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ReAwakened ago

I'm assuming that Reddit is a global enterprise, therefore, the majority of people are Asian and second is African, so that means those two groups are fair game?

HeyJeorge ago

Or like how Jew's have the majority influence in positions of power and influence, for the entire Western World? That makes them fair game, right?

industriarch ago

Jews are 1.8% of the population of the United States. Not even majority of influence if they tried.

Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, The Walton Family, The Koch Brothers, Donald Trump. Are any of them Jewish?


Welcome to voat faggot, don't choke on the massive red pill you're going to swallow. I bet you've had bigger things in your mouth though...

capicua ago

oy vey everyone, he's right, jews are the good guys, didn't anyone see that video that was voted to the top that shows all about the jews wonderful contributions to banking, entertainment, and politics? they do so much good work and contribute so much to stuff we love, what would we do if jews did not help us run the banking industry, entertainment industry, and politics? america would just fall apart, oy vey!

killfuck9000 ago

Is this bait? It’s got to be low quality bait.

CritKhan ago

Commit unalive

gazillions ago

63 people won half of all the money in the world go through that list and then you can leave the "one thing represents all things" and "Genocide groups" leftist mind fuck you're in.

And then find out who makes the laws and go through those lists.

HateCumbuckets ago

Should Israel take in migrants like the rest of the world?

tanukihat ago

Kike off back to The_Donald, hooknosed reddit faggot. Oh wait, you can't! Guess you better just kill yourself then.

Doglegwarrior ago

bezos is a jew beyond jew

New-World-Ebola ago

you smell like a kike.

set yourself ablaze, glownigger.

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Rot in hell you kike.

anticlutch ago

Gates is jewish.

The Cock brothers and the Walton family are sycophants to jews.

Trump is jewish.

You're also jewish.

wipeyournose ago

If you jews want to be a "protected group," then we need to separate you from the evil gentiles so everyone can see exactly who is jewish, and which positions of power they hold. They will be pulled from the "white" demographic and given their own special designation.

I would fucking love that so much.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

@putitout, you should give this one a yellow star ✡.

goatsandbros ago

Jewish men should marry black women, always.

Civil_Warrior ago

Nobody is that stupid but you are that jewish.

totallynotFBI ago

The fuck is wrong with you people? @industriarch contributed to the conversation and had the balls to stand up to your group think. Instead of appreciating it you fucked him over by using downvotes to soft censor him. This is the very worst of Voat. Fuck every one of you who downvoted the parent post.

HeyJeorge ago

Why are you pandering? The dude is going to make a new account anyway, and he'll have level'd up since the first one. It's a win/win either way, Voat is just a social experiment.

antiliberalsociety ago

His initial comment was replying to yet another sapling account. That said I didn't downvote because I didn't want to limit his ability to post, I like a challenge.

HeyJeorge ago

This is just one of Voat's many trial by fires. He's already got his next account made, I'm sure.

If he gave up that easily, he was a waste of both of our time to begin with, so no loss.

aaronC ago

Jews are such great people that I sign up on an psuedo-anonymous website and defend them while pretending to be white

Rockfish1000 ago

They arent Jewish. However they will be ruined if the don't continue to suck Jewish dick and kiss Jewish ass.

369693936 ago

General Flynn is even calling the fake chosens out when he says that if we don't act now, a very passionate 2% will put the 98% under tyranny.

mattsixteen24 ago

Guess who controls wallstreet, the central banks, prints money, controls the media and press?? It's not Christians. Who has the most influence on the republicants and the demoncraps? Adelson, Soros

Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, etc don't have the ability to print money. They can only push the jew world order because they love jew money and their business would get destroyed if they dare cross the jews.

kishind ago

Bezos is jewish as fuck. Gates is probably, but they made sure his ancestry was obscured.

Climhazzard ago

If America was 1,000 people, 18 of them would be Jewish. The top 1% of holders and income earners would be 10 people. Of those 10 people, 9 would be Jewish.

Here you are pointing at the 1 of 10 top 1% that are not Jewish, saying, "Look, they are not Jewish."

And everyone here knows Trump married his children off to jews, and his jew son-in-law Kushner calls all the shots when it comes to policy.

anoncastillo ago

Over 1/3 of american billionaires are jewish. Epstein, the Bronfmans, Anthony Weiner, Ghislaine Maxwell, and many other child sex traffickers are jews, often with direct ties to Israeli intelligence. The kikes literally rape children to control your government and media and financial systems so they can get away with the biggest transfer of wealth in human history. Educate yourself:

gazillions ago


t forget, Canada is run by Bronfmans. They're the liberal Party's main advisor and tell Trudeau what to say.

TripleZ ago

Yes, all of them. They're called cryptos.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Most likely. Are we the only ones who has seen a photo of Gates and his father?

TripleZ ago

Probably. There is a really good video out called who is Bill Gates (not by Corbert) that reveals just how connected he is.

MrPank ago


Tallest_Skil ago

Literally kill yourself. You’re fooling no one.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

I don't know why you always hold back... Let it out. Tell him what you think in an unfiltered way.

HeyJeorge ago

Cute, a 2 hour old account signing up to shill for jews.

@antiliberalsociety check this one out.

antiliberalsociety ago

Poe's Law, but I'll bite anyway.

industriarch ago

I'm not shilling for anybody. I'm just against being an asshole to any group, including white people.

I'm not Jewish. I'm not Christian. My ancestors were mostly Irish/German (and a bit Lebanese Catholic). If anything my blonde hair and blue eyes make me look very white.

I just don't get Jewish hate. I also don't understand how the same people that espouse anti-semetic beliefs are in support of Israel in terms of military/public policy.

Its like you guys want some boogey man to blame, and put it all on Jews.

The reason I understand this the least is because by every demographic statistic, Jews are good citizens of the United States. They don't commit too much crime and seem to be contributing to society.

TheKnightOfGod ago

You don't get jewish hate?

What about being disgusted by their "religious" practice of sucking infant's penises. I wish I was making this up...

tom9152 ago

same people that espouse anti-semetic beliefs are in support of Israel in terms of military/public policy

I'm White. I'm antisemitic in self defense, jews hate Whites; v/loxism . I want a White ethno-state. Jews have an ethno-state. Nice wall.

selpai ago

Stay a while. You'll change your tune.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

I'm just against being an asshole to any group

This is based on a lifetime of being told it is bad no matter what. There are times when it is acceptable and if you try to imagine a behavior from a group that is the worst thing you can imagine, you will be able to say sometimes it is ok to be an asshole to a group. This is the first step to understanding why you have been attacked here.

Second, read. Read everything and question everything. Make up your own mind.

There are some assholes here on voat and I am happy they are here. I don't always like what they say or post but I like the fact they can be dicks and offend at times. It teaches me tolerance in the right areas. Tolerance for some things like opposing opinions is good. Tolerance for other things can be bad. Tolerance for everything is a mental disorder. This goes for not being an asshole no matter what. Sometimes you have to be an asshole. Same goes for war. No sane person likes war but sometimes that is the right and proper thing to do.

Stick around if you are not a shill and see. You will be surprised. If you are a shill... voats bull shit-o-meter will detect it. The people here are great at noticing patterns. Shills, by the nature of shilling, always show their patterns. I suggest reading for a few weeks with out posting.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

You don’t have to be against jews overall, but when you look at the detriment to our current society, and the downfall of our morals, values, along with the slanted and narrative driven media that would paint you and yours as everyone else’s problem (when your kind literally built the world around them they enjoy) and wealth collection and manipulation away from the middle class to the lower class... it centers around that small percentage you mention.

It has been done over and over in various parts of the world for hundreds of years.

You said you’re not Christian but even Jesus (himself a jew) spoke against his brethren that by their actions insult the Heavenly Father... because their actions were of their actual father, the devil.

So you don’t have to blame all jews, just recognize the evil they can do.

Doglegwarrior ago

i was going to reply but 14 good voat goats already covered all the basss

antiliberalsociety ago

Tell me, why is it every time a communist traitor gets caught, they turn out to be Jewish? They don't even hide it, in fact they boast about it. Are you suggesting that it's antisemitic to criticize a jew for committing a crime?

Scepticumus ago

the Jewish Question has alot of deep rabbit holes.

if I may suggest: read the following or be aware of-

Kevin McDonald's - Culture of Critique

Sabbatai Tzvi and Jacob Frank

Leaders of the Bolshevik Party were heavily Jewish.

The Balfour Agreement

Weimar Republic


The Donmeh

the number 6.000.000


translation of the word "Holocaust"

yt4cz9 ago

You're going to find that the truth sucks, but it is the truth.

KikesOnTrikes ago

Jews suck baby dicks after they mutilate them. You telling me I can't hate a culture that does that?

throwaway6000000 ago

Boogey man lol. READ SOMETHING BEFORE YOU COME HERE AND ARGUE, KIKE LOVER. almost every problem, every degeneration is caused by the jew. You talk as though you have any idea about what you're trying to discuss.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Fucking kike shill, kill yourself you fucking faggot, before you're hunted down and someone else kills you for being an evil sympathizing piece of shit.

nothing_to_lose ago

Do you fear the oven?

dontmindthemess ago

Whatever. Smell the shekels, natural instinct takes over, and the tricks and lies begin. Just go out and start chanting “jewish lives matter”. Maybe your pet monkeys will rip you limb from limb.

Volcris ago

A lot of people at this point are truly sunk in on the jewish question. At first I was like you, and likely would have turned away from this place. In fact, I was here from the beginning. I can tell you something, originally only one user blamed the jews, Amalek, and he was chased off for it.

I watched this place turn the same way and for the same reason all right leaning areas do, and I watched myself turn.

Don't bother engaging the jewish question yet, but talk about other things. Evidence will slowly pile up. You are likely smart, you understand "don't commit too much crime" is a statistical representation. You will begin to see how thoroughly they are statistically over represented not only among power, but among those who directly cause the problems.

Take your time, you are wanted.

HeyJeorge ago

Amalek wasn't alone. There are many other 5+ year old accounts who just choose silence as opposed to foghorn. The ones that didn't got run off the platform, just like Amalek.. mostly by the Voat management.

Interesting, that.

SuperToes845 ago

Who did management run off?

Volcris ago

You are correct, I remember a lot of names, but his will always stand out to me. He will always to me be a lesson and a martyr we didn't deserve.

Carpools ago

Communist Jews require antisemitism, and so they shill it where allowed.

Welcome to Voat.

Climhazzard ago

All wars are bankers' wars. Most banks are owned by Jewish shareholders. Thus, all wars are Jewish wars.

Jews did Holodomor, 9/11, USS Liberty, etc.

Their air force was started with three stolen B-17 heavy bombers from the U.S. Military.

The do no manual labor that produces or serves, they siphon money from people who do.

They lead the immigration movements that bring people, who are statistically more likely to commit crime, to white countries.

The holocaust is a lie to cover up the crimes they committed against the German people.

You are brainwashed, but we can deprogram you.

antiliberalsociety ago

They do no manual labor

Right you are

jimibulgin ago

The do no manual labor that produces or serves

Fuck Israel and jews in general, but before I was awake, I hired an israeli general contractor (actually, he wasn't even licensed, he was just a handyman). He did a fantastic job. Alerted me to my shitty painters. Tiled 2/3s of the bathroom then tore it all out and did it again because he was unhappy with the quality (without charging me). Sure he suggested a few other jewish subs (AC and shower glass guy), but they were good. The shower glass guy even wore his little hat.

Anyway, the holocaust was a lie, jews did 9/11, and we live in under ZOG, but "not all jews" are jews.

Climhazzard ago

You got lucky. All the jewish contractors I know hire a bunch of foreign labor, and cut overhead costs in the most jewish ways. They don't even manage the companies, they just own them and count the shekels.

throwaway6000000 ago

I know this to be true, I have been friends with many jews.

But this is our future we're talking about. The future of the entire world.

Aryanawakening ago

And stupid boomer cucks like this are the reason the parasite has a host.

well hurr durr that jewish fellow did some good tile work, not all jews!!

HeyJeorge ago

we live in under ZOG, but "not all jews" are jews.

They can choose to use their special powers at any point. Just because they choose not to does not mean these special powers are not evil.

Fancy451 ago

You're barking up the wrong tree jewlover.

Tallest_Skil ago

I'm not shilling for anybody.

You’re shilling for jews. You’re fooling no one. Commit suicide.

I'm just against being an asshole to any group


You’re shilling for jews. You’re fooling no one. Commit suicide.

I'm not Jewish.

Clearly jewish.

My ancestors were mostly Irish/German (and a bit Lebanese Catholic).

So you’re a mutt.

If anything my blonde hair and blue eyes make me look very white.

So you’re a mutt. Because whites don’t have to worry about LOOKING white. We simply ARE white.

I just don't get Jewish hate.

Because you’re a brainwashed paid shill, too stupid to comprehend reality.

the same people that espouse anti-semetic beliefs are in support of Israel in terms of military/public policy.

Literally no one on Earth does this. That’s why you don’t understand it; it’s a fantasy you invented.

Its like you guys want some boogey man to blame, and put it all on Jews.

Literally repeating things only jewish shills have ever said. You’re shilling for jews. You’re fooling no one. Commit suicide.

The reason I understand this the least is because by every demographic statistic, Jews are good citizens of the United States.

You’re fooling no one. Commit suicide.

They don't commit too much crime

You’re fooling no one. Commit suicide.

and seem to be contributing to society.

You’re fooling no one. Commit suicide.

BoomerHater1488er ago

It's always a pleasure watching you go to work

VoatMikeNolan ago

Nice work skil!

Drstrangebeard ago

go skil, its your birthday!

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @The_Duke_of_Dabs.

Posted automatically (#119023) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Tallest_Skil: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @The_Duke_of_Dabs)

DavidsHogg ago

See, if you spent your time just going after posters like this instead of constantly bringing down those of us on your side all the time, people may actually start to respect your point of view more often. There’s plenty of them coming from plebbit that should keep you busy for awhile. We are on the same team, as are the majority of the posters on this site. Pick your battles that will make a difference.

Tallest_Skil ago

going after posters like this instead of

Ah, okay. I’ll explain. I generally don’t waste time trying to “convert” newfags because they cannot be fixed. The architects of the brainwashing explicitly state that these people are immune to the truth, until they are physically driven into submission. They can’t be fixed, they’re paid to post here, and they will simply copy and paste the same talking points forever. It’s literally a waste of our time.

We, on the other hand, can be fixed. We’re worth my time. I’m never going to stop hounding us over everyone’s sheer inability to answer my questions. They need to comprehend fully that there is no peaceful solution, and therefore the only thing left to us is a violent solution. Similarly, since we can’t organize (and refuse to organize anyway), the only violent solution left is very specific. Similarly, since NO ONE ANYWHERE performs these actions, we have to be told why we refuse to perform these actions, and therefore what steps we have to take to fix it.

We can be saved. They can’t. That’s why I care more about us than them.


You fixed me, faggot

DankSniper ago

The peaceful solution is to reverse demographic change and have an awakening of racial recognition for whites. How this could ever possibly happen, I don't know. But that's a peaceful solution and most people here, I imagine, are going grassroots by having white babies and raising them to hate niggers and jews. Your way is much simpler, faster, and likely to succeed if it ever is attempted but I find the chance it is even attempted even less likely than successfully reversing demographic change.

Tallest_Skil ago

It’s not sufficient to simply breed more. Because they’re still breeding. They have to be made to breed less. They also have to be physically removed, because it’s not acceptable that any of them are here. That’s the thing–passive resistance (more babies) is irrelevant, because they aren’t passive.

Once we have fully white nations again–even a single one–we can use that as a bastion from which to spread ideologically. And yes, that means colonial reconquista. This time, the new colonies can only be populated with whites. The only way that really works is the American way (settle the land, land becomes an organized territory, territory becomes a fully represented state with equal rights and powers to the other parts of the nation), but there’s nothing stopping it from happening. Nothing but public perception.

DankSniper ago

Well I didn't say that having white babies would work, just what people here are doing. Once the demographic trend is reversed and whites are racially aware you could remove non-whites through the government. The removal would be at gunpoint, but I wouldn't necessarily call it a violent solution.

Tallest_Skil ago

Well I didn't say that having white babies would work

It’s absolutely useful, don’t get me wrong. We need to be at the replacement rate and we’re nowhere near it right now. It’s just not an end-all be-all.

Once the demographic trend is reversed and whites are racially aware

The former is comparatively easy compared to the latter. That’s really the rub: how do we get whites to be something they’ve never been.

DankSniper ago

I agree with both points, but your second point is partly why I said I don't know how that solution would ever happen. But it could, maybe if we work hard enough online the zoomers will all be universally woke to the JQ and have their kids goosestepping in diapers, who knows.

Drstrangebeard ago

Rage! Rage against the dying of the light.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Rage against the dying of the white

recon_johnny ago


glassuser ago

Well... it's pretty much all been said. I have nothing to add.