Tallest_Skil ago

Will you kill yourself when nothing happens, just like every single other date your god claimed?

oldlady ago

@Paladin_Diver I look at it as this countdown as a warning to the Deep State. Q does occasionally make comments directly to the DS.

wasupwitdis ago

Just gonna sit back and watch the show.. to much time and number speculation.....dont worry be happy...WWG1WGA

102476reg ago

I hope

Jsmyogi ago

We need a meme of POTUS counting down the Christmas Tree lighting. Exactly when did Q start the countdown? Did POTUS start his at 10 or 5?

Jsmyogi ago

Wait for it Wait for it. Ahh this is killing me!! I can’t stand it Anymore! 😂

JamesLV357 ago

Interesting, thank you for sharing. I thought that President Trumps jail meme was a Countdown to Dec 5. I feel like a kid before Christmas waiting for the next GeoPolitical Chess Move.

Blacksmith21 ago

Dec 5 = 12/5 = 12 + 5 = 17 = Q

Slimpickens1 ago

I like your gematria there.

Markster64 ago

Could be a strategy of psyops against black hats, besides keeping White Hats informed as much as possible.Pressure is building against Black Hats .

time3times ago

'you guys'

Divine_Intervention ago

After two generations of television and videos out the wazoo, video games, hiphop and constant texting in short sentences, it is so very sad that our people have so thoroughly been acclimatized to fiction. This has short-circuited the innate human ability to do the most important think a human can do THINK.

Pondering and exploring original ideas outside the echo chambers of constant media bombardment has caused far too many people to have lost their doggone minds.

Please pray for all of them and all of us. They have the right to vote, and the right to have babies who will be taught from their beliefs and addled minds. Let that thought sink in.

Paladin_Diver ago

I enjoy these numerology games as much as the rest of you, but I'd like to suggest just a bit of rational thoughts when it comes to "theories" like this.

My only question would be: Why?

How does spacing your posts out to create a countdown benefit anyone? There's nothing metaphysical about 5,4,3,2,1.

What if Q likes Monte Python and can't say 3? Would that throw anyone's faith in The Plan off? Would we be doomed to eternal damnation under Baal?

Sorry for being a buzzkill, but I guess I'm tired of the over-reaches looking for meaning when such isn't needed. We know what is right and what is wrong. We know good from bad. We understand what's at stake.

Causation isn't correlation and 2 adjacent numbers most certainly do NOT equate to a trend.

Gorillion ago

It was broken today anyway. If it was true, the whistleblower arrest broke the countdown plan.


Commentary on how Q seems "pissed". Pissed at the arrest or pissed that he had to break into his Dec5 timeline?

Miss_Nett ago

A person that does this isn't harmful to anyone. You aren't forced to read, just bypass.

Paladin_Diver ago

What about all of the comments we see by those who are losing hope because yet another false prophecy that THIS will be the week fails to come true? Getting one's hopes up only to see them dashed is disheartening. I consider that somewhat harmful.

Like I said, I very much enjoy some of the theories posted here and support those that seem reasonably possible. Those that try to draw a trend from a series of 2 digits don't meet that low bar. This isn't meant to be mean or dismissive.

Geo_synchronous ago

Its a codex. Similar to how a Fibonacci chain works.

Vintage1776 ago

Because it's fun

Divine_Intervention ago

forgiven for being a rational buzzkill.

Spud4ever ago

Better phrase than what ran through my mind the instant I read it (Declas it Q +++)!!!

Paladin_Diver ago

"rational buzzkill"

That's an awesome phrase.

FractalizingIron ago


December 2nd is the clincher.

Time will tell.

lepanto33 ago


Zammo ago

That theory was posted on /QRV 18 hours ago, more than 15hours before it got that live chat. You're giving credit to the wrong person.


DavidGydeon ago

Thanks man.

Awake2Truth ago

Interesting and insightful.

PeggyGilmour ago

Echoes the countdown to lighting the Christmas tree at the White House.

rabidzealot ago

Rowdy. Can't wait to see something pop. Pins and Needles, nailbiter.

lightbringer33 ago

If the next post is on 12-2 then the countdown looks to be right and it ties into D5. So there could be additional meaning to some of the earlier posts too.

Lynnwiod ago

That should read: NAILBITER!! LOL

Lord_Odious_the_Foul ago

If true, that’s intense.

KarlKastner ago

Sounds good.