DestroyerOfSaturn ago

But Facebook livestreamed it and supported it, just like the live stream of those one people torturing that one person, or all those suicides. Lifelog thinks they're smart.

Neon_daemon ago

Put it on mobile projectors and distribute thumb drives. Free speech

Pooh_on_a_Jew ago

They don't want people to reject their invaders

R4G3 ago

I've the full video and manifesto saved since the day of the event on multiple computers and external drives. Good luck deleting my copies from there, faggots.

CarthOSassy ago

What was the gist of the manifesto?

TrumpCantRead ago

Why do you want to fap to murder vids ya cunt. You have brain disease

Anson ago

You folks still seeding those torrents? You got your own private and encrypted pathways set up?

materialismo ago

Out of 1.5 million videos only one of them is a MLG parody:

Odin_inspires ago

That gives an easy way to estimate our own numbers.

Let us assume only the alt-right would try to upload this video to Facebook. Let us say one per family, i.e. 1 of 2 adults.

How many of us care enough about FB to have an account? 1 in 5 maybe?

Of those, how many would have the cojones to upload it tied to our own identity? 1 in 10 at best?

2 x 5 x 10 = 100

1.5 million x 100 = 150 million

We are legion

And our enemies are panicked enough that they make elementary mistakes and give us such useful info.

Do not be afraid

Deus Vult

Hail Odin

Hail the Victory

alele-opathic ago

And our enemies are panicked enough that they make elementary mistakes and give us such useful info.

This wasn't an 'elementary mistake'. They have been in the business of falsifying numbers for millennia, from demographics to the inflation rate to the very year we live in (hint: the current year isn't anywhere close to the year 2019, read Fomenko's work for a better analysis).

To assume it was an error is to make a grave underestimation.

Faradenza ago

Meanwhile, the news stories cover the face of the terrorist, and journalists on Twitter urge not to mention his name. Welcome to the times of the USSR, when information about maniacs was hidden to the last. WHY DO IT? I think people should know what the mongrel did it.

mediaisfooked ago

I'm re-watching the video now...with some heavy metal in the background. Makes an awesome movie. Can't wait for part 2.

vastrightwing ago

Amazing the the resources wasted constantly scrubbing the platform of unwanted content and banning unwanted people and bots.

anon200047 ago

Signed up cuz Reddit removed it and then banned wpd

garbage001 ago

And oddly the source of the news comes from india. Why is that? Is there a connection between the shooter & india, t-series? His first words were "subscribe to pewdiepie", why? and surprise, currently india hates muslims and pakistan.

anon200047 ago

Where can i watch the full 16 min video? I’ve seen a 6 min version that’s it

oligarchsalamander ago

You know damn well it's on 8chan

anon200047 ago

I must be retarded or something cuz I’ve found the 6 min hotline vid which was also here and an 8 min raw clip there but again not the 16 min vid will have to go back later to check

oligarchsalamander ago

Yes because I clicked on /v/videos here and found the 16 min clip on bitchute in less than a billionth of a millisecond (slight exaggeration)

anon200047 ago

Oh shit look at that

anon200047 ago

did you check if the video was still up tho I’ve seen links but bitchute have been little bitches and are censoring it. Either way I’ll go back there when im on my comp and wait to download a fresh upload

InternationalGoy ago

Kek. This needs to become a case study in how governments censor the internet of people in other nations.

We should really sue the New Zealand government for this.

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Fullmetal ago

Considering the kiwi cops have been sending takedown notices to websites that have absolutely nothing to do with New Zealand I think a lawsuit may be called for.

Police have an obligation to ensure they have jurisdiction before attempting to enforce any law. If they're outside of their jurisdiction then they have no authority. When New Zealand cops try to enforce their laws on the citizens of other countries they do so without any authority, but they're still trying to pull this shit under the guise of law. They're essentially trying to impersonate police officers from other countries. Fuck that.

sootyface ago

God no! i'm trying to share it around

mpac ago


sootyface ago

Can anyone link me to that short twitter video of those other two people in the shooting? I cant find it anywhere now.

Niggertown ago

Now (((they))) are saying that Tarrant acted alone. Well is that cell phone video of the other dark skinned guy standing with a rifle outside as he enters the mosque?

False flag, clearly.

Niggertown ago

Hmmmm... the guy in the video isn't wearing camo.

bigdikniqqa ago

moviefreak ago

Technically it's a hoax, but I am just happy you can see through it. The want them New Zealand guns out of the hands of the people.

BumFightChamp ago

kinda like sandy hook where they had arrested several dudes running around in fatigues, and people dressed in costumes running from the cops right after the initial call.

JustARandomStranger ago

The livestream of the mosque shootings in New Zealand, lasting 17 minutes

The video I have of the shooting I have is 16 minutes, 53 seconds long.

If isn't willing to publish the missing 7 seconds to that I can snag it and share it, I expect them to publish a retraction for their inaccuracy.

Blamenig ago

Cry more faggot. I'd see you cry when your family gets shot in a mall by some terrorist live

NeedleStack ago

You complain about "innocents" getting killed in a "terrorist" attack yet want his innocents to get killed in a terrorist attack.

I remember your earlier comment about two wrongs not making a right and then you went on to wish another dude's family death by terrorism. You're literally retarded.

Trousersnake1488 ago

I killed lots of Muslims on afghanistan, it's nice to see it happen in other places!!

Gorillion ago

Did you literally miss the last ten years of beheading videos, you fucking cunt?

Way more muslim-on-non-muslim violence and murder in the past week alone than in that video.

And it has history as a fucking terrorist radical recruitment center.

patrice_0neal88 ago


Howzat ago

Facebook should remove itself.

Augsberger ago

Agree, information is key! Hiding, censoring, removing of any kind of information just means you don't want the people to see reality.

ardvarcus ago

It already has from my life.

Blamenig ago

You should remove yourself from your life once your kids find out daddy fucks kids

BumFightChamp ago

wrong, all your friends still use it, so therefore you are tracked by proxy on it.

2fat2move ago


BumFightChamp ago

People that are in your sphere of influence that may capture your image on their device.

2fat2move ago

Government has cctv all over the public and at most intersections

JustARandomStranger ago

You have that one naggy friend who thinks you've left them behind.

They remind you of it. And you care.

LarryBagelstein ago

If the only way you stay in touch with someone is through Facebook -- you have left them behind. Let them go....and let Faceberg go too.

JustARandomStranger ago

The person who complained the hardest about me leaving FB was an atheist with ethnic Jewish heritage.

I am not on Facebook anymore, for what it's worth.