Duion ago

It is time that people learn again how to enter a website name into the address bar by hand, but I'm not very confident that people are capable of that.

goatboy ago

...or the death rattle of big tech companies' monopoly over internet advertising dollars and their very existence...

This just looks like Ma Bell's response to magnetic tape recording media, Kodak's response to digital cameras, the Catholic church's response to movable type printing press- or a million other examples of monopolies being overthrown by innovation.

Jones's innovation to the marketplace was developing a way to pay for broadcasting and human face time without going through the gatekeepers at Madison Avenue.

Understand this one principle and everything else will make more sense: end users are not the customers of Big Technology Companies. End users are the product. Madison Avenue advertisers and actuarial firms (like insurance companies) are its customers.

The Big Tech companies have lost faith with their core customers, while Alex Jones and Alex Jones type media companies are taking over the market share slowly, by not adhering to established advertising norms and directly targeting consumers without consulting Madison Avenue or selling data to actuarialfirms. This is no bueno to marketers.

Taking down Alex Jones was probably meant to send a message to similar self funding media groups, but the message backfired.

moviefreak ago

It's just a psyop. They are promoting him. Prediction: Now Alex Jones is going to sue them and win, and everyone will be happy. They are trying to make this moron the standard of "conspiracy theorists". Only he never speaks of important stuff.

mxcviel ago

Can you explain, why then are blocking also people just talking about Jones ?

This one for instance is blocked in Germany: https://imgoat.com/uploads/2522a2b272/133668.jpg

Eurfs762 ago

Who the fuck is Alex Jones. dawg?

Mumbleberry ago


SpdDmn ago

Facebook Apple Google Spotify


lordvain2 ago

I think this is groups in the government pressuring these tech companies. Our tax dollars were spent to build and develop these companies. They are assets of the federal government. These dollars put these companies ahead of the competition, and put many startups out of business. Now these companies have a monopoly of the social networks, and say they are a private company and can do what they want to. This is controlled opposition and they are deciding the future of the internet right now. Our voice is being taken away.

drhitler ago

ill just kill one of the stupid fucks at random once they have taken enough that i dont care what happens to me anymore.

There is no dialogue with these people, its their way or the highway.

Elbower_of_Quants ago

Alex was the trophy, the big don of fringe, the chief scalp all the rich, digital Silicone crackers and weird, over-paid, America-hating, H1-b big-tech visa workers desperately desired to take down for years.

Due to the mounting losses of the Socialist DNC nutsos the Leninist troops across the land became desperate for sustenance, thirsty for ANYTHING called fuel during these times of political hardship... energy and emotional uptick provided by the tech generals entered the picture and was called the Alex Jones Scalp.

Now Huffpo, Slate, CNN, Buzzfeed, Vice imbeciles can sigh peacefully and satisfied for the next couple of weeks until they wake up in a month by the millions and realize the fucking dumb shit tech monarchs just turned what they thought was a dead trophy into a fucking living breathing icon on level Advanced.

kammmmak ago

I remember when the internet meant free from big brother and had that wild feel to it.

knightwarrior41 ago

i dont need to read the federalist to know this

Sentinel_94 ago

RIP free speech

Liberty4thewin ago

I'm optimistic about this, Its a call to create our own platforms, this is much better than giving the PTB more control over the internet, if you want that your going to be baking faggot cakes in your Christian bakeries too.

knightwarrior41 ago

Its a call to create our own platforms,

you need money and a decentralized internet to do just that

Alopix ago

Money isn't a barrier, because shit like this can succeed on its own. It could, rather.

But to run a business you need access to (((finance.))) You need a bank account, and the ability to process payments(by normies instantly with dollars in one step) and possibly lending. But finance is even more cucked than tech and freezes, suspends or cancels accounts of sites like Voat.

knightwarrior41 ago

But finance is even more cucked than tech and freezes, suspends or cancels accounts of sites like Voat.

this type of thing should be illegal because it leads to nothing but censorship and ostracizing people just because they dont exhibit a desired behavior.its over,if you cant have access to banks and the like

i suspect that not in a distant future,they would cancel and ban alex jones and others sites for whatever excuse they like (hate speech,ideological terrorism etc etc)

Alopix ago

It's already been weaponized by liberal government https://voat.co/v/politics/1843904

Liberty4thewin ago

Well really most of us just need to support the alternate platforms by using them and or donating money. For example infogalactic.com is a replacement for Wikipedia. Gab for Twitter..... I support Arkhaven comics by buying their Alt-hero comics, since the SJW infestation in Marvel etc.

knightwarrior41 ago

Well really most of us just need to support the alternate platforms by using them and or donating money. For example infogalactic.com is a replacement for Wikipedia. Gab for Twitter..... I support Arkhaven comics by buying their Alt-hero comics, since the SJW infestation in Marvel etc.

at least you are doing something but it takes alot of money to run a social media outlet.how much does the voat owner spend out of his own pocket a month?the bill must be insane.its not easy,you also gotta have the know how and some people that you trust and will lend you a hand with support and other miscellaneous stuff

its very difficult to create something like facebook or google that started with govt backing almost from the start.

also think about this,if each side of the aisle has their own platforms then where are the discussions and difference of opinion are going to come from?

the left will gravitate to the left and ditto for the right.what about the people that are in the middle?see what i mean? if you want a hugbox by all means knock yourself out but i'd rather be on a place where difference of opinions are tolerated which sadly its not happening in most mainstream venues and i would assume that the same would happen to something that is pure "alt right"

freedom of speech should be above political leanings and here we have the sorry spectacle of people being persecuted for whatever reasons they have on govt and social life. this is not the america that the founders fathers fought for.maybe its the one that marx,lenin,stalin,castro,maduro and hitler fought for....

censorship has no ROOM on A TRUE,FREE society!

Liberty4thewin ago

Arkhaven got started with a few thousand backers and is in the top of sales on amazon. If amazon kicks them they are sold via castalia house where they cant be kicked. Not saying we HAVE to leave their forums, or kick them from ours. If they want to come to alt platforms and be civil fine, if not bye. Like I said there are already existing platforms we can support, if you value a content creater throw them a few bones, if not, okay. Its not that hard. Sure anything worth doing isnt easy.

hels ago

I'd disagree and say it's the government or TPTB. If you owned jewtube why would you take away page views? All you're doing is driving traffic elsewhere which is the first step to failure.

It's like that faggot who had a huge following and then went full retard in Japan's suicide forest making a scene around a man who hung himself. I don't think they should have banned him from posting videos (don't know if he is still banned)but he would have lost a large following out of principle.

slwsnowman40 ago

Disqus gave them the boot today as well.

speedisavirus ago

That title is literally fact. It's about liberals controlling information. Not that infowars is a source of information but they suppress outlets like fox, daily wire, and breitbart too.

midnightblue1335 ago

Hey dummies, you know you can still watch all of Info Wars bullshit, right? www.infowars.com

They got thrown off of TWO websites and everyone's acting like they've been entirely scrubbed from existence on the internet. The hysteria is real, and it's disturbing to see how easily whipped into a frenzy you all are; ban some celebrities off of jew-Tube and FaceBris, and suddenly "ZOMG THEY'RE COMING FOR US!?!!1"

As a man who doesn't use any of that bullshit, I would find this amusing if it didn't seem like this could be a publicity stunt. InfoWars is going to make more money this week than any other week, because of all the donations they solicit from this incident.

CowboyXero ago

Let me ask you something. Are you alright with anyone telling you that you're not allowed to access information of a certain kind?

midnightblue1335 ago

No. But I am okay with someone telling me "I don't carry that information because [insert reason here]." If I owned a YouTube like platform, I'd take measures to ensure SJW faggots don't infest the place, because I don't want that shit stinking up my platform. YouTube has that right, so does Facebook.

This is NOT a fucking "free speech" issue, and you're just buying into the hysteria if you think it is. A double standard? Absolutely- the shit that youtube and FB let people get away with is shocking; in the meantime, they'll ban relatively moderate, harmless statements of objective fact. It's retarded- BUT IT ISN'T VIOLATING YOUR HUMAN RIGHTS.

Or am I missing the part of the Constitution that says "All men shall have the right to vieweth whatever content he chooses on the platforms of YouTube and Facebook. Any YT or FB employees who interfere with such right shall be tried for treason, and hanged if found guilty."?

YT and FB have the right to kick whoever they want off their stupid platform, for whatever reason they choose- it's their property. Or are you okay with forcing certain websites to host content that they don't want to host?

CowboyXero ago

You've missed something. Facebook and YouTube, yes, have taken his material off for vague reasons which they will not clarify at all. It IS part of a political push as detailed here. There's a bill in Congress, it's officially political and yes, that makes it a free speech issue.

Maybe you're too young to remember and I'm convinced that it was before my time but there was such a thing as Corporate Towns way back in the early days. In those towns, one company literally owned every sidewalk, the square, the stores, the churches, homes, all of it. There was a woman distributing leaflets who was told she was not able to do so, as per her right, due to the entire town being owned by that company. If she didn't cease and desist, she'd be arrested for trespassing. She was and was convicted but a higher court overturned the conviction stating that the town was the functional equivalent of a municipality, and that the First Amendment fully applied to expressive activities on the company-owned sidewalks and streets of the town.

That's what Facebook, Google, Twitter, Pinterest, Apple and LinkedIn are at this rate. They're the equivalent of a digital company town and, until such time as a viable competitor arises which truly competes, Every Amendment In That Bill of Rights Is Their Responsibility To Uphold.

Let's talk about a couple of other things. Facebook is now a public company as they're publicly traded on the stock market, same as Twitter, Apple and Microsoft. That means, they're not privately-owned anymore. They gotta make those stockholders happy and that means keeping customers coming back and making them as much money as they can. Personally, I'm all for "If you don't like it, stop fucking buying it." but when you want to promote your site, your blog, your program, your band or your brand, where the hell do you think you're going to go? Literally every business in the US does business with those big ass brands and if you think that any large businesses are going to snuggle up to Gab or Bitchute (and I'm not knocking them), you're fucking kidding yourself.

Let's also keep in mind that Jones was effectively erased from LinkedIn which is a glorified online resume. For what exactly? He never posted the first bit of content there. That was just fucking petty.

Now, the difference between the hypothetical platform you mention and this shit? You'd own it, you'd make the rules. Once it got to a certain size, it would be well out of your control. If it became a damn-near monopoly juggernaut, you could expect to be taken to court over the very same issues, if not, taken to court to have your megacorp busted up into smaller groups

Case In Point, Vid.me had a great platform, a better partner system than YouTube and were superior in many many ways but eventually even they folded and, looking at BitChute only getting 24% of what they need to stay afloat (per their own website) exactly how long do you really think they're going to stay afloat? People like me, can't in any way afford to toss them anything in terms of money. Trust in one thing, since Obama took office, we're a fucking service industry barely scraping by most times.

Final point and, this needs to be pointed out, our current president got elected due to MSSM. If not for that, chances are he might have very well been beaten in the election, maybe he wouldn't but there's a heavy chance that he wouldn't have won by the landslide he did...and we have the midterm elections coming up. You think these colossal companies don't know this? You're dreaming if you do. Wake up. With most if not all of the attention now focused on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, where do you think the influence is going to be? Everyone from conservatives to libertarians and even Constitution Party candidates or supporters will be forced into a thought cage just to stay on the platform while these fringe elements that have taken over the Ass Party (Let's face it, you pick a donkey, I'm calling it an ass) being able to do or say whatever they like. It's pretty deliberate.

Maybe you're still not convinced, fine, whatever but remember, these people already forced The Daily Stormer off their domain provider and practically onto the deep web, out of sight, out of mind. Personally, got no love for TDS but fully support them being able to be just as visible as the SPLC. One event like this, as big as this, okay, maybe you're right. But with a history of it happening AND no valid competition, I'm not buying that argument.

Look, my own parents don't tell me what kind of content I will or will not consume. My wife doesn't tell me what I can and can't consume in media. I tuned out of Jones when he once said he knew how bad it was and he couldn't tell us because we wouldn't be able to handle it. Motherfucker, I don't need a goddamn gatekeeper and I'll be damned if any of these companies decide to white knight for me. They need to seriously slow their goddamn roll.

There's more here if you would care to read a short report on it.

knightwarrior41 ago

You've missed something. Facebook and YouTube, yes, have taken his material off for vague reasons which they will not clarify at all. It IS part of a political push as detailed here. There's a bill in Congress, it's officially political and yes, that makes it a free speech issue.

Maybe you're too young to remember and I'm convinced that it was before my time but there was such a thing as Corporate Towns way back in the early days. In those towns, one company literally owned every sidewalk, the square, the stores, the churches, homes, all of it. There was a woman distributing leaflets who was told she was not able to do so, as per her right, due to the entire town being owned by that company. If she didn't cease and desist, she'd be arrested for trespassing. She was and was convicted but a higher court overturned the conviction stating that the town was the functional equivalent of a municipality, and that the First Amendment fully applied to expressive activities on the company-owned sidewalks and streets of the town.

That's what Facebook, Google, Twitter, Pinterest, Apple and LinkedIn are at this rate. They're the equivalent of a digital company town and, until such time as a viable competitor arises which truly competes, Every Amendment In That Bill of Rights Is Their Responsibility To Uphold.

Let's talk about a couple of other things. Facebook is now a public company as they're publicly traded on the stock market, same as Twitter, Apple and Microsoft. That means, they're not privately-owned anymore. They gotta make those stockholders happy and that means keeping customers coming back and making them as much money as they can. Personally, I'm all for "If you don't like it, stop fucking buying it." but when you want to promote your site, your blog, your program, your band or your brand, where the hell do you think you're going to go? Literally every business in the US does business with those big ass brands and if you think that any large businesses are going to snuggle up to Gab or Bitchute (and I'm not knocking them), you're fucking kidding yourself.

Let's also keep in mind that Jones was effectively erased from LinkedIn which is a glorified online resume. For what exactly? He never posted the first bit of content there. That was just fucking petty.

Now, the difference between the hypothetical platform you mention and this shit? You'd own it, you'd make the rules. Once it got to a certain size, it would be well out of your control. If it became a damn-near monopoly juggernaut, you could expect to be taken to court over the very same issues, if not, taken to court to have your megacorp busted up into smaller groups

Case In Point, Vid.me had a great platform, a better partner system than YouTube and were superior in many many ways but eventually even they folded and, looking at BitChute only getting 24% of what they need to stay afloat (per their own website) exactly how long do you really think they're going to stay afloat? People like me, can't in any way afford to toss them anything in terms of money. Trust in one thing, since Obama took office, we're a fucking service industry barely scraping by most times.

Final point and, this needs to be pointed out, our current president got elected due to MSSM. If not for that, chances are he might have very well been beaten in the election, maybe he wouldn't but there's a heavy chance that he wouldn't have won by the landslide he did...and we have the midterm elections coming up. You think these colossal companies don't know this? You're dreaming if you do. Wake up. With most if not all of the attention now focused on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, where do you think the influence is going to be? Everyone from conservatives to libertarians and even Constitution Party candidates or supporters will be forced into a thought cage just to stay on the platform while these fringe elements that have taken over the Ass Party (Let's face it, you pick a donkey, I'm calling it an ass) being able to do or say whatever they like. It's pretty deliberate.

Maybe you're still not convinced, fine, whatever but remember, these people already forced The Daily Stormer off their domain provider and practically onto the deep web, out of sight, out of mind. Personally, got no love for TDS but fully support them being able to be just as visible as the SPLC. One event like this, as big as this, okay, maybe you're right. But with a history of it happening AND no valid competition, I'm not buying that argument.

Look, my own parents don't tell me what kind of content I will or will not consume. My wife doesn't tell me what I can and can't consume in media. I tuned out of Jones when he once said he knew how bad it was and he couldn't tell us because we wouldn't be able to handle it. Motherfucker, I don't need a goddamn gatekeeper and I'll be damned if any of these companies decide to white knight for me. They need to seriously slow their goddamn roll.

There's more here if you would care to read a short report on it.

excellent post

CowboyXero ago

Thanks. Just a lot that needed to be said. Honestly it's just where I'm coming from and if anyone agrees, great, I posted a petition just for the purpose. If not, Okay but remember, they're not testing the waters anymore, this is a full-on move. The Daily Stormer, James Damore (sp?), The Adpocalypse 1 & 2: The Dwindling and now this? And these are just the ones we know of. There's a good chance they've mounted coordinated attacks on anyone small and coming up that don't have the resources to fight them. With Vid.me gone, and only real.video and bitchute, the question becomes How Much Time Do Any of Us Have Left?

knightwarrior41 ago


no problem but too bad that other people cant see this too

uab ago

Apparently there really is a war on for your mind... 😯

knightwarrior41 ago

Apparently there really is a war on for your mind.

and your soul as well

clubberlang ago

(((and for other purposes.)))

GutterTrash ago

We all talk about what we are no longer able to see that we know about but not enough of us talk about the alternative news outlets that will never be because of shit like this.

midnightblue1335 ago

Uh, hey, you can still see all of Alex Jones' bullshit. You just have to look on their website instead of jewtube or facebook.

Liberty4thewin ago

For now, wait untill they get their domain name seized, is it okay to pay attention then?

cantaloupe6 ago

It seems every alt site should have an onion as well. At least to post updates if a site goes down, due to cloudflare.

Liberty4thewin ago

Yeah, almost forgot about that. Maidsafe looked promising I wonder what they are doing these days, also theres an alternative Dns type services like namecoin and there was another one I cant think of but you have to change your dns servers.

midnightblue1335 ago

If that happened, and it somehow broke whatever contract the owner of the domain had with the ISP, then yes, that's a real problem. And it will certainly be addressed in civil court.

That's not what is happening here. YouTube and Facebook specifically decided that they don't want to promote Jones. That's their decision. You can't force someone to support and spread the message of someone they don't want to support.

There are absolutely absurd double standards, yes- InfoWars gets zapped off those platforms while jihadist pages still remain active and untouched. It's insanity. Do you really want to be a part of a platform that has practices like this, even if it makes you money? Or do you have at least a handful of scruples?

The lesson from all of this is: DON'T PUT ALL OF YOUR EGGS INTO SOMEONE ELSE'S BASKET, especially if you/your eggs are diametrically opposed to the eggs of the asshole holding the basket; because one day, they might decide they're sick of carrying your shit, and dump your eggs right out onto the pavement. And suddenly you're a victim? "The guy who volunteered to carry my eggs 7+ years ago just threw my eggs out!! I'm a victim! Sure, my eggs have changed and rotted a bit over the years, the guy didn't want them in his basket anymore, BUT PITY ME!!"

Ridiculous when you look at it through the lens of "not forcing people to do things they don't want to", isn't it?

Alopix ago

"Destroying western civilization is fine, as long as it happens by contract or for profit" -internet libertarians

midnightblue1335 ago

Throwing someone off of YouTube and FaceBook is "destroying Western civilization"? You need to go outside and get some fresh air. Gay social media is the least of the problems facing the West.

Let's not forget that Alex Jones has made YT tons of money. Does that mean he is assisting in the destruction of civilization? Because he funded the very people who "silenced" him (he's only been "silenced" on two websites), does that make him partially responsible?

JusLurking ago

Thank you for the correct framing. Makes a huge difference to the story.

ninjajunkie ago

Upon review, we have taken it down for glorifying violence … and using dehumanizing language

But the videos by NowThis and The Root are still calling for violence against whites. Funny how that works.

uvulectomy ago

NowThis and The Root. Possibly the two most pants-on-head retarded publications outside of BuzzFat. Nothing but pure, unadulterated garbage and/or degeneracy.

daserlkonig ago

The question is what else are they already banning and we don't know it?

CalebOutdoors ago

wow so deep...

daserlkonig ago

Like a kiddie pool.

Baichu ago

There's going to be a ban on being white.

Dirty_Money ago

It's going to be hard to ignore whites killing white Congress feigning outrage over being white.

clubberlang ago

Other than the blatant push to get everyone forced to speak non gender english. This seems to be another suppression of speech.

hels ago

Yep, Castrodeau changing the Canadian National Anthem from "In all they son's command" to "In all of us command". Sounds stupid and like something an 8yo would write.

clubberlang ago

You have to appease the pedos and dehumanize people for the next wave of indoctrination

13498046? ago

Its not really working, only for those that stick to TV mainstream and Internet Main stream (youtube, reddit). I guess all these failing industries because of politics finally caused them to act.

voltronsdicks ago

At some point, Conservatives are going to have to get together and create their own social networks otherwise they're in danger of being censored from all major platforms.

Time to fight back.

knightwarrior41 ago

At some point, Conservatives are going to have to get together and create their own social networks otherwise they're in danger of being censored from all major platforms.

faux news would like a word with ya

voltronsdicks ago

Are you fucking stupid?

knightwarrior41 ago

Are you fucking stupid?

oh you are angry,why?calm down faggot.

voltronsdicks ago

dumb faggots like you make my head hurt.

knightwarrior41 ago

dumb faggots like you make my head hurt.

your insults will get you nowhere and actually make you look bad because insulting is not debating or expressing a point of view of the why you believe in a certain matter or way.but we all know here that you are an asshole and assholes just retort to petty insults instead of having a frank and intelligent discussion