15320799? ago

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15319100? ago

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15306124? ago

15305961? ago

God I hope so

15305883? ago

2880537? - Thank you for pointing this out !

15305478? ago

December 6th ~ Q-TARD-DAY

15306976? ago

You wish...bitch

15309187? ago


There you go asshole. The democrats are STILL finding ballots to steal the election with and you dumb shits are still worshipping your invisible asshole savior and telling everyone to trust Trump. He hasn't done a fucking thing since being elected, hasn't done shit about the stolen election either. But keep trusting that plan assholes.

15309312? ago

For the 373773th time.. DHS will not be addressing the voter fraud until closer to the deadline of Dec 18th...I know this very confusing for you, youd be better off going back to the safe, padded room now. Byebye.

15309586? ago

I'll make sure to come back on December 19th to tell you how full of shit you are again. Keep trusting that plan you fucking morons.

15304623? ago

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15303647? ago

Does anyone know if Huber is going to testify behind closed doors?

15299978? ago


15300587? ago

We will find out I guess. It's just a theory.

But if Q is silent tomorrow, I will squeal a little....

15299376? ago


[D]ay [Of] [D]ays?

15300593? ago

Department Of Defense?

15296465? ago

I feel like Jeff Goldblum in Independence Day

15298607? ago

That movie was great,

15296291? ago

I noticed that (countdown) too. And then there is this:

[D]5>>Dec 5>>12/5>>12+5=17>>17=Q

15321475? ago

Oh em gee. Thats amazing

15297829? ago

It's alllll coming together perfectly!!

15296755? ago


15294606? ago

That's it. Nice analysis! D5!!!!!

15294436? ago

Lets see...I like this.

15294310? ago

oooooh nice

15294164? ago

Damn good logic!

15294003? ago

OK dumb mother fuckers. I guess I'll show up to make fun of you dumb ass Qool-Aid Cult retards on December 6th to make fun of you again when NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENS.

15295919? ago

So you’re essentially cheering for the deep state? You might want to try a Little hope and optimism for a change. You might be less miserable that way.

15294544? ago

Kinda scary that you are cheering so hard for the good guys to lose....damn

15295216? ago

I see ur an eternal optimist. Have a nice day!

15300250? ago

Does optimism offend you? I mean that is really what this is right? Ever moment of every day we have the choice to face the light or the dark. Why care if others choose the light? I am by nature a sceptical person, but reveling in negativity only serves to make the world worse. Why would anyone want that?

15293130? ago

Nice catch. Very intuitive. I need to pay closer attention. <sigh>

15293050? ago

many other reasons are showing WW importand DAY it is!

Im knowing what habbens at (claustrum)-DAY !

Thank you, my Friend !

Godspeed Patriots . edie

15300264? ago


15293133? ago

Why do you sign all of your posts .edie?

15293287? ago

you will find out soon, my Friend. Stay save. edie

15293701? ago

Oh for fucks sake...dont be a fag

15292997? ago

Also, on the 25th there were 5 drops, on the 29th there were 4, let’s see if there is one more today, then maybe two, then one? Possible.

15293141? ago


Good observation anon!

15293504? ago

Spread the word/idea around!

15292720? ago

Nice catch anon.

15292710? ago

That is freaking genius!

15292403? ago

Hmmm, I agree there is some kind of countdown, but wonder if it has to do with time stamps as well? I've never understood how to read the time stamps. I remember one drop that said something like 'why am I posting in the morning'...made me think that some part of the time stamp tells you if this is one to read a year later, future proves past, but never figured it out and never talked to anyone that could explain it.

453 Q !UW.yye1fxo 23 Dec 2017 - 3:40:56 PM Side-by-side graphic? Locate and create.[:22] SEARCH crumbs : [#2] Who is #2? No deals. Q [:27] How can FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the man in charge, along with leakin' James Comey, of the Phony Hillary Clinton investigation (including her 33,000 illegally deleted emails) be given $700,000 for wife's campaign by Clinton Puppets during investigation? [5] Previous also logged in graphic form [10] + others? Timestamps important. Countdown? Markers. Q

15293155? ago

Dude. That line stuck out to me too.

15300063? ago

Oh wow. Nice catch anon.

15300624? ago

Maybe. Part of me wants Q to be silent tomorrow and lend credibility to my theory (mainly because it ends on 12/5 with the SHTF)...but part of me craves daily drops like a crackhead...

15292286? ago

Maybe you're right, but in my opinion, two time gaps is not enough to conclude a pattern.

Time will tell.

15293163? ago

I am not saying this is whow it is going to be. I am just saying it COULD line up as it stands right now, and if an additional few things happen.

15292206? ago

Very good catch...we'll see if accurate if Q stays on schedule today. Q has been methodical at times to keep us and the enemy on the edge of our seats.

15292004? ago

How many of you youngsters, that have military experience, especially with two or more tours, are familiar with D5 in its Warfare Operations Capabilities context ?

15300168? ago

I'm not, but since nobody responded I'll ask. Mind explaining? Thanks anon.

15305756? ago

Deceive, Degrade, Deny, Disrupt, Destroy

15291942? ago

Best estimate or links/compilation on what will transpire on D-Day?

15291525? ago

DEC 5th:

Google CEO ...lawmakers are expected to grill him on whether Google rigs its influential search engine to stifle conservative voices. President Donald Trump asserts that Google’s search engine favors media coverage that he believes distributes “fake news.”


15291363? ago

The pattern suggests DECEMBER 6th ~ D-DAY?

Drops on Nov 20th.

Drops on Nov 25th (5 days)

Drops on Nov 29th (4 days)

Will there be drops on:

Dec 2nd (3 days)

Dec 4th (2 days)

Dec 5th (1 Day)


15298798? ago

Ya, I remember that joke from the Lethal Weapon movies. Do we go ON three ...or is it three and then GO?

Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKePn-57zAA

Bonus: Lights out God, I love this shit. We gonna eat them alive. (no cannibal)

15296729? ago

30 days in November.

15292552? ago

November 20th: 5 drops total; 5 days until next drop

November 25th: 4 drops total; 4 days until next drop

November 29: Will there be 3 drops? 3 days until next drop?

December 2: Will there be 2 drops? 2 days until next drop?

December 4: Will there be 1 drop? 1 day until next drop?

December 5: No drops or THE DROP(S)? D5 happening silently or with Q guiding the way?

Just some thoughts, I'm no autist. Only a normie Qanon.

15291437? ago

No. 5th.

15291490? ago

The pattern says the day after the 5th will be day 0 or D-Day... why not?

15292561? ago

Not really. That would be two 1's in a row. The "count" on December 5 would be "0".

15291216? ago

Thanks, my initial reaction was that he IS a black hat, and thought that for a long time for obvious reasons. Then, I wasn't sure. Both he an RR seem to be bad through and through, but then again, what better "cover" to work under? It's easy to overthink some things in all this, isn't it?

15295466? ago

One thing that keeps me thinking he is still making orchestrated moves as a grey hat, or even an original deep undercover member of Q team with his intelligence and marine background, is that MI do not call him No Name like the last "very grave" treasonous ex military pilot. This military op against the DS has been in planning mode since possibly 1990? Has he been collecting evidence that long because we know deep undercover can be in place for decades to gain trust and take down the biggest players? The Gen. Flynn procrastination to prosecute is another enigma. I still can't let go of the black hat though because of how he forces these Trump people to make deals, basically bankrupts them with legal fees that will never be recovered, or goes after their friends and family. That is just evil when there is NO Russian "election collusion" and they go to jail for a single mistake or single lie to Congress. Yet, HRC, Comey, McCabe, LL, Jack Dorsey, Zuckerburg all lie to Congress and crickets chirp years later.

15292840? ago

If RR is a "gray/white hat" he must be flipping on his cabal connected wife. Which is hilarious in itself.

15292870? ago

Yeah in another thread sometime yesterday I mentioned how unlikely it is b/c of Lisa Barsoomian

15291447? ago


15290975? ago

That deserves some shitty 80s theme music!


15290943? ago

Yes yes! You are definitely right my friend. D5 can't come soon enough.

15290941? ago

Do you ALL now realize, that Q's drops are ALL ABOUT GEMATRIA?

Where are the Gematria Haters and trolls? Open your eyes!!!!!

15292589? ago

How is that gematria?

15309635? ago

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gematria A general explanation from Wiki.

And this is the tool: http://www.gematrinator.com/calculator/index.php

15314224? ago

No, you misunderstood me. I know what gematria is. How does that have anything to do with OP?

Also, SerialBrain2 is a fucking idiot that makes the movement look crazy. Possible shill.

15290649? ago

For every minute between Q drops, (((they))) will import 1000 feral niggers into a white nation.

15300291? ago

Really???? Who talks like this? Pathetic.

15290620? ago

OMG, math!

15290355? ago

wow holy shit that's good... let's see if it plays out that way

15290278? ago

Look at all the hints that Trump is dropping. He is talking treason. You don't just throw shit like that out there without explaining. Something is about to go down and if it does it will be the biggest thing in the history of American politics. This is hands down the most ruthless and insidious bunch of racketeers that have ever taken over our government.

15303711? ago

I agree. POTUS is very disciplined in what he reveals. If he is talking about trials for treason we're on the edge.

15291297? ago

Unless I was reading a TOTALLY "fake news" story, I read earlier this year that Trump spent I think either $200M or $400M to EXPAND GITMO. Something tells me this wasn't another....."coincidence."

15302588? ago

15292798? ago

GITMO has been expanded/re-opened/updated, this is true. Even fake news CNN had an article about it being modified for new prisoners and the writer was befuddled asking who? What do we need this for? in a smarmy way.

15290179? ago


15290151? ago

Prediction: 5.....4......3.....2.....1.....'fizzle'

15291348? ago

Funny how that NEVER EVER EVER happened to me when I was in 9th grade and we'd go around shooting bottle rockets out the car window. EVERY TIME someone would drop one IN THE CAR, and it would go zooming around bouncing off all the windows and KA-PLOW! IN THE CAR. One time it blew up on my hairline and burned about an inch of hair off, giving me a "notch" look, but I could cover it with the rest of my hair. OMG we were silly. Dunno why I thought of this, but it's a funny memory!

15289677? ago

In this scenario, if you count the days without any drops, they add up to ten.....( Nov. 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30 Dec. 1, 3) THE 10 DAYS OF DARKNESS perhaps?

15289596? ago

For those of you who are confused.MULLER is a BLACK HAT. If for a second you think he's white..REMEMBER HIS WHOLE CAREER... if that does not clear it up for you then theres no hope.

15305516? ago

This needs more upvotes, the white hat theory is just fantasy. Mueller is very much the enemy. The whole thing was cooked up by deep state stooges

15307181? ago

Yeah I just don't by the white hat BS. Muller is so very dirty. Heck just look at how he's doing his investigations. Or look at Q drops. According to SB2 Muller could have done the right thing but did NOT. He COULD HAVE looked at Killery and everyone else. He had the leway to do so. But chose not to. That's why Horowitz and Huber did the REAL investigation. Muller is going to prision.

15297588? ago

I just read this from another voat post. If this memo is correct, Mueller deserves GITMO for life, or execution. Black hat


15297612? ago

Oh I agree. He's DIRTY. He's lived a life time of BAD stuff. Plus look at how desperate he is with the investigations, his actions are NOT a white hat not even gray. It's BLACK all the way.

15294703? ago

Bible says to forgive. i trust trump and in gods name if he can forgive him to bring justice to the real motherfuckers. i can deal. he was a marine.

15298402? ago

We as individuals should forgive, but that does not mean we should allow criminals to roam free. Justice is important. I trust POTUS to bring justice to those who deserve it.

15294834? ago

God does say that. And Muller has not sinned against me. IF he flips and does the right thing, then good for him. I do not see his actions as such. And God also said we would know them by their fruit! So we shall see. And as for Mullers sin..that's between him and God. I just know God told me to watch the Fruit. That also goes with "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" if your heart Is full of evil, then your actions and words will be also. In other words the hidden truth in your heart will be made manifest by what you do and what you say....

15292961? ago

A selfish rat can be flipped to save his own skin.

15293009? ago

Does not make him a white hat. Just a RAT treading water..

15292856? ago

most probably he's a hog being led down the chute to the pen with all the other pigs. in the end, he will end up on a meat hook like all the others.

15294717? ago

Spoiled meat will rot

15290007? ago

What if his whole career was made to gain cabal trust? Remember, the military approached Trump. Mueller could be a reverse Manchurian Candidate.

15315636? ago

That's a possibility and one I've pondered before. 'The Plan' has been in the making long before Trump was ever asked to run. Mueller could be an MI plant just like Adm. Rogers and Gen. Flynn. I'm not saying he is because of course I wouldn't know, but whatever he turns out to be, White Hat or Deep State, it won't surprise me.

15297785? ago

Could be ... "What makes a great movie" and all that....

15296997? ago

Could potus have called mueller a retired marine back into duty to do a specific, classified job?

15290135? ago

mueller is dark as fuck. dan bongino perfectly lays it out here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jO3DSz6VU10

15297572? ago

Exactly. I listen to him too. I agree with you.

15294732? ago

This is the best vidieo!

15292755? ago

Bongino is in on the plan though. He slips out accidental Q drops and then covers for it and quickly tries to move on from it.

15301571? ago

Fewer than 10 know the plan and he’s not one of them

15297620? ago

He has the whole Spygate thing laid down in such clear detail He amazes me. I have his book and listen to him every. He gives so much detail sometimes I have to listen more then once.

15290940? ago

Black as Midnight. Black as Pitch. Blacker than the blackest Witch. Him and his Enron cronies making sure to clean up the mess while keeping Trump focused in the spotlight to hide their actions.

15292938? ago


Black as Midnight. Black as Pitch. Blacker than the blackest Witch. Him and his Enron cronies making sure to clean up the mess while keeping Trump focused in the spotlight to hide their actions.

Legend (1985). Cf.:


15290075? ago

How could you sell out humanity and your country like he has..thinking "someday I will actually do good, then it will make up for ALL those people I fucked over for all those years"..At that point I don't care what you do. Your an asshole. Plain and simple. Could you trust someone who lived most of there life screwing people over to be a covert good guy? That would be a man with NO concise.

15315709? ago

How could you sell out humanity and your country like he has..thinking "someday I will actually do good, then it will make up for ALL those people I fucked over for all those years".

If you think it's going to stop the evil from continuing to feed on the innocent people you could do it. Sometime you have to weigh the outcome against the bad you have to do. If you do nothing the evil will never stop. In that case the people you hurt are sacrificial lambs to save all of humanity. It ain't pretty and it ain't an easy choice to make.

Good men have had to do bad deeds for good reasons since the beginning of humanity.

15289903? ago

Semper Fi

15290021? ago

I know...but dang it. EVERY case he's involved in and every time he signs his name. ALL the leftists he's surrounded himself with. You would have to believe that his whole career (out side of the Marines) was as a mole with the leftists, so NOW he can be a secret good guy... the ONLY thing he has going is that he was a Marine. And it's not a stretch to believe that back in his day there were lots of democrat Marines. But this guy just kept going left when the dems party got totally corrupted.

15297862? ago

To catch a nasty fish, you need some nasty bait. In these days of up is down, left is right, good is bad, nothing would surprise me. They need actors with DEEP DEEP cover to infiltrate over a lonnnnnngggg amount of time. Trust isn't built in a day, noe was Rome. Someone has to play the bad guy to get the bad guys. Time will tell.

15297985? ago

I understand that. But I'm not buying that Muller has been a plant all this time. That would mean that Obummer was part of the plan too.. yeah no. Logical thinking. Muller is dirty. If it looks like a rat and smells like a rat. It is a rat. If I'm wrong..I will eat this post!

15301666? ago

Mueller being a mole has nothing to do with Obama? Expand your thinking. You sound like CNN spouting off shit you hear on the news about Mueller. How the fuck would anyone know if he’s been feeding intel to the white hats for years?? POTUS is in FULL CONTROL and that full control includes control over Mueller. If Mueller was going to make up evidence out of thin air to convict POTUS his ass would have been long gone by now as POTUS has that authority over Mueller. All the drama and negative news is all theatrics. Get with the program or keep whining like a liberal

15301742? ago

Fuck off. I've got my own opinion. I just don't completely buy into yours. Deal with it.

15298553? ago

I don't know. These people certainly play the long game and I believe a lot of these people are raised to fulfill their chosen roles to play, sort of how monarchies raise their heirs. It's a tight knit circle, but there's some sort of long term planning involved, so it's not all that hard to believe. As for Obama, why not. Interesting fact: right now the British royal family is contending with Prince Harry's wife, an American born duchess who is biracial, progressive, extremely divisive, extremely political, plays the race card (sound familiar?) and also happens to be born on August 4th, as was the Barack, ex-President (or so we are told). That's an awful lot of coincidences.... especially in politics.

15290509? ago

15289531? ago

Small sample, but maybe.

15289512? ago

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15289505? ago

December 5, 2018 - another day that will live in infamy!

15291357? ago

Close enough for government work, right? ;)

15289494? ago

Great theory!

15289401? ago




15306692? ago

Done it.Months ago.

And will now do it again.

Thank you.


15298270? ago

Yup. This.

15290258? ago

Will I get a tee shirt? /s

15289794? ago

Done! Thanks for the reminder!


15289388? ago


15289373? ago

Very good.

15289337? ago


15289317? ago

at this point, i only hold out some hope.

i've hopped off the q train a while back, but i still have hope.

that said, at this point, i still wouldnt be surprised if nothing happens again, but.... i hope.

15300189? ago

Hope will do, if paired with kindness.

15305587? ago

yeah, kindness for whites, not for jews or niggers

15289277? ago

Nice dig. I hope it is. Seems to me like they are going with bombs in every direction so the enemy doesn’t know where the MOAB is coming from. Let’s do this!

15289225? ago

15289218? ago

It will be interesting to see what the excuses are if nothing happens Dec. 5th.

15289915? ago


15289834? ago

Did you miss the part about Comey’s hearing on Dec. 5?

15291380? ago

seems like there's a 3rd thing going on too, but I can't recall now. Comey and Huber, yes, but anyone know of anything else? I coulda sword I read something about it but cannot recall now. Thanks.

15289114? ago

Guess that means our Independence Day is coming?

15288825? ago

Would be poetic and in line with "think mirror" if Gen. Flynn, the man who volunteered to take the first shot from the DS, is rewarded with D-Day on his birthday, December 5th. Also be on the look out for Q drop 55 marker POTUS tweet "the storm is upon us..."

15301730? ago

Think mirror means the investigation by Mueller which the whole world thinks is about Trump, but it’s in fact not! Mueller is a white hat. Re reading the early drops makes this so fucking obvious it’s stupid. I’ll tell you what though, these are the best actors in the best play directed by the best people ever. Has everyone including trump supporters so confused.

15304546? ago

If Mueller is a white hat then he is an amazing stealth bomber. I'm more inclined to believe he's white hat controlled. Meaning "do your job and you don't get the death penalty."

15291255? ago

"Mirror" -- just an idea here -- pretty much all the attenion on Flynn, a US Army General.


ACTUAL "big player" - albeit behind the scenes - Gen Paul M Nakasone taking care of the technical end of the Q group. Thoughts, anyone?

15288909? ago

I think you’re right. Flynn is heading up Q team imo. What an amazing time to be alive!!!!!!

15289621? ago

was wondering if Rogers is in on it as well

15291267? ago

Who (now) holds the position Rogers used to? See below

15289608? ago

I was thinking that as well -- he is definitely on the Q team

15288799? ago

December 4 is the first day of the Epstein civil trial and the day the first sentencing recommendation brief is due in federal court in the Flynn case. Oddly Mueller filed a joint status with counsel for Flynn wherein counsel for both parties requested that "any required memoranda" from the parties be filed "no earlier" than two weeks before the sentencing hearing which is set for December 18. That is also December 4. I have never heard of lawyers asking that a "no earlier than" date be ordered for a filing. Normally, when a briefing schedule is set there's just an order that says party 1 has to file "on or before" such and such date, and the responding party 2 has to file "on or before" 14 days thereafter or whatever. Makes me wonder if whatever is going to be in that first brief needs to be held back from public filing until December 4 for some reason. Stretching probably, but I follow the Flynn case online because there are so many strange aspects to it, most notably the excessively long delay in sentencing. It's part of the mental White Hat/Black Hat Mueller torture I put myself through to keep the cobwebs out. Like some people do with crossword puzzles. :)

15305917? ago

Do not beleive that General Flynn has done a thing wrong - period - but that the DS wanted him outta Trump's Admin muy pro to (I assume that everyone here is familiar with the briefing that Obama gave then President-elect Trump basically saying he shouldn't hire Flynn )!

Git 'em Q !!!

15302141? ago

I totally feel your angst! If Mueller is a white hat, both he and Trump, and anyone else that was read in on Mueller's true role, should all be given Academy Awards. I have ran the scenario in my head for months. What if Horowitz, Mueller and Huber are all working together? Naahhh, that'd be too good to be true.

I think it's Mueller and Rosenstein - black hats

Horowitz, Huber, and add Whitaker (long history of disliking the Clintons) - white hats

It''s safe and does not keep me awake at night, literally. LOL!!!

15302164? ago

So that's the secret! The 4 am wake up time is killing me.

15297514? ago

I still see nothing that says Mueller is a White Hat, his history is very bad. I can't imagine he has turned.

15293756? ago

Here's a little something to further torture yourself with, from a fellow MAGA Ma'am: Mueller Is Being Criminally Investigated (by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI)) And Jerome Corsi Knew About The Case https://bigleaguepolitics.com/exclusive-mueller-is-being-criminally-investigated-and-jerome-corsi-knew-about-the-case/

15292344? ago

Well I've just got to say I have no idea what's going on I am so lost with all this stuff I can't make heads or tails of it this that white hat grey hat black hat turning State's evidence compromised! The truth is nobody outside President Trump's RQ Circle has any idea because of all the misinformation the media the chans all the guesses and hypotheses I mean it's great to try to figure out and we'll see who's the closest but my money is that we're all in for a big surprise. Please forgive my spelling I'm on a cell phone in my eyes aren't that great.

15293021? ago

I'm with you.

15291166? ago

I've been struggling with the Mueller white hat/black hat thing too. As Q pointed out a while back, he's a Marine. However, this doesn't mean he's not corruptible. I woulda thought he's a white hat "pretender" but for all the Uranium One stuff he was involved in. Makes me think he's a black hat turned state's evidence to catch bigger fish up the food chain...a "double agent" of sorts. I guess he serves a pupose here, too, in that the deep state may not know, either, and uses resources/time looking at him when doing so is of no help either way. I just hope things clear up soon...maybe Dec 5th is the day The Storm hits in full force. Let's hope so.

15304768? ago

Mueller can never be a white hat. He's been dirty for two decades if not more.

15394805? ago

The more info I get about the situ, the more I think Mueller's a bad apple too. Just am keeping my mind open bc I know we'll be thrown some more curveballs yet.

15294265? ago

Remember, as Acting U.S. Attorney in Boston, Mueller protected Whitey Bulger by prosecuting four innocent men for murder (okay they were mobbed up but they didn't do it). Two of them died in prison and the resulting law suits cost the taxpayer $100 million. Mueller's a lying POS. https://howiecarrshow.com/2018/03/22/2322/

15292805? ago

I suspect there have been more black hats flipped than tiles on Milton Bradley's Toss Across game. Who and when, we won't know until the curtain is lifted.

15294960? ago

Great visual!

15292898? ago

exactly...gotta flip the middle people to get to the top. And I'm fine with that.

15293074? ago

Justice will be served. I suspect most will be safer in prison because walking on the street, as Q has stated, will be very dangerous. I suspect most of those that walk will be meet a violent and ignominious end.

15295316? ago

My thoughts exactly. As ppl awaken to the lies and frauds which have sorely hurt them, a trial will not be needed. Which is a sad day for law n order, however not all ppl will be easily forgiving. Prison camps will have guilty perps knocking at the door

15292091? ago

I always remember what MegAnon said about Mueller (paraphrasing): "He's an asshole that hates everybody but Potus has him boxed in."

15299107? ago

MegAnon posts are a great read.

15296357? ago

Much of what MegAnon said has played out to be true. I wonder if "Q" got to, convinced her of the legitimacy of the movement (she initially thought it to be a few interns) and had her go off the "grid" for the good of the cause...Not before playing the Assange angle

15291721? ago

To quote myself...

" Q post #3:

Anonymous ID: P3Lk4PKG No.147104628 📁 Oct 29 2017 10:47:07 (EST) Open your eyes. It finally came out that Rod/Bob were key players in the Uranium scandal. Don’t you think POTUS would be tweeting about removal given clear conflict. Why did POTUS meet Bob under the cover of FBI Dir interview? Bob is unable to serve as Dir per the law. Gowdy comments on Comey (history will ....) POTUS has everything. Not everyone is corrupt (fewer than you think). Follow Huma. Operation Mockingbird. Priority to clean out the bad actors to unite people behind the America First agenda. Many in our govt worship Satan. Not about Republicans v Democrats at this stage. Where is HRC? Why is the NG called up across 12 cities? Trust in your President. God bless, Patriots.

Best. Troll. Ever. Best. Plan. Ever. Best. President. Ever."

15302466? ago

Dammit. Now I won't be able to sleep tonight. Gonna think about the Mueller white hat scenario, again.

15328660? ago

Not necessarily a white hat...maybe just an attack dog on a leash. Sleep well, patriot.

15294589? ago

If Meuller is working for Trump, I may not be able to wear pants for a week.

15293607? ago

At this point I don't know how much of a legacy RM would have. He's the Perjury General of the United States. His only specialty is false statements and 14 day jail sentences. It's pretty embarrassing if you ask me

15293189? ago

...what's amazing to me is that "anons" are FAR nicer to me than ppl that know me on Phacephart (I deactivated it over the pure evil...literally a priest I went to HS with piled lies on top of more lies, claiming Dr. Ford "is a victim," then calling ME out for "bearing false witness" - then denied ever having done it to begin with, once Dr. Ford fessed up as having made up the story - COMPLETE HYPOCRISY IN A BUCKET RIGHT THERE). So, I want to thank you and thank ALL anons for being largely the same way. Just the facts, some actual thoughtful commentary, and very few people making outright attacks which are more the norm than anything over on Antisocial Media. Sorry for the off-topic commentary of my own here, but I've been very frustrated with people in general anymore.

Back to your point, I do think Mueller is working for Trump, too. RR is little more than an outed pawn these days I think and has no real power anymore other than what his office itself holds. A week or two ago, I heard about U.S. armed forces being concentrated in north Texas somewhere. I just figured it was support for the border deal and all that, and may still be. But I haven't seen any of the "Active Denial" system actually AT the border yet, so it could be cover for something else. Seems like answers only point to more questions, but that's a rabbit hole for ya. And the STRANGEST thing about all this?

The key is Anthony Weiner's laptop. With his past and his last name, you literally can not make this stuff up.

15291718? ago

he's snape, playing his part flawlessly

15299090? ago

Solid analagy anon. I am so using that.

15289093? ago

Patriot I think u r spot on. I’ve pointed out the Flynn delays numerous times. Odd as hell. Excellent post.

15323414? ago

You had no part in this anon's work.

15326010? ago

U have no real place in our conversation. Nobody claimed that they did any work for this anons post. Very low IQ post.

15288901? ago

Good catch. Legally speaking, this is very odd and having a no earlier than date leaves open a filing anytime before sentencing as well.

15288820? ago

You and me think alike sir.

15290489? ago

I was thinking same thing

15294602? ago

I know.

15289604? ago

It's Ma'am, but all great minds think alike!

15307027? ago

ThanQMa'am would make a good handle. Thanks for the info

15294572? ago

Women are men. Welcome to crazytown, s’am

15292764? ago

According to Barbara Streisand, that's not possible, women can't think for themselves. Not sure how she is able to do it since she is a woman too. /sarc

15292365? ago

I am also on the same page... from another "Ma'am"

15291182? ago

Oooo, an anon who self-identifies as one of the two REAL SEXES, imagine! Thanks MA'AM!! :)

15291916? ago

All my original parts too. Too bad their not under lifetime warranty!

15289851? ago

It's great to see so many courageous women joining the cause!

15289044? ago

I didn't catch the countdown; however, I've been thinking these things too. Catch crap from people on here believing Mueller is a white/black hat.

15293190? ago

Bongino thinks Mueller is a whitehat. I don't know, I think Mueller is a snake.

15294801? ago

I was convinced Mueller was a 'grey hat' (black hat forced to turn) until Whitey Bulger was murdered. Now I'm just eating pop corn and enjoying the movie with no idea how this particular story line will end.

15293387? ago

I am pretty sure he did some bad things, could be wrong. However, he may have been shown a way out if he played along with the plan.

15292700? ago

Yes and I thought the Christmas Tree lighting when the President did the countdown was somehow very signifigant. "Count down in reverse all together"....I don't know it just seemed like a marker to me

15307948? ago

I wanted to see what you meant about the countdown at the tree lighting. I can't see what you are talking about. Can you expand?


15292771? ago

we can easily wait and see for a few days

15294823? ago

The sane among us can, lots of shills pretending to be conservatives calling to take to the streets right now. Apparently they're setting up for a big FF because ... well, it's all they have left.

15295234? ago

I know, right? I will never be like Antifa.

15307849? ago

Of course not. You'd have to time travel back a few decades and find a way to turn yourself into a bitter old lady who hates men because of how her own belief in feminism screwed up her life.

15288777? ago

Hee hee best year ever!

15290220? ago

Would you call it glorious?

15288766? ago

Interesting, I will follow that, mark your calendars.

15300027? ago

Kek.I did.

15288761? ago

Q will sometimes give hints about when something will happen, but not in a decipherable way, only to reference the hint when the actual day arrives. In my view it is a waste of time to concentrate on dates, it doesn't help the cause in anyway, especially when Q followers go and tell everybody they know that something big is going to happen.

15289116? ago

I agree. In defense of those that go tell everybody, remember that we were told that our job was to dig and to help the normies understand things. That’s what these anons were trying to do.... help. And if they thought that they had a date that could give their message credibility then by all means they were going to use it.

15288675? ago

I hope you're right.

15288672? ago

And POTUS did a countdown at the Christmas tree lighting ceremony on 11/28 too. Setting the stage - while ON stage?

15290656? ago

Ugh, really nigga?

He also had a glass of water while he was there....Watch the water?

15295013? ago

your catching on, anon!

15288717? ago


15288661? ago


15300347? ago


15289011? ago

Happy Hannakuh!!

15288710? ago

YOU mean nothing.

15292905? ago

Your mom means nothing

15300357? ago

Mazel tov!

15288589? ago

YES...Great job seeing this ANON!

D5 in 5...4...3...2..BOOM

15288584? ago

Well, given how consistent he has been, I will be waiting with bells on. Until then all y'all Q-tards can feel free to go fuck yourself.

15291194? ago

Happy Hannukah!

15289216? ago

Shut your dick sucker. Your breath stinks

15289008? ago

Happy Hannakuh

15289049? ago

I'll fist fuck your mother for that comment.

15289131? ago

Why ? It was genius

15289177? ago

It really was

15288538? ago

Crikey! Dingo! Let’s hope so!

I Want to Believe!

Need to Feel!


15300099? ago

Hang tough anon. We shall soon see.

15304382? ago


15288525? ago

Mu body is ready.