369693936 ago

Explain what legal solutions have not been tried which would lead to a restoration of white ethnostates, traditionalist society, and pre-Fed economy.

  • Reinstate tariffs which come directly into the US Treasury and bypass the Federal Reserve altogether.

  • End federal withholding and force people to pay their taxes quarterly like corporations and small business owners, so that they understand just how much is being taken from them in order to pay interest on the debt created alongside every dollar in this big game of musical chairs where there's never enough money in circulation to pay the interest and yet the interest always comes due.

  • Use the central bank's smoke and mirrors methods of propping up of the economy against them for as long as it takes until such time as the economy can be reset to the gold standard or something non-debt based created by the US Treasury.

  • Transfer all Jews from the West to Israel and then quarantine them there with no further aid from the West. Any Jews who are allowed to stay in the West must do so as registered resident aliens (since Israeli citizenship is genetic and cannot be renounced) required to check in with their handlers every 45 days, with strict restrictions that have them transferred immediately if they or any of their family members (even if not Jewish) are caught working in government, media, finance, academia or lawfare; the only time Jews can enter a USA courtroom is as a defendant, they can not bring legal action nor participate in the legal process in any way.

  • Remove all lawfare from the public record (but teach our children how close we came to one world socialist tyranny as a result of it) and restore The Constitution as written. End all government interference in the free market as well as the lives of individuals and restore it to its proper role of proving basic security and infrastructure to protect our inherent, God-given rights.

Tallest_Skil ago

Ah, I should have been more specific. What legal solutions have not been tried that could ever actually happen. Everything you’ve said would work, of course. It’s just never going to happen because enough white nationalist congressmen would never exist.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I think there's merit in the "withdrawal of social engagement concept". Social Psychologist Jonathan Haidt believes: " there is a 'very good chance' the US democracy will fail in the next 30 years" (Australian Newspaper 20 July 19). Professor Haidt: "...does not envisage a split 'by State' as in the Civil War because the split in America today is 'mostly urban-rural' " (Australian Newspaper supra).

So on Mr Haidt's analysis it appears the fault line in American society today is a City/Rural divide. Accordingly America can be partitioned, figuratively speaking, along urban/rural lines.

So... those who identify with the nationalist cause need to leave the cities and set themselves up in the country where parallel industry and services need to be established. Interaction with those in the city i.e. lefties, is to be progressively wound down and only utilised where necessary e.g. payment of taxes.

ID cards are to be created so nationalists know who they are dealing with and so that, where lawful, they can refuse services to people who don't hold such cards i.e. lefties.

Over time this withdrawal of nationalist-minded people from mainstream American life will be reflected in legislative and administrative arrangements, even constitutional amendments.

So there you have it ... a peaceful, lawful, parting of the ways between Americans of two incompatible political movements!

PaulNeriAustralia ago

  1. Explain what legal solutions have not been tried which would lead to a restoration of white ethnostates, traditionalist society, and pre-Fed economy.

Partition, as occurred in India in 1947.

2.Explain what less than legal solutions have not been tried which would lead to a restoration of white ethnostates, traditionalist society, and pre-Fed economy.

Social disengagement/withdrawal of services designed to let Society slip into dystopian chaos from which a Party of Order will emerge.

3.Explain what illegal but still non-violent solutions have not been tried which would lead to a restoration of white ethnostates, traditionalist society, and pre-Fed economy.

If it's illegal it's not worth considering.

Explain what further “measures” are needed to “wake people up”, beyond that which we have already seen

  1. Those who can vote should vote 2. Political activism, including on Social media. 3. Financial support for political organisations.

We can, however, prove that nothing but a violent uprising will do so.


zxcvzxcv ago

what further “measures” are needed to “wake people up”

A leader.

Explain why no one has done anything at all about these existing measures, either peacefully or violently

Peaceful solutions do not work because the jews have all of the money, and they simply buy out both sides. A violent solution does not work because people are afraid of the jewdicial system. The cops enforce the jew's laws. eg: A black gamg of muslims rapes a teen, and the cops don't even look for them. If they are caught on video and some good citizen hunts them down, the judge gives them a stiff warning; but if a white guy defends himself against an aggressor, he is arrested. Such is not justice, and it is this lack of justice that destroys our national morale and leaves the people helpless and unwilling or unable to act.

For there to be a violent solution, the cops must first be eliminated, ideally by getting them to join the solution, but there are other methods which could be utilized. Without the threat of being arrested for exercising their right to assemble and right to free speech, whites could then safely unite to eliminate the transgressors. The problem is that the cops would be supported by the national guard, and the national guard would be supported by the army, tanks, and fighter jets. Therefore, you need both a top-down and bottom-up double-solution which simultaneously eliminates the cops, the national guard and the military. The orchestration of such an event is near impossible without first experiencing a complete and unexpected breakdown of society.

I can envision a couple events which could trigger this. A few well-placed emp nukes could do it. A mass-starvation event or unstoppable disease outbreak could also do it. However, both of these events would also serve jew-interests just as much if not more than our own, due to the acceleration effect they would have on the kalergi plan. Thus we are left with only one option that I can see: we need a leader who all of our generals will follow to the death, a leader who can and will circumvent the constitution to seize the required power necessary to defeat our enemy through the implementation of absolute and sudden brutality, and one who can bypass the jew media to mass-awaken the people.

What we need is a Caesar, or a Washington, or a Hitler.

Papa_Stattikk ago

Alot of generals and military leaders are politically appointed not earned.

Art1cBear ago

We could just keep voting. /s

475677 ago

If we decided to collectively stop working to crash the system that would force the government to show it's hand and then ultimately be voted out of power once order is restored. That won't happen though as people refuse to go without food, comfort and their shekels to buy shit they don't need.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I say it all the time. The only way justice comes is if each state forms a People's Militia, millions strong, and starts issuing arrest warrants and having trials in the streets. They will most likely use social media as a background checker, of sorts.

xenoPsychologist ago

man, theres no way youre gonna get a satisfactory answer to that. lets vote rope 2020 and leave the traitors hangin.

ArcAngel ago

i was thinkin jim jones kool-aid for the undesireables, pass it out in the jails, detention centers, welfare offices.. it'll sort its self out

ExpertShitposter ago

So....you are saying people cant just take 30 minutes of their day every 4 years to vote and solve all issues of the world?

What are you...anti democratic or something?