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PaulNeriAustralia ago

  1. Explain what legal solutions have not been tried which would lead to a restoration of white ethnostates, traditionalist society, and pre-Fed economy.

Partition, as occurred in India in 1947.

2.Explain what less than legal solutions have not been tried which would lead to a restoration of white ethnostates, traditionalist society, and pre-Fed economy.

Social disengagement/withdrawal of services designed to let Society slip into dystopian chaos from which a Party of Order will emerge.

3.Explain what illegal but still non-violent solutions have not been tried which would lead to a restoration of white ethnostates, traditionalist society, and pre-Fed economy.

If it's illegal it's not worth considering.

Explain what further “measures” are needed to “wake people up”, beyond that which we have already seen

  1. Those who can vote should vote 2. Political activism, including on Social media. 3. Financial support for political organisations.

We can, however, prove that nothing but a violent uprising will do so.
