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15289358? ago

Mentioned previously I'm pretty sure that Christmas Tree picture comes from the Obama/H.W. meeting at whatever business or residence it occurred at.

As for the mirror this has already pretty much been decoded by Anons. The reflection or mirroring of the image allows for them to declassify the image and release it publically on 8chan. It should go without saying that an image of an American citizen let alone two former presidents would at a minimum be classified and would need red tape before being released but Q has explained there's some kind of clause about the mirror distorting the image enough to allow them to release this.

To us this is just a fancy christmas tree, to the deep state this is the christmas tree in the lobby of where they discussed assasinating the president last night which ended up failing. The statement we know implies just that, they know what's going on (deep state panicking attempting to stop whats coming) and resolution that it is in fact coming. Another anon has already referenced the countdown.

15289440? ago

could you link us to the referenced countdown?

15289503? ago

Thread where anon speculates about recent Qanon posts being a countdown:

15289723? ago

Thank you!