24493870? ago

the rest of them watched are a pack of thief criminals, drug dealers or pedos? https://voat.co/v/news/3897922/24490854

24490146? ago

Did u know @Kot88 /u/Kot88 https://voat.co/v/Hiddenlol/3897681 the prophet of islam mohammed was a pervert who dressed in women's clothes?

24500685? ago

a Dog has the power to cancel the demonic Moongod Al Lah's powers, a Black Dog had the ability to send the founder of islam mohammed stright into hell, the Quran teaches moslems to hate dogs btw Muhammed was fearful of Dogs https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3898844/24498822

23630252? ago

Never quit, go down fighting https://voat.co/v/technology/3796497/23629003 This is what you do! Get yourself a money hungry lawyer no winners no payments and get ready and get fucking ready to take a few shots of vodka .... they will not smell vodka from your breath... or go for 5 expresso 300% coffee bean before you freak out publically, first before you protest buy two korans or qurans the arab shit one and the translation of your own language I assume English, then print off FBI stats on Negroid Crimes. Bust your way into the highest levels of management Walk in, Chuck the islamic texts on the floor, Slam it into the Floor bang! Do it as if islam just killed your mama... if its in the middle of some unsecure big ass corporate meeting even better smash your way in and start a scene...Jump on the table and be ready to put on a stage show, jump on their big fat magager desks start quoting the most violent traumatic parts of the Quran, SCREAM and quote the beheadings, THROW shapes as if youre the singer at a heavy metal or hiphop concert. quote the terroristic the Asiha pedo shit, ex-muslim will show you what to quote about islam thats fucked....if they claim you insane say you want MORE money from the company and say you have nightmares from this workplace, say you lived with a ex muslim who was harassed and tortured by islamists and their trauma passed on to you, get yourself a small legal team, also claim political harassment in the workplace and good luck! https://voat.co/v/technology/3796497/23629003 You must win @FacelessScreaming

23490491? ago

remember islam calls africas blacks 'PUG NOSED SLAVES' and RAISIN HEADS https://voat.co/v/whatever/3778212

24479444? ago

Western are only fat because they dont work it off in the gym, the farmers field and the fighters ring anymore, that life has been castrated ... as for the kike and kebab rodent religion. To make food they torture animals for as long as possible, they also mutilate the genitals of kids, the founder of islam btw was a camel-jacker terrorist pedophile https://voat.co/v/Hiddenlol/3895918/24473168

24479459? ago

beans seems like a laxative, mixed with guinness black beer stout it might take only a micro second to shit it all out @Ken_bingo2

24487875? ago

a religion founded by a terroristic pedo? https://voat.co/v/news/3892921/24450727

23548107? ago

Why do kike and kebab hate the West? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3785641/23547253

23483409? ago

The religion founded of a camel jacking pedophile? https://voat.co/v/pics/3776907/23480673

23958033? ago

Their prophet was a terroristic pedo and there could be hope for the Turk roaches yet? https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3836513

23259221? ago


23248062? ago

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23234906? ago

Aloha Snackbar

23235286? ago

raghead bomathon is coming? https://voat.co/v/RamBomDrawCon/3745708

24324658? ago

extremist kike and jihad kebab...is there a connection? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3878199/24318515

23236438? ago

Thx for the link, fren.

23235431? ago

Hi @Rellik88 here and Owner of v/RamBomDrawCon

April 23 is the start of Ramdon. The time moslems go ape shit. So to do my part in pissing off moslems. Besides eating bacon that is.

Is starting and promoting the contest.

Have fun, its going to be a blast.

23234341? ago

So QRV is full of islamo apologist ragheads https://www.quora.com/Are-there-any-Ex-Muslims-on-Quora

24253759? ago

even sand niggers Hate Niggers, the founder of islam mohammad calls the African Black a Pug Nosed Slave and a 'Raisin Head' https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3870662

23234094? ago

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23233986? ago

Hasbara agitprop.

23234055? ago

the pedo death cult and the jihad invasion of America and Europe? https://voat.co/v/8chan/3727155

23234140? ago

23233926? ago

What is the Blackstone is it connected to Babylon, connected to Jewish Mystics, Egypt and Arab Paganism, was it once a place where old Arabs kissed the Anus and the Penis of a Moongod, and what of the 300 idols of Mecca and an old Hindu Vedic Moongod of Death from India The Kaaba~Mecca~Muslim~Shiva~Satan~CONNECTED!!?? https://voat.co/v/anon/3691889

23233964? ago

The moslem prophet is a mass murdering pedophile https://voat.co/v/QRV/3691894/22785621

23233335? ago

This isn't scriptural proof, retarded OP. These are stories of that era, with some of them fabricated.

23234162? ago

Thank you! Just watched Idiocracy (2006) and it's helping me distinguish unintelligence vs intelligence.

"Can't handle it" --> [leads to] expletives

23233876? ago

Read the so called holy islamic texts yourself, https://pretmetmohammed.wordpress.com/2012/11/08/save-sex/

23233756? ago

Who are you to say that this story is fabricated?

23234069? ago

These stories are called ahadith, meaning essentially “stories.” The term is usually translated as “prophetic narrations,” because they are mostly all stories about the prophet that people collected many decades after Muhammed died. They are not scriptural. However, many muslins study the various collections of ahadith because they believe that the prophet was an example by his words and actions of how people should live, speak, and behave. So, the reasoning goes, if we possess a story which has been handed down via a reliable chain of narrators (ones who are known for being trustworthy, truthful, and for having good memories / accurate recall), then we should study these stories for examples of right conduct.

So while these stories are not scriptural, they are very important to many Muslims. There is even an entire field of study called the science of Hadith, wherein scholars of ahadith grade the individual narrations according to quality and reliability.

The Hadith you shared above is given a grade of hasan meaning “good.” Actually, it’s only considered to be fair, because hasan is the middle grade, which is given to ahadith for which “the competence of one of its narrators is less than complete...” or having flaws which prevent it from being given the grade of Sahih.


23234034? ago

23233219? ago

I had to stop being a Christian once I realized how evil and crazy Islam is. It feels hypocritical to say that my God is real but their God is fake. Eventually I realized that all religions are poison. And as I learn more about Rome and The Pope I am really starting to think that all religion is poison. And I doubt that eastern religions are magically any better.

23233138? ago

Wasn't his wife around 7 years old when he married her? He started fucking her at around 9 or 10.

23234164? ago

Many Muslims believe that Aisha was wedded to Muhammed at age 9. But not all. Because it’s not from scripture (Quran), it’s a tale from tradition.

23233357? ago

Different era, different customs. That was his 5th wife, I think, and was mostly seen as a political marriage.

23234977? ago

Fuck off

23234214? ago

He dry humped the child like a horny dog would, at 9 he damages her body and rapes her, read the Quran or Koran again also read Hadith Sunnah al-bukhari they are translated into other langauges so even a foregner can see what islam is about, the founder and prophet of islam was a pedophile terrorist.

23234176? ago

Aisha was the fourth and final wife.

23236434? ago


23233654? ago

Right. Back then 10 year-old girls could give consent to being fucked by 50 year-old men.

23233953? ago

She was 6 yrs old, the pedo mohammed kidnapped her a dry humped her like a dirty old dog, when she was nine he raped her and damaged her body so she would never bear children. She possibly got revenge later in life and poisoned the pedo prophet.

23236460? ago

Why would he do that? He had mature wives. This was first and foremost a political marriage. Stop projecting.

23238873? ago

the prophet of islam was a pedophile, theif and a murderer, it says so in islamic texts, he was a sexual pervert and once dressed in a woman's clothes raped animals and had sex with his dead aunt.

23239062? ago

Lol wtf. You're a clown.

23233192? ago

If her age is on the clock, she’s old enough for cock.

23233180? ago

Mary was 13 or under when God arranged for her conception.

23235175? ago

Christians and the bible... full of filth. QRV attracts many of these pests; they think they know what's best for everyone. You should look up the recent flat earth post. I could go on and on - bible people are the worst.

23237440? ago

Are you are communist a kike or a shitlamic ?

23234150? ago

This isnt a debate about the Christian chuch you fucking retard, why do so many Roaches, Leftwings and Apologist do this, the Auto programmed knee jerk reaction to bash Christians, are you all brainwashed this way? Whenever someone speaks out about your favorite terrorists you must react and bash Christians are you programmed this way by hateful kikes or communist media. BTW this sub QRV has NO AGENDA it is a lot of chaos here, if you want to bash Christians there are PLENTY of posts here which bash the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church, the Mormons, the Protestants, the East Orthodox, the Masons, the little cult Chruches within America within Korea and Aus and Haiti and Hollywood you name it they get called out, nobody gets a pass here in QRV and islamics should not be either, their religion is especially evil within its foundations.

23234131? ago

That’s not in the Bible, but that would have been around the appropriate age of betrothal for the culture of that place and time. But no one lives now who knows.

23233903? ago

Aisha was 6 yrs old, a dirty old bandit murderer and a total pedo, 6 yrs old !! he was a terrorist pedophile who cheated his wives and inbred with his own family producing deformities. islam thinks him the perfect man.