con77 ago

tell them you practice necrophiliac beastiality and if they discriminate against you your lord satan will strike them down. Keep a serious look on your face when you do this.

trotskyberg ago

Document your protest, and if you get fired it will be like being kicked out of hell before it gets truly hot.

Target_Renegade ago

ProtonMail are hiring apparently. You could try there?

an_old_friend ago

My (big tech) company starts this shit up every election season, trying to jam their propaganda down our throats. It's code for "hire as many foreign invaders and communists as possible".

rhy ago

Just tell them you identify as a cherokee woman.

BirthTheGirth ago

Time to find a new job

Bamballam ago

Inclusion and diversity is a far left litmus test to stomp out a diverse political and world view workplace.

AntiMason ago

Simple, identify as Waffen SS.

dummythicc ago

I know a guy a few months back had an interview for a job in Vancouver. He was qualified, everything was going good for the in-person interview, then the interviewer asked "what have you done to help promote diversity and inclusion in a company you previously worked at". His reply was "absolutely nothing, I only hire the most qualified people". He said the interviewer has a "disgusted" look on his face after that and just phoned in the rest of the interview. Never got a callback, but at the same time would have never taken it either.

Another place I worked at had a policy of when they were hiring a new dev any of the existing devs could sit in on the online interview and ask questions, then discuss the applicant after the interview was done (I highly recommend this for any company btw). We had a street shitter with decent english everyone wanted to hire. I've become over the years good at smelling out bullshitters and liars and this guy was off the charts. He was wearing a "I'm such a nerd" style shirt and talked about all his accomplishments non of which involved any coding. Everyone else, I think about seven or so people were all beyond impressed with this idiot. Only me and another guy were not. I made the point to bring up that if he was so active in open source (which he claimed, among other things) to give us his github so we can look at the quality of his code. He was visually annoyed by the request, breaking character momentarily, but agreed to send it to us after the interview. He of course never sent anything. A few days later they called him back and he had already accepted another job some place else locally. So fucking typical, a non-white charlatan get absolutely flooded with job offers. There was a poo at the same place, nice enough guy but not a good dev at all. Got scooped up by google, of course.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Let me do the interviews......lots of hot chicks....check mark for both boxes

Showmethathole ago

Three words for you: Work for yourself. I started working for myself almost eight years ago and I haven't looked back since. It can be a pain in the ass, it's hard to get the ball rolling at first, and you might not make a shit ton of money at first, but I can assure you that it's 100% worth it.

capicua ago

my strategy is to just say i am a trans-female, but i am so oppressed by society's transphobic-ness that i have to live as a cis-male instead of being true to my gender

cohSh8Ca ago

I tell 'em my grandmother's side was German Jew who fled before the War and that I'm a Bear. None of it is true. Fuck 'em.

observation1 ago

Take the gig but immediately start looking elsewhere. When hey ask why you are leaving tell them why

DeathThroesofVoat ago

Better gtfo. That's a sinking ship

Mr_big ago

Fucking retarded. Your company is run by idiots

FacelessScreaming ago

They think inclusion and diversity are good for business. They operate on a global scale so they have to take care to not offend anyone and they want you to listen to people until they feel understood. Everything you do has to pass through a censor filter. You can’t even use words like “you guys” because it’s not gender inclusive. Having a mandate for inclusion and diversity makes them take a serious step toward a better world free from bias, right?

Mr_big ago

I guess if you used master/slave on a drawing or documentation it would give them the vapours. Lol. Fucking retards


Any business involved with a government startup loan, tax deferral, or loan guarantee, even environmental "waiver of responsibility" , is subject to mandatory compliance and that mandate includes everything rotten about cultural marxism. I've been a business owner for almost 3 decades and have refused cheap government business loans 3 times. My main client is completely self sufficient and despises government liberalism...AND THEY WANT ONLY WHITES WORKING FOR THEM...all of this is coming to an end though.

FederalShill ago

flee, run away, i hope youve been keeping your costs low and saving your money until you find a new job.

Fuckyounigger ago

You should make it known that skin color is a main factor

physicscat ago

Depending on your age, great grandparents.

Hoodboarder ago

Sounds like Intel, worked there, what a diversity shithole

FacelessScreaming ago

Have you got Intel Inside?

mrnicegoy ago

AMD 4 life

Brawndosaurus ago

Good to know. Yeah he seemed like the average

Drenki ago

volunteer as often as you can and always make sure to ask the right questions. you can help build an awesome team.

Jujubean ago

I once went to an interview with a tech company for a project engineering interview. The lead engineer was very happy with my resume and capabilities related to what they were trying to develop. Part B of the interview was with the facility manager who queried me on whether I played golf, baseball, and if my children were on organized sports teams in school. I have not played baseball since I was maybe twelve, do not play golf and my kids are not on a sports team. The engineer called me that week and said Herbie, the facility manager did not feel I would be a good fit. I asked him, What is it with him and sports, is he related to the owner? Nailed it.

CheeBooga ago

and you have a nigger in the woodpile --like 3% black. Lick your lips and squint your weyes like retard when you tell them this for ambience.

Heilodinn ago

Quit your bitching and leave already, you clearly hate it, or your a troll.

CowWithBeef ago

inclusion and diversity one

What even is a diversity and inclusion interview?

You seem great for this job, but do you have a white penis?


Oh dear, well best of luck to you.

kingssman1 ago

doesn't imported street shitter typically fill in that diversity quota?

becuase IT is pretty much 50% street shitter

ados ago

the beginning to the end of my last career was openly liking mel gibson and his movies. this is a place that hardcore joked about shit and it did turn into the clique against me.

phillyjoe ago

Hire the most absolutely toxic blue haired weirdos. Give them giant landwhales. Give them exactly what they want, but bail before they finish their orientation.

No need to be a part of the fallout.

Crinkle95 ago

This. Invite the parasites in to destroy the company and then get the fuck out before they do.

FacelessScreaming ago

I found out one of the things used by the company has a “code of conduct” that was written by some transgender freak who had mental illness who was later fired by the company. But still the company chooses to promote insane agendas and use that code of conduct.

TheNiggerFaggot ago

So it's GitHub.

B3bomber ago

CoC shover worked for Google before being fired soon after.

phillyjoe ago

It's the cock that was shoved into Linux, to push Linus out. After that victory they pushed RMS out.

I know exactly the one you speak of.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Leave, you are supporting it being there. You are essentially a cuck.

They are not hiring the best people and are surviving off your labor.

AlphaOmega ago

I’m going to mirror other posters here in encouraging you to find another company to work for. Any company that puts “inclusion” ahead of ability and merit is not a company focused on success. This culture will breed a cancer through the organization. It will subvert production. You will go down with that failure if you do not leave.

Before I sold my company a few years ago we had specific hiring guidelines intended to root out social justice people. I didn’t really care if we hired blacks or Mexicans if they were qualified. What I cared about is not hiring people who thought those traits were more important than production.

Deceneu ago

specific hiring guidelines intended to root out social justice people.

Could you give a couple of examples ?

AlphaOmega ago

Almost every social justice person, leftist, and feminist shares a psychological pattern. It’s a similar pattern to blacks have who file discrimination suits and kick up trouble at small bullshit. They really are fucked in the head.

What’s interesting about the SJW, leftist, and feminist crowds is that many are white so you can dismiss them just as quickly as a minority shit stirrer and it never looks like you’re being discriminatory.

The pattern they have, to one degree or another, is a lack of personal responsibility. They are not truly capable of being self critical and accepting responsibility for mistakes. They place blame for the negatives in their life on external forces. These are huge red flags and they are relatively easy to uncover if you are a skilled interviewer.

I’m being very general but this is not a science. The key is to have a hiring manager you have trained and trust explicitly (or be the hiring manager yourself). Someone who you have tested by virtue of watching them work hard and also watching them fuck up and owning up to that mistake.

In the interview process you need to note certain things right off the bat: what university did they attend? do they have tatoos? is their hair colored? What was their favorite class in college? Why? These can heighten or reduce suspicion.

Then you must dig down into the interview. The two most important questions That lead to the best conversation that get people out of their shell are:

1) What Voulenteer service or cause have you been involved in in the past or what would you see yourself being interested in in the future?

Then shut the fuck up and let them talk. Today, it’s considered socially acceptable to be an equal rights activist or a pro woman activist (Examples). Thus, these people will be more likely to divulge their passion and then you can dig as much as you want if you maintain a curious and interested tone. A non-sjw will usually have been interested in helping animals or some environmental work or church mission.

2.) Ask them to recall a mistake you made at your last job? The people who answer this question honestly and, in a general sense, projects a sense of regret (as in, “I’ll never fucking let that happen again”) will almost always be at or near the top of my list.

Deceneu ago

Excelent points. Thanks you.

AlphaOmega ago

Also, I make a point of not hiring people from Certain universities. Widespread ostracism is the only way educational institutions are going to take note and stop this bullshit. Anyone from Brown, Cal, Harvard, Columbia, UT, or any university in Washington or Oregon. That’s a solid pass.

Commie_Meta ago

Before I sold my company a few years ago we had specific hiring guidelines intended to root out social justice people.

Please share them with us!

charliebrownau ago

Time for you to resign

and put in an official complaint letter

cantaloupe6 ago

Find another job and quit. Meritless workers can't cut it.

andrew_jackson ago

Spot on. OP should view this as an opportunity to infiltrate. He should volunteer for this political orthodoxy committee. This will give him an opportunity to eliminate prospective employees and claim that they don't seem diverse enough. He can use this to blackmail management.

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

This is brilliant. Not only could he use this like you said, he could be subtle and steer this committee in a direction where it becomes over the top and absurd.

Taydrum ago

Tell them your all about diversity and inclusion, and then slowly take them down from the inside. Either that or work somewhere else


How tf do they interview for inclusion and diversity?

Oddysey ago

2010: "He seems like a good guy and not a racist."

2020: "He said yes he loves all people equally but sweated a little. I asked again and he swore he isnt racist but he has this particular whiteness about him that I cant get past."

2021: "the lie detector sent his results to the main system ensuring he will never work again."

2040: "the doctors detected no trace of non white blood. Inform the family he was executed."

jthun2 ago

'in between my volunteer work at the jewish institute for national security affairs and the SPLC....'

jthun2 ago

mother fuc#$#

is this a silicon valley company?

FacelessScreaming ago

Somewhat. It’s part of Big Tech. West Coast company.

Arrvee ago

Look into the company's financials if you can. It's possible they're getting a foreign investment to do this.

Also contact the feds and ask for a foreign intelligence investigation. This shit comes from overseas.

mehwah ago

Find a job in a place that does not waste resources hiring failures and fools.... social justice will pull down every big company eventually so be where you can actually get ahead because of skill, nor skin

FacelessScreaming ago

Yeah, it’s an ongoing thing. I am trying to share more what’s like.

carnold03 ago

When you finally leave that company, I hope you do a master post with a timeline.

FacelessScreaming ago

Wish I could vlog about it, but due to risk of being fired and confidentiality agreements, I can’t. ;)

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Hahahahahahah when will you faggots ever say something? I had to deal with this a few years ago myself. I raised my hand and politely proclaimed that the insanity has to end and I quit the next day. Guys - have some self respect and blaze your own trail or set your company on a new course from within.

You have the moral and ethical high ground. You need only to make a statement

FacelessScreaming ago

Yeah, but we only got to lose by speaking up. :/

Intrixina ago

You don't lose if they have zero leverage over you.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Get your “fuck you money” under control. Work your ass off. Live below your means. Develop a contingency plan. Then speak up and say how you really feel.

Or be like me: say something without any of the above and figure it out as you go. Not recommended but still works out in the end and makes for a better story

Intrixina ago

I only have one upvoat to give, but this principle is what will give you happiness in the end - the fact that others have no leverage on you.

Glipglup ago

It's prudent to take care of one self but at some point you have to just say "fuck it" and cut your losses. The truth is job security is an illusion.

Wanna know a secret about being self employed? No matter how many times you fuck up you won't get laid off, there will always be work the next day. Job security is a lie. Once you realize that the path forward becomes easier to take.

Draco777 ago


Intrixina ago

Well said.

Grospoliner ago

You mean like @Tallest_Skil who doesn't understand that your address is public record? Or like @Tallest_Skil who is unable to draw inference from a statement like 'quietly', and apply inductive logic to figure that means 'anonymously'? Or yourself for both of the same?

clubberlang ago

Fuck that faggot

Tallest_Skil ago

you don’t understand things because I say you don’t

Hmm. What might be easier for the ZOG to do: go to every door to test for compliance, or HAVE A TINY LIST OF PEOPLE RETARDED ENOUGH TO PUBLICLY STATE THEIR BELIEFS?


“Hey, there’s an anonymous submission that says whites are being discriminated against.”

“Good. Glad our work is paying off.”

Yay, your quiet work worked.

Grospoliner ago

Yup. You're a dipshit. Still.

Tallest_Skil ago

Enjoy being made unemployable.

Grospoliner ago

REEE harder tard.

Tallest_Skil ago

just no argument at all


bluedeath ago

Good thing these shit tech companies were all handed massive massive welfare checks in the form of corporate bond guarantees so they can continue to destroy everything they touch while avoiding anything remotely connected to productivity. What a convenient plague this has been.

bloodguard ago

Tune up your resume and start looking for a new jorb.

Networking is your friend. I work in tech deep in the blackened heart of Silly Contrived Valley and I haven't had to interview for a position in ages. The first time HR even sees me is when I'm showing up to do my 401K paperwork and collect my door badge.

Smokybubbles ago

Get up, walk out. Tell them you require your employer to mind their own business.

aileron_ron ago

My company did the same shit, sadly I never found non Caucasians qualified for the job, in 2008 I was fired and in 2010 won a class action lawsuit that paid off extremely well.

Thank you SG for the fat fucking win.

andrew_white_forever ago

Now you're into flying?

aileron_ron ago

What the fuck you going on about.

andrew_white_forever ago

Your name has 'aileron' in it so I thought maybe after cashing out you picked up a flying hobby.

aileron_ron ago

I see,sorry. I've been flying RC planes for 30 plus years and I do have a Cessna 172 for three years now.

andrew_white_forever ago

Ok that's cool. It's nice to see someone actual graduate from RC to the real thing lol.

aileron_ron ago

Had it not been for my wife I would not have got the plane, one day she say's if you enjoy flying planes why not get a real one so I did.

madmardigan ago

What kind of tech? I've always wondered how much it would cost to start a competitive site against the big guys. YouTube, Twitter, Google, etc.

FacelessScreaming ago

They have invested massively in their technology and they have bought the ones that would become their competitors. Well, it is easy to make the application itself. The problem is the infrastructure and maintenance. That is very costly.

For example, for a video site, you need to store the videos. Streaming consumes a lot of bandwidth. And you have to do work behind the scenes to convert the video to many different formats and serve them at different quality levels, depending on how fast the client connection is.

Besides the traffic, you have the storage problem. People will keep adding more and more videos. They are huge in file size. You will run out of storage unless you pay for more storage.

And who’s providing that infrastructure? Mostly Big Tech through cloud services.

Yes, we could go back to the old days where everyone had their own physical computer and managed their server. But that is costly and there is the security problem.

People will try to crack into your systems to steal information. Or they just want to knock your system down.

Depending on your content, if you don’t please your hosts, they will deplatform you. Then you’re pretty much done. That excuse of, oh just build your own, no longer applies. The last straw would be an Internet service provider refusing to route your traffic because they don’t like you. Fortunately to my knowledge that hasn’t happened yet.

madmardigan ago

I wouldn't want to be on someone else's server or cloud. What about renting shithooe warehouses across the US (to start) to house my own servers?

How much $ value in memory storage would I require? I could probably team with local refrigerated/frozen store house that already exist to house the servers or find real cheap places that could potentially house massive servers.

Get a bunch of nut balls to chip in, create a corporation that would have a whole bunch of subsidiaries around the world to keep the whole thing running, allowing small servers to join for a percentage of any ad revenue based on their memory share.

TheSeer ago

My first thought is they will sue you into submission.

I.E. they will literally upload porn or a music video to your service and then say "SEE! He's hosting copyrighted material!!! REEEE!!!"

Charilko ago

How the fuck is that legal?

Octoclops ago

It isn't but the people who enforce laws hate you.

FacelessScreaming ago

I don’t know, but I even saw posts saying they would not take in any more employees of a certain group (e.g. white) to make room for “URM”, underrepresented minorities. This clearly violates the non-discriminatory clause they always put on job descriptions.

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

Are you in America? Where do you work that half of the employees in this company aren't Indian, Chinese, or Eastern European already?

FacelessScreaming ago

West Coast of the USA. But the company has offices worldwide. And yes, there are a lot of Indians, for instance.

B3bomber ago

Get the fuck out of there ASAP.

Charilko ago

That really does not sound legal. Why not report them?

FacelessScreaming ago

to whom? local and state officials are all about the progressive agenda of inclusion and diversity

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

Hown is it illegal?

TheNiggerFaggot ago

Start your own company. Do it in every spare moment you have. If you don't have the self-discipline to do this, read a good book on self-discipline. Keep your day jobs, but keep working toward the goal of running your own company. You will be competing against companies like the one you're working for. They will be shooting themselves in the foot.

FacelessScreaming ago

Well, that’s very hard to do. The Big Tech dominate and most of the things on you do relies on their technology. Some companies keep buying other companies and establish a monopoly on the development and distribution of software.

I would very much like to work with someone to beat them. But so far there is no traction there. There are people like Andrew Torba with Gab, but they don’t have any career opportunities.

I keep a side project but it won’t get to the level of competing them on a “global” scale. It is something specific and targeted at a certain audience. And it is currently not profitable.

Intrixina ago

Who says you need to work in tech for your side job? Fuck tech for the most part - it's full of blue haired fatties, spergs, soyboy trash, and shitskins - and it's only going to get worse.

FacelessScreaming ago

lol okay, but the fathers of tech were definitely not that kind of people. I can’t leave tech yet. And if everyone that is sane leaves tech, isn’t that leaving the crazies to build and maintain the products we use? How are we not more insane by using their products? Well, it’s hard to let go now. People just won’t suddenly stop using Google and Facebook. And if sane people leave tech, who’s gonna build the alternatives like Voat and Gab and Bitchute?

Intrixina ago

I can’t leave tech yet.

More like you don't want to.

Nobody has to use any of their shitty products. You're saying that we can't rip ourselves away from shit such as social media - I'm saying it's un-necessary and just breeds attentionwhorism.

FacelessScreaming ago

Social media is just the surface.

Who are the most popular email services? Big Tech.

There is the infrastructure. Who owns that? Amazon, Google, Microsoft, etc.

And there are the developer tools. Who owns that? Much of that coming from Big Tech.

Even open source software like Linux fell as SJWs took over the Linux Foundation and booted the creator of the operating system, Linus Torvalds, for being “offensive.” Big Tech also has appropriated Linux for its own purposes.

The mobile realm is dominated by Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS operating systems. For desktop, Microsoft has most of the market share in with Windows. Apple makes it expensive so doesn’t get as much adoption.

Despite that, we can be somewhat free from Big Tech with Linux but investments there are not so much for the average desktop user. They have historically been focused on the serverside infrastructure.

AR47 ago

Before these people shred what insignificant amount of self worth you have remaining....stop making excuses. Mother Fucker I made my own business last November. Granted I don't fuck around with computer shit (because I stand to piss like a man) I do the inspections of bucket trucks used to maintain the power grid.

Plenty of people can do it, you need this, and that, and it's easier to stick with a sure thing!

Fuck that! It isn't for you own dignity. You want to come home with the sullen look in your soul where your wife makes you tuna casserole again because all you can afford is the safe things in life?

Or do you want to come home to your wife meeting you at the door dropping her towel looking at you while biting her lower lip?

Being your only responsibly is fucking awsome....don't feel like working? Fuck it don't! Was to to give yourself a raise because by God you deserve it? Do it.

What is the reason you can't? Tell your wife or if you don't....look yourself in the mirror and say fuck them I can do it myself. I did for 4 years! Four fucking long years I was someone else's go to.....the day I announced my resignation of my position they didn't even try to stop me as they all knew what I had been working for.

They told me if it don't work out to please please come back and see them.

Now I go there every so often and buy them lunch, or we meet at the range for lunch and I pay.....because now they are friends and not my boss.

Just make something of yourself.

TheNiggerFaggot ago

Vertical market software can be more lucrative than you seem to imagine. Does your product replace the efforts of people?

Misanthropadapolous ago

Isn't it crazy that affirmative action only benefitted Jews while Jews put Africans as the face of affirmative action for white people to hate.

Oy vey, see these statistics? Harvard is 40% white so we can't allow whites in or there will be too many...

Harvard has a high graduate rate for it's proud Jewish students who make up 40% of Harvard.

TheSeer ago

Isn't it crazy, Jimbo?

noob_tube ago

Now isn't that just quackin' crazy!

mf1776 ago

If you're white, run away as fast as you can.

metricisokay ago

Companies like that end up unloading all of the work onto you, and all of the praise onto niggers. For the love of god look for work elsewhere. You're in tech, you can find another job. There is a radical lack of talented industry professionals that's part of why they hire so many blue haired brown skin idiots that have never gone to school.

Some companies, better companies, try and acquire the best talent they can find. Seek them out, better your talents while you do.

notajew69 ago

A lot of female software engineers are just pretty girls that guys write code for so they might increase their chances of getting laid by 1%.

HeavyBrain ago

Assuming you can get out the 18 hour shifts at some point during the week, wouldn't it be economically easier to just get a hooker who will with a chance of 99% do what you want for a lot of less work?

metricisokay ago

A lot of male software engineers are gammas, they are utterly hopeless individuals who can barely write code better than they can operate in any other facet of their lives. If they would grow a fucking spine, stop drinking soy, clean themselves up and speak like a normal human being they'd be rolling in money and pussy.

Female software engineers don't exist. I've never seen one female in any computer related course I've ever attended in my life, I should see a similar ratio in the workforce. But instead there they are. That's fine if they can do the work, many in fact can learn how to program without a formal education. It's actually not all that difficult especially considering the quality of the work that comes out of your average $60-100k dev. But, I haven't met one female yet that even approaches competency in any logical endeavour, let alone computer algorithms.

They keep getting hired though! Then instead of realising that's a mistake, they implement insane office management plans like SCRUM. That basically places the burden of the workload on the people who are actually able to do it, while they drag everyone else along. Companies spend a fortune on this stuff.

I can't believe 90% of them are still in business.

zozimus ago

You're not far off. There are definitely female engineers, but only about 20% of them are worth anything, the other 80% are essentially posers who rely on colleagues to pick up the slack.

It might be against the grain to say it, but the thing is, there has always been female engineers, but they have always been the exception, not the rule.

You're not wrong though that big companies like Jewgle and Kikebook hire female devs and you're not wrong that they're mostly subpar and the impact they produce is mainly in diversity metrics as opposed to on the code-base.

daskapitalist ago

Competent female software engineers do exist, but they're rare as hell. I can count the number of ones I know personally on one hand and have fingers left over. Male software engineers? 20x as many if not more.

metricisokay ago

The only competent software developer I know of on the planet is a twitch steamer. I don't remember her name but she made her own game engine in c++. Props to her.

zozimus ago

Women like her are the exception though, not the rule.

The fact of the matter is that 8/10 female engineers you'll run into in the industry are mainly there for representation and are given so much leeway and slack it's unbelievable. And I'm being generous with my 8/10.

Blood-is-Nature ago

90% of them are still in business.

Business...To keep busy; that which occupies the time, attention and labor of men. And how do you think they achieve that?

I can't believe

Exactly, with belief, and what is it that they all (including yourself) are believing in?

Companies spend a fortune on this stuff

Usury based fiat currency, backed by nothing of any value. A belief based slave system to keep the human busy slaving for others, while destroying themselves.

AnotherGrayman ago

They wouldn't be if white men stopped working for them.

CeasarSalud ago

Most of the time this stuff is just to prevent people playing the nigger lottery, not because the owners hate money.

Timur9000 ago

And tell them you're Trans Mexican

kulturkampf ago

Honestly, if you ever get doxxed and gotta change your name, it's not a bad idea to consider making it Gonzalez or Rodriguez.

Have fun with it -- and maybe get a few extra perks. You're being discriminated against, after all.

Drstrangebeard ago

so the pc police are essential workers?

ViperCarbz ago

a technical side of the interview, but an inclusion and diversity one.

Well OP, you failed the diversity portion.

FacelessScreaming ago

Yeah, but that wasn’t there when I had interviewed :)

speedisavirus ago

I need to find based people and start our own company. The only encouraging today was in a company meeting someone sent an anonymous message to management telling them to stop with the touchy feely crap around the virus and focus on what's happening within the company.

RevDrStrangelove ago

At some point a lot of people are going to get sick of your seemingly endless bitching about a job everyone has counseled you to quit. Your problems are, at this point, self inflicted.

FacelessScreaming ago

I’m aware of the suggestion. But it isn’t time yet. Meanwhile I would like to share with you what’s like.

Intrixina ago

The "right time" is when you stand up, reach inside your pants, grasp your balls and take action instead of poo-pooing around.

You're just making excuses for giving away more of your rights. Fuck that shit.

ninjajunkie ago

This is the reason everything (products,companies, customer sevice, etc.) is getting worse. As more and more competent workers get pushed out to make room for these ideologues, less and less have the necessary knowledge needed. Eventually, if not already, no one that works at these companies knows how to fix or change anything.

We all know how to use a DVD player, but how many understand it enough to design/build a new one?

ianadba ago

Marginal utility and diminishing returns applies to more than just theoretical economics.

Plavonica ago

This is exactly why socialism, in all it's forms, doesn't work. People who have no idea what the fuck they're doing end up leading legions of morons into crippling the industry.

kulturkampf ago

The most successful companies, knowing this, will likely just create extra positions that truly only function as salaries that sit at chairs and do little to nothing else.

The old joke is that most of the diveristy in Fortune 500 companies was in the mail room.

Plavonica ago

positions that truly only function as salaries that sit at chairs and do little to nothing else.

Half the people going in to type shit on the computer all day in their office job can be replaced with an algorithm.

kulturkampf ago

I agree -- I think what is honestly holding people back from doing this is because it's a bad look for the businesses and the folks at top generally understand that they will be incentivized monetarily in the future to not replace people.

Plavonica ago

I dunno. Middle management are generally clueless about how easy it is to replace people with a program. Those on top are more business minded than not and may not know about such replacement strategies. The business owners who do know already run small businesses that do big things.

Blood-is-Nature ago

We all are within a slave caste system called "chain of command", which has been build for thousands of years. The "cluelessness" is based on humans being deceived to shirk their own responsibilities by believing in a false authority. Everyone in this system is kissing up and kicking down, without ever question the system, because they accept layer upon layer of authority above them, which either breaks them to stand down and accept the rat race of self destruction for the benefit of others, or they chase for the criminal control of others by climbing the ladder over those they left behind, while all working towards the same goal of keeping this system of exploiting going so that they don't lose control over that which they believe to own.

For those who designed and control this system by trickling down secrets to motivate and spreading fear to create dependency; it represents a self sustaining pyramid scheme, with them as the all seeing eye on top. If you're a student you have no idea what your teachers are up to, if you work in a supermarket you have no clue what your supervisor is up to, if you work within special forces you will never question those that give you orders, if you participate in a secret society everything above you is a mystery you do everything for to achieve. This entire world was deceived under this system, with money as the dependency incentive and religions to suppress the laws of nature by indoctrinating blind faith towards unquestionable authority (deities), which translates into giving your own authority over yourself up and accepting the authority of everyone else in return.

Another thing that you're missing here is the systematic consolidation of power into the hands of the controllers by sacrificing; burning away; deconstruct though inefficiency, or like at present with flat out tyranny, everything that isn't needed for the control of everyone (slavery).

kulturkampf ago

I have heard a few anecdotes about the incompetency of people on top, but I honestly believe that at major corporations, this has probably been floated and canned.

But maybe the truth is somewhere in between.

Good posts.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Don't forget to say that any further discussions on the subject are anti semetic.

golgo91 ago

"In my mind, it is true"

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Find a new employer.

Boycott this diversity agenda, anywhere it is found.

FacelessScreaming ago

Find me a tech company that doesn’t bow to the agenda.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

If necessary, build your own. I did.

Grospoliner ago

Quietly send it to your state attorney general suggesting that it codifies in your company, mandatory political acquiescence.

Tallest_Skil ago

quietly give the ZOG your address so they can kill or arrest you

Great idea.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Tell them you are aware of your minority status as Whites makes up ~17% of the worlds total population.

registeretakes10s ago

you say that but last googlegeist indicated mist whites felt discrimination was a problem. all other races felt it was fine. google response? oh its a problem, we'll promote more ppl of color then.

same for all companies with such an agenda - their team is dedicated to removing whites so why would they think its about anti white discrimination for one second?

ChiCom ago

^^^ Found the kabob claiming mulatto skin is white

BeauDacious ago

while true, would only succeed in getting him flagged as non inclusive, as we know its the whites who do this shit out of white guilt. sp regardless of our their status, they arent part of inclusion or diversity.

crazy_eyes ago

more like 11%

HeavyBrain ago

As a Bonus don't forget to mention that those 11% DON'T commit 53% of the crimes.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

divide by 2 for gender.

mr_skeltal ago

Yo crazy eyes been a long time :D

crazy_eyes ago


mr_skeltal ago

This place is different but kinda the same too haha, any more of the oldheads still around?

crazy_eyes ago

There's a few dozen of us yet

TL09718 ago

Yeah - I'm here.

acheron2012 ago

Rats breed like, well, rats.

BlueDrache ago

11% of the population accounts for over 50% of the advancement and innovation! That's racist!!!

CowWithBeef ago

According to the book Human Accomplishment, from 800BC to 1950 white people were responsible for 98% of major scientific discoveries. You're slandering my people with your 50% claim.

BlueDrache ago

Reread what I said, shitfuck. I said "OVER 50%" ... is not 98% over 50%?

LightestHour ago

If you wanted to make a 1350 joke you should've kept the 13 too

If questioned, say your sample wasn't representative

BlueDrache ago

Go suck a jewdick.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

More like 90% of the advancement and innovation.

Brawndosaurus ago

Literally the entire modern world.

Chinks have fireworks and noodles. Nogs have peanut butter. It's not even a competition at this point.

Morbo ago

It's well beyond the time for you to leave. There is no room for you there since you obviously are not the inclusion and diversity type (you're on Voat posting about it). It's a sinking ship and if you don't bail now, then you will have only yourself to blame when they come for you. Find a real technology company instead of a social justice company that has something to do with technology on the side. Real technology companies still exist, but they are smaller and usually don't look for people in the normie channels of employment. You will have to do some looking to find them. Don't waste your time with the big name SJW "technology" companies. They will only demoralize you and toss you out on the street when they inevitably discover your power level.

cohSh8Ca ago

No. Stay, get on the interview board if at all possible, and push to hire the worst and yet "most diverse" candidates possible. Malicious compliance.

All of this assumes the company is post-IPO / they are no longer doing ISOs.

Brotherhoodlum ago

He'll be training his replacements if he stays

Neo-maxi-zoom-dweeby ago

Try finding a tech company that is not chock full of whites that hate other whites and think they need to be trampled under the boot of whatever boon they have fucking their wives. The number of cucks in software is insane.

boogaloo_2020 ago

It is possible. We openly talk about guns, politics you name it. Mostly all white male engineers, so real work gets done.

Neo-maxi-zoom-dweeby ago

I think its a pretty variable situation. Some places have pockets of people that can speak frankly. But in my experience most places are full of feminist weirdos and cucks that are indistinguishable from the blue haired land whales.

aWe5it5 ago

Key word engineer.

Morbo ago

It all depends on where you live. That's not common in my area, but I don't live in a shithole liberal megacity so if that's a factor for you, well I can't help you there other than to say you should move.

SoyOrbison ago

Might not want to start a new job just yet. Stay wherever is above water right now.

SearchVoatBot ago

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duckswagger ago

It's the only answer. Things are only going to get worse because no matter what happens it's never enough. Make arrangements now and don't look back.

Neo-maxi-zoom-dweeby ago

its NEVER enough. And god help you if you make the mistake of correcting some SJW prick on some point of inquiry about somebody like Trump. I do not even like that Jew lover - but I don't think his question was wrong last week - but you argue that any question asked in earnest is a good question - and you might as well be satan.

Jock_Sniffer ago

I'd probably flunk out at this point. :lol:

PraiseIPU ago

Affirmative action

Extra points for things you have no control over

Not rascist at all.