i miss with antenna TV here U verse in Illinois has OAN which is pretty much the only news i don't get pissed off at because of all the lies and BS opinions its like old fashioned news, they just report whats going on good bad or ugly and in from what i see the truth. have a Great Day Patriot

moblodite ago

Do you remember an old movie called Logans run? We need a carousel for all of these sick bastards!

TrueSeeker777 ago

WOW the ones cheering look almost 21 and will soon be next in line LOL id say be at least 31yrs old lol.

moblodite ago

I cant believe you found that ! wow.. Old time memories... I think that was like about 35 years ago, Yup.. That would be great for the LGBTQ folks !!!

TrueSeeker777 ago

yep were old farts but Wise old farts lol

Food_Stamp ago

Boomer faggot confirmed.