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23630252? ago

Never quit, go down fighting This is what you do! Get yourself a money hungry lawyer no winners no payments and get ready and get fucking ready to take a few shots of vodka .... they will not smell vodka from your breath... or go for 5 expresso 300% coffee bean before you freak out publically, first before you protest buy two korans or qurans the arab shit one and the translation of your own language I assume English, then print off FBI stats on Negroid Crimes. Bust your way into the highest levels of management Walk in, Chuck the islamic texts on the floor, Slam it into the Floor bang! Do it as if islam just killed your mama... if its in the middle of some unsecure big ass corporate meeting even better smash your way in and start a scene...Jump on the table and be ready to put on a stage show, jump on their big fat magager desks start quoting the most violent traumatic parts of the Quran, SCREAM and quote the beheadings, THROW shapes as if youre the singer at a heavy metal or hiphop concert. quote the terroristic the Asiha pedo shit, ex-muslim will show you what to quote about islam thats fucked....if they claim you insane say you want MORE money from the company and say you have nightmares from this workplace, say you lived with a ex muslim who was harassed and tortured by islamists and their trauma passed on to you, get yourself a small legal team, also claim political harassment in the workplace and good luck! You must win @FacelessScreaming