Tallest_Skil ago

Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out.

wasupwitdis ago

Fans are on ANONS ready the shitballs…Q sounded a bit pissed about the leak. When a couple whistleblowers come out there will be more once the door is open. ….WWG1WGA

goatboy ago


Did the limited hang out get too close to the light of day? Time to shut it down.

Koyote210 ago

dead Prez = pain came?

SearchVoatBot ago

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moblodite ago

Q sounds pissed!! Also telling us this was an actual whistleblower. But only one of many if what has been coming out is true.

Colin_Kelley ago


truther49 ago

"the fan is on".... (LOL)

Alderwolf ago

Hmmm..... Looks like the bad guys are going to be working overtime pulling their hair out this weekend to find this guy. I wish I could watch them run around like a bunch of headless chickens

Quantum-Blonde ago

Protective custody, they probably searched for bugs and anything that could harm them. This is not Q like, so I feel it's to signal something , like the Christmas in China telling Hillary and them we know about the hit.

Zammyanci ago

Wasn't the whistle blowers name Cambell? Informant about U1?

Anon1751 ago

This is a different one...

Zammyanci ago

More the merrier;)

Veryconcerned71 ago

Q sounds pissed. Kind of like.... "We go away for 2 days, someone leaks about the whistleblower and the guy gets raided."

Stretchmac ago

The raid occurred on Nov. 15. It was just reported today on the 30th. The whistleblower Solomon referenced was a new, different guy.

Veryconcerned71 ago

Ah... I didn't watch... but I had heard scuttlebutt there were multiple whistleblowers coming forward.

Veryconcerned71 ago

Thanks... I did catch it. I think Q may have been talking to Solomon.... the new whistleblower "happened tonight"

Holy shit.... its showtime!

Scooter2 ago

Welcome Just trying to help WWG1WGA

FractalizingIron ago

Yeah, the killbox [Warning] in bold kinda says it all.

Veryconcerned71 ago

I rather fancy the PAIN COMING part.

It almost feels like these turn of events have stepped up the timeline a few days. Monday is the 3rd. I didn't think Johnny Utah was up until the 5th.

It seems like it is going to start with Comey and the shit is going to roll uphill, all week, from there.

Yee Haw!!!

StormVet6 ago

Sure does. Watched Hannity and Hollomon spills. Why the FBI raid happened now makes sense. Good thing is it exposed a few bad apples!

LakotaPride ago

Patriot I suspected this when I read about the raid, this is how they are allowed to enter into evidence the whistle blowers proof, which is bad news for HRC and Mueller, who carried the sample to Russia, remember by law the Uranium was not allowed to leave the Country, the democrats claimed it never did leave the Country. but DOE showed it went to Canada and then overseas, they never released where to overseas. But this gets Mueller arrested and also HRC, and the rest of the players, what happens to Mueller when arrested, Whittaker is AAG. and then on the 5th Huber tells all about CF, when that story is told, the house of cards goes down, this is why they had to be loyal to her, she had the leverage on all of them. DS is going to have a major heat wave in Dec. and it is not Global Warming.

fuckmyreddit ago

Ooooh, interesting point, Lakota.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot, here is another, the DS always wants us to look at Russia, but all the selling out was with China, and look at Slick willy in the 90s China gate , then HRC and Q points allowed China to get all the intel, then Harry Reid land deals for China, then Feinstein connected to China, then Zuckerberg stores all that data he collected in Building 29 in China.

If Mueller gets arrested, the Huber takes over since this all connects with CF and crimes. and the OIG report we have not seen, was because of it being minors was , Clinton and sexual crimes against children. and we have the Hollyweird connections with that, that's why they are all freaking out.

StormVet6 ago

Amen to that! And if we go back to drop 2417, that puts us on track for FISA release on the 6th, which brings down the House. Unless something happens to change that, of course.

LakotaPride ago

I see it the same way Patriot. People are worried that Hussein gave Presidential pardons to them all, problem is their crimes are all international also, and Presidential pardons do not cover for International crimes. Harvard Hussein was just as bright as the day he called a Navy medic a Corpse man . Harvard must be so proud. I suspect Harvard is a MK Ultra location, because I notice how many of them have a Harvard and Columbia Connections.

StormVet6 ago

More than that, unfortunately patriot. Skull and Bones also links up the Masons. And if they can prove Barry isn’t a legal citizen, everything he signed as President isn’t legit, including the pardons.

LakotaPride ago

Exactly Patriot. Skull and Bones, masons, Muslim brotherhood and al the other splinter groups all connect back to the Babylonian Brotherhood of the snake, that Honored the Devil for giving Adam and Eve knowledge, by disobeying God by eating from the tree of knowledge.