Violent Koranimal sandniggers invade Europe, build islamist mosques other jihad outposts & pray to pedo terrorist prophet moohammad. Sandniggers then hijack streets and attack Danish politicians (
submitted 4.9 years ago by 3727155?
23234059? 4.9 years ago
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23092665? 4.9 years ago
23081196? 4.9 years ago
That was satisfying to watch.
If we let them come to Europe, we must sterilize them and never let them become over 10% of the population.
When they act up, beat the shit out of them.
This would result in endless real world entertainment.
23077425? 4.9 years ago
They were lucky that only 2 were there or they would have had to flee.
23077297? 4.9 years ago :
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23234059? ago
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23092665? ago
23081196? ago
That was satisfying to watch.
If we let them come to Europe, we must sterilize them and never let them become over 10% of the population.
When they act up, beat the shit out of them.
This would result in endless real world entertainment.
23077425? ago
They were lucky that only 2 were there or they would have had to flee.
23077297? ago :
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