15302621? ago

This submission was linked from this v/CalmBeforeTheStorm comment by @Silverlining.

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15301281? ago

My Christmas wish is that this all starts before Christmas. What a way to end the year. Would be glorious!

15294700? ago

love it !

15294440? ago

Yep, 4th picture in the collage is from the perspective of where the Christmas tree is looking back. Notice the lit green outlet on the bottom right, it is at the top left of the photo in Q team's post

15293830? ago

Father, thank You for this perfect Plan, in Jesus Name, amen.

15293815? ago

putting the "6X-382-NTP0038-3u2" caption from Post 2504 through DuckDuckGo comes up with several references to Qposts but also one interesting reference about 7 items down: the 6X Digital Asset Exchange. Going to the website shows an Asian company dealing with cryptocurrency exchanges. The company listing on DDG is:

The 6X Exchange serves users from all over the globe. We are committed to building the world's leading legal cryptocurrency trading service, online and offline, through establishing physical currency exchange stations around the world to provide the public with convenient, safe, and easy access to our services.

I dont know if this is related or not to the original post but it does seem interesting that Q would post a pic from the HR in China and a link to a possibly chinese company for moving money. Would Q have made a reference to Chinese Laundry? multiple meanings, money laundry?

15292917? ago

That wasn't for us, that was meant for someone else. Whomever was at that location for whatever nefarious purpose will know.

15292857? ago

Lets see it then. If nothing by Dec 5th then walk away

15292305? ago

I believe this Q drop is for them (the DS) more than it is for us. They're monitoring the drops too. Q is waving to them - "I see you. Now, look what we got..."

15292383? ago

Yes. And it’s because they’ve all been slapped with fisas.

15291944? ago

I bet this picture comes off a deep state members phone. The message is we have audio (and video) of what was just discussed.

15291936? ago

any luck finding that hotel lobby? I will keep looking. it reminds me of a hotel I stayed at in Vegas. The stone work is fine grained sandstone like what is quarried around Vegas. I stayed at the M in Henderson. stone looks the same? I will search more after work. Good luck patriots.

15292399? ago

Anons r claiming it’s a Hyatt regency in China. Any internationalfags out there know if China celebrates Xmas by erecting Xmas trees?

15294155? ago

Asians don't celebrate Christmas. It's peculiar if it is in China, maybe bc Americans stay there often. Very upscale hotel, for the wealthy.

15296132? ago

That’s probably correct. It is indeed the Hyatt in China and the Xmas tree is up due to the clientele.

15291428? ago

More and more, this is starting to look like an incredibly complex operation. Pray for our President!!

15291171? ago

The code in this post links to Patrick Henry's "Give Me Liberty or Give me Death" speech in Google Books

https://www.google.com/search?q=6X-382-NTP0038-3u2 or https://ibb.co/7GrQbSK

Here are his words:

"They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable--and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.

It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

15291138? ago

He slapped a fisa on them as soon as he found out there was one on him

15291022? ago

Tree is in Chongqing China

Hyatt Regency Chongqing Hotel

15290735? ago

This post made me realize that I took my first red pill when I was a tiny tot. Went to a Christian school where we were taught never to use the word Xmas, as it was an attempt by “them” to remove Christ from Christmas. I didn’t know who “them” was back then but I knew they existed.

15293209? ago

The full title of the season is Mary Christ Mass. Catholicism kept the reference to Mary and the other religions removed Mary from the picture as though she was not important.

15292431? ago

I thought about that but expediting the writing of my post was more important to me. It didn’t mean anything other than I was attempting to type the post faster using “shorthand” when I could.

15293030? ago

I understand. Wasn’t going to mention it until I remembered the personal relavence in my life and how it relates to today.

15295448? ago

Catholic shcool here myself so I get it.

15290689? ago

Who remembers the pics that were posted on /pol that were coming from the white house Christmas's ago?

That was fun.

15290568? ago

15290426? ago

This is great stuff about post #2503, but I'm not so sure that is what #2504 is about. Trump retweeted the picture of many of the DS players behind bars...was it yesterday? The context of the whole #2504 post is about getting these people for treason. It's about something that Trump said...and that would be his tweet.

15292450? ago

Yup. And all because they’ve been slapped with 2 hops.

15290791? ago

That was my first thought as well. Multiple Meanings exist!

15290417? ago

I like "A picture is worth a thousand sentences." I don't think Q means a sentence as in words, I think he means as in sentences for criminals. As soon as I saw that picture that Trump re-tweeted, my thoughts went to what Q said about POTUS never having said something that hasn't come true. Looks like it's finally happening.

15291792? ago

There's well over 60k sealed indictments now, that's a lot of sentences..

15290273? ago

Fucking do something then. Don't need to hear Q say we have it all 400 times.

15290436? ago

Patience grasshopper. If hussein pardoned everyone of their crimes on his last day in office then the whitehats had to “re-catch” them in the act. Why would they pull the plug now and arrest when they r still giving potus and Q team valuable information everyday? Enjoy the show bro.

15290120? ago

This image has a very long filename, 9e3c3aefcad163978b15c58975bdadb2104e75f45d453a86e56a71394811822a.png. Another curious thing is the size of the file, 6.8mb. I know png files are generally large because they keep the details but this seems very large for the size of the image.

Also, what is with the black area above and below the image? Why not crop the image before uploading.? Could be nothing but could also be something..

15290452? ago

What was that app that Q gave us that embeds text into pics? Q said the cabal comm’ed this way. Pixeltie maybe?

15294733? ago

This is called steganography. Can be used in several different graphic file formats such as jpg and bitmap. The government trains staff from different intel agencies on how to seek out these types of files on hard drives and the internet..

15296171? ago

Yes. Q posted one time with a link to an app called “pixel knot” that he claimed that the cabal used all the time to comm by putting embedded text into the pics.

15292778? ago

PixelKnot, and the F5 encryption algorithm, works only with jpg image files. This image from Q is a png.

Note, even though PixelKnot is an android app, you can download the f5.jar from https://code.google.com/archive/p/f5-steganography/ and run it on the Mac or Windows via the command line.

15291825? ago

PixelKnot, looks like an android app though.. Wondering if there are any desktop versions (Mac)

15291004? ago

PixelKnot, the encryption technique it uses is called F5.

15292465? ago

Thank u anon. I’m going to set up an account and see what I can find hidden in this pic.

15290074? ago

Anons found location of tree!

  1. The anons are ON IT as usual! Kudos for finding the location of the pic Q posted this morning! Clearly a msg to someone who either was there recently or is there now. Hyatt Regency - Chongqing, China


15293616? ago

Multiple meanings....Hyatt Regency Chongqing = HRC

15290046? ago

Has anyone else noticed that in the left side of the photo in the reflection on the floor. Does that look like a person?

15290465? ago

I think the picture takers image is hidden within the reflection of the tree.

15290610? ago

I’m just zooming on my phone and I see it. I hope one of the others can really zoom in and clean it up.

15290224? ago

Looks like a reflection of the wall next to the light. Unless I am looking in a different place. There doesn't seem to be any people that I can see.

15291042? ago

If you scroll down all the way on that results page, there's an image of a lobby area (second row from bottom, right side) with the same kind of polished stone-slab floor as in Q's pic.

15290243? ago

DuckDuckGo: Hyatt Regency Chongqing website different picture, but same elevators and lamps.

15290208? ago

Other anons are suggesting it's in China, but I think you are more likely to have a correct assumption. Obama was in Houston on Tuesday...very possible he and JFK's killer (Bush Sr.) had a meeting

15289758? ago

Location of the posted image: Hyatt Regency Chongqing

15292269? ago

Hyatt Regency Chongqing = HRC?

15293530? ago

Nice catch. Too much of a coincidence, but it would make nice Christmas present. She would never face a public trial. but might have a fatal coughing problem.

15290485? ago

Would China have a Xmas tree like this in their hotel? Do they celebrate Xmas like this?

15291061? ago

YES they do each year.

15292483? ago

Thank u. Didn’t know how they celebrated. Or if they celebrated it.

15290691? ago

would depend on the expected guests, I suppose.

15290591? ago

No, they wouldn't.

15290100? ago

Hyatt Regency Chongqing website matches picture angle and location, but with no Christmas tree.

15293332? ago

Floor lamps match with pictures from Hyatt's website.

15289927? ago

You are correct.

15289592? ago

I hope POTUS will cancel the trip to Argentina. Too risky at this stage. He is safer in Washington or Florida.

15290347? ago

that's what they want...

15289560? ago

A picture is worth a thousand words. The change to sentence has meaning.

Sentence as in criminal sentence..

15295159? ago

Exactly what I was thinking. Fire up your indictments!

15289542? ago

Can anyone confirm that this picture is even from this year?

15289358? ago

Mentioned previously I'm pretty sure that Christmas Tree picture comes from the Obama/H.W. meeting at whatever business or residence it occurred at.

As for the mirror this has already pretty much been decoded by Anons. The reflection or mirroring of the image allows for them to declassify the image and release it publically on 8chan. It should go without saying that an image of an American citizen let alone two former presidents would at a minimum be classified and would need red tape before being released but Q has explained there's some kind of clause about the mirror distorting the image enough to allow them to release this.

To us this is just a fancy christmas tree, to the deep state this is the christmas tree in the lobby of where they discussed assasinating the president last night which ended up failing. The statement we know implies just that, they know what's going on (deep state panicking attempting to stop whats coming) and resolution that it is in fact coming. Another anon has already referenced the countdown.

15291312? ago

Good point, Anon!

15290511? ago

Could u give some sauce on hussein meeting with poppy?

15290354? ago

Hijacking...if you type “6X-382-NTP0038-3u2” into google the first hit you come up with is:


Follow the link on there and it brings you to:


Idk what it all means but Q is definitely referencing the Tom Roussey pic with Trump in crosshairs. Hope this helps!

15292506? ago

Hmm, he came out and apologized. I think it’s a stretch that he’s a bad guy. Unless Q is letting us now that there’s always attempts on Trumps life which is I’m fairly certain is a fact.

15290704? ago

This is interesting, because when that string was first posted, anons searched Google and came up empty except in Google books. Now it's returning results which seems to indicate Google is adding results post facto.

Trying to subvert the books answer?

15292527? ago

It’s becaise there’s nothing for the google crawlers to find yet. A pattern needs to be established first. Once anons start typing the code into their address bar the. The crawlers see it and they see your history and the things that folks like us read and watch and this is how it grows into a search as we know it.

15291020? ago

Because people are talking about it on their websites. So Google is finding it now. In a couple days, there'll be hundreds of hits.

15291069? ago

^^^This^^^ The AR15 site was talking about this, that's why it was a hit.

15291106? ago

Ahhhh you’re right!

15289440? ago

could you link us to the referenced countdown?

15289503? ago

Thread where anon speculates about recent Qanon posts being a countdown:


15289723? ago

Thank you!

15289320? ago

Maybe a picture "taken" from someone's phone. It looks like a lobby in a skyscraper.Something to do with Epstein?

15289318? ago

We are all within 2 FISA hops. The President has spoken to or addressed every Senator most assuredly. Your Senators send you mailings generally. FISA covers all communications- in person, phone, mail, email etc.... no one is safe from the blanket FISAs

15293464? ago

Wow - hadn't thought about that!

15289275? ago

Tom Roussey tweets out a pic of POTUS with crosshairs on it, then POTUS is rushed from the tree lighting ceremony, then Q posts a picture of the Christmas tree saying "we know". This is hinting at another foiled assassination attempt.

15293640? ago

Since when does a photo taken through a zoom lens have the cross hairs on it? Sure, that's what the photographer sees, but he had to do something to the picture to include the crosshairs. He should be taken in for questioning.

15291967? ago

they left the tree lighting event last nite becuz pool press was not ready and they were u can find the tweets on potus schudle

15292539? ago

U got sauce on that patriot?

15293933? ago

go to potus schedule on tweeter

15400394? ago

Presidents, or any public figure really, aren't known for telling everyone, "Hey, I almost got lit up but my security saw something strange at the last minute so I'm okay now." If that were true, we would have heard a lot more about the "false alarm" in Hawaii.

15292420? ago

Press wasn't ready to go to the ceremony, not leave it.

15289958? ago

Interesting that the pic is targeting the spot where the first shot that hit JFK. HERE

15290054? ago

I noticed that too. Made me feel sick.

15289014? ago

Seems to be a exec elevator, maybe they knew of a meeting. Letting whoever was there know they knew it was happening and have everything from the meeting.

15289278? ago

Q is telling us that they knew about the assassination attempt on POTUS earlier.

15292337? ago

That's what I was thinking. Q posts the tree pic and says "We know.", then in post #2504 he says "A picture is worth many sentences". Pic is relevant because of the tree lighting ceremony. Maybe he is saying we know who was responsible for the attempt at the ceremony, and that there will be many sentences handed down when they are prosecuted.

15289063? ago

Yes. I’d say that’s the most likely scenario. These people r stupid.