zxcvbnasdf ago

@tallest_skil is a jew pushing black pill demoralization propaganda.

He will never accept Jesus Christ, and instead will claim that Christ is pro-jew, even though Christ condemned jews.

Don't believe his lies.

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re a jew because you want all jews dead

you’re a jew because [buzzword only jews say] and I am incapable of separating my emotions from objective truth

you don’t accept Christ because you accept Christ

you claim Christ is pro-jew because you say that we should follow Christ’s example and physically whip jews and destroy their storefronts

You’re really pathetic and sad. Cry harder about me proving you wrong.

zxcvbnasdf ago

You're a jewish woman because you argue against yourself pretending like you've responded to anything I've said. You're literally incapable of conversing like a human being, because you aren't one.

Tallest_Skil ago

you didn’t respond to anything I said because I didn’t like the responses

You’re really pathetic and sad. Cry harder about me proving you wrong.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Still based.

zx9000 ago

Your new crush is a basement dwelling fucktard that spews blackpill copypasta at anything interesting...

Here is how he responds to a Trump tweet saying we should be angry at china.


The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

I cant take a 7 month account serious. Are you a qtard like he alleges?

zx9000 ago

I could care less what you take serious.

Big noses like to scream about Q, it seems to scare them for some reason. I just liked the president's quote and got a full spaz from that crackhead. Which, if you think about it killed all discussion about the fact that the President said we should be Angry at China. Who would want to stop that conversation?

But believe what you want niggerfaggot, blackpills are fun too.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

I dont get it. So are you or aren't you? And why did it take you so long to migrate to Voat?

I mean; if you had more brain cells than a fart, then you should've seen what was going on around you, but you still stayed. Why?