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PaulNeriAustralia ago

I think there's merit in the "withdrawal of social engagement concept". Social Psychologist Jonathan Haidt believes: " there is a 'very good chance' the US democracy will fail in the next 30 years" (Australian Newspaper 20 July 19). Professor Haidt: "...does not envisage a split 'by State' as in the Civil War because the split in America today is 'mostly urban-rural' " (Australian Newspaper supra).

So on Mr Haidt's analysis it appears the fault line in American society today is a City/Rural divide. Accordingly America can be partitioned, figuratively speaking, along urban/rural lines.

So... those who identify with the nationalist cause need to leave the cities and set themselves up in the country where parallel industry and services need to be established. Interaction with those in the city i.e. lefties, is to be progressively wound down and only utilised where necessary e.g. payment of taxes.

ID cards are to be created so nationalists know who they are dealing with and so that, where lawful, they can refuse services to people who don't hold such cards i.e. lefties.

Over time this withdrawal of nationalist-minded people from mainstream American life will be reflected in legislative and administrative arrangements, even constitutional amendments.

So there you have it ... a peaceful, lawful, parting of the ways between Americans of two incompatible political movements!