tongyep ago


shawnfromnh69 ago

Never, if they can get to that they can plant code to track me and everything so I'm done being paranoid. I'm just done giving tech libs my clicks so they keep making more money but sooner or later we get to the time when they are losing more than they can handle or if some real platform comes out that doesn't track but instead makes money just having static ads with no cookie. Now that is the way to run a site and it makes the site pages load tons faster also.

beece ago

Shit!. I did it. When you autocomplete the sentence and add an "on", in Google it says "Black on white crime", you get things like the SPLC "The Biggest Lie in the White Supremacist Propaganda Playbook: Unraveling the Truth About ‘Black-on-White Crime'" and links that this is a myth.

This is some Fucked up shit, thanks for the heads up. I came here as most of the search engines I was checking a few days back (different but similar bullshit) all seemed to have googles bullshit, so they are either google or they haven't been sued for copying them yet. Curious indeed.

Ones I was looking at:

DDG Xquick Startpage Qwant Metacrawler Gibiru Swisscows Yippy Discrete search Startpage Search Encrypt

combatveteran ago

Keep showing normies videos like this:

RemoteViewer1 ago

well we def learned that in 2018 there was no shortage of kid fucking jews around here

modsrcuntz ago

My favorite is called “searchencrypt” Has no censorship

LoveRight ago


theysayso ago

Goys-R-Us ago

It's only a matter of time before gets shoah-ed. That or Unz is controlled opposition.

GhostSkin ago


satisfyinghump ago

Google also delisted tons of independent medical/natural medicine themed websites a while back.

Use other search engines like Bing to search for medical info that's from independent research initiatives (the type which are NOT funded by the actual company/industry that is being investigated).

DArcyDonald ago


Jollyet ago

I use Yandex and it reminds me of how Google used to be before it became totally censored. Now, mind you, just like Google is run by ex-CIA spooks, Yandex is Russian and likely run by FSB spooks, so no doubt there will be bias there as well. But I find it's much better than Jewgle. For example, VDARE is not delisted from there as of the time I wrote this post.

mudbear ago

what are the russians gonna do? censor anti russian shit? pro israeli shit? homosexuality? i mean if i had to give one agency my laundry list id rather give it to the one that doesnt drone people off metadata

WhiteArrow1 ago

duckduckgo! And instead of Youtube (owned by Google) you can use dtube

Aldebaran7937 ago


combatveteran ago

I've heard that the owner of duckduckgo has a very shady background.

WhiteArrow1 ago

fake news. They were trying to put reputation of duckduckgo down. Always the same clowns who claim Russia Russia against Trump.

SumerBreeze ago

ddg is a default option in Apple safari, and it indeed is compromised

fkinglag ago

I had to scroll too far for the duckduckgo comment. Thanks for posting. Didn't know about the smearing, though.

Psilocyber ago


videocodec ago

Yandex. Because Russians don't give a shit. Want to test how SJW a search engine is search for jailbait. Try Yandex then try dogpile. It's almost funny how bad some search engines have gotten 1

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey goyim promote child rape


RicardoBronson ago

But for science

shawnfromnh69 ago

I was seeing what I could find for porn images on duckduckgo and I made a very nasty discover, in image search type nude family and there are a ton of underage images and I just closed my browser feeling my brain was raped seeing that disgusting shit.

ShinyVoater ago

Make sure to purge your cache if you don't have it set to do so automatically.

shawnfromnh69 ago

Went there once. BTW I didn't have to, I installed virtual box and it screwed some stuff up "it's shit sometimes" and I just reinstalled because I can do that in like 2 hours with everything I use installed also and all settings to what I like them. I got this shit down to a science now.

KublaiKhan ago

So is it a good DuckDuckGo alternative or just more trash?

popsikle ago

why did i do that?

SharpSliceOfMango ago

Yandex is hosted in the Neatherlands.

eronburr ago

yandex is older than google, not as large but older. It's not hosted in any one country just like yahoo, google, facebook, linkedin, etc are either.

Jollyet ago

The English version is hosted in the EU, but it's a Russian-owned and operated company.

15832787? ago

Goes through with the duck duck jew

Lyncher666 ago

Yeah, google image 'cocaine' or 'heroin' and see only pics of whites using it. Can see the few ns in a orange jumpsuit.

GoodGodKirk ago

Stormisbrewing ago

I like a lot of what VDare does, but this just goes to show that doing your damnedest not to mention Jews really doesn't make one lick of difference in how they view / treat you. If you're going to be lumped in with The Daily Stormer, you might as well name the Jew loud and proud while you can.

TheKnightOfGod ago

I use Qwant

HillaryClintonsShoe ago


StoneAgeTribeman ago

Still Jewish (Gabriel Weinberg).

Buffalonian ago

Still showing up on, rarely use Gaagle anymore

VitGet ago

Duckduckgo is headquartered in tel aviv.

ruck_feddit ago

DDG kind of fell from grace.

FuckYesJefferson ago

Never had any grace, it’s a Jew search owned by a data mining hobbit

ruck_feddit ago

DDG was the new hotness for anyone hating on Google. It was recommended everywhere, still is. Ironic that you are correct in your description, people know it's true, yet they still recommend it to others.

geovoat ago

. It was recommended everywhere, still is.

This is the clue its owned by a jew because they own all media.

Is voat owned by a jew?

admin2 ago

Duck Duck Go was caught a FEW TIMES TOTALLY DELETING ANTI JEW articles and then stopped the specific censoring when called out.

The most dramatic censoring on DuckDuckGo (a jewish company) was when duckduckgo delisted the site and its famous browser plugin. was shoahed completed by (((duckduckgo))) for over a day until pointed out here on voat! then it was number one search result again, as it was on google

i still prefer and use duckduckgo, but I know based on the past that it censors things not flattering to jews.

tokui ago

(((gabriel weinberg))) former user data vendor...

Buffalonian ago

Good to know, thanks!

Beta_Ray_Bill ago

Maybe searx?

RicardoBronson ago

This is probably a really boring common question, but how can anyone know that a searx instance hasn't simply modified the source code to track / spy and sell the info to the highest bidders? Sure it can claim it "doesn't track" etc. because it doesn't do so out of the box

TerrifiedTyphlosion ago

You are justified in your suspicions, and it is addressed here: (alternative: A quick summary of this link: using a public instance of searx means you must trust the host, even if you don't know specifically who it is. On the other hand, you can host your own private instance of searx, and you will then be in total control of the data you send and receive.

UnknownAlias365 ago

Lol everyone recommending Searx when all it does is use Jew owned search engines.

TerrifiedTyphlosion ago

Do you have any other recommendations?

UnknownAlias365 ago

Actually duckduckgo, but the circlejerk will jump my nuts for recommending it. It does use a wee bit of Google, but it mainly utilizes its own search engine. They also say shit like they've done shady crap in the past, but never include a source, so as far as I'm concerned, it's just speculative bullshit and rumors. It's also worked for me and has always been wonderful, I could do side by side comparisons with that and Google and get way better results with DDG that are uncensored.

Basically, there's really no concrete proof behind what they're accuse of doing. If they really did what people said they did, there'd be concrete, undeniable proof, but there just isn't as far as I'm concerned.

AbsolutelyNobody ago

Maybe exterminate every Jew regardless of age, affiliation, religion? I think we got something here. See. we are agreeing right off the bat. I like that.

Gopherurself ago

I mean I'm down.

AbsolutelyNobody ago

You get to be general of the Luftwaffe. I've already assigned @zyclon_b as head of the Waffen-SS.

Gopherurself ago

That's cool I got the balls made for steel war machines that pierce throughout the heveans.

AbsolutelyNobody ago

The skies are your limit. We need you to unfortunately bomb England, our brothers. Until they submit to the Führer, you keep attacking and bombing, okay?

Gopherurself ago

Fine time for a wake up call

AbsolutelyNobody ago

I woke up. Band together, brother.

Gopherurself ago

With you til the end brother.

shunpikah ago

Still censors places like /r/Conspiracy, just like Google. Been using Bing for the past month unfortunately.

skywalker7777 ago

It does, because it's a metaesearch engine that gets it's results from various sites such as Google, Bing etc.

shunpikah ago

Bing doesn't censor the subreddit.

tokui ago

What I use, inside Brave. It sometimes glitchy.

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

works for me in brave.

tokui ago

somtimes map doesnt result, have to do a work around. and some searches dont result in general.

combatveteran ago

I like it! Thanks.