h1b_slave ago

Hatred towards H1B workers is absolutely irrational and crazy. As a former Russian H1B slave I can attest that for every single H1B worker there were at least 10 fake ex-soviet Jew refugees. Majority of which got 1st class pension without working a single day in US, 1st class free medical services while Americans were dying in lines in ER, free living in best neighborhoods, free food, etc. Some of them were former "communism scientists" or even Stalin's executioners, all of them without exception were privileged class in USSR and yet now they are portrayed as "victims of communism". And all the anger is funneled toward "low waged" (most H1Bs I know were having 6 figures salary 15 years ago, myself included) workers. That was one of many things that puzzled me in America.

BlockMe ago

That's a new perspective.

What's fascinating about the H1b story is that the culprits are US corporations and specifically the CEO/CFOs who want to cut costs in order to make the current quarter look good, but the blame falls on the H1b employees and outsourcing companies.

The latter are merely meeting the demand created by the US companies.

h1b_slave ago

Jews was a backbone of Soviet regime, it is collapsed without their support. So those drone US "citizens" I mention are obviously needed more for America than any workers including its own, judging that nobody even trying to question why former "communism scientists" now getting capitalists pension from the pockets of Americans. My point is that its irrational to blame working immigrants that you getting couple of cent less when gazillions are being literally dispersed from helicopters, spent on fake refugee programs and other sabotage operations against other countries.

SkinnyMagna ago

I am really, really tired of the shit wages and purple squirrel demands in the tech market. Maybe this'll make a dent in the bullshit expectations heaped on tech workers these days.

darth_json ago

Nudge squad bitches!

lexsird ago

Jewberg whining about not making more shekels off of exploiting us? Gee. I'm shocked. Fuck immigrants and fuck companies that hire them over Americans.

dirt-reynolds ago

Let's get this stuff moving, I need a new job.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Step 1: Create job postings with requirements so specific that no one meets them or ridiculously low salaries for the level of expertise required

Step 2: Make public statement that there aren't enough American workers to fill the positions

Step 3: Apply for h1b visas

Repeat ad infinitum

burns29 ago

The H-1B program has become nothing more than a cheap labor import business at the expense of American workers. America doesn't need these people.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Even though Silicon Valley sees the H-1B program as one of its top political priorities, this campaign of reform by red tape has avoided the frantic political fights surrounding other aspects of immigration, like the proposed travel ban or the cancellation of DACA

Oh, very clever. Bloomburg is attempting to associate this move with unrelated actions related to immigration. This way the economic arguments are ignored. "reform by red tape" is an especially slick turn of phrase. Scrooge is wearing Little Timmy's cloak and hoping no one will recognize him.

PollyFandango ago

Anyone with a basic grasp of international business and economics should understand the benefit of having a system such as this in a limited capacity.

Lets say I am leading a research team for IBM related to quantum computing. We have no shortage of college graduates to fill general roles and even a few experienced researchers, but I am having a hard time finding highly experienced researchers with experience with very specific equipment as the research matter and equipment is not prevalent in the US yet. I hear about a team of researchers who have the exact experience I need for the job based out of Germany that are willing to relocate. I request from the funds from IBM to acquire the team and now I have a competitive research team.

Orrr... I could just take whats available in the country, let my team under perform, and allow a large American company to become less competitive against other international entities.

The concept is sound and the idea makes sense, the problem is that the program has been SEVERELY abused in recent times. It wasnt meant for you to find a programmer or a graphic designer, and it certainly was never intended to be used as permanent solution to lowering wages.

manxman ago

And Edison, and HP, and Oracle, and Amazon, and AT&T ...... I could go on for a VERY long time. America sold out it’s citizens starting back in the mid 80s, it’s just rampant now.

This is not new and is only getting traction (very little, but traction none the less) because Trump brought it up. Remember how fast people forgot the “great sucking sound” Ross Perot mentioned? The media and corporate America made sure that died on the vine right quick. They’re trying damn hard again!

tendiesonfloor ago

Everybody in IT out there sit back for a moment and realize, that without the H1-B program and offshoring, you'd be making 33-50% more, annually.

WD_Pelley ago

But a crackdown has been in the works, albeit more quietly. Starting this summer, employers began noticing that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services was challenging an unusually large number of H-1B applications. Cases that would have sailed through the approval process in earlier years ground to a halt under requests for new paperwork. The number of challenges — officially known as “requests for evidence” or RFEs — are up 44 percent compared to last year, according to statistics from USCIS. The percentage of H-1B applications that have resulted in RFEs this year are at the highest level they’ve been since 2009, and by absolute number are considerably higher than any year for which the agency provided statistics.

So, in short: ICE is doing their job?

Stlcards ago

its not ICE its USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services)

ShowMeYourKitties ago

Heres an idea: Hire American

Problem solved.

XSS1337 ago

and ?

Leg0z ago

As someone in IT, H-1B reform cannot come fast enough. Tech companies abuse the shit out of it. I like that they are starting with saying "OK, prove that you can't hire an American to do this job."

Sev_ ago

Yep. Aside from the direct replacement of skilled American workers with H-1B immigrants (there are entire industries dedicated to getting around H-1B requirements so you can hire offshore) there is the indirect suppression of wages for most, if not all IT positions. Highly skilled, qualified US IT workers are essentially forced to compete with indentured servants, who are often subsidized by tax credits and grants given to the employer.

Cat-hax ago

I like how the first paragraph blames trump not the faggots who block him on every move.

Stlcards ago

count me among those who blame him for not trying anything. I'd agree with your if he had tried something/anything on this front (he has not) and seen resistance. But I've felt letdown in H1B regard. All talk, no action at his level


tholinz ago

My SO has one of these working at his company. He’s a libertarian, so he thinks that international competition for skilled jobs is a good thing. He likes the dude who’s on the HB1. But even he’ll admit that if he was asked by immigration officials, he couldn’t logically defend hiring a foreigner over an American for the position.

Fourtree ago

International completion for skilled jobs as a good thing.....

Further evidence that lolbertrians are retards. Does he have any idea what that does to wages and the standard of living? Does he have any concept of supply and demand at all?

This is why everyone thinks dudeweedertians are total jokes.

Mr_Quagmire ago


peacegnome ago

Until the employment of citizens is at 100% there should be no h-1b employees. I am very qualified for many tech jobs, but with some it is impossible to get even an interview; that should not be the case.

Look around at any place that lives off of government grants, and look at the make-up of who gets that money. In stem related fields i would say that it is well under 50% citizens, and under 20% white citizens. Just walk around in a research facility at UCLA or any major research university; the faculty are not american, the researchers are not american, BUT it is all funded by america.

xberb ago

I doubt you're very qualified - or you're looking in a saturated market. Look elsewhere.

The tech field is booming, just because you're lazy doesn't mean you can't get a job somewhere

piratse ago

Well...no. But I understand the sentiment. What if you needed 100 people to work in your specific industry but there's only 80 in the US. There's no way to meet 100% employment and cover all business needs.

And before you rage reply about how the system is abused to hire foreigners for cheap, I know. But 100% employment has little to do with what visas were intended for.

peacegnome ago

so what is the reason there were only 80? could 20 more be trained? are there 20 american students studying a related field that you could convince to learn the required material in exchange for jobs when they were done?

We both know the answers to these questions; if the h-1bs dried up the companies would go back to how they were and they would have plenty of employees.

piratse ago

Well no, you can't just train anyone to do anything. And you can't always wait for graduates either. Not to mention that they may not even want to work for your company. Your view of the world doesn't exist.

Morbo ago

I'm not saying you're wrong, but if there is work so specific to a small number of highly specialized people, then the company needing this work is too niche to rely on organically finding qualified employees. This almost guarantees that they would need to hire close but not fully qualified people and bring them up to skill. What could possibly be so urgent and demanding that there isn't time to train people to the required level. Your scenario sounds unrealistic and any company demanding such things is probably greatly exaggerating their need or their technology. Companies need to remember that people are not a resource to be bought when they need them. If there are only 80 qualified American citizens to do the job, then instead of simply looking abroad for foreign workers, they need to adjust their ambitions and make sure they properly entice their would-be domestic candidates before complaining that they can't get the workers they need. It's a market. Employees must be invested in not simply bought like cattle or widgets. This mindset is what is wrong with corporate interests these days. We don't need a visa program to fix this. We need a return to our senses and sensibilities. Let the other nations keep their qualified people and have them turn their shithole country into a competitor so everyone gets a better opportunity. Their nations are not employee farms that grow talent for American corporate money.

xberb ago

A logical answer on Voat, weird.

Usually it's just 'muh jerbs, damn injans'

The fact is there are people willing to work harder for less money than you, sucks to suck, but that's the free market.

peacegnome ago

i didn't say "train anyone to do anything". For example, could a chemistry PhD do the work of a chemical engineer with a little bit of on the job training? Could a math PhD who spent 8 years coding for their work transition to programming for a company?

There is only one job that i know of that is so specialized that very few people can do it, and few can be trained, and that is the splicing and insulating by hand of high voltage cables. There are seriously like a handful of guys (i can actually say guys here because it is 100%) in the world who can do it, and they are flown all over for it. It would be a great use for an H-1B

If you name a common H-1B job i bet i could name an underemployed group of people who could be trained for it quickly.

M346 ago

Yeah that's true, why do some jobs "need" a degree.

samuraichococat ago

in the Seattle area, Amazon and Microsoft are basically entirely Indian companies, as a white male the best you can hope for is being hired as a contractor, and even then its trendy to discriminate against whites here in favor of 150% diversity. this liberal insanity needs to be put to death for ever, we don't need any more Indians we need Americans working or being trained up in "streetshitting" or whatever it is that Indians do better then Americans.

rhy ago

How dare you sir? As an American, I am quite well versed in Street shitting.

neuroelectronic ago

I was able to get in to Amazon by taking a 50% pay cut and undercutting the Indians by taking on the responsibilities of two positions.

samuraichococat ago

sure am glad i got my white privileged in a high rent area, aren't you ;)

it wouldn't be so bad getting fucked like this if you still made good money, but it seems like the more competent you are at something the less they want to pay you. then when you finally DO find a job in addition to jewing you down in pay they find the most brain dead asshat they can and put them in-charge of you... FUCK H1B, FUCK MSP's!!!

neuroelectronic ago

Sure, I had to move every 12 months and my rent was 1/3 of my paycheck but now I have Amazon on my resume.

Cheap_Knockoff ago

IIRC, 100% employment is never possible due to the "natural rate of unemployment."

So, in other words, there's never a need for such programs anyway.

burns29 ago

Every position should demonstrate that there are no American applicants before an H-1B Visa is approved. Position must be advertised annually. Degrees must be from Accredited US Universities before they are considered for job requirements. H-1B visa abuse is so obvious, it would be better to cancel the whole program.

peacegnome ago

in a perfect world if you are able to work, and you choose not to, then you die. There will be people "between work", or people who are supported by family, but they would be under pressure to work.

I will also point out that in a perfect world it would cost very little to exist; taxes and other required bills make sure that it costs enough that you need to have a good income in order to not be a burden on society.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

in a perfect world if ... you choose not to (work) then you die.

I don't want ever live in your perfect world.

peacegnome ago

the amount of work wouldn't need to be much, maybe work for one year in your entire life if you wanted to.

Gamio ago

I really wouldn't call that a perfect world. You could probably say its a more even playing field but a part of society should not have to live as a wage slave just so you can say its a perfect world.

"but my taxes" your income tax isn't that big of a deal because most taxes are completely unavoidable and shake down the young, old, rich, poor and everyone in between in some way, shape, or form. Just because you're on welfare doesn't mean you get out paying sales or property taxes does it?

And then there is the process of deciding who is able to work and who is not, I think you'd find that some people will go to the greatest lengths possible to prove they can not work because at the end of the day they do not want to or simply can not find work that is capable of supporting themselves.

peacegnome ago

I really wouldn't call that a perfect world. You could probably say its a more even playing field but a part of society should not have to live as a wage slave just so you can say its a perfect world.

The amount of work could be very little, like "i will teach your children algebra in exchange for food and a place to sleep", or "i will do 1/100th of the work on this farm that can feed 100 people". That is why the "price to exist" is so important, as this goes through the roof so does your ability to work less, even if you live modestly.

"but my taxes" your income tax isn't that big of a deal because most taxes are completely unavoidable and shake down the young, old, rich, poor and everyone in between in some way, shape, or form. Just because you're on welfare doesn't mean you get out paying sales or property taxes does it?

if you are on welfare you (typically) get more money from the state than you pay to the state. So if you are taxed on something you will be "reimbursed" for that. Taxes are a big deal because they make the baseline for existing much higher than it would be otherwise. If i wanted to just live in a house in los angeles, that was fully paid off, i would still need to come up with about $1k per month because of property taxes and required utilities. This means that i couldn't just do small jobs for food, i would need to actually have at the very least an actual part time job.

And then there is the process of deciding who is able to work and who is not, I think you'd find that some people will go to the greatest lengths possible to prove they can not work because at the end of the day they do not want to or simply can not find work that is capable of supporting themselves.

This is why i pointed out that you would be supported by your family and pressured into working. you might be able to fool the government, but if your brother is feeding you then you had better be pretty bad off if you aren't helping. People on welfare aren't out picking up trash (the opposite is true in my experience), they aren't planting trees, volunteering at the retirement home, working at churches, etc. we shouldn't stand for that shit. even if you are in a wheelchair you can help with a lot of things, and it gives meaning to your life.

people on welfare should live worse than people not on welfare, no one should want to be on welfare. One of my solutions, and a similar one for healthcare, is to have a base livable diet that any citizen could go collect from the center. It would typically be government cheese, flour, rice, beans, and eggs. If you want something else then go get a job.

speedisavirus ago

It's almost like H1-Bs are supposed to be for positions that there isn't ample workers for. Skilled jobs that have more demand than supply. It's almost like most of the unemployed aren't suitable for those jobs.

RoBatten ago

The program has been abused to only provide lower-cost indentured employees to corporations who's shareholders benefit from it.

speedisavirus ago

Not only. Some yes. Some no.

peacegnome ago

yes, that is the talking point, but I am saying that it is not true. If americans don't even get interviewed for the jobs that ends up being filled by an H-1B, then there is something wrong going on. In tax-funded research especially, tax dollars are being used to give experience to non-americans, and then when industry needs people in that field there is a lack of experienced workers... it wasn't that long ago that companies courted american students while they were still in college and the students had contracts that they would work for the companies before the graduated. what changed? H-1B.

xberb ago

It is true though

lanre ago

Yup, when you don't want to train employees anyone and want everyone to be replaceable parts then you run into the problem of no one qualified wanting to accept your conditions. So you solve that by introducing H-1B.

BlockMe ago

So that companies can save $$$?

KikeFree ago

Who then go on to claim a loss in the USA and move their profit to a tax shelter. Socialize costs, privatize profit.

M346 ago

So the first example the guy hires his buddy that needs an H1B, it didn't mention whether or not he interviewed any Americans first but I assume he did not.

peacegnome ago

I really hope that this guy gloating about it causes a followup by the government. They obviously feel safe enough talking about it, and you are right, he wanted to hire his non-american friend for a job that many americans could do.

Thrus2 ago

The fact that it is routinely called a lottery wasn't a hit that something was vastly broken with it?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

No, in fact that has nothing to do with the things that are broken about it.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/XOlls | :

Trump's H-1B Reform Is to Make Life Hell for Immigrants and Companies - Bloomberg

'The H-1B program is controversial largely because IT firms based in India have used it to hire for rote computer programming jobs. '

'The overall number of H-1B applications dropped this year for the first time in five years. '

'Starting this summer, employers began noticing that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services was challenging an unusually large number of H-1B applications. '

'This mirrors past calls his administration has made to eliminate the H-1B lottery as a way to punish those who use it improperly. '

'Venkat Narayanan, a partner at Aegis Company, a small software and consulting firm in the Seattle area, says his experience this year has left him afraid of the H-1B program. '

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